Podcast #176 - Our Favorite Things

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[Music] brought to you by me on these guys no more riding up the bum no more soggy underwear time to get you some of me on these three times softer than cotton new designs each month shipped right to your door guys you're getting a 20% off free shipping and our 100% satisfaction guarantee get the best softest dankest underwear there is family I'm wearing this it's gonna be green screen I'll probably go to meet a nice calm / annejulien I'm sitting on my front wedgie on me are you okay yeah I get 20% off and free shipping and it's gonna change your underwear life guys full and look like you're naked but you're not it's even cooler than that also guys brought to you by wink Merlot Chardonnay rose a cabernet sauvignon pinot noir me Pinot Grigio me guys that's confusing okay let wink do the hard work for you when it comes to wine wink is a service you hear me like I'm like wheezing no it's fine I'm just like exerted myself from the intro yeah I'm okay guys if you don't know anything about wine the difference it makes when you have wink on your side is they they do all the hard work for you they they get your palate profile you take a little quiz and then they send you wine that's tailored to your specific taste I like preference and its really awesome guys they send curated wines directly to your front door every month our new delicious wines and their great there's no membership fees you can skip any month and cancel anytime mm-hmm check it out by going to try wink that's t ry winc comm slash annejulien for $20 off i just got kicked to get wine delivered to you i told you that one of the conditions of having the dogs in the room when we podcast is you can't allow him to cry either then so okay you only cried once and kicked me in a circle maybe put him somewhere peach no that's your daughter okay if you put Kermit up top he'll stay up there okay guys you want to go seven yeah little bit we will be resuming soon I back in that well what are we doing today it's old favorite things except we ate Oprah we Jenna and we always wanted to make a favorites video I just never thought I was like cool enough to do that well I feel like when people do them it's like beauty community sort of and they have like new products every months we want to know like what you like that month but I mean we're just normal people just no more less you could probably make like one favorites thing but I couldn't make you a favorites video every month my favorites um uh Pheebs I just don't have that many things but I think this could be a cool series to have because I do have things that I like and you see in vlogs and whatnot but to highlight them specifically is cool because cool things and things that are worth your money they're worth talking about and they're worth your money too I think fish eh so keep in mind the things that's most worth your money is winking me undies okay but beneath that we are going to be showing you some of our favorite things that we use in our life whether it's everyday life or work or whatever for pleasure I have on this table amassed a group of items namely this fanny pack what is holding a bunch of smaller items that we're going to show you I want Jenna to start though so okay well my first thing is no surprise and they actually on my body okay my first favorite thing is black leggings straight black high-waisted beautiful amazing well these ones are from Lululemon and I understand that they're like $90 and some people don't like that but as the legging connoisseur let me tell you I used to buy mini $10 pairs of leggings and then I will always walk around with a hole in my butt and I was like it's just part of my pants I can't get to the store right the second stop making fun of me but I finally why listening this is a riveting story I finally like invested in one pair of lulu lugging Lululemon leggings like I don't know five years ago and I still have them like I'd say how quality you get what you pay for yeah like three or four pairs of just the plain black ones that have lasted me you know people whine about the pilling or stuff that sometimes happens with the different materials but like I really haven't experienced a lot of that and they're like don't put them in the dryer and I'm like oh do they want I put all of them in the dryer yeah and they're all fine and I don't give a [ __ ] yeah you dry and wash them and dry them and wash them the [ __ ] out of them and they don't break ever together they have very specific wash and dry instructions and you ignore all of them and they still last yeah I just don't care yeah but I would say like money-wise like I went through enough pairs of like cheap ones that would probably equal one solid pair of like $90 leggings from Lululemon and it would have lasted me the same amount of time cuz I Oh like I used to go to this place next to my grocery store in Boston and buy leggings and they were literally like ten dollars and then I like there's so many pictures of me like wearing them and such and they just would there be a hole in the butt you