Sleep Deprived Minecraft Shenanigans

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it's 3 31am and i can't sleep so i'm just gonna make a really dog [ __ ] youtube video if you've ever watched one of my sleep deprived videos you know you're in for a wild ride i have no goals or guidelines whatsoever so you know in this game i've really always admired the way that fish die don't ask why at this point i'm done explaining myself but i mean just look at it i don't know why that's funny but it is all right basically the vision i want a bunch of those fish dying all at once if any colleges i apply to in the future watch this video it's complete satire don't worry about it but for you the viewer no i'm not joking i want to watch the fish die now sure i could just do this but that would take forever and it's already 3 30. i want to finish this video in like half an hour so we're gonna have to be smarty pants you do that you do that you do that and bam now it's looping put a dispenser here buckle your seat belts boys and girls is about to get crazy wow look at that it's magical there's fish spewing out this is perfect i just need it on a much much bigger scale for what i want that's already pretty good i shouldn't find this funny i swear i wouldn't normally it's just i've already taken my sleep medication and when you take sleep medication and don't go to bed it's drugs okay let's build this on a much bigger scale whoa where did that come from huh that's crazy how that works okay i need a lot of fish eggs slash give no that's not how you spell give give [ __ ] coffee oh my god there we go let's do ten thousand oh that didn't crash my game you know i kind of wanted it to though so i could make a joke about it how about a million there we go see that's that's better ah perfect okay a million might have been a bit much pc buddy he's still alive down there well i mean i don't know what i expected there it was worth it though that was mildly funny i wonder why there's just a slight chance it might have been when i spawned a million fish eggs in no probably not though must just be a problem with the game oh we're back i lost all my fish eggs no oh man i can't wait until the three minute mark of this video so i can stop bleeping out my curses fun fact youtube only demonetizes you if you curse within the first three minutes past then i don't know they just don't care for some reason youtube works in weird ways anyways let's let's watch a bunch of fish just [ __ ] die oh it's gonna be glorious okay here we go this is everything i've ever wanted i'm the king of the fish oh god that's a lot okay we should um let's stop this for now i kind of wish i could see them better the ash from the dead fish is stopping me from watching the living fish die why is there bone meal that doesn't make any sense let's do it with dolphins no okay okay i didn't expect for them to scream like humans uh that's kind of pushing it even for me okay no no let's save a few of them this is bad there we go you're all gonna live in peace oh they're just flying out of the pit it hasn't even been a full two minutes yet and this is where we are they're slowly finding their way out of the safe area and still suffocating to death what are you doing what made you think it was a good idea to leave the water and go on the dry grass where you just can't live you see you're all gonna die now it's not my fault that's your fault that's on you that's pretty great oh look they're all making their way into the cave are we having a party down here how are you guys still alive oh no no no no no no take that water away you guys deserve your death you left the safe pit they've been out of water for like a solid few minutes i don't know how you guys are breathing wait dolphins are mammals am i dumb can you guys just live on land have any of them died yet yeah i think i might be dumb let's open the floodgates this is a beautiful game can't remember the last time i played this game normally must have been back when i was like eight years old and innocent but now the novelties of minecraft have worn off and you know i have to resort to [ __ ] like this to still have fun with it yeah it's a little messed up but like come on come on that's funny i might just be losing my mind up at 4am attention all viewers i believe it is my duty to inform you that i have constructed the fish cannon that's exactly what it sounds like it serves absolutely no purpose other than to you know shoot fish oh it's not working this is just stupid i had this all planned out to be this amazing epic reveal and they're just kind of falling out the side and dying and the ones that are making it out are just kind of barely dripping out of the end this is horrible no we can make this work maybe if i use a slime block wait no but the slime block is grabbing on to everything there must be some way to make this work no not dolphins i don't try to do this just whenever i play this game horrible things happen i want fish eggs now go yes this is everything i've ever wanted in life they're not going very far they're just kinda and they die as soon as they hit the ground you know what no this is perfect i like this thing it kind of works kind of like how this is kind of a video just ignore the fact that half of the fish spew out the opposite direction let's give them some soft lava to land them so that they're not as sad okay