Smallest Suppressor on the Smallest Gun!!!

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hey yo Matt happy Monday hey gear check what you got oh you know it's Monday [Applause] oh it's tiny Tuesday so I got that little piece on it and yo Wednesday gear check what you got oh is it Wednesday I know I knew it's Wednesday because it's wheel gone Wednesday hey yo man Thursday what you carrying Thursday thick Thursday full size Friday what you got you mean fire inside Friday oh it was you I sorry I heard a noise uh this uh as you guys have seen before in a video we did a few years ago is the Trailblazer Firearms life card 22. it is the size of a credit card a little wider than a credit card but the other dimensions are credit card size you can fit it in a wallet or in a small little pouch and obviously knowing whatever notice and it's an interesting idea it folds in half like that you can see a little trigger pop out it is a single shot so that is the barrel put your 22 right there you [ __ ] it and boom it also has a small compartment down here for holding more rounds very interesting gun got a few million views in the last video and then I found out the Trailblazer came out with a threaded barrel version which is totally pointless but very cool so we can put an actual suppressor on this it is a little bit updated everything seems to be similar except the uh little way you open to put the extra ammo in I think you can store like five rounds in the grip there but the big reason we like this thing is because it has a threaded barrel so of course and YouTube said we can do this now we can screw on a suppressor we can show it being threaded on everyone knows how this goes on now and the world is just as safe as it was before thanks to YouTube saying we can do that so we have a teeny tiny little suppressed credit card gun now and that's not all Trailblazer Firearms also sent us another one of their guns I saw this on their Instagram and I was like I don't know what that is but we should try it out this is called the pivot and it's a little confusing when you really get to looking at it because you can see the grip and the trigger normal looking right there but then you're like that sights on backwards and then you're like where's the barrel and then you're like whoa the Barrel's pointing me so this is the pivot because believe it or not it pivots it flips around like this and it makes it to where you can have a full length barrel so this is actually considered a rifle when it is all put together it has a 16 inch barrel but it pulls up to a much smaller than rifle size to make it a little easier to carry in a backpack and it seems like you're gonna flag everybody but you do have to lock the bolts open you cannot fold it with the bolts closed you also cannot fold it with a magazine in so right here we'll have the magazine in bolts is closed right now and this thing will not fold open the bolt so bolts is locked open still won't fold you got to pull a MAG out have a bolt open before this thing will pivot around to be in storage position also it has a minor adjustment in the stock bike here so you can have a normal feeling good also it has a threaded barrel as well so we also can suppress it but we'll do that in a minute let me show you what we're shooting at today this is the first group that we're testing I have two other groups uh this one was made by a guy these are all made by you guys so appreciate you guys sending them this guy is named Mark Olivier uh he's a 28 year old French Canadian and this is his first attempt at homemade body armor so he actually sent us pictures what he did was he got this old rusty leaf spring because he said I actually didn't know this he said it's heat treated like I said it makes sense so it holds its springiness but he said it's already heat treated so it should be pretty strong he cleaned up all the rust and he had all these pieces he chopped it up had these pieces here so then he arranged them kind of like this going down and he put these tiles over the top and so this is ceramic tile that he wrapped in duct tape I think and put ceramic tile over the top of them so this is just ceramic tile and steel leaf springs they are very heavy but honestly looks like they probably will stop a lot and then he made a super beefy boy Woody protector is what he said patent pending um so we'll just uh we'll we'll put that on the mannequin too next one is made by this it's this one it's made by Justin Schreiber Schreiber he says these are sample of medium volt cable so this is aluminum cable that is used to carry electricity it has .345 mil insulation on each one so you can see this clear stuff around it is the insulation and it's bonded with industrial adhesive and then duct taped around to hold them together it's not super heavy because it is Aluminum but it's not light and it is very bulky he said this represents about 45 minutes of r d from his side businesses of bdn tactical bdn tree farm and bdn security bdn stands at both of these nuts we have your back and your sack I just wanted a shot as company I come on man it's a Family Channel but I just had to shout him out because he put 45 minutes of work into this so Justin appreciate you having my backing never mind uh thanks for sending it next up is made by Bryce and he is a mechanical engineering student at Georgia Southern University long time fan of the channel he's been working with 3D printers and he found out about this new style of resin printing uh that got his attention said it's harder than regular filament does not melt much like glass it's very hard and shatters instead of deforming on impact here's the model he has that kind of shows on the inside this white is the new 3D resin and he put little spheres on top of the resin plate behind it because he said spheres are the strongest shape and so he's hoping they'll kind of deform or make the bullet start to Tumble then behind it he has this black layer of HDPE plastic which is what car bumpers and door panels and a bunch of Automotive Plastics are made out of he said not very strong not really bullet resistant but he's hoping it'll kind of also slow the bullet down and it's light and then behind that he has some Kevlar so he's hoping these first two layers will make the bullet Start Tumbling slow it down tear it up and the Kevlar will catch it it is light it's the