know I was like it's just there's a hole in my butt I'm very sorry about it but I'm 30 now and I can't just do that there should only be one hole in your butt cuz now it's like excuse me lady Wow lady you can't just walk around like that and I'm like I'm so sorry I'm an adult you know what I mean but to me for like my personal preferences and a legging which is I like them to be long cuz I wear my socks under here and then I wear them like down on my feet so I've kind of short legs you know but I like that it feels really God and I like when it goes up to here feels Rolly guard you know others think that they're really clod good yeah no material that I have a couple different ones in a different material but I I like just the regular ones but I don't really [ __ ] with the crop ones or like the you just like the straight up just straight black ones they make your butt look good well like how much do I wear these every day every day I mean that's I'm getting my money's worth yeah you know in a mirror and I would dress them up and out two things so yeah they're also they're not only my cash pants but they my dress pins cash pants okay on the topic of clothing my my first one is nutrition it's not clothing yes but I would take a bath in it and it's also one of my favorite things I didn't write on the list but I love you anywhere from like three to seven full containers of this in the house at at any given time its nutritional yeast or nooch or the the gold lifeblood of vegans I don't know this is something that makes anything taste cheesier better just wonderful you can put it literally on anything you're cooking pasta yep that's literally all we cook no like sauces yeah even just like you can even throw it on like a salad dressing or whatever like yeah anything you're making this will make it so much better there will be a time when we're like we're making a pizza sauce or like a lentil Bolognese or something and you want it to just be a little cheesy or thicker you throw some new chin there and it looks like morose weird it looks like fish food it's got like flakes a peach go away go so it's a popcorn this is a popcorn that we make yeah you can so basically you can use this for spices so you get like it acts as like a cheesy sort of binder right um and it's it's amazing it's like I don't even know it's yeah this is just if you're if you're in need of some vegan cheese substitutes or a cream whatever substitutes this is what you want not cream well it makes things creamy you can cream things yet but it's not like a but but so we make a popcorn where you you like do the oil in your pot and then you put your your popcorn kernels in there and then you can use the vegan butter if you feeling a little naughty but we do a mix of that garlic powder onion powder and salt and you put that on popcorn it makes this like delicious [ __ ] cheesy popcorn amazing yes and it has B vitamins in it okay go buy this you will not be disappointed it's amazing well yeah if you're into it you don't have to buy actually I'm selling this one ten dollars no no yeah he's definitely stable in the kitchen okay your turn newt newt okay I'm pretty sure that I've shown this many a time but one of my favorite things is this amazing rosewater facial spray with aloe herbs minerals and a word that I can't pronounce but this one is actually like almost empty but so I originally got this because I was looking for sort of like a toner and rosewater makes really nice toner but this one was cheap like this is maybe ten dollars but this is a big size and that was just at my beauty supply store like you could probably get it for cheaper than that somewhere else but this lasts so long I love it when it's super hot and you're just like out in the world and you're like God [ __ ] hot and you just pull this out and spray your face with it first of all it feels amazing it's moisturizing hydrating love it but I'm also a cheap [ __ ] and I use this as my setting spray when I'm doing my makeup because it's like the one thing it has going for it is that it smells good when you spray it everywhere oh that one was too but this this was the like honey we in van nuys that was a crackhead moment this is do that in public you're gonna get some weird looks but hey I swear though like there's some days when it's like really hot and I wash my face then I put spray this on a little bit do like a light moisturizer and this like sort of keeps my skin moisturize enough for the day you know what I mean yeah but this is so much cheaper than a makeup setting spray where they sell you a thing that's this big I don't know like this yeah I guess I guess it probably is a more economical yeah but it probably isn't like as good but I don't know I'm not super into like the setting spray have something other than is there a chemical in it that makes makeup stay I don't know about chemical but I have no idea what they're made of I know that some people like certain ones other than other ones but I've tried like the Urban Decay one and the NYX one herbal tea cake herbal the case re doing in my bed and I felt like this did the same thing if anything just