Challenge - Who can set the hardest boulder?

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When these two collab it always makes for an amazing video. Loved that he managed to create crack climbing haha

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/OperativeEmu 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Pete’s problem looks a lot harder than the problem magnus set lol

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/vinempire 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hope he does more videos like this. Call them the "Set and Send" series.

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/Allrighty-then 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Actually though, I can’t believe they both sent. That boulder looks so hard!

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/r2-z2 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

My gym did an overhanging crack right before the shut down. Was a super cool problem, never got anywhere on it myself but here's one of the strongest climbers at our gym doing it

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/PixelatedConor 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Bro wtf thats insane

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/BloodOfAlexander 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Jesus fuck, I couldn’t fathom completing that

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/seanyk88 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

My favorite Magnus' video for the last year probably

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Erchenkov 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I need to take a nap after watching that

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Cazargar 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to the channel yeah thank you   what are we uh doing today we're going to set each  other some boulder problems i'm going to set one   that you can't do yeah and you're going to set  one that i can't do but hopefully we should be   able to do our own that's the plan yeah we need  to be able to go we need to be able to do our   own but the challenge is to set something that the  other person can't do yeah so this is really gonna   test our like your route setting skills as well  yeah we've got to be in it innovative i think so   what's your weakness what's my weakness i can't  tell you what my weakness is now no i can't tell   my witnesses no no we're going to set the  really steep profile yes which is my weakness okay we need to uh choose holds yeah holds this is  the important thing so i've already realized that there's no volumes here which is not good for my  setting because what i'm thinking is i'm thinking   what can i what type of hold can i make a jam  out of basically i don't think there are any no   no but that's going to be the challenge for  me trying to like find some normal what you   would class as normal style climbing holds and  trying to yeah fathom some jam basically where   you can't like because you're you're you're  gonna be really good at like pinching and   all this stuff you know um so i'm gonna have to  try and find something that you can jam in between   but you're not gonna be able to pinch so it  could be interesting i feel like it's gonna   be a real challenge for me to be honest yeah  to try and make something that you can't do we've already gone through the halls there's  actually quite a lot of halts we've done a little   bit of climbing together yeah we've probably  done like four or five videos together maybe nice come on it's really good yeah yeah really good really good um but they have  all involved crack climbing except one video yeah   yeah we haven't really climbed together in that  normal style yeah so this could be interesting   yeah yeah i don't really know what your weaknesses  are i think you're really strong in one finger   pockets yeah yeah i'm not gonna focus on what's  not your style i'm gonna focus on what's my style   yeah so i'm gonna set something powerful a lot of  upper arm pulling on like decent crimps not like   really bad crimps but decent crimps big moves  uh very few footholds sounds right on my screen   yeah perfect because what are you looking for  what am i looking for i'm looking for the types   of holds which you can put together which you hope  you're going to be able to jam in between i feel   like i want to go for your kind of idea i've set  something which i feel comfortable with and like   is my strengths um and then hopefully i'll be able  to get a bit which is the aim yeah and then we'll   see how you get on yeah yeah we'll see so like i  mean these blacks are like a quite a good example   i sort of feel like you know because these make  crack features um but you can still pinch them   but exactly you can still pinch them so  that's this is the tricky thing to find yeah like jamming in between here potentially  isn't yeah because that would be pretty hard   to hold in a roof i think depending depending  on the especially if they're tight together   yeah depending on the move going  to it you know so things like that   or i spotted some in here as well which  would be even worse some of these pinks   so something like this you know things like that  like in the roof something like that you know   could be quite tasty i'll uh since you're the  guest i'll let you choose color first okay okay   yeah yeah and this is quite cool as well like the  big one it would be nice to get that one i might   try pinks and then if it if it um if it doesn't  go to plan and i can't jam in between that myself   and i might have to resort to yellows yeah because  i think this is like the height the higher level   yeah like ball jam and then that's like a  slightly lower level yeah i'm gonna go with   black these blacks yeah nice nice because  that that's like a good set of holds yeah   yeah it's like a nice set of holes yeah yeah  it's not like total ming or anything yeah yeah   not that i'm like very good at that but they  are nice yeah okay cool good see how we get so this is the wall that we're setting on the  steep roof and uh we're i mean we can top out even   though it's not really allowed to top out yeah  since we're doing this after the gym is closed   and we're going to remove the top holes