Climbing without using feet and chalk - Challenge with Pete Whittaker

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this video was supposed to be of  us doing all the bowlers in the gym   but then we thought wait that's  too easy but what if we eliminate   feet and chalk like in a video game we need to  complete a level to unlock a new ability first one   foot then another foot and then the most beloved  ability of them all chops oh it feels so good have you done any climbing with no choke before  not much to be honest not much of a clean hand guy because i've done a little bit in the uh in the  czech republic on the czech sandstone oh that's   sketchy though yeah you climb on sandstone without  any bolts it's like knotted rope it sounds super   sketchy have you ever taken a fall on that no no  definitely not no the funny thing is about that   place when i was walking around at the festival  there there was quite a lot of people either on   crutches or in a wheelchair yeah really yeah yeah  we saw multiple people at that festival yeah the   czech climbing scene is uh hardcore yeah it's all  cool see you do have some experience in not using   chocolate i have a little bit of experience i'm  not using chalk yeah okay so do you want to do   the honors of starting this i'm going to be honest  oh we're just getting straight into it i think so   yeah i mean the rules are pretty simple and really  simple i mean this is uh teamwork so if i can't do   a ball or you can do a baller the other one can  step in step in yeah so the good thing about not   using any chalk is there is actually some chalk  on the hold so as we progress through the boulders   hopefully we'll get like a little bit of remnants  of chalk on our fingertips and that's gonna   you know aid us this campus round is going to  expose a weakness in my climbing here so we'll   see how we go okay so i choose your bowlers  and you choose my bowlers i have already found   a bowler good that i think you'll like is it full  of jokes yes good it says red one uh what is it 6a nice   easy so now you get to pick one for me one  for you yeah because you're a bit more of a   beast i'm gonna go for this yellow one here cheeky  little low start yeah and then through the pocket   it looks a little bit more difficult it's a bit  more difficult 6b plus so we have four more and   then we get to unlock using our foot but still  no chalk but still no chalk i was like where's   my chocolate and i realized oh i can't chalk  this is going to be difficult i haven't even   warmed up i don't know i was going to take a good  warm up a few shoulder shrugs yeah okay i'm ready all right easy like some bowlers are really hard to campus  and others are not usually the steeper the boulder   the easier it is to campus we should find  some more vertical ones to try to campus   this is uh 6b i think you can canvas this  yeah yeah you have confidence in me yes   so i thought because we uh don't have  any chalk i'll go for virtual chalking   virtually yeah yeah it's like psychological  psychological chalking maybe we should have   had like an empty chalk bag yeah like a brand  new empty truck yeah that would be good yeah come on yeah easy there we go smash six easy easy but then  the last move the last one will look sketchy   yeah it looks a bit funky because it like goes  onto a slab um and there's some other holds in   the way so we'll see how you get on with that  if i can't do it then you can try yeah yeah   yeah i'm sure you'll be fine you're good at  slime canvassing winning don't come sit yes   are you ready exactly what we're doing  now beginning looks easy last move looks hard the last move was just really awkward luckily  there was a little bit of chalk working   a lot of shock and all the holes how is the  no choking going it doesn't feel too bad thing   yeah pretty good holds a big so i think uh  when we start trying the sevens without chalk   that's when we're really going  to feel it the lack of friction   i already looked at the  orange uh it's pretty vertical do you start on these things are going to  be hard but you just need to make sure you   you match all of the holes yeah to  really be able to pull and then my   legs are just going to be  dragging up the wall yeah   and your chest and everything it's like it's gonna  be pretty hard i think it's fantastic but this is   the last campus boiler that we're doing yeah and  then uh we can add the foot but then we also move   up one grade what do you think i'm thinking  it's gonna be ugly that's what i'm thinking   come on yeah oh my goodness there you go yeah come up it great technique come on oh it was about as ugly as i thought it was gonna  be hideous well we unlocked the next level yeah   good one foot a foot so this is 6c this is next  level up so with the next level we're allowed to   use a foot what we're going to do is when we look  at the problem we're going to decide which foot we   think is most suitable for that problem so for  example on this black one it might be the right   foot and then we just use the right foot all the  way up yeah for another problem