made my skin more hydrated then a turn setting spray but I am NOT a beauty expert you'll have to ask someone that knows what they're [ __ ] talking about but I used this more I would say for like I like throwing in my bag and going around and spraying it when it's hot it's like you know when you're a kid and you had one of those fans with a water bottle in it and you would spray it on yourself it's like that for adults but like with some stuff that'll make you skin nice all right amazing I love it love it and I set my makeup I already know how much you use that thing so I go through a lot of she's not lying it's like one of your favorite things it's also on my favorite things to ask people if they'd like to get sprayed and then spray them would you like a spray no I'm wearing glasses do not app I feel better already tbh I feel amazing for a second with my hydro that's probably your favorite thing in the whole world that thing is attached to your body hydro flasks are very popular you probably know what it is this is the growler version they have different names for different sizes I initially bought my one of my best friends the growler for I think Christmas or his birthday or something and cuz he is he's a big dude and he hydrates a ton and he would appreciate the fact that it stays cold in this you know vacuum insulated whatever but is this massive I don't know how many liters or whatever it's like let's see 64 ounces 1.9 liters that's a [ __ ] lot and for me I always have the smaller one but I found myself refilling it like 64 ounces isn't that like if you drank one of those a day that's like what they say you should like eight eight cups or something eight eight ounce glasses of water a day yeah I guess it's like a full day but you go through like three of those a day I go through a two of them a day but having a refill at once in the middle of day instead of like three times throughout the day is amazing they have the top you need to stop crying because we're podcasting you needed like literally stop crying also shouts out really quickly to our awesome friends at pub G for giving us these awesome partner hoodies with our names on them yeah chuckling okay anyway so it stays cold often times I will forget to take this home from jiu-jitsu and I will get it the next day and it is still cold the water is still cold in it and then that's how long it stays cold it's incredible and it doesn't stick out at all especially you get a color like this but you have that special mouthpiece on that makes that right yeah see if you pop it up his is like squishy at the time so it's really nice like the ones where you just open them and drink out of I hate that are you so yeah you get the sippy top and it has it has a little distraught thing yeah that's amazing I love this thing so stay hydrated with your hydrophobic next to you at all hours of the day yeah that's always with Julian it's great all right my next favorite thing is ginger candies this is probably one of your favorite things too right gin gins where's the yellow bag okay so not for you I didn't know what these were Julian introduced me to these but something that I do know about myself is that ginger is like really magical to me like I don't know if you know that before you met me like what and you knew that like it would help actually no yeah I didn't know that ginger had that effect on me and tell him at you so I get like really for always like my whole life like seafood has made me really sick like if it's just in or around anything like I get physically nauseous and I have thrown up from trying it when I was the kid and my dad was like you like it I'm like that no I really don't think I'm gonna like it I think I'm gonna throw up and it makes me throw up not like allergic like I don't get hives but it makes me physically [ __ ] so yeah and you know sometimes just like flying or like motion sickness or stuff like that I'm like I always was like I don't want to take Dramamine like I don't want to feel weird or whatever and Julian told me I think it was because I had accidentally ingested fish we were in Australia years was that the first time and I yeah and you had wee basically had lot laksa locks that's what it was is it wait is it luck sir I don't know Rome says it with a weird accent and then LTS ka laksa laksa yes Elliot la que si Lok whatever it's a sorry it's like a it's art is it vietname no it's taught something Chinese Thai it's popular in Australia Rome showed us what it was she we order Jenna the veggie option right it turns out the broth had had fish in it and Morgan is not but it just must have been cooked in new with something with fish and it just means yes and so Jenna was like ill like she was like borderline vomiting not she hasn't like wasn't vomiting but she was like really nauseous all of a sudden it kind of hit her all at once so I ran down to the local pharmacy and she was like you know get and get whatever you can and I found these ginger tablets which normally I would say you have to really dig for those at pharmacies like CVS or wherever you are on they're not they're not the front of the aisle