My Scarring Minecraft VR Experience

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welcome to minecraft but like in VR and instead of normal this is weird I've never done VR before and I'm moving in the game but not in real life and it is very disorienting how do I mind the trees I'm guessing oh yeah that's cool okay so you mind the trees by actually going up and hitting them that took way longer than it would have a normal Minecraft ow my arms are sore so this hurts very badly okay it's like normal minecraft but a lot more difficult hi doggy there's another dog this is a good omen for sure okay how do I do stuff oh no wait okay I thought the dog was attacking me now he's attacking the rabbits oh god I literally craft by oh that's gonna take a long time look at how stupid my guy looks in the window look at his hands that's amazing I like that Alright crafting table wait how do I can I place just one oh yes there we go even the most mundane tasks are extremely difficult oh I placed it on the first try I mean you could say I'm a VR minecraft pro at this point okay sticks yes and then pickaxe there we go I'm so good at this game oh okay that's cool it actually shows up in my hand I like that I don't have to spawn me in a spruce forest dude spruce forests are disgusting I hate them okay let's go mine some cobblestone this is gonna get very annoying having to actually mine the blocks yeah I tried recording this before but I was in a workspace that was literally the size of an airport bathroom stall and now I have so much room I can like walk around and stuff I can just go through the cave alright cool it it doesn't stop me I'm just inside the wall right now nice oh boy another day back in the mines this is gonna take so long they couldn't have sat least sped it up like a little bit look at how long it takes oh this is gonna be a workout isn't it my other hand mines it just as fast that doesn't make any sense to I'm just punching through the stone I'm so strong so that means oh okay I can use both of my hands that's that's much faster my arms already hurt okay we have like 15 we don't need any more oh wow this is very disorienting where's my crafting table there this is wack yes no I want more okay now we make a pickaxe there we go no but with the cobblestone down yes there we go and we do not have enough sticks to make a sword I'm very sad but now I can go chop down a tree okay that's cool I don't care like how long it takes to be chopping down the tree with my actual hands is really cool whoa whoa what wait a minute if I oh my god when I jump in real life it jumps me in the game too that's weird I'll and a little bit earlier in real life than I do in the game and it trips me up oh this is gonna take a while I'm gonna do it I can do it I believe I mean you know I could always just hold down that button but that's lame no this is gonna get really old really fast woohoo I'm already really tired alright now we have a sword great it's time to go mining except that it's gonna take like a lot longer than it normally would and I'm gonna be like really tired by the end of it I'm after than having to strip mine like this I'm digging straight down dude digging straight down is like not even that bad of an idea I should probably like make a torch wait what why I don't have a normal DUI no I don't have a keyboard wait I do have a keyboard why would I need this hello except I can't see anything over here so I really ended up typing her flow Enter alright that didn't do anything oh that's cool okay so just by holding a torch it provides light that means I can be lazy and not place my torches wait a minute if I could type does that mean that I could join a server hypixel are you gonna let me in wait wait it actually worked oh I got scared for a second because I thought the red text was the banned message and I just gotten banned alright how about a much worse server mineplex oh wait it actually lets me join alright well y'all know I have to like join a game of skywars or something dragon escape sure I don't know what that is how do i how do I actually play it I swear this isn't gonna be a video where I spend the whole I'm getting sidetracked only like most of it oh this is the one where you have to do parkour dude no that's gonna be so hard in VR oh I don't like this one bit no this is not okay that's it that was the whole games all right that was cool oh never mind we're back all right this time I'm not gonna die I might die okay do the jump yes jump jump all oh my god I'm so good maybe if I jump in real life instead of using the jump button no okay I lost I'm going back to my survival world I don't like this can you just put me in a mineshaft please I've been digging straight down for like a good minute no I'm just gonna go all the way to the bottom of the earth without finding a cave this is terrible I've been mining for so long you can't even see the top of where I came from dude we literally went all the oh my god all the way to bedrock without finding a cave cool oh no now I have to bridge back up oh wow that this is terrible I'm just jumping in real life and it's the most disorienting dizzying thing ever also I'm getting really tired okay I'm gonna take a quick break good god that is I can't play that for more than like 10 minutes all right I want a mine just like this but that's lame I'm gonna make myself mine manually as hard as that is to do dude if I could find a cave right now that would be great I'm not trying to like strip mine actually mining with my hands for like 50 blocks oh I found a cave finally in those monsters oh no no what no what why no stop huh do I have a sword I do have a sword okay um I'm gonna fight the creepers this is bad alright that's okay I don't really care skeleton don't kill me Oh Skelton don't kill me Oh actually got him I'm so good at this game zombie leave me alone leave me alone zombie one and a half hearts that's exactly what I want I'm gonna go this way I didn't bring any food so I can't like heal my hunger or anything yes I just like stay out of my way please okay I got him do I have any food at all it could I start a farm down here I guess I can eat rotten flesh this is what this has come to eating rotten flesh and a cave how do I wait oh I actually just hold that up to my head to eat it that's kind of sick all right I'm just gonna sit here and like wait for my health to go back up can't really move since I have the hunger effect oh yeah there we go and I'm no longer regen health this is not going as planned but that's okay