it might be the   left foot which is the left foot are we allowed to  support with the other foot i would say no support   what do you mean like or like touch the wall or  like i guess we should try and keep it off i mean   me on that last problem that wasn't like i feel  like my my toes were just like on the wall because   i cropped out oh wait i think because  i was so close so you can cut that out   um and still no chalk still no chalk yet because  that's like next level unlocked honestly it's not   next level that's final level yeah let's find a  little final one so we're still in no chalk for a   while ultimate boss yeah at the end yeah yeah okay  so black off you go okay what i want to know here   is why are you holding two shoes in your hand  because i'm trying to decide which one to use   okay okay i'm not sure if i want to use the right  one or the left one but i think it makes the most   sense to use the right one yeah it's just that  upper part there uh it's gonna be hard with the   right you know there's a thing called invisible  liquid chalk oh is it yeah yeah there's uh they   use it for ninja warrior competitions where  chalk is not allowed a lot of people have this   thing i i never tried myself but there's a liquid  shock that's invisible so you don't see the chalk   and is that allowed in those competitions  i think no i think these but people are   using it yeah or i don't know i think the  organizers just don't know about it yet um   you just spoiled that for everybody so it's almost impossible not to touch  once in a while with the other   foot that was hard i i think it was  harder than campusing it was great yeah   interesting okay i'll find one for you now  this red one 6c so now the big question   which foot which foot you're going to  use yeah right foot would be useful here   but then you want left foot on the left side  there i guess you actually you have this one   it's a bad behind and then maybe you could uh bump  your heel onto this or something for that end bit   yeah yeah do you think i think i'm gonna go right  foot i think yeah are we allowed to switch if we   decide for right all right if we oh and then we  can't do that we can't do it and then we try it   left we should give it a good few goes yeah first  with uh right foot but then if it's like if it's   obviously not working then i'm just carrying  on anyway karen trying come on easy nice yeah that's definitely harder than  the campus thing isn't it yeah it is   we only like to land on one foot as well yeah no  that's definitely more tricky than the camping one   isn't it yeah it's like semi canvassing on worse  holds and like hopping yeah i don't like the looks   of this what is going to test you on this is that  it's a slab yeah and uh slabs obviously use this   you use your feet quite a lot so taking away one  foot is going to be quite tricky i think this is   going to be a little bit testing which is good  yeah you need a test and if i can do it then you   can step in i can give it a go yeah yeah we'll  see what happens it's i think it's gonna be like   pushing and mantling and pressing quite a lot so  yeah smash it out i think i'm gonna go with right   foot you want the right of the last move i think  so just stand on the slope oh and then just go to   the top but for the undercling to this then you  definitely want the left foot here so that move   is going to be very hard using on the right right  is always right obviously obviously impossible not   for the left foot to touch at all because as soon  as you come off you can probably put your knee on wow that is so difficult mantling into an  outside edge see if i can use this stuff yeah that's much better what do you do now though maybe you have to go again and catch this as  you go for it i was looking for my shotgun i'm getting closer at least yeah yeah what's  that next hold like not very good no especially   with no uh chalk but if you just wrap it  i think i can get my foot off and match it that's the wrong spot i think you  need to wrap it on top like this that was close well this is more fun though   probably like this that requires a little bit of  trying you know hmm this could take me a while that's the no chalk thing you know do you sweat  a lot on your fingers not as much some people   medium medium medium sweetness these bowlers have  a lot of chalk when you start trying them but now   they get they get less and less chalky because  i suck the chalk out of the hole oh come on i don't think i can hold that swing i could try to   get my right foot all the way up but and  then just like mantle off of that left hand yes that might be the way i don't know  do you want to try it uh i'll give it a go   thinking of putting the foot up  yeah no no maybe come on pete   the problem is just that the one  you're going for is also so bad yeah come on pete nice come on yeah that's nice   come on there you go yeah my left foot was dragging on the  wall a bit yeah well that's okay yeah good job i thought that was impossible there we  go well we'll take that one yeah we'll take it i think yeah we need to go back to