moving on let's make a [ __ ] cow cannon because the dolphins were all kind of spewing out of there when i opened it up right if we pack a bunch of cows into like a one by one thing and then open it are they just gonna fly out i'm giving them a three by three world to live in because you know that's all you really need if you're not happy living your entire life in an area the size of a cubicle then you're just greedy that's what corporate america wants you to think i really do not know what half the [ __ ] i say even means i'm like the electrician of death just wiring up my cow slaughter machine don't mind me i can barely keep my eyes open but i also can't sleep i don't know what's wrong with me quarantine's starting to crack me even more than i already was but hey you know what always helps with sleep staring at a really bright screen this time i'm not gonna be a [ __ ] i'm gonna wait for them to all actually spawn and if it kills my computer you know what so be it oh yeah i forgot there's an entity cramming limit you know that's fine that means that our gun's gonna be always reloading but that also means that we should probably open it now okay it's kind of working this is not the results i wanted they're not really shooting out like i want them to they're more just oozing but i can think of a few ways to fix this first of all let's ditch this design and go for a one by one oh god i think i just woke someone up in my house if i woke up my mom rambling about minecraft cow she's probably gonna be kind of pissed yeah come to think of it i probably shouldn't be shouting at the top of my lungs at 4am in the morning like at the same time i don't care that much so it's fine it's very rare that motivation comes for me to make a video and if it happens at 4am then so be it okay things go pretty fast on ice in this game okay okay now there we go okay this is good you know they're kind of shooting now let's make the ice thing longer it's really hard to place blocks when there's cows falling on me you love to see it look at this it's beef rain the soul survivor he's just chilling in a field of his dead brethren's flesh and skin like you do okay everyone needs to clear out come on come on i got a second run to do here yep that's right get off i got places to be people okay they're all dead what are y'all doing you think you're special no you get to burn too yep you gotta make this thing longer these things are fearless man like i would think he would be more concerned you know given the do i even really need to commentate here there's there's a pile of dead cows that's why i don't like them they're [ __ ] scary man these things they have no emotions i mean i'd probably still kill them if they did but i'm trying to justify it somehow round two i've made the barrel longer i don't know if that's gonna help i'm just kind of spitballing here okay this is promising you see they're all shooting around in there they've got lots of pent-up energy they're also dying a lot but and to be honest i wouldn't even see that as a bad side effect it's more of a positive thing this is lame gotta go faster than that come on okay this one's a dud it never happened that was someone else oh i have an idea okay you know super flat worlds those things that no one really ever uses did they take this away okay i'm gonna go back to like 1.8.9 because the new minecraft version doesn't like fun apparently i can't read that sure i understand the risks let's go why is it scared of this version what could possibly be dangerous here all right super flat there we go now normally it gives you this really dumb lame super flat world that you can't really use now i'm gonna make this not lame instead of dirt we do tnt instead of bedrock we do sand i think some of y'all probably know where i'm going here instead of grass stone pressure plate okay this might work oh my god let's see if this is what i think it is uh things are going very wrong this was not the intended effect uh what second time i've crashed the game in the past 10 minutes the game is trying to stop me from having fun and i'm not gonna have it the fact that this isn't working is making me so much more determined to do it okay so i'm an idiot i had the sand and the tnt backwards the game was trying to process a tnt explosion as big as the entire map and it was not enjoying it oh but now now it's working basically the blocks fall when you step on them which is kind of cool when you're by yourself but the fun thing about npcs is that they're really [ __ ] dumb so they see this as a block that's perfectly fine to step on like you know all these slimes that are spawning and instantly falling to their deaths except for this one apparently oh nope there he goes oh no there's a zombie better run from it yes yes run to safety is it messed up that i find this hilarious i mean just watch and he's dead glorious as with most things i'm already getting bored of it and i need to recreate it on a bigger scale run oh no there was a child that's fine we don't discriminate on this channel everyone deserves a chance at death even small baby children okay well that one was just stupid there wasn't even a pressure plate there and he still jumped into the void what are you doing having a dance party are we i have a vendetta against iron golems they've destroyed so many of my hardcore worlds i mean they've only destroyed two of