lightest of all these but we'll see what it can do there's a threat let me get out the back up back up back up I normally keep One in the Chamber I just hadn't yet okay so let's go ahead and load this bad boy we have um no suppressor on it right now uh there's also uh no sights you can look down the top of this thing there's a groove right there but because we have this threaded barrel up here it you can't even look down through the groove so not that you would on this but let's see if I can hit I'm gonna try to hit this metal spinner I actually hit it yeah I hit the bottom and then let's see we need a Reload sweet that's actually way easier than the last one the last one was kind of after you fired it got a little stuck this one just pops right out the barrel does look different that's tiny all right I'm aim a little higher [Applause] dead center because I'm such a good shot with this one more and then I think we'll put a suppressor on this thing and try it out because that's what I really came here for sweet three hits let's suppress this bad boy I still feel like I'm doing something bad whenever I screw on a suppressor on YouTube but it's by now this is the erector 22 from q and it is the full length version um this one we can make smaller so we probably will after this but let's see how quiet she is I'm gonna shoot with no ears these are supersonic bullets too they're not Subs but I don't know if it actually gets Supersonic in this little tiny barrel it probably doesn't but that was very quiet let's do one more time I'm gonna shoot into the dirt this time that's pretty cool let's do the smallest version of this suppressor so we just took out all the middle baffles and so we have I think this is like a two baffle suppressor now I just figured this would fit way better look how cute it is a little stubby all right let's shoot this we'll see if it's quiet or not dirt actually let's hit metal [Music] very quiet all right let me do one more because you know that first shot you always get that first round pop you know so it's that's gone now so it should be quiet very loud uh we're gonna go ahead and add the other baffles back in make this thing quiet all the other baffles you guys know we had to do it the 69 baffle 22 long rifle suppressor let's just see what it would look like uh Fold It Up [Laughter] that's pretty cool put it in your pocket yeah let me go ahead and keep her concealed you know just to not scare anybody when I'm going to movie theaters and walking around just keep my family safe you know hey fellas how are y'all doing today yeah good seeing y'all nice nice to see you four that's a good hit that was a completely unloaded gun let's see what it sounds like and hope it doesn't explode that was interesting it released or I released it it was super quiet and I heard a hit down there but I did not hit what I was aiming at not that I was really aiming but let's see if it releases again that was weird [Music] yeah it's like there's so much weight on it I think not used to this yeah if you push hard enough it'll close itself okay um that actually works great let's shoot one more just so we can see how quiet it is when you shoot in the dirt now that we got through that first round snap I think we're wearing out the mechanism we may have broken this gun already it stinks when you're arrestor won't stay up going at the first plate that's just kind of getting a little saggy but that's okay all righty we're gonna go ahead at the uh the Woody protector which I'm not sure if I'm gonna actually hit with this thing because it is totally behind the suppressor in my sight picture here so I'm I'm guessing if I miss it I miss it we're going to move on I think I missed now let's go for plate number two on our middle friend over here and whoops and plate number three out of the life card 22. foreign keep your hands up bro our first one looks like it went in right there and came out right here yeah there's chunks of ceramic right here so total stop that one did great uh we missed the Woody protector by about five inches somehow too bad this one hit a little to the left but did not go through either actually yeah right there didn't go through looks like some pieces actually came out here so and there it looks like it went in pieces shot out this way that one success this one went straight in the middle did not go through he is safe as well we gotta move it up now for the pivot and we put a primary arms SLX RS10 Red Dot on the top of it and I actually uh a shot off camera the first couple shots and it just happened to be on so we didn't even have to adjust it so let's shoot it a little bit and see but it is it is interesting I mean it really when you look at it it only makes the gun eight inches shorter than it would be a little mag hiding right there you got a slap and then we're good to go no suppressor on it right now safety was on though sweet and uh this takes Glock mag so it's a Glock nine millimeter mag Glock 19 mag but that means you can also put bigger Glock mags in we also put an osprey 9 on there I have not fired this thing suppressed yet so we'll see we have a longer Glock mag let's see what it sounds like I'm gonna try with my ears on first [Applause] shooting the dirt so these are supers [Applause] get a little ring still not quiet but we're not shooting Subs foreign a little bit of gas coming out but not bad [Applause] 100 yards see we can do with this thing I mean a thousand yards sweet it actually seems like kind of a good gun I don't know how practical it is but it does do what it says it does we've shot probably now with the practice rounds before we started filming I'm gonna say 50 rounds through it and it's run really good and uh seems pretty accurate [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] suppressor off and put a regular one back on um but it did work this stupid suppressor actually does work we did experience a couple failures uh with that that drum mag but otherwise this thing's been great and the drum mag I think kind of messes up in some of our other guns too we have some more nine millimeter these are supersonic going at guy number one and now at the Woody protector that was a good hit now the dude in the center and old homeboy who's protecting his lower abdomen with his plate [Applause] he almost fell let's go check it out so winning right there which is about