Causing As Many Deaths As Possible In Minecraft

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there's one reoccurring theme throughout all of my videos it is probably torture thing is in all these videos I have admin commands I basically have superpowers the torture is just way too easy hell if I really wanted to be mean I could just ban everyone and delete the world it's no fun but you know what is fun playing God without God powers and that's what we're doing today basically I'm gonna try and kill as many things as I can with no cheats all right let's create a new world a new torture world cheats are off the seed is gonna be just a bunch of sixes it's a nice number create new world oh yeah I'm gonna set the difficulty to hard and lock it because I'm a big boy I ain't scared of no monsters I'm trying to see if we can get it to a thousand by the end of the video of course I could just run around and kill mobs until I got to a thousand but that's boring and would probably take a while so like I'm sure any sane person would do I'm going to industrialize the animal killing process use that a B oh no we're in 1.15 aren't we way I just needed to double-check this oh god no Mojang Mojang what are you on you think we want bees dude you think that's what we want what do they think when they introduce bee is that the whole fan base was gonna be like yes yes this is the update we were waiting for no fix the PvP give us a cave update we don't want bees you know I think the least favorite mob has transitioned from cows to bees I am going to be killing so many of these things in this video a good gauge for when you're not doing well in Minecraft is when you have to cook things with wood that is just never a good sign yep it's come to this my old friend it's been a while how are you doing we're doing good you're not anymore and that's what I'm here for the Sun is setting and I've done nothing but run around and get mad at bees so I don't really have anywhere to sleep oh I guess I'll go in this cave and maybe die wow what a cool cave good god this game disappoints me a lot me and minecraft have a love-hate relationship on one hand it gives me views on the other hand it makes me very angry sometimes I should be a school in delusional maybe I should just get sick and then make videos my commentary is much more entertaining being sick just kind of adds that hint of self-deprecation to it it's great I mean you know the self education is there already but there's more of it now what the bees poison you that kind of makes sense actually but I'm still mad if I die from a bee wait wait just poison kill you on hardmode six-five i mic like in the die from a bee this isn't how I want to go out okay good oh you've made a mistake now I don't think poison kills you if no poison doesn't kill you okay I am at half a heart though so anything else will kill me my health condition and minecraft about matches my health condition in real life right now so I guess that's cool oh but I'm not running away from this fight no no you get down here I can't make you get down here but you should get down here it's not like it's in your best interest to get down here or anything but it'll make for a kind of cool fight yeah yeah that's right come on a little bit closer I'm not gonna hurt you yes oh I don't have enough health for the squabble right now please allow me to leave I apologize for anger in you it's always happens to me man I get sidetracked by some quest like killing bees and then I'm stuck out in the wilderness with three hearts in the middle of the night it's just not very productive there's a skeleton behind me I have one skill it's getting incredibly close to death and then just narrowly avoiding it most of the time then also a lot of the times I've just flat-out died but that's okay as long as I take something away from the internet into a learning I don't know I'm too sick to actually think straight right now I'm just kind of rambling many times have I narrowly avoided death already come on I'm gonna need a village you know I can't actually sustain myself in the first few nights of the game without stealing from other people right what do you expect me to go build a house with that's preposterous is that a word I don't know pink sheep are these rare or something it's a blessing why would I wear armor made out of iron when I can wear armor made out of the skin of living things how do you die armor oh there we go you see two different creatures died to make this squids and cows the flowers count I don't know will count flowers it's half of a living thing oh my god I can add the two together so now two and a half things died to make that that makes it extra special and if I enchant it with XP that I gained by killing things it's like I'll be wearing the souls of my enemies which is very appealing are as much as I would love to go looking for a village to pillage instead of actually mining for my iron I do need iron tools if I want to more efficiently cause harm so that's how I'm justifying going mining do I have torches I don't think I have torches I don't need torches torches are for little baby boys who cry for their mamas when a monster comes do I look like a little baby boy to you I mean according to the comments on my face reveal yes I'm making torches but not because I'm scared ooh that counter is looking a little bit low and there's a lot of animals around here that'll give us something to do what we smelt our iron [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay I feel a little bit bad for that one but not that bad wow this place used to be teeming with gross disgusting wildlife and now it's just nice and clean first tool that we build with our iron will of course be a sword because it causes harm oh we're like five minutes in and I've only killed like that many monsters I got to start speeding things up alright here's the plan I've got to make some kind of chicken farm B farm can I make a bee farm come on little chicken come here you want some seeds a little baby chicken come on over I'm the seed man I'll give you some seeds no hidden fees except for your soul but you don't have one so it's okay I'm gonna make them watch me put a raw chicken into the furnace this is fun alrighty chickens how should I trap you just get in the hole come on yep yep there you go and make me some children and I shall sleep peacefully knowing that I have imprisoned creatures and that I will soon kill their children oh wait we got to make our bed read that way it killed the flower to make the bed the main thing that I need right now is a redstone because I could build with some kind of big chicken killing machine out of it you know I might as well kill a couple of mobs on the way and some diamonds wouldn't hurt either redstone acquired it's not very often that I go mining without dying and having to go get my stuff and die like 10 times more so I'm pretty proud of myself and I'm out right on time to go we would and I'm out right on time to go to bed I can't talk when I'm sick now so we're doing chickens as our animal to