but at the front of how is the Dramamine or the anti-nausea medication over-the-counter stuff but I've always been a fan of ginger because growing up I've always had the worst stomach and ginger has been one of the things that consistently made my nausea go down my stomach pain go down so I I got her the medicine but I was like I'm gonna try these ginger tablets cuz I think she probably if I can get her to take them which is gonna be a hard task they're gonna work yeah cuz I was like um I don't know if you heard me but like I'm gonna [ __ ] throw up and Ginger's not gonna help it yeah throw that up too but so I took it and my nausea just disappeared and again those tab like ginger tablets are kind of hard to find in the u.s. I have been able to find them you can finally ginger gum and you can find ginger candies I have been able to find any real ginger tablets but either way the ginger in the candy and the gum does sort of do the same thing for me as long as it's made with pure ginger yeah and then like after that like I would keep a bunch of ginger because we found some in Japan too of like ginger candies those are really good and I never travel without them yeah so I would leave them in my backpack to travel with and then I would find myself being like oh the candy come won't eat that ball but I want to save it till sometime I'm like I don't feel that good we were traveling or something you know I should say that I'm like I don't know company so we found this at Whole Foods this is this whole like brand and line is Jin Jin's and these are like chewy ginger candies and these are [ __ ] delicious like we eat these really desert yeah well it's a spicy apple flavor yeah I don't like spicy don't eat it because we gave one to Shannon it was too spicy well that's part of ginger is it bites a little bit if you're having it in its pure form and if you're sensitive to like kind of like spicy like like ginger natural spice yeah ginger is gonna be a little much for you but if you enjoy that and you also want something that's gonna like this curb your appetite like as a dessert like you have it and you're like oh like I'm spicy now I don't crave anything yeah I understand you're coming from I don't think you can claim that no I'm just saying like it's your palette yeah it's like if you like if you're craving chocolate cake and you eat one of those you're not gonna want to awkward cake after I think that's totally up to the person and how bad they want chocolate cake but I understand what you're saying okay it's really good though I like them a lot alright my next one is Oh an eg beanie but I think that's also on my favorite list is it yes well we have like 25 need to be teased in this house they're dispersed amongst many rooms and closets but it is this is one of them is the neat dewdrops go on but our friends Chris Nick and John who owned the company needed the beanies that they make are the best beanies I've ever worn so that's just a quick one bomb analysis a beanie preferably black and meat dude yeah well while we're on food I want to go over my current favourite beer which is the American pale ale made by gluten burger this is a 360 view is the bottom of it I have a limited selection of beer I can have safely yeah drink cider of beers see if it has a beer drinker I enjoy beer so it's hard to find there's a few there's a few companies that I know make good beer and this is one of my favorites it's not my it's not my like all-time favorite but it's my current favorite it's smooth there's good flavor it's not an IPA so it's not too intense but it isn't just like a blonde so I don't know if you're a beer drinker and you and it comes in the tallboy size which I like this is my this is my current favorite this is absolutely delicious and for the gluten-free options that I have this is like right up there and it makes me feel normal it's really good though you're a drinker and you cannot gluten I would recommend it is a good beer alright my next one is probably I'm pretty sure the most expensive thing that's on here and it is expensive try me [ __ ] like it's it when we bought it I was like I don't know man that seems like a [ __ ] lot but like it's a Vitamix the blender oh if you I feel like if you were just using your blender for like smoothies like it's totally unnecessary like that kind of high powered blender at that price is really because I used to use a blender for years like ten plus years that was nothing like a Vitamix and was totally fine if you're just blending like fruit and ice and stuff like that yeah but once we got into the whole like we're gonna make a cashew cream sauce or like soup stuff or you know that getting more creative with what we're cooking yeah it's just the [ __ ] best thing in our kitchen it's hard it's hard to imagine having a normal blender after living with the Vitamix yeah because like you're eight like for instance like here's an example if you want to make a cashew cream sauce generally you have to soak those cashews overnight so they're soft enough to blend to do a cream not with a Vitamix you just throw them in with a Vitamix and they come for