the steeper  part yeah get away from the slabs this uh orange   one 60 plus i think it's possible to do with one  foot no chalk i mean usually the steeper ones are   easier to do one foot pop again left foot there  sloper and then top i think it's a jug isn't it   we'll see i'm gonna go left foot first left  footer i think oh yeah yeah boot feels tight come on yeah come on pete nice nice come on you said that like mid-air you know when you  just go something you're expecting it to be   like really good or as if i thought you were  gonna be a sloper it might have been better well you cruise the beginning so  you just need to do that again yeah come on   come on [ __ ] nice come on that was still a little bit  close yeah cool on to the next ron i found this green the green yeah yeah  we're halfway sixty plus one foot no chalk   yeah so select your foot it's like your weapon  of choice looks like a ashyang i think it looks   like your left foot maybe yeah i was gonna  say i think it looked like right but yeah   yeah but only because i just saw like a heel  hook over here this is worse than i thought   but i think i want left foot yeah you're going  left yeah interesting i can't change the foot   after having decided for left so yeah you're  going left and you thought you would use right   i think i would use right but yeah  let's see my fingers are getting   more and more sweaty yeah yeah mine were on  that last one as well smash it out left foot oh easy yeah that's a weird match um i'm glad you  didn't did it so i don't have to show that well   that wasn't like too hard with just one foot and  now we add another uh shoe yeah for another foot   and then yeah no no no not two shoes one foot no  well you can if you want to but no chalk stuff so   it's basically like normal climbing no chalk and  we're on seven aes and seven eight pluses we have   to do five of these and then the next level is  uh 7b and up and then we're allowed to use chalk   i really miss my chalk if we get through this  level though we've done 10 out of 20 problems   i actually think that this level could be easier  than the last level yeah you think yeah because   it's it's like normal it's basically normal  climbing yeah we just have to manage the no chalk   issue we should say the other way around though  to create some drama oh yeah yeah yeah maybe this green one 7a i'm glad you're using two feet  yeah this one would be very difficult which is one so nice it's a flash that would be  hard with one foot yeah it's greasy   especially on those um pinches you are  just having to like just squeeze that extra   10 to 15 usually you just like hang off the skin  when you're climbing but yeah i feel like i'm in   the czech republic again so i think for the next  problem we're just going to stay right in the same   place because there's another 7a here that's good  yeah i've kind of gotten used to not using chalk   now i'm not reaching for the chalk bag anymore do  you think it would help you in the long run just   not to use chalk in climbing sessions and then  to go back to it it would actually help you   i think on roots it would because then you climb  faster chalking slows you down but on bowlers i   don't really think so because you don't chalk  up mid boulder anyways or sometimes you do but   but you don't think that there'd be like some  sort of strength benefit to it that like you'd   be squeezing harder more of the session i think  you'd just run out of skin quicker and you'd have   to end the session sooner yeah but on on roots i  definitely feel like that would be i don't know   what do you think yeah i can i can see what you're  saying there actually on roots it would i think   it would make you climb quicker potentially and  then maybe more efficiently yeah it would actually   improve your climbing style or efficiency yeah  when you actually use chalk you you're probably   going to use less and still climb faster so  yeah yeah like a climbing style habit yeah yeah   without chalk yeah maybe we should start doing it  then yeah this helps doing this like your warm-up   i think we need to find something harder  yeah that looks easy just climbing with   our chuck isn't that much harder no i mean  there is a little bit of chalk on the holes   here ah yeah because it's already chalk on  the holds yeah so you do get some chalk yeah   this is also 7a this one's too bad  no maybe should dip my hands in oil climb blindfolded rub them in vaseline the key to  success i always think with this no chalk is uh just to uh just take some chalk off the  wall oh that's a good change let's see loads   well it's not uh greasing it up too much yeah  that's true you're taking away each other from   the body that you're about to climb yeah and  also as soon as you touch the holes they get um   like the grease from your fingers also  goes onto the hold so it's a balancing act come on what happened there i think i might just  crack something in my knee did you hear that   yeah i think i heard that i thought it was  something else i thought it was like the the   hold or something that made that sound that's not