cuz when does anything ever go as planned on this channel okay I'm just here to get some iron and then leave no need to be feisty no skeleton okay I'm about to die just run just run down the cave no I'm definitely gonna die alright pro-gamer strat right here BAM now I can't die I also can't go anywhere but I can't die and that's what we're looking for nope nope okay yeah Oh what what do you mean you hit me through the block look at how many zombies there are out there there's five zombies how did he kill me through the block dude this that's not okay no all right and we're back where we started I even find my mind oh hey look I found my mind oh yeah I forgot I dug it in just a straight pit down to the center of the earth can I survive that fall I probably cannot yep alright here's my second gamer strat of the day if y'all are ever in the situation where you need to get to the bottom of a big pit and don't have anything just do one of these good okay yeah okay am I still gonna am I gonna make it to the bottom without dying ah yes here we are only real gamers can do this alright I just need to find my stuff without getting killed I bet that's gonna go perfectly I ran down this hole I think yep there's my stuff no I forgot I hold myself in quickly my no I just want to get my stuff man you leave me alone I don't care I will use the trigger buddy right okay I died look I can see all my stuff alright it's fine we can just get a wooden pickaxe real quick and then go down and save all my stuff before it D spawns alright down we go I'm actually proud of myself for coming up with this I mean you know not that proud but like slightly proud alright and now we use our epic crafting table to make sticks and then a pickaxe god I'm so good at Minecraft now we make a mad dash for our loot we don't stop because of anything ok creeper oh why are there so many no no all right you know I don't care I do I'm just here to get my stuff not trying to fight any monsters just want my stuff go go go mine mine faster my faster no no no no no oh I hate you so much alright that's ok though cuz I picked up all my stuff and reset the despawn timer and now that that wall is mined I can just go back and grab it right how many times am I gonna have to do this oh no that's a lot of damage I swear when I said that's a lot of damage I did not mean to quote that dead mean all right cool four and a half hearts you know that's all the hearts we need pass by the army of creepers over there skeleton I don't like you or you're faint white okay you know what this is ridiculous there should not be this many monsters anywhere look at that monsters there are literally just want like my four iron is that too much to ask for no did y'all see how many like creepers and stuff there were down there that is not okay skeleton I don't like you okay I think you're a terrible person I'm just trying to live a happy life and be free okay this is my life now just eternally going down to this cave and dying oh boy here we go again alright I know exactly what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna run down there ignore everything place the box thing is that's too many things to ignore like what what am I supposed to do here alright just mad - no creepers alright that's okay you see what we did there was we killed the creepers well the creepers killed themselves but you know what the creepers are dead so it's all good how when we go down there there shouldn't be any creepers or at least there should be less creepers than there were no ow okay I don't even care do that I'll take all the damage one and a half hearts sure definitely gonna die this time yeah one hit from a skeleton and I'm dead skeleton don't do it I'm going I'm going I don't care one heart it's all I need wait Oh skeleton I was so close alright come on we can do it as long as I'm literally not an idiot I can get my loot if I hadn't have taken all that damage on the way down I would have survived oh cool you guys are just kind of hanging out out here no that's fine Oh another one yeah yeah sure sure sure all right four hearts you know what that that's better than we've been doing mm-hmm the creepers are back sprint for it ignore them ignore them they don't exist run keep running zombie I don't like you or your family go yes I actually got my stuff oh I'm so proud of myself all right now the question is what am I supposed to do I mean I'm still trapped in this hole what no no no I forgot the zombies can hit me through the walls okay um um I hate you so much right now that no okay that doesn't count why can the zombies hit me through the wall you know what no I'm abandoning all this loot I'm starting fresh I don't even care you know at this entire world I'm deleting this world VR nope not anymore make a new world and call it good VR hey you look at that I spawned on a biome that isn't terrible and there's a bunch of dogs again I'm just a lucky boy all right this time I'm gonna be smart oh there's a pillager right there why is there already a pillager well are you are you kidding me I literally spawned ten feet away from a pillager why is my luck this bad I mean are they that hard to kill dude what are the chances of me spawning literally right there yeah might as well go in there and try and like steal all their stuff oh well I'm getting wrapped up in my cord in real life all right cool take all of your things dude they're not even trying to fight me out they don't even care I'm out of here bye no can you let me out no okay there's more villagers might not have been as good of an idea as I thought why are there so many sheep I mean not that that's a bad thing I like animals cuz I can kill them and eat them but that's a lot of sheep and there's a cave right here okay this is a good spawn I don't care about the villager outpost will you just leave me alone please I just I just want a little bit of peace is that too much to ask for you know I will beat you to death with this piece of wool you think I care I don't care you're gonna die and I'm gonna get your crossbow okay I never mind can I go find my stuff that's right there no just just let me get my stuff dude nope leave me alone there's two of them gonna grab my stuff and kind of good this way that sounds like a good plan are you still shooting at me you are still shooting at me how do I get them to not chase me guys come on I didn't even do much I mean I stole like everything you owned but other than that I did not do much are you still chasing you are why they just chased me forever are