two to four hours we just go just roll them in there with the water and you're like oh look at that it's so beautiful and ready yeah the Vitamix is spectacular and if you like again I know this sounds annoying or whatever but if you're a vegan and you're making a lot of like cheese and cream substitutes by hand which is a lot of time what you do and it sounds tasking you know or taxing rather when you when you hear that like making sauce by hand but in reality you're like you just like a handful of ingredients in a blender and it comes out as cheese cream like and the the Vitamix is definitely like the most capable thing I have my kitchen it's really great for that stuff I mean it's totally not a necessity and I think that there are cheaper high-powered blenders like on the market but I'd say a high-powered blender that we have experienced right yeah it's just really much when do we buy that thing like four years ago even longer than that maybe five and it's it's we use it everyday still pretty much every single day yeah because we usually make us at least one smoothie a day at one point and then we use it for dinner almost every single night but well also maybe if you're a vegan or a celiac or a person that follows none of those things like you could buy something and use it whereas a lot of times we might be able to find like a V pesto that has some sort of gluten in it or something that's gluten free and absolutely not vegan so we find ourselves having obviously to like make a lot of the stuff that we want so some of that does come with you got a blend up something and put it in something yeah it's just I think we use it even more than we're aware of you know we do yeah we use it the more than a coffee maker we used to use it more than the company and say yeah that's nuts yeah I think that I think you're actually right I think that is the most expensive thing on the list mm-hmm but it's worth it all right my next one this is something I'm not sure if you can currently buy but there is an artist by the name of Alex Pardee who our friend Shannon showed me who he was and he makes this is his artwork right on the back of this this is a pin print that he sold and I think it was like a one-time thing and it's sold out now but I bought two of them I have one here and he did another design I have in the other room and for someone who loves pins collects pins and makes pins you basically pin your your favorite lapel pins on here and you hang this up on the wall and then you have the artwork with the pins decorated on top of it's so cool and I have not seen anything like this I've seen pin boards I've seen coaching boards I've seen cork boards but I've never seen anything that's already filled with art and then on top of it you put your pins I think that's really cool so I have to pin prints like I said this one hangs in yeah so this one has all the pins that I collect that are my favorite to display because I have more and then the other one oh yeah so I think it's super cool he's actually a really rad artist he's been doing like twitch streams of his artwork it's pretty cool like I love watching him draw and stuff anyway I don't know if you could buy it but it's Alex party's parent even if someone couldn't buy it that's something that you could make it's such a cool idea to like make a little canvas thing with a painting on it yeah hey marble okay my next two go together because I'm biased because they're mine not really though but pop sockets and a phone case with a wallet in it can't I can't I don't know what I did before this and I can never live without it the phone case with the wallet yeah because I'm not the kind of girl that really cares around a purse a lot used to be and then he lost it oh yeah Oh sad but even that was like a nice going out purse that wasn't like a bluey no that's like a wristlet yeah yeah I used to carry a bracelet yes yeah but yeah my I don't at this point I don't carry a bag really every day and this is like I just have all my credit cards and then you know my water or whatever I'm bringing with me but the specific brand of case doesn't matter this is whatever you like this one is by silk it says I think I found Amazon yeah we did because then you don't you know when you go into like a store and they only have alt like a certain kind of case and then they have a bunch from those brands or whatever and you're like oh I want all the cool ones I see in Amazon how come you guys don't carry different [ __ ] this is all very corrupt but I really this is the second one of this case that I have that I keep my cards and license and stuff in and then since I have a big-ass phone I have to pop sockets which changed my life and is the best thing in the world because I can use my phone like this and it sits as a little screen and then if I pop it down a little bit now we can play hearthstone law I mean breakfast and [ __ ] I can hold it like this I put it in between my fingers everyone's like that's so unnecessary and I'm like yeah well look at this it's amazing I love it and we're still working on another round of pop sockets so I'm I apologize we're trying