absolutely  that's what we're going for yeah we can make a   high ball okay yeah if you want i mean yeah we  can hardball it out you probably would need some   slopes on there some flat screw-ons  wouldn't you i think so maybe just squeeze up there i might be sure i've got a load of balls but there's not  much variety i think you're going to switch   color it'd be nice to have some other  just to like start the problem you know   i changed color straight away yeah from pink  to orange yeah basically the pinks wasn't uh   versatile enough so i moved to the oranges because  there's some nice bigger holds should we do some   testing and then maybe some tweaking yeah i  think mine's going to tweak now i'm quite i think   i think mine is like super hard okay i might  even not be able to do it myself like yeah okay   i'm really there's definitely a few like that  hold on the lip on mine i might want to change   it's quite a bit i've just put a big one on there  to start with and then i can make it smaller and   smaller as i try it type thing and i'm not sure  what i'm doing with the start yet as well kind   of throwing some holes on there and looks like you  tried a few hand jams on yours i've tried to put   some jams in that can't be cheated but who knows  you might be able to cheat them we'll find out   we'll find out if i can do it to be honest  and then we've got some some hideous layback   at the top some sloppy layback looks scary  it goes all the way to the top too yeah all   the way to the top eyeballing it you know what  i might actually um i could end up just like   taking this start off and just having a standing  start because this bit might be tricky enough yeah that looks so hard you should  try uh the other moves as well   yeah i should try these two  pop looks really hard on this you want okay so it's hard it looks very horrible  it's hard so what i'm thinking is i might   just sack that beginning off i might just  start on this jug here i need to change   that hold on the lip because it was a bit  polished for the toe so i just need some   maybe this one a really good toe hook that  looks worse but it has more friction yeah   because the other one is a dual texture  and i think i just need to add another one   around the corner there just so it just  gives you something to bump your foot well you have to do it you know because if you  can't do a jam bowler then i definitely can't go so what do you think is going to be  the hardest part of your bowler right now all of it it looks very hard i mean i thought  my bullet was hard but this looks insane   but give it you've got to give it a  couple of goats this is just like yeah   you know getting the feel getting  it feel free bit more tweaking come on oh come on nice that looks insane you might just yeah okay  that works do you think i'll be able to do   this yeah with some well i've got to do  it first yeah yeah so we'll see we'll see   how this um this middle bit yeah ends up  working out i might ditch that beginning   this bit is going to be a bit tricky getting that  start here into a foot jam hanging off the foot   jam into a stack like this kick feet through off  the stack into that toe jam there walk through   feet toe hook on the lip hang off the  toe come into that with the hands into   the hands come around onto that and then  you're into that top which i just did yeah it's gonna be pretty beefy the idea of my bowler  is to start like this so hook right stand on this   go to this and the reason i put one above is  that yeah so that you're not able to use it as   a foothold afterwards and from this you have  to jump out but this is a pretty good hold   take this maybe quickly match and then just do  like a campus move or you just kick the wall   you come into this put your foot on this little  tiny one and then you have to lock really hard   on that and then go out to this as soon as  you have that you go right hand to the crimp   cross to the sloper jump out to another crimp  put the foot on that little one go again and   then the top out should be pretty easy it's just  for fun but i think it's a very powerful problem   i'm excited to see you on this and i'm also  i mean i have no idea how it's gonna feel   i have the feeling it's gonna be pretty hard yeah  i'm gonna try it now though okay flash go flash go oh um oh i don't think i'm going to tweak that at all it's  perfect like it is i don't think you should do it   again under clean move that's definitely the crux  yeah the jump is just kind of fun probably around   70 plus the baller oh goodness v10 i'm never going  to be able to do that maybe you'll find a a way to   cheat it like at this store just jam your way  through it i don't think i can jam any of that   the end bit is all right it's just actually this  very first bit yeah yeah just a hanging start it's time i'm going for tape tape for  the first move second move   just going to do it in the one yeah tops off power quite a long move though i see you're still using the chalk bag  yeah i am yeah i like it it's good good   for my big hands well you need to finish this  before i try it no i'm go i'm going to do it   yeah definitely do it come on yeah yeah come on ugh come on come on yeah yeah yeah nice come on [ __ ] yeah nice come on come on pete come on come on whoo come on spicy just tweaked to that beginning just to make uh  that fist jam ever so slightly better basically   half a centimeter you know so it's doable  basically all in one yeah should i start   on your boulder then and then you try  mine afterwards yeah yeah let's do that   yeah smash on potentially there could  be a way of doing it without jamming   but i think it's definitely harder you might be  strong enough to power past it we'll see we'll   see we'll see we'll see if i've set something  up i'm actually impressed if you've set a bowler   that can't be cheated yeah because it's hard  with those holes hard with those holes yeah but i i put my feet in first okay  and then i came into a layaway   and then just like lay away oh sorry lay back  uh yeah okay undercut undercut yeah yeah sorry yeah and then come into that and then and now cut  your feet and then campers into the into the fist yep yep yep i think i need to cheat it or try to cheat  it i'm not sure i think i'm going to try to   uh he'll hook this yeah and