they still following me okay I thought that pig was a pillager no I lost them good okay this is where I shall start my world right here all right this time I'm gonna be smart and I'm gonna build a house first so I can put my stuff somewhere so that when I die I don't lose everything maybe I should have started by doing that bam crafting table I'm so good at this game dude this crafting table menu is so clunky sticks yes all right look at me I'm good at Minecraft this is a big boy cave didn't I literally just say I was gonna build a house before I went mining yeah nope nope I'm not going I just need some cobblestone and then I'm gonna leave I swear I have no self control crafting is the most annoying thing oh wait I could just use this you know I've never used it cuz I'm not a peasant but it kind of makes sense if I'm doing in VR I'm allowed to do this right people aren't gonna make fun of me in the comments speaking of people making fun of me everyone says I make my ax is wrong man I don't care what you say I'm always gonna build them to the right you can't do anything about it okay you know what chopping down the tree is actually pretty cool you know until you're underneath it and you're just stabbing the tree trunk or until it's too high for you to actually reach you just have to hold down the Digg button like a pleb but you know what the first two blocks feel great to mine and after that you become very sad because they're not nearly as fun I feel like a lumberjack so far I give modded minecraft a strong four out of ten probably a bad idea to be building my house like right next to a pillager outpost but everything I do on this channel is a bad idea what do you expect me to make good decisions nah I found a cave I remember when I said I was gonna build a house before I did anything else I lied let's go mining why am I doing this I'm just gonna die and I'm gonna be all sad but also I have no self-control so let's go these cows are all roaming free and we cannot have that so we're gonna dig a pit for them okay that's cool how you mind the dirt you can actually like scoop it I like that you know what I'm bringing my rating up from a 4 out of 10 to a 5 out of 10 and if I can get the cows in the pit without a lot of trouble I'll raise it up to a 6 out of 10 go go no he's walking the opposite direction they always do this look you just you didn't want to go that direction it's not too much to ask also why are the cows so freakishly big good that is terrifying dude you're like as big as I am all right just get in the hole so I don't have to look at your ugly face go go don't start walking don't start walking please wait actually he actually got in the pit yes for the first time ever the cows are being cooperative look this one's even walking towards it I don't even have to do anything oh my god this is amazing all right I said I would raise it to a six out of ten I am BAM nope no no don't don't you do it don't you walk away you're going in the pit no you're so close you worked all accidentally hit him well now he's just gonna wait I accidentally hit him three times in a row whoops it was actually an accident though I don't know why I kept hitting him I think he was literally running into my hand all right if you could go this way this way please oh look he's he's actually going why can't I pick up the cows that would make my life so much easier okay we can get a second cow later right now we need a bed how convenient there's like 80 sheep right here why are there so many okay I mean I'm not mad about it that's a good thing you're all gonna die don't even try and run you're already dead please give me your wall so I can skip the night and not fight monsters in VR cuz that will be very difficult perfect put down the bed sleep in the bed yes I don't have to actually fight the monsters I can just sit here like a loser I like clearing the grass that's fun you're actually moving your hand to do it how you doing just kidding I don't care okay I've been recording for like an hour that was way too long to be standing up I need to get a house down so that I can retire we have enough wood the actual building process of the house is probably gonna be really difficult you know considering that I have to point the wood where it needs to go there we go it's gonna be a small house and that's okay everything is more difficult than VR oh no I have to place a piece of wood up there I have to jump in real life oh god I don't like that that is more disorienting than you could imagine I have to do it again this is terrible Oh sheep that's scared because they're so weirdly big you dare oppose me what are you looking at Punk you think you're better than me kid you think you're better than me no get back here get back here kid you finna die look at me look at me look at me I'm literally inside your face right now oh he's a coward die idiot yeah I'm gonna have some fun killing the cows in VR hooey I sure do love actually swinging my arms to mine oh my god this why at this point I'm just kind of slapping the stone with my pickaxe like this cuz it's a lot easier one iron yeah I love it when I only get one or I honestly kind of like the building like it's not that hard to do cuz a you don't actually have to move your hands and be it's like really satisfying to do oh yeah I like that you know what seven out of ten almost a good game put down my two chests and that's it I'm done I can't do this for any more than I already have in one day it hurts my eyes alright to end this video I'm gonna do one of your really bad suggestions y'all know the acid shaders video people said that I should turn those shaders on in VR I don't know why they said that because of course I'm gonna do it I have a terrible decision making skills but why why would you subject me to this torture alright let's go turn on the shaders oh god no that is not okay at all also the game crashed so it was just not meant to be you
Channel: Boffy
Views: 3,061,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, minecraft, minecraft vr, virtual reality, minecraft virtual reality, minecraft in vr, minecraft hardcore, vr minecraft, htc vive, minecraft vr funny moments, minecraft 2019, minecraft video, minecraft survival vr, minecraft hardcore vr, minecraft survival in vr, minecraft survival hardcore, minecraft funny moments, minecraft vr gameplay, minecraft survival, virtual reality minecraft, hardcore minecraft
Id: _lK2BEvLAzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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