good have you had that before i know  uh so i'm just gonna i'm gonna leave that i'm   gonna let you do that one yeah i'm gonna see how  the knee goes okay and then and then yeah i think   i haven't quite figured out if it was just  like a load of air popping or cracking or if   i've actually because it doesn't it's not like  in massive amounts of pain right now a bit odd   i've not had that before yeah strange though hit  it up i'm stepping in stepping in stepping up there we go okay so you have to find another one  for me i guess then i'll go and find one for you   more vert ish terrain and we've got seven a plus  here slopey smaller holds maybe the chalk will be   an issue yeah maybe maybe when in doubt campus  it that doesn't apply anymore usually i always   like to do this to remove all the excess chalk but  now i want as much chalk as possible on the bowler oh that's bad a little bit  more tricky you have to go slow that was a nasty two fingerprints you would have  loved that okay i'm gonna find you a seven eight   plus two and that's the last spoiler before  we can add chalk so only if you're up for it   but this orange one i mean i don't know if  it's okay with your no no left heel hooks   looks like there could be a i just i will see how  it goes but this is actually the only 70 plus so   we can do yeah yeah yeah yeah okay we'll give it  a go i'll see i'll see what's going on yeah the   knee doesn't feel too bad i'm just not going to  heal hook with it that's got a big left heel hook   on it something the worst baller for maybe just  put the toe yeah so if i stand on it like that come on canvassing come on bait careful with that knee  yeah i think i'm gonna have to leave it at that   i'll try to do this yeah yeah so this is  gonna be the last boulder without chalk   you might have to take us to the end it's  only the hilo king that's the problem right   this was like the worst possible problem for  that like the big left knee that you had to uh   good finally the chalk again the chalk chalk  and feet no normal climbing oh it feels so good okay what's next i think this  blue one here blue one yeah   7b plus yeah just normal climbing  just normal climbing leveled up foreign come on come on nice what's going on yeah that was pretty hard actually  yeah i don't know if i'm getting tired or what   but i'll find one for you now yeah i'm gonna  try to find one without a left heel hook this   orange one is 7b that looks very straightforward  yeah doesn't lie as many heel hooks on that yeah   this one okay okay it doesn't look like as  much chalk at the top of this one which means   i don't think that many people have got  up there it looks really hard actually come on i'm just really scared about my knee actually yeah come on come on [ __ ] yeah nice come on yeah come on i think i'm going to call it a  day because i yeah i don't know i don't want   to land badly or something it just feels really um  unstable unstable yeah even when i'm just standing   right pulling with my feet  and stuff yep feels a bit   loose in there i can try to finish uh finish it  off and finish it up for us i mean i feel like   we've done the hardest part to be honest yeah uh  i feel like the the one-footed climbing was the   hardest i think the one foot climbing was probably  the most yeah one footed without chopping without   chalk yeah old school old school and as you  say the last two holes have no chalk whatsoever come on yeah it looks terrible we have three bowlers left so we have no choice but to try the bowlers that  we set to finish this off we need to yeah yeah   i don't know though i'm way more tired now than i  was when we set these so i think they're going to   be more challenging yeah so 7b 7b plus 7c okay  you're just gonna rapid fire rapid fire yeah   do one one minute rest do another yeah try two  at least okay triple dino time triple dino time barely stuck that yeah i'm timing your minute yeah 30 seconds 20  seconds like competition 20 seconds to go   15 seconds to go get your boots on  well you're not going to disqualify me   10 seconds to go five four three you're on come on yes nice so much more desperate now i'm no power  in my fingers no okay just one more 20 seconds   that minute went by pretty quickly  yeah four seconds three you're on come on come on nice there we go good effort challenge complete  nice one yeah so that was exhausting whose idea   was this was it your idea with my idea i think  it's a mixture of both actually yeah yeah yeah   we come up with stupid stuff together but that  was it for this video make sure to check out the   wild boys on youtube also make sure to like and  subscribe as always and we'll see you next time
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 487,975
Rating: 4.9779673 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus, Midtbø, Boulder, Insane, Viral, Crazy, workout, muscle, Wide Boyz, Challenge, chalk, campus, Climbing, Climb
Id: wewyJedZTbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 21sec (2061 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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