cross over  we'll see though come on come on come on that's it go for it you might have actually said something that  i can't do then you can't cheat yeah because   the healing was worse than i thought but i could  try to just take this yep and then swing feet yep   yep yep yep that's that's how i thought  you might do it come on go big yes come on that's pretty big it's stretched  i mean good job though setting a   bowler that is like i don't know it's  hard to do it any other way really   yeah so you give it if you're going  to force it give it a few more goes   yeah yeah okay i'm just going to try to power  it now yeah power go full power magnus power come on just campes to a blob in a roof i'm going to go back to trying  it with a heel toe hook here   double toe hook and then go to this how you do  the jam thing it's beyond me i don't understand it come on i think this is like 8k plus  or something no yes no yeah the heel is weird i need to  try like i did double toe hook   i mean also the jamming your  feet you're so good at that stuff   like i have no chance of jamming my feet on  that it's not very good jam for the feet no   no it's quite poor it's not like you can kick  the foot all the way out that's way too far come on okay i'm gonna try the top bit yep nice yeah oh nice oh nicely done good at the top is more my style yeah yeah in that  beginning i don't think i'll ever be able to do   that's so hard should i give the beginning a  couple more choices yeah good thing   yeah yeah you did the top bit nicely  for that beginning though yeah tricky   yeah well that is the correct size it's really  cool though i definitely think that the gym should   rate this like eight day plus yeah because i mean  who else is going to be able to do that this jam it's like with any jams really but  it's quite hand size dependent as well   yeah so if you have small fists then that's  going to be quite tricky oh that i did make   it a bit thinner it was harder before what's the  sequence this time that's what i'm wondering too   maybe i shouldn't give up the  heel hook i'll try to heal   like a little bit lower down where it's the  best yep and then just cross go big come on oh yes come on yes oh nicely done good effort that was good i did  not think that would work no it was hard to hold   the swing yeah because my feet were so low kind  of had to but luckily that was a good hold but   still think this is really hard yeah good could  have to do without the jam i had no i did not   believe that i would do that yeah but now it's  your turn to try my bowler i'm really excited to   see you on that oh crap okay here we go how many  moves do you think i'll be able to do individual   individual moves yeah i think you'll be able  to do all of them yeah yep and then it's a hook come on and then you cross the right yes tops off for  power because there's not much power around there yeah that's a hard move so you have  a different approach you're going   to try all the separate moves  first and then try to link it   i don't think i'll be trying anything i'm  gonna just try and do the moves what's the   top like uh pretty easy it's easier yeah it's  much easier yeah once you get that one yeah come on it's good come on nice so it's only that bottom you need to figure out  well it's just it's just a jump and uh and that   and the crooks basically isn't it yeah that i mean  i don't think i'd ever be able to do that really   powerful i don't mind having to go at the jump a  few more times though yeah i think on that jump   you just need to jump a little bit higher than you  think you know you land it with like a bent arm come on might be probably doesn't look like  i'm very close but it sort of feels no it   looks like you're close it feels i mean it's a  jug you're going for it yeah it's a little bit if i higher just do that jump move  then i'll be happy come on one beat eyes so big as well that's a cool  move i can see how that's a cool move   i'll be able to do it but it's a good problem come on yeah yeah nice come on man yeah come on that's what i should have done yeah just a  little matching in there oh good job though   you did the jump move yeah so that was the beta  for you to come in and match it yeah a bit higher   i think i went higher with the left  hand there and then had space to match the other hand the problem then is going to be matching come on yeah nice come on i hope you're not able to do it that  way but i cheated your bowler so it's   only fair that you cheat mine i guess  because when i said it i thought it   would be impossible to match that crimp  but yeah maybe not who knows who knows come on easy come on and after matching it do you think  you would have to go back down to   the undercling yeah back down to that how hard  do you think this baller is ah too hard for me   i think yours is harder uh yeah but  it's just different styles isn't it my [ __ ] come on match it get it come on yeah  yeah nice come on oh that's doable   for sure doable yeah that's doable we  just need to come back down to that one come gonna get tonight now  on give a couple more goes come on i think it's doable but just i'd need   multiple sessions you look really close  yeah seeing it that way it's getting there i think i'll call it that yeah yeah it's getting  quite late now 3 30 yeah you still need to pack   up in the morning in the morning we still need  to pack up and get to the hotel and stuff yeah   usually i don't try the same boulders over  and over again in the same video so i mean   we basically only tried two bowlers this session  it was good i was definitely struggling i'm not   sure about you no no me too though i i almost  gave up on the orange baller to be honest yeah   um so we're gonna make a lot of videos  from kristen son so make sure that you're   subscribed with post notifications on also  check out the white boys youtube channel   link will be in the description and check out and we will see you in the next video
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 642,143
Rating: 4.9775124 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus, Midtbø, Boulder, Hardest, Insane, Viral, Crazy, climbing, workout, outside, climb, muscle, Wide Boyz
Id: pJJajwphYWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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