them but still and you know both times it was because i went up and punched them as a joke and they still managed to kill me in one hit i mean still what kind of [ __ ] defends himself what we're gonna do today is get our revenge hey there buddy okay no i need to stay on task oh you sir just made direct eye contact no don't die off okay this is the same how am i supposed to do the bid if you just commit suicide every time i will do this bit okay come come chase me why aren't you chasing me for this bit to work you need to chase me are you kidding me the one time i want you to kill me you just don't want okay there we go he is mad at me right what what are you doing i mean i i guess he died not in the way i wanted him to please just follow me it's gonna be funny do you not care that i'm punching you you're just gonna let me beat you to death i mean yeah me i get this works too what's wrong with you man dude you okay what if i beat up a villager in front of him that must make him angry right oh no look i'm harming the people you're supposed to be protected you really don't care do you you're a horrible your entire life's purpose is to protect this village and i'm just repeatedly killing villagers in front of you you do not give a single [ __ ] you're just looking at me what you're a failure you deserve to pay for your crimes i could kill you but death death would be too good for you oh okay that didn't happen this is the same iron golem as before don't walk off the edge come here you don't get to die ah now i'm gonna let you hang for an eternity for your crimes i'm leaving this world and never coming back i'm gonna sing stuff there i wanna see where i can go with this because i think it would be awesome if we could make a cow trampoline of death okay let's see how would i do this oh yes that's promising oh god i want to go to sleep but this is fun perfect perfect perfect find a way to play slime blocks there we go no that's not what i wanted no stop i can use honey blocks right stand still so i can break you yeah come to think of it i should probably just turn this thing off and then do it yeah that's much easier okay you guys gotta excuse me here i'm not exactly thinking at my full mental capacity okay yes yes yes this works i'm gonna [ __ ] cry tears of joy of course please bounce up and down yes okay this is exactly what i wanted the cow did die after about three bounces but honestly that's fine the beef is still bouncing up and down what the hell where did it go y'all saw that right that beef went zooming now we're gonna use our trusty old cow machine to finally achieve the dream of a cow slaughtering trampoline please work i can't tell if they're bouncing they're all just getting stuck in the bottom block okay i just realized that honey isn't bouncy so they're sticking to the honey and they're bouncing off of the slime it's not really working hold on we gotta do some changes you guys are really in the wrong place at the wrong time i'm sorry i have to get rid of you i don't want all these cows to be here let's just [ __ ] that kills me too it's fine i can respawn they can't i win wait i'm dumb they're slime blocks i can just use one of them jesus christ i could have done this the whole time look this is gonna instantly work way better than whatever [ __ ] i was doing before yeah that's perfect okay there we go see this is what i wanted it kills them but it's a little bit more humane than other lessons because they go for a fun little ride before they die it's fine they love it look at them they're so happy bouncing around best day of their lives also the only day of their lives because this is the hell that they were born into but let's double up oh yes no no you can't escape get back in got a cow leak i don't want this many cows to be alive oh wait i just had an idea yes yes just fill up my world with cows real quick okay that's good effect give at e levitation oh my god it works this is a greatness that i've never even come close to achieving before hold on there's so much fun to be had with this what the [ __ ] have i done cows for as far as the eye can see i would imagine that in real life this would smell atrocious i hate everything about it look at them they're so smug looking straight at me with their stupid faces what do you think you're better than me huh yeah that's right burn you fools okay that would take too long let's kill them all at once oh god that's fast wait no i didn't mean to send them that high up okay um well that's a side i've never seen before oh my god absolutely glorious how did you guys serve oh you fell in the water you think you're so cool don't you yeah die no one is safe you can't escape it maybe you can escape it a little bit but not for long there we okay goodbye and they're all dead and we have a lifetime supply of beef and leather i think i ought to end the video this has been terrible i don't want this to continue it is 4 30 a.m now and i'm wide awake because i've been commentating and looking at a screen i have school tomorrow it's fine i'll just snort creatine and g fuel in the morning
Channel: Boffy
Views: 2,000,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, minecraft, satire, funny, comedy, minecraft hardcore, minecraft speedrun, MCC, minecraft SMP, SMP
Id: tnYaylS-Rao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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