Trying Hair Braiding Tutorials

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I feel her pain though. Those IG braids are just on another level that I’ll never reach.

👍︎︎ 282 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

It seems obvious now, but learning that extensions aren’t just for lengths but also volume/thickness especially for these kinds of styles blew my mind haha.

👍︎︎ 179 👤︎︎ u/bomkum 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wish she would try curling her hair with a straightener. I’ve tried for years after watching numerous YouTube videos and still can’t get it right. Every couple of months I think, this is it I’m definitely going to get it this time, but nope. My arms and hands just can’t get it together to produce those effortless curls/waves.

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/Spike-aronni 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Everything Jenna does makes my heart warm💕💕💕💕

👍︎︎ 142 👤︎︎ u/stegasaurus- 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Fuck i loved this video. I so felt her when she was exasperated after doing the same thing the girl in the video said to do and then saying that it would look great if it wasn’t on HER. I disagreed with her and i think she’s gorgeous but that’s how i feel when doing my hair and my makeup. Like fuck, it looked great on Deisi or Sam or nikki, but because it’s on my face it looks like trash.

Damn girl. This video hit in a different way than her videos tend to hit for me and i super appreciate seeing someone who i adore go through the same struggle as me.

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wish her and Julian were my best friends. They just seem so fun to be around.

👍︎︎ 98 👤︎︎ u/ghsted 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

I laughed when she talked about her arms/shoulders hurting from trying to braid because that's exactly how I feel when I try to do mine.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/meow0101 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does anybody else think Jenna is one of the most beautiful women they’ve ever seen in a specific way? Very smart, funny, and comfortable with herself. The makeup she does is out of creativity and not hiding anything. She’s happy and kind and I think she’s radiantly beautiful 😭 i wanna be like Jenna

👍︎︎ 196 👤︎︎ u/mannierob 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jenna Marbles is a national treasure honestly

