Trying Terrible Knock Off Minecraft Games

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it's safe to say that minecraft is a kind of successful game you know it did all right and with a successful game comes copycats oh yes there's like a weird sketchy black market for minecraft clone games and a lot of them are pretty hilarious so today I'm gonna be going through all them and rating them out of 10 zero being I can't play the game and ten being it is minecraft the game is minecraft spoiler alert most of them get like a 1 or 2 I just googled minecraft free and there's already some questionable results Wow I'd this interface it makes me very sad to look at mine clone 3 that looks promising no it doesn't it looks horrible what is that is that the pig that's the pig texture that's the pig come back here I need to look at your face again oh my god it's like it was designed by a small child I don't like what I'm looking at guys no this is giving me very bad vibes I mean I can't pinpoint exactly what is wrong with this monstrosity of a pig in front of me but there's definitely something just off when I look at this oh my god that's gonna give me nightmares whoa it looks like it's a spider walking around no no I'm done no get me out get me out skin gets a zero I hate it in everything it stands for I'm leaving world craft - that sounds like a quality game I don't think I should click start I think that would be a bad life decision world craft building and crafting Wow good good job good job yes I'm scared to see what is inside of this with no I really hope this isn't a targeted ad and the data that Google has on me doesn't tell them that I'm in the market to buy Barbies that's just mine craft that is legit okay they literally for the homescreen just took a screenshot of a really bad Minecraft world also the doors not what you you that house is really gross why is there a blue sheep alright guys do we want to play world for world 3 or world - I like how there's no world 1 just for 3 and 2 let's play world 4 from feeling world or today ooh I like the music oh oh the game had started I had not even realized okay you know what immediately it is running better than the other games that doesn't mean it runs well that just means it runs less terribly like that you can jump two blocks instead of one it's already better than minecraft so they just decided not to give the grass blocks a top texture so there's grass on the sides but not on the top very bold move it does appear that the trees are in fact made out of stone not that there's anything wrong with that just you know another bold decision on their part you know they chose a very strange amount of blocks like if you're gonna have only 20 blocks I would think you wouldn't have prismarine as one of the options actually is two of the options this I want to craft with this oh wow that's my favorite block I wonder if that's on purpose or if they literally just messed it up so that it's not a block it's an X I don't think it's supposed to be an X you know the music does not match the mood here I'm trying to get out of a hole in the music it's just like there's a few ads on this site as well just just a couple oh here's a cool feature that this has the Minecraft doesn't let's say you're done with the game but don't want to close it out entirely just move your cursor to the right and go do whatever you need to do and then as soon as you want to play again just bring your cursor into the box and you're back playing and sure it means you can't really turn too far or else you'll lose control but still a great feature oh god guys I found the gateway into all of the off-brand minecraft games I find it difficult to believe that anyone could have a good time playing this alright so this is a mystery they went as far as to give the water a wave animation something that even minecraft doesn't have by default but then you go underwater and there's no water texture it's just like it's on top of you okay how do I even know if I'm underwater that is not good to look at I'm going to the center of the earth Oh yep just as I suspected you just kind of fall infinitely once you're out oh look the sun's a hexagon wait exit hexagon there I don't think hexagons the right one wow wow the music just doesn't stop alright build craft is trending so of course I'm gonna try the oh wow they really want me to get this PDF Converter once again they've just stolen some minecraft box art oh boy another Barbie ad what data has Google collected on me that makes them think that I am in the market for Barbies I don't know it scares me I mean it actually looks good like if this were a higher framerate than three this wouldn't even look about it looks like they have some shaders going look look the water even has some form of a reflection even if it's questionable alright these are all like the same game just with different textures and levels of lag eNOS I feel like I don't know this is all very sketchy I found more than I hope to find do you think they actually have TNT that works I highly doubt it I think the fire is quite literally a block why are there two fires I don't understand this game whoa okay okay what what so there's like realistic fire and but then there's this fire that's just a block I I don't get it why does the fire stop the water from flowing this is hurting my brain it's also hurting my eyes look at that smooth frame rate what does it mean to go beyond University I swear to God if this is an ad for some weird medicine that's gonna go to me heart failure alright they didn't steal the Minecraft box art this time I swear to God no can I skip no I don't want to go to the Barbie website well this one's just a black screen I don't know what to think here guys I'm at a dead end I can't really commentate on a dark just blank screen what is this the game am i having fun how did it get this bad man well how did I end up here you used to make sky worse Let's Plays now I just look at black screens please just let me play the game if you're going through this much trouble why wouldn't you just buy minecraft it's like 25 dollars all right we got block craft 3d my favorite game this one's even better cuz there's an ad in the game and around the game not a very good like to dislike ratio okay you know it's running out like never mind sure do hate it when my minecraft gets interrupted by mid-roll ads what why would you do this to yourself it's just not even worth playing okay return to game you know what this reminds me of it's like if you got a really bad texture pack in like the beta of Minecraft when everything was all nasty and green and then you turn the fov all the way down that's what this is oh and you lock the sensitivity at an insanely high level that's borderline uncontrollable yeah that that's this game it appears they've made the clouds out of