Minecraft, But If I Touch Grass, I Explode

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to the naked eye this minecraft world appears to be completely normal and that's because it is minus one small change i've made and that is that as soon as you touch grass it spawns a metric ton of tnt behind you and i'm gonna be playing this in survival mode so yeah enjoy watching this suffer okay so i think just if i yeah yeah no that definitely spawns tnt that is all that is more tnt than i thought it would be no granite spawns it too it's supposed to be just grass this is fine i just need to make it past the first five seconds and i'll be good wait i should probably figure out all the boxes okay apparently diorite does it i i just i can't i don't know what to do at this point wow it's been 15 seconds this is the fastest one of my videos has gone horribly wrong we know dirt does granite does oh cool cool cole spawns it too yeah yeah no that wasn't enough blocks that blew me up we needed more thank you i'm just gonna shelter okay yeah not a good place to take shelter wow my spawn area is looking real good definitely need to get some blocks so that you know i can go places without spontaneously combusting we did it we made it to a tree i'm so proud actually i guess this is a good way to go mining you know if i can survive it i just need to get good at doing that and then scooping up the box this is the new meta this is how you mine now this is great okay i am at one health so maybe i should calm down a little one heart one heart is all i need what no i'm in water that that's bs i was in water that should not have spawned it oh okay yeah that was a good idea i should have gotten on top of the treetops way earlier basically the floor is lava but instead of lava it just it blows you up wow that is the worst analogy i've ever made oh yeah look at me go i don't even have to mine for stone cause i already picked up a bunch of it that just blew up i'm gonna very carefully bridge over there so i can kill that cow nope that's not very carefully [Music] at this point i don't even care just kill me oh my god i'm so bad at this we survived it's okay i don't even know how that happened i can't believe i paid for this i hired someone to code me for this i'm paying to torture myself then again youtube is paying me to get tortured so it's i'm just trying to live a peaceful life here i don't even want to kill anything in this episode i just want to start a family i'm not sure how to even start here ah not like that i guess maybe i should try to get to a biome where there's no grass let's try and find a desert oh my god really you had to launch me onto the grass there's like three sets of tools laying around here somewhere i don't know where so every time i die it kind of flings me into the stratosphere so all my loot is just scattered no i'm genuinely trying to be so careful really really like i needed that on top of everything no not going down there i'm gonna do my little strat here no i i'm in water so i can't i'm in water so i can't move fast i maybe should have realized that before i spawned a bunch of tnt next to myself this is a sad sad existence i already didn't like granite as a block but now it wants to kill me so i like it less okay i feel like we should keep a death counter in the upper right corner this is like parkour but less exciting and more risky yeah we're dead i actually survived that look at the smug cow walking on grass not blowing up you you think you're so cool don't you yeah you're my first victim just as soon as i can figure out how to get over to you operation get revenge on the cow for doing absolutely nothing is a go yeah that's right what what are you i will i will do it i will step on this block actually now that i think about it i could really use this to my advantage i just need to remember which blocks not to walk on this is gonna be my house i'm pretty limited in the blocks i can use to build it so it is going to be all cobblestone beautiful i'm an architect we've actually made it somewhere i need to not be stupid and accidentally kill myself which is a lot harder than it sounds to do oh my god the spawn crater's so big ow wow no no skeleton where are you where are you nope i'm just gonna mine my iron really hope they don't see me don't know oh my god really you too you too yeah okay let's go let's brawl come on get in the ring boy you don't stand a chance unless you knock me onto granite then you do stand a chance back to my beautiful modern home i'm protected now okay i want to try something i kind of want to use the explosives to go mining i was trying to do it here but i got stuck i want to go like that run away yeah and then pick up the blocks which should work theoretically if i can get away without dying no no no no i'm safe in here i don't know how that looks so dumb no no no no no no no it blew up my stuff am i really back to square one i i'm pretty sure all my stuff disappeared i watched it okay i need a new approach this is not working creeper you you don't really scare me anymore like i've had quite a lot of experience getting blown up so yeah like ah oh no don't explode you'd ruin the perfectly immaculate landscape wimp no cole spawns it okay yep we're we're done no wait i i survived that okay yes sure no that was actually just just a part of my plan oh i i just completely spaced out and forgot the grass blew me up god damn it i need to get out of here right now i'm just gonna become a desert hermit ice i survived yay i'm just i'm committing suicide just kill me put me out of my misery i'm done yes blocks thank you i'm getting out of here i'm not gonna die to some stupid block oh god okay you know i didn't die you know what they say once you're in the pit you can never leave guys this is starting to take a toll on me i i went outside to take a break i started walking outside and i saw the grass and for a second i thought wait i can't go there tnt will spawn i'm losing my mind it's fine it's worth it for the content who cares if this video gives me an irrational fear of the outdoors how did that kill me i was so far away i'm just i'm just gonna make a sky base i think is the move here i'm gonna use my big brain and i'm gonna play the smart i know i've said that like eight times but this time i mean it i've broken the cycle of just constantly spawning in the crater and then trying to get out of the crater but dying and making the crater bigger and making it harder so we're out now and we can actually kind of play the game look at that thing oh my god yes a river i'm so happy i'm free that took about half an hour is this actually just a tiny lake that goes nowhere also apparently that that's a thing okay yep it's it's a tiny fake lake i hate everything there's a snow biome yes that's so good that better not blow me up just will you come to the edge of the water for me no no come back you're not making it easy to kill you i didn't even see the tnt spawn oh god oh god no no no no no no no i have tools now i don't want to die no half a heart that's fine this is