kill because they're easy to kill easy to breed and small so they don't take up much space now here's the plan you breed chickens with seeds and you get seeds from planting seeds so masterplan hear me out I'm gonna plant some seeds 3 2 1 ok the farm is done and now we wait this wheat is taking way too long to grow me I've been here for like four hours it's barely growing this is this is annoying alright i'ma go look at tutorials for how to build automatic chicken farms because I don't know how to play Minecraft [Music] nevermind I forgot how much I hate tutorials I believe in myself I can I can figure this out right it shouldn't be that hard I need a bow for a dispenser so let's murder some spiders okay here's the master plan basically we have a dispenser facing up a hopper facing into the dispenser is this gonna work yeah wait okay this should work so this is where the chickens are gonna no no I'm doing a thing leave me let stop it don't don't blow up please I'm making the chicken enclosure out of glass so that we can you know watch them suffer like you do all right so I put a bunch of chickens here they lay eggs the eggs go into the hopper the hopper goes into the dispenser and then we're gonna have a redstone clock that goes into the dispenser so that it is always dispensing if I do this right there we go all right now chicken lays an egg egg shoots out perfect and we already have a bunch of chickens so I am going to lure them into the breeding hole with the fake promise of seeds come on chickens I know you love seeds follow me I'll give you some seeds all aboard the seed train good joke coffee up the stairs you can do it yeah I know you can do it I know you can do it you're AI is smart enough to navigate that thank you no I'm just gonna he needs a friend in there come on go go accompany I'm gonna be a good friend I think by now you've probably realized you aren't getting any seeds wow this thing is loud and annoying it's fine though cuz that's where the chickens are living and we don't want them to be happy come here you actually no okay I'll I'll put you in the trap and perfection there we go this is exactly what I wanted now I'm gonna take all of my extra eggs put them in the thingy yes it's functioning just as I wanted I guess I just have to wait now this might actually take a while this machine it does not look good from far away but that's fine and it looks like yeah actually it doesn't look like anything it just looks really bad alright I am going to afk in this glass blaah of in this glass box for like a very long time until all of my chickens are nice and grown up and their growth rate should be exponential so it'll happen pretty fast all right it's been like an hour there better be some chickens oh yes okay that's actually not that many you know what it's progress though I'll be back in like another four hours I must be a more efficient way to do this but I'm not smart enough to find it so this will have to do all right I let it run over an eye and some and if you look in there there seems to be a fair amount of chickens probably you know fifty a hundred a little more but then you walk up and you walk on top and you realize that the entire thing is crammed full of chickens so best estimate I say we have like 300 chickens in there maybe 400 I don't know I can't really tell because they all just kind of merge together into a blob of poultry but probably a lot of chickens shut up alarm either way there are chickens dying as is evidenced by the raw chicken in the hopper this is probably because we've reached the cramming limit which means I need to put all these chickens somewhere this is not an easy task you see when you have a lot of mobs crammed into a small area and then you suddenly just kind of let them go they shoot very very far incredibly far you've seen it before so I need a way to contain them somehow now I can probably have some fancy contraption do it for me or and hear me out I could just build a giant box and get out of cobblestone that they all shoot into and that's just really a lot more my speed so that's what we're gonna be doing also I'm not sick anymore whoo I did manage to infect like half of my school though so I'm proud of myself oh no no no we have a we have a chicken outbreak this is not good stop stop you're not allowed leave if you are not allowed leave no okay Jesus how many did I let go just a couple god I'm bad at this game that another hole has been here the whole time or I'm just gonna afk on this until it's the weekend cuz like I'm not trying to make this more efficient just brute force my way through until I have enough chickens I will see you in like three days alright it's been three days I made the enclosure bigger to fit more chickens because I needed more chickens and as I'm sure you can tell by yourself from the lovely noise coming from here I think we have enough chickens as appealing as it is to me to have them all be crushed by pistons I don't know if it's gonna be possible with this amount of chickens I'm definitely gonna try but I don't know if it's gonna work this entire facility has just turned into an absolute monstrosity yeah you know I think I'm just gonna burn all them oh wow there's lava right there okay yep they're getting burnt sorry but this video is already too long I don't have time to funnel you all into a little area and kill you oh god there's so many free running chickens it makes me sad there is a convenient amount of lava here this is the first time I've ever gotten lucky in this game okay well let's make this quick follow the seeds and now it is time for the most beautiful sight you have ever seen just gonna make sure I'm recording oh dear [Applause] the one we got more though into the flame every last one of you come on there's no escape our journey is over we've done it we've completed our quest if you think that wasn't quite a thousand chickens that I just killed rest assured knowing that it took me a couple days before I realized that the machine was just spawning chickens into a big massive chickens and they were dying from suffocating from other chickens so at least a few more thousand chickens than that died maybe ten thousand I don't know just rest assured knowing I've killed at least a thousand living things or rest unassured I'd call the police if I were you you know do whatever makes you happy like the video don't like the video I don't care I care a little bit I mean you should like the video but you don't have to is what I'm saying why am I still talking it's time to end the video I promise to you by every fiber in my being that I will probably upload within the next month good night gamers see you next year
Channel: Boffy
Views: 4,096,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, minecraft, boffy, sadistic, sarcastic, ironic, comedy, funny, minecraft server, minecraft mods, minecraft deathrun, minecraft servers, minecraft survival, minecraft house, minecraft 1.15, minecraft 1.15 lets play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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