we might be giving you some updates on that so we're we're trying we're trying but I do I genuinely cannot live without my double pop sockets and my phone case with with my cards in it all right well on the topic of phone cases and pop sockets I have the opposite I have something called a love handle and I trust me I like pop sockets I actually have a few phone cases with pop sockets on them so I'll swap them out from time to time but something about this love handle I love regardless the thing that's more important that I want to show you is this new phone case but it's not just the case y'all this is a moment phone case but it is part of the moment mobile lens system this because you have the case on those people you're attached to people this is what it looks like this is currently the 18 millimeter wide lens so if you I don't want to be in a red lens thank you very much you know what I'm trying to show my car all right so I don't know if you can see but like check this out okay so that's that's the shot you get normally and then you put the lens on hold on I'm doing this pretty gently okay and then you put the lens on and I'm not much farther out you see that so this is the wide lens and I'm gonna show you the superfish which is even wider it's like distorted almost which is kind of cool if you I do the macro lens as well yeah where you can yes he got the macro lens and some of these was so that he could take it cuz Julian Julian has lenses like that for his camera and everything but you didn't have a macro lens for your camera no I'll take pictures of your opinion yes exactly I don't a macro lens for my like a full-blown lens to put on my AAA 7s is an expensive thing like $3,000 no not like 3000 they're like upwards of 800 to like 2,000 depending or Lenzi yet don't forget it used well and also like I eventually be cool to have a macro lens because the reason is when you get a macro full like a full lens to put on your mirrorless or DSLR you're not just getting the in and the limiting thing about the macro version of this is that you can only photograph something right on top of it if you move a little back inside of focus with the proper camera lens it's the macro ability and focus goes from opposed to like here which this range is the toughest to get with most lenses it normally starts to get in focus out here so instead of only being down here or only being up here you fill that range but for what I need which is taking up close pictures of pins they sell a macro so I bought the lens kit and it's it's not cheap but the lenses are freaking quality there's no distortion that you can feel them in the way they attach very easily there's a very specific type of person that would buy that product in your one yes and I would say the iPhone ten if you have it it's like a great freaking camera built into it so like might as well get the most of it right yeah can I tell you a sad story what when I was a kid I saw this really beautiful picture like book I'm all these pictures close-up of like plants and I was so moved and excited by the photography in this book and I was like oh my god I want to take pictures like that so I used the camera that I had which was a ten dollar kodak disposable film camera and i went out to my yard cuz you know you just go to turn and you take a picture and you don't see it it's gone until you get your phone develop yeah I'm going out to my backyard and I started taking beautiful pictures of the leaves and the flowers up really close [ __ ] super close and I got that whole roll of film back and I was like I just do not understand how that man took those pictures is it possible they were so [ __ ] blurry my mom was like that's great sweetie I'm like mom look at them it's just all green and blurry cuz I'm zoomed in on a [ __ ] bush it's cute though like when when a child you know had just eyes have no idea like what goes into it and I'm like I'm just gonna go take pictures like [ __ ] that's a sad story yeah alright we moving on yeah but I think we I just want to interject um because I know you talked about your leggings but I have something probably even more comfortable with and leggings and it's me at ease and I think honestly you know we don't control we don't exactly have our hand in of what week what sponsor has fallen I think it's perfect that me and he's felling this week because they are actually my favorite underwear and they belong in the favourites episode it's true I wear me in these every single day I don't want other underwear I don't and until they invent pretty close until they invent like a sport compression short which I would I'm desperately hoping for I will literally only wear Mandi because the only time I don't want to wear my jujitsu compression trucks forever me and these guys okay the softest coolest underwear you could ever get I have I don't even know this print is called it's awesome they have literally new prints each month there banana print that they recently promoted a super cool I can't wait to get mine in my mailbox I don't have to go anywhere you give them your size and they send you underwear in the mail it seems