far from the worst situation i've ever been in do you guys like my house no i got very lucky there anytime you have to use charcoal you are not doing well probably a good idea to just leave some stuff in here hey you know look on the bright side at least stone doesn't blow me up what no no no no okay no all right i'm done with this i have what i need to leave this pit i am i am leaving and i'm never coming back a really big problem i'm running into is food you know most food likes to hang out on the grass because they can do that i can't do that so in order to kill something i really that now now is not the time don't you have anything better to do you're just gonna lob potions at me and miss you're getting closer there you go good job just gonna sit here dying of poison looking at the sunset seems like i'm at half a heart a lot in this video this is how i have to hunt for food no baby zombie now is not the time i was threatened to delete my channel if any video is gonna make me do it it's this one no no no no no no no no i survived that i'm so good what no you're not i thought creepers couldn't hey i survived again i'm not sure how i'm not gonna survive much longer because of the skeleton if i die by the skeleton i'm so surprised that i just survived all that quickly before anything else can go wrong yes i set my spawn point i'm never going back to that crater gee that took so long i'm gonna play a compilation of every time i died not very hey you had the one i know i'm finally safe i don't have to worry about dying what no no no oh my god i forgot iron was one of the blocks this is harder than it looks okay you guys probably all think i'm just horrible at the game and keep forgetting i am horrible at the game and i do keep forgetting but it's harder to remember than you would think hold that for five iron oh oh like i could get a horse how did i not think of that earlier that would make everything so much easier food is too valuable i can't waste it on healing myself so i'll just kill myself and respawn a shield should block most of the explosive damage and that should make my blast mining idea somewhat possible no i'm not if that happens really the shield okay nope that's that's cool i'm using saplings to cook my iron i'm so poor all right let's see if my master strategy works or if i'm just dumb and i'm gonna get blown up and lose another shield probably the latter so the idea is to do like that and then okay it works i take a lot of damage though i'm starting to get control of things here nope yeah i don't have that much control i don't want to carry anything valuable on me this is the most i've probably ever died making a video i think you could see why i'm apprehensive to spend all of my iron i'm always carrying just the bare minimum on me hey everyone everyone follow me into this corner yes now stand there wow that worked pretty well how did i i'm back it's been two hours i let all my anger out on some small animals i didn't actually please don't cancel me my final goal for the video is literally just to have a house with decent gear that's it that's all i want i feel like that should be manageable okay now i run and i put my shield up you know what i'm i'm just gonna start kind of suicide running it oh wait my shield's still here hold on give me my shield back oh god we're fine we're fine i'm just gonna keep doing that until i find diamonds or a cave oh god no no no no no if you destroy my bed i'll just delete the game file that's the only way i can get revenge that genuinely gave me an adrenaline rush i'm getting the house part of this out of the way not the best house i've ever built but i'm working with weird circumstances here okay don't expect much give me coal no no no don't give me death just cold okay what's that death tally at probably quite high i don't know why didn't it drop any coal all right no big surprise there all right my strata is working i've exposed a lot of iron so i'm going to come back in mind that let me just kill myself real quick so i can have full health hi guys hi guys oh no don't don't blow up oh god really i'm still alive i actually i want to die this time no how was i supposed to avoid that you ever die so much that you don't even fear death anymore yeah me too oh no ah don't don't kill me oh god i had to guess i'd say i've died 40 times kill you with my bare hands the whole chat is just baffy blew up i should make the server ip public and just see how people do oh god someone actually joined how long do you guys think it's going to take him to blow up i told him bad things will happen if he walks on grass and he says he's scared he should be scared it makes the torture a little more bearable to know that others are going through the same thing he got launched into the air and fell to his death okay that was fun goodbye get out of my server i want to see what it looks like if i just run on the grass okay i'm like santa but instead of dropping presents behind me i dropped death i'm getting pretty good at this i'm finding new and creative ways to get away from the massive blast eventually we'll reach bedrock and just stumble upon diamonds and then i can complete my goals and end this god-awful video i'm making armor now this is maybe not my best investment since i'm probably just gonna lose it but i've made it down to bedrock so i'm just gonna go blast mining for diamonds now and that will help me not die look at the size of this hole i've just blown into the center of the earth this goes down for ages and bedrock no no no i do are you kidding me oh my god if i were my stuff where would i be oh it's all here so if i just like do like that and then run and then the old yes okay i'm not dying that's still doing a lot of damage jesus oh that that was a little close nope nope i was debating on slamming my desk but my hands hurt a lot from doing that today so did all my stuff blow up okay that's that's perfectly fine i didn't need my stuff anyways that was stupid just give me diamonds so i can finally be at peace wait what what obsidian is one of the blocks i've gone through all of this without finding a single diamond this is so rigged yeah no screw the objectives this is i can't do this anymore i am going to have a stroke i'm gonna see what it looks like when i don't actually die i just leave a trail of death if anybody wants to play with this mod the link is in the description everywhere i go death follows oh look what i've happened upon it would be a real shame if something bad happened to this village such a shame such a shame well thank you for watching i can't say this has been enjoyable but hopefully you enjoy oh my god this is the most chaotic outro i've ever done i am leaving this world and i am never coming back okay goodbye
Channel: Boffy
Views: 5,280,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, minecraft, tnt, modded minecraft, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore, boffy, minecraft challenge
Id: zzO50cQgXug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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