stone another bulb design choice okay you know what this game actually has animations for the blocks when they drop so get on them this is probably the best one we've played so far we've got wood we can build a house gonna build a house on one of the stone clouds wait what what the wood it doesn't have a texture the one you place the wood is just clear why was it really that hard to add a wood texture well what am I doing with my life guys I want to go back to normal minecraft so bad it's gonna be so crisp and nice in comparison to this do these dads think that I'm that gullible because I am I'm clicking on this so the ad is actually blocking where it would normally say start game though continue to game okay oh it moves the ad over that's so nice you know I'm really glad they've got ads on the top and the bottom before it was just on the top and it just looked really blank now you know this homescreen just feels a lot more populated I like it oh boy we're back in hell so when you destroy grass you get these bean things but you can't actually do anything with them in fact when you place them they just kind of pop back up I'm not really sure why this was a feature they felt was necessary to add but you know what I'm not complaining actually placing down these beans is probably the most fun I've had playing this game so far look at me I'm having a blast Mario craft that looks horrible let's play it so they've taken the other game and they've changed block craft to Mario craft oh now on mobile oh if you press how to play it hides the ads that's a it's a good life hack for if you're ever playing Mario craft and getting tired of all the ads alright so it turns out they did change something it looks like they've retexture doll the blocks and somehow made them look even worse yeah everything's just a lot more broken now the beans have been replaced with coins because cuz I guess like Mario or something I don't know what am what am I looking at it hurts me alright minecraft free that is hardly legal every time I see these I just want to click them so bad I can't help myself well I mean they're not trying to hide it at least it's a lot better than Mario crafts as the title donate really you put a donate button in your website I mean to be rude but this isn't exactly the type of game that I would consider deserving of donations also the PayPal link doesn't work so uh you're not getting any oh hey you know what this one actually does not look that horrible I mean there's the same problem where my cursor just kind of leaves the area every once in a while but that's fine all right we've got to block jump height for some reason again you know what you start with a house in this game you don't start with a house in Minecraft it's already 100% better there's an actual mining animation that's always good it does appear that they have just completely stolen the textures for pickaxes for Minecraft I'm not sure how legal that is but I'm not gonna question it I seriously seriously doubt this is actually gonna work yep all these games they just have TNT kind of as a block like you can't actually blow it up it's just there and I'm guessing you can't get into this furnace they've given us a sword so I'm guessing there's some kind of mob that we can go and kill it's not a pig all these games seem to have broken pigs wow they just stole the pig texture directly from Minecraft once again please look at me I want to see your face I want to see what your face looks like no come back oh my god is is that the death animation that's so sad wouldn't you kill him he just flops dead on the floor okay actually and I'm not kidding when I say this this is the best one we've played so far I wouldn't recommend it but it's not horribly glitchy like the blocks actually place it's running at a somewhat acceptable framerate I mean sure mining blocks doesn't actually put them in your inventory and it looks like there's only pigs but you know what it's still a great game you know I could actually see maybe if I was on like a school ughter and i found a way to get to the site how I could play this there's a an outline on the mushroom texture so it looks like they're all in glass boxes but that's fine well those are some high-res books right there let's go mining maybe they even have caves yep and we drop through the bottom of the map that seems to be another reoccurring theme you just you fall through and then there's nothing nothing down here and you know what they've got a pretty decent skybox I'll give them that all right I give this one of three out of ten pretty good but not pretty good Minecraft Pocket Edition what why but if it's Pocket Edition and it's on and it's on a website then but I'm on my computer then how does I'm noticing that all these websites have this awful layout of just a ton of games crammed into their homepage and you know adds lots of ads because you gotta have ads all right this one's literally called mine clone 4 they're not even trying to hide it okay we have an add some more ads in just a couple oh it actually lets you go fullscreen that is fancy ah we're in oh no oh no this is our inventory we have weapon weapon of fire light rock w / diamond and carbon though those are some of my favorite minecraft items all right can we take a moment to talk about the sensitivity di I can't have what am I supposed to do I would say this is running at a solid maybe 2 frames per second one maybe scrollwheel doesn't do anything what is this this is the tree burning down is what I'm looking at right now why does it fall some nice high-quality sound effects I think there's two different possibilities of sound effects to play when you hit a block there's the in the yep and it's stuck on a loading screen for some reason I have a headache actually from playing this not even kidding oh it's it's just it's not fun to look at I mean the sky is one color can I drown myself will the game at least let me die this isn't how I want to live these sound effects are top quality they're just beautiful no I'm done I can't stop stop stop get me out please get me out all right guys that's mine clone 4 I give it a strong point 5 out of 10 please get me out of the hellhole okay my sanity is wearing thin from playing these games I have to end the video thank you for watching I'll try to upload more than once every month from here on out not making any promises though alright see you and maybe a couple of days maybe a couple of months I don't know
Channel: Boffy
Views: 5,798,705
Rating: 4.9318671 out of 5
Keywords: gaming, minecraft, fake minecraft, playing fake minecraft games, minecraft rip off, fake minecraft games, rip off minecraft, minecraft clone games, boffy, minecraft online, free minecraft
Id: 0LjjV5hvXRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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