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/meowison 📅︎︎ Mar 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
sometimes I go on Instagram and I just start to feel real bad about myself you know what I'm saying I feel like the algorithm oftentimes points me towards small little viral beauty clips if you will some of which are hair videos and it really makes me think about the fact that I just never really do my hair by the time I get to my hair after I do my makeup because I saved that for last my arms are just tired and I'm just ready to be done but in a perfect world I would love to be one of those people that just like has their hair done that just like has a braid that they took a little extra time to do and they just look nice I'd like to just look nice sometimes I've dabbled in braids I feel like I know how to do some braids like a basic French braid but I'm not really that good I find myself just going down to somewhere a bit whole of like look how lovely that looks see Jenna if you just took an extra 20 minutes out of your day your hair could look like that but it doesn't because you're lazy the only way to get better at something right is time and practice and energy today is like the perfect day to braid my hair - it's like dirtier than I'd like to admit I have a couple of choices I can do my own hair I can rope someone into doing my hair Julian third option is to just practice on hair that's not mine I'm gonna put one of these wigs to use and I'm just gonna practice because once you get a feel of it on someone else's head then you can do it on your head I feel like that's I learned so I'm gonna practice a little on your head I'm aware that a lot of these videos are not meant for you to be able to do them on your own head it's very different to braid your own hair than to braid someone else's hair but not everybody who just has a willing person around that can braid their hair like that or wants to follow that tutorial I want to see what you're capable of because honestly I don't know can you braid you know would be spectacular is if you were just sitting on a goldmine of breeding ability and then you could just do a hair every day even if I had the goldmine of ability honey I wouldn't just do it for you every day because I would open up a shop okay so Julian you picked out a hairstyle that you think would look nice on me I think it's by Roxas horas this is 15 braided heatless back-to-school hairstyles and she's doing them on herself so I feel confident that you can do this on me so why don't you take a look all right let's watch it so that's easy you know how to do that okay so I'm going to take it from the sides she's doing like a little tie knot in them oh that's a hair tie is that the same color as her hair that's you're missing the entire tutorial oh my god how did she get so far oh my god where did that braid come from those are those aren't even french braids they're nice easy three strand braid so you know how to braid three strands there you go right over the middle then left over the middle and right over the middle left over the middle exactly then right over the middle yeah do you know how that is strong with the right over the middle so I'm gonna take sides of your hair I'm cool like that wait does it look good in the front though where'd you pull the hair from just the sides okay Oh like no I'm not worried about how it looks in the frontal all right step one looking nice looking snatched okay babe dude oh it feels terrible I was supposed to take this little part and mix it in with each braid but we'll figure it out otherwise what do you mean what I'm honestly a little surprised because that feel like this okay so that is pretty much what we're seeing on the monitor then we're gonna go to this side over here we're done I did it Oh Julie in the front when you're doing someone's hair what the front of it looks like matters not according to this YouTube video this looks like hell from the front so I just I just looked at the back I have to say I'm impressed you did better than I thought you were gonna do just to give you some constructive feedback hey it hurt the entire time okay you didn't care about the front looks like it's pretty messy and not in like a cute way subjective bouquet perfect feel like it's gonna fall out I'm glad explored this but I don't think that you doing my hair is a viable option well depends where you're going like I think it's a really nice try honestly nice try is like that's my city so we do like one of those really fun so I'm gonna practice one on myself that I think I can do the style that I think looks really pretty for my hair type is where they like fluff it out really thick it's like sometimes a fishtail braid sometimes it's like a Dutch braid or a French braid super big and fluffy and nice that's the look that I'm going for but every time I've ever done it it looks terrible so I'm just gonna try my best okay so she has a [ __ ] middle part here comes middle school she takes two extensions but I'm gonna see if I can do it without extensions there's so much dry shampoo in my hair see how much bigger her braid is than mine why I'm braiding why is mine look like this she does a normal [ __ ] braid and then she pulls it apart to be that big easy right should be easy why am i struggling I've seen people comment like if I have great soar like you should pull your braids apart so like bigger and fuller here's the trick as if I didn't know it existed I'm like every time I do it looks [ __ ] terrible hers is so much fuller though how'd she get it like that okay you know [Laughter] what that's pretty bad [Music] see but this is why like I want to practice because I'll see a video of someone that looks so cute with it and then I do it it just I look like I'm cosplay his Jesus like it doesn't look good and she didn't clip it anywhere in the middle like if I do anything this is why I just stay off Instagram like I get it okay maybe my hair is it curled but like this is the gist of this look hello what's going on back here regular mom oh cool mom there's a time and a place for this and it looks cute on this girl but if I just opened up my YouTube and just was like hey guys there's no way we can get past what's going on here I would get roasted I'll just do a French braid why is that look good it's pretty tangled at the bottom Oh every hairstyle tutorial is like okay do that and then just pull all this out like Hello okay does it look tight or does it look good because like they're all variations of this style and then they're like yeah then you're just like tie this up why does everyone's like theirs looks good and mine looks like I got hit by a bus this is it my look what like it took me four seconds like I know how to breathe but like why can't I make it look good maybe I need to learn harder braids is the problem like I'm just sick of watching videos where they pull the braid apart like this and it somehow looks better I just look like I'm coming from another century the more I do it this is my face the problem is really cute it's an insta scam loose braids are the fit T of hair they look good in a picture but like I'm getting scammed see if you didn't know my face right and this was just a faceless person and you just saw this you'd be like oh that's so pretty well I really like that and then you but like that's all you see on Instagram is this you see like a pretty tutorial and you're like wow that hair is so nice hello I think the solution is maybe I try some braids that I've never tried before so then I can try and do them on my own head someday but Julian I need you to put on that wig so that I can try you guys so a lot of the hair video I've watched this together this is called to talk off our trusty separate Ted Ted by Cofer simples well done I think that that looks really nice that's a hairstyle that just screams I'm a basketball and I think I can do it so you gonna make me a new basketball yeah first thing to do is they make like a crown ponytail then she takes a little piece from the ponytail and French braids it to like the bottom it looks like well would you look at that I can do it well you're gonna look like a basketball so I'm ready to be bounced just really doesn't like looking right I don't know what I did I think I'm doing a French braid but this looks not like that at all it looks like [ __ ] oh I don't know what to do oh my god we'll just wrap it around cuz we messed up I think we started off strong and then we ended poorly which is how all of my brains go