where the 22 went in and looks like it came out here nothing came out the back he is good to go the Woody protector went in right here and shot it out the side his right leg and his middle leg completely safe number two same deal went in here looks like it hit this first one uh there's no damage on his backside he has a perfect backside this one I kind of wondered if this one would go through but nope nothing back side of that looks amazing as well you're supposed to wear your armor higher dude helping you out bro it looks like we got to move up to something a little bigger he has uh I didn't even see this he wants us to shoot a 760 by 39 here or something else we're gonna shoot something there guaranteed level 3A goes up to 44 magnum so we have here A Raging Bull 44 Magnum so we will see if these things are indeed level 3A they should be with these first two I think will be oh that hit him hard all right let's go ahead and shoot him where the sun don't shine number two number three let's go see we got I can see bullet in this thing dude go through it didn't go through it did stop it looks like it just smashed through that tile first layer and stopped on the steel that one works it's heavy but it works this one looks like it hit in the same spot as it like hit the exact same spot as the nine um and split these apart but did not go through stopped it this one hit dead center dude this one stopped too yeah there's nothing in the back side aluminum stopped it this one hit low and stopped it dude all these plates are Level 3A at least which is good because they're all pretty thick if they didn't even stop a 40 Magnum are that thick not good let's move it up to a rifle round and then we'll really see what is what Springfield Hellion 556 so it's fast it's moving fast let's see what it does to these plates all right I don't know oh man hit this little thing it's tiny should be bigger got it okay place your guesses in the comment section below do you think that we got uh any 556 through or do you think they all stopped him this is just me or is this thing getting longer all right spell uh went in right here looks like more came out around where that 22 went in dude I think it stopped it yeah there's nothing in the backside of this so I actually had never thought about leaf springs being hardened steel and bulletproof but looks like the combination of ceramic tile and leaf springs is a pretty good one this one you can actually see he put looks like two layers of tile on top of leaf spring we busted through right there coming to the tile and you can see where that bullet hit leaf spring and did not even Dent that metal so crash protector good to go this one we're going in right here right in the center one dude it looks good too oh wait nope there is there is some damage here I think it's just not much oh yeah he got a new belly button ring so that's where 556 came out right there and cracked him oh look you can see where it tried to come through right there so barely anything that one I'm gonna say that one counts as a stop it would have gone in your skin but not far it could have killed you but probably wouldn't it's probably fine it's probably still could die of infection we'll go one more on this one and this little guy right here oh yeah right through the Kevlar right out butt cheek so this one is a fail that one is level 3A but no more this one I'm gonna say it it could we're gonna give it a pass just so we can keep going this one's still in next up is this little guy or EBR 308 so if it's level three it'll stop this if it's not it will not Conan hot on the first plate on the left all right let's just see if we can hit his junk too well I can tell that first one went through because he has a hole in his chest all right and our middle guy shot his arm off [Music] let's go see if our middle guys survived because the guy on the left did not okay let's see if the first one did anything dude actually it's kind of crazy uh I don't really know how but there's no holes in this backside oh I know what happened that is a problem with when you have like shelves so our strike faces like this it went in here and angled those bullet fragments all straight up at him like this I mean it didn't go through you can see these hits we have direct hits look at those big holes coming through hitting this thing and nothing made it through but it just shot all those fragments this way ripping all of his skin off and probably would have shot it all into his face actually looks okay he's got some scratches but uh that I would say I mean it's less deadly than a 308 going into your chest but possibly still deadly dude and it freaking worked it shot it all sideways again so same deal tons of splatter but nothing went through and it chewed up his skin on his leg I mean he's got chunks of metal in him but no bullet in him I don't think he's gonna bleed out from the leg wound oh yeah yeah he's dead that's why they call it 308. so here's where it came out let's open this up and see it looks like a pipe bomb in here I wonder if we even hit any of the metal it's looking like it's coming out sideways here so I think it was just hitting metal and bouncing around but either way uh giant pieces of bullet went straight through his chest this one is the closest to being level three I guess it technically is level three but it shoots fragments at you the junk protector worked the junk protector did work our winner today is Mark Olivier hooray uh Mark we're gonna send you a little little demo Ranch merch care package for your hard work uh chopping up I mean think about that was actually probably a lot of work chopping up lead Springs good job bro thank you to Trailblazer firearms for sending us some of your very unique weapons it's pretty awesome thank you guys for watching this episode Demolition Ranch I love you and I'll see you next time you really gotta enjoy what we have here [Music] [Applause] y'all okay I'm good yeah I'm good it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor I can't hear you say that again all I'm getting is static hello hold on let me get my bigger antenna can you hear me now good
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,011,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: 7Fhf5uPjIZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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