I feel like you got a little over-ambitious because this is a wig it turned into like a twist almost in the back poops it out and tucks it into this one you don't you don't really look like a basket it doesn't everything that I braid just looks like it's from another century like nothing about this looks cute and fun or basketball like it looks like pure dog [ __ ] like it okay bounce me Mommy it looks like [ __ ] like even if I had a person with a real head of hair it would I'm a person between this braid and this braid like everything that I touch just turns so matronly and awful alright let's try another hairstyle I feel like I can do this it's called beautiful light hair weaving with other Russian words in front of it and although it took me two weeks to learn the Cyrillic alphabet in high school I cannot read that I wish you would grow your hair out so I could do all these hairstyles on you never gonna happen really why not I don't know why I ever thought that looks good Julian would get really hot and he'd be like can you braid my hair so I do like you know thick little braids backwards off his face and then within an hour it's already out I'm like well then why did you ask me to bring it in the first place it looks like she just takes it and goes over and under it's deceptively easy looking because I think she's just really neat and I think the trick is to like keep it really flat which I'm not good at because I like just do everything so harshly I can do it you can do it make me into a basket okay we're getting somewhere it looks good it looks good I feel like this is something if I had a mirror in the back I could maybe do this this is a braid that I'm into this is something I feel like you could do on a real actual human's head not just a hair at all so I think she did three and then she took these outside oh look at that that's beautiful and I did it it was like not that hard it looks like hers like I actually did it put some whipped cream on because I'm the apple pie I want to try it on my hair and so you've I didn't do it to myself how does that look it looks like nothing no turns out this is a hairstyle you can't do it yourself unless you had a mirror back to the drawing board we got to keep practicing you look so cute though but that's so pretty and it was so easy I know it looks scary but I think she just starts off with a French braid which I can handle and then weaves in some hair bows which I think would look really lovely on you plus look how cool that is crown ponytail again whole thing goes into a French braid we can do that right Julian mm-hmm oh god I'm glad you're not a person cuz this is rough feels like it would be painful I can do it what's it look like beautiful I mean mine looks a little lower than hers but I think we should be okay so now she undoes the top part takes little pieces and puts them into the [ __ ] thing like a bow so she leaves it through in a circle Paul set it forget it what Oh God you could see well I just did the feat of Engineering I do this it looks so cool but it's like so unbelievably difficult this is literally not practical this is why you see stuff like this on Instagram and on YouTube and you're like that's pretty because it isn't it doesn't belong on anybody's head it's just as fake as the rest of [ __ ] Instagram I think if you had like outrageously long hair this would work but that's the only way this is so not functional this is certainly not a hairstyle you could ever possibly do yourself I can barely even do it on another human being and it's not even your hair this is like one of the hardest things I've ever done we'll stop there and we'll wrap this around your braids cuz that's whimsical right I just do not have the skill look at your hair bows oh my god what how did you do that it was so very impressive oh I can't even imagine what it's like doing it on someone's actual head I think it's actually really impressive what you do this is cool but sure like that looks good on Daenerys hello oh they have professionals over there well that's cuz it's a wig but still a professional made that wig you telling me you've never gonna be a wig breeder mercenaries no yes actually all right I'm gonna try one more hairstyle on me to see if I can do it because it seems really easy it's called a pull-through braid it always look like big and full and I think it might give me that look that I'm going for without being too difficult first of all you use way too many hair ties to do it but you just do little ponytails and flip them inside of each other that's this is my last-ditch attempt because I feel like this is the only thing that's gonna save me get out like that what like that but like this takes so much more effort and so many more hair ties than if you just [ __ ] braided it and it looks the same isn't it so what the hell is the point and all these people like fluff it up so fluffy and it looks so big and full but like those are their extensions she was like seven hair ties and you can see them but like that looks like [ __ ] it's just like a big heavy rope does that look good I just don't understand how this is comfortable I will say this is the fastest easiest braid unless you know how to braid in which case just a braid is the easiest braid look good like everyone else's it feels awful like it feels like heavy in your way it is in my way clearly I'm not like incompetent at braiding cuz I just did tiny bows in your hair but like why can't I make a normal braid look decent it is though on the internet Julianne this is a normal pretty thick Instagram braid I feel ridiculous I think this looks good on someone it's just not me I'll be like oh I'm gonna do something different with my hair today so I'll start doing some of this and you know I spend enough time on it where I'm like okay I'm gonna make it work no matter what we're gonna make it work and then I'll get to here and then I'll be like I hate it and now my arms are tired my shoulders are tired so I'm like okay well what if I pin it up hate it even more then you pin it up and you mess it up and you gotta take it out and then you just decide you're gonna wear a ponytail but the moral of the story is that this just does not look good on me nor did that beautiful little side-swept braid I'm gonna keep trying okay in the future when you see me sometime I'm gonna have really cute big braids and you're gonna be like she's been practicing stop laughing in my hair what about this funny to you because I talk to him - ear it was hanging for me as I couldn't hear anything it's like wearing headphones well if there's one thing we learned here today is that sometimes you just can't will yourself into having good hair can you know you can no you can't but you can try and spend an evening on it and a day on it I literally spent all day doing this which I shouldn't I know if you noticed but it is now dark you had to change the lighting stop roasting me sometimes I question if I just show up in a video looking like this are you all gonna think I'm okay like I'm just gonna get all those comments that are like is Jenna okay they're just concerned I'm just I'm just trying a new hairstyle get some style I know you're all very jealous of this I'm proud of that even though it doesn't look good not a lobster anyways stay tuned in the future as I try experimental braids if I just show up in a video and I have an experimental braid please be kind about it because I'm just trying to make braids look good on me I either look like I'm like nine or a hundred what is that anyways that's it make sure you subscribe to my channel i but i do say wednesday / thursday um can I wear this because I feel like I can make this work what is this better what is this piece of paper get all my hard work maybe if I just keep pulling them out it'll fix it so I think if I keep keep pulling them apart that's what people on the internet say just keep pulling them apart and they'll get bigger and fuller and look better what the sky
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 8,614,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, trying, hair, braiding, tutorials, braid, braids, cool, awesome, roxxasaurus, hairstyle, julien, solomita, boyfriend, on yourself, loose, side, full, easy, pin, back, three, strand, french, dutch, pull, through, light, weaving, weave, crown, diy, how to, tutorial, follow, following, funny, best, cute, fail, vlog, salon
Id: 0m5TvH-D5tQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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