like it's almost too simple to like exist other companies not figure that out it's so easy their social sure that you will love their underwear guys 100% satisfaction guaranteed to you if you don't love your first pair you get your money back ok full refund right now the ding fam gets 20% off your first pair and they got the shipping ok go to me undies calm that's ME UND IES Stockholm / Jenna Julian pick out a pair of underwear buy it with the code and check it out put it on your bum there's the thing why why are you here no uh he's not wearing Mandy's anyway guys check it out or click the link in the bio they've absolutely changed my life in the underwear arena and I never want to go back so you can I never want to go back I never want to go back to the grocery store and pick out wine like if sleep I want it to be shipped to me by experts I want experts who know exactly what they're talking about they know wine they know what type of wine I like they know my mouth very well where's wink is an incredible service imagine it's Friday you're tired you had a long work week you don't want to think the kids are being loud you're like hey sit down and shut up mommy needs a glass of wine but well look dingdong knock knock open the front door it's a box you open it up Oh a shining light comes out of it it's Jesus but not really it's wink it's your new wine that's been hand selected by the wink team of delicious wonderful wine that you didn't even have to exert any mental effort on how to find that line you pull it out of the box your husband walks in hi hubby and you open it you open it you pop the cork and then you pour into a glass take your sips all of a sudden your Friday is looking up the kids have quieted down to reading a book on their iPad and and life is great all because a wink this this scenario I know it sounds fake but it could be you right now I want you get out wink go to try wink that's t ry winc calm / annejulien guys you get $20 off your first order and they're gonna cover the shipping cost okay so you don't have to worry about that check it out awesome service that could be your life moving on do you want me to drop you off like a block away from school Sundays yeah all right anyway so moving on Gillian that was wonderful I love you but like god dammit I hate you sometimes you are just the worst true love love hey hubby okay my next thing is different gel dappling gel point 1 acne treatment so when I was a teenager like early high school so like maybe ninth grade I feel like from 7th to 8th grade to like ninth grade I had like bacne not super bad but like to the point where I was self-conscious and I didn't want to wear like tank tops or anything and my mom took me to the doctor and they had prescribed me different when I was like which is currently still well hold on so I used it and I cuz I was really nervous I had gone to like a school dance and I wore like a feather boa to the best of my ability to sort of cover up my back and like obviously no one noticed it's totally like a you thing and no one cares but after that I was like mom I was really you know like sad to go to this dance because I'm like self-conscious about my back entry cycle thinking the doctor you know will get somebody to get you something and I used this and I swear on my life it like sort of because I was washing it with like a regular soap and then putting this on I think dry two times a day to begin with or one time and a day I think they've just at night and it cleared up my skin for like years like it didn't come back through college and I had like had stopped using it or like use it as like a spa treatment and so yeah and then like it just didn't come back and then recently I was like no some of it sort of is coming back because you know as you're getting like older your hormones change so your skin's like different than it was when obviously when you're a teenager or in college or whatever so I was like I saw a commercial that was like the FDA or whoever the [ __ ] just approved different to be sold like in OTC what's ot somebody current sorry yeah looking a Rite Aid or CVS and I was like that's really exciting because I mean yeah maybe I would go to a dermatologist and even though I don't think I've ever done that in my life really maybe once I did one time when you were kid yeah and I was like that's really [ __ ] dope so I just went to like CVS and they have it and I was like this is and now I can throw out all my other ones that are just like the salicylic acid or like benzoyl peroxide cuz I feel like I always have very mediocre results with that not really my face I don't really have like acne on my face but sometimes I'm like my back or like where your bra strap goes and stuff like that and it's just like it's the best and I [ __ ] love it and you can just get it at CVS so that's probably my my jam huh that's dope yeah it's a cool story actually not being sarcastic a really cool story they like it approved to be over-the-counter and you found it as an adult yeah like when you asked me to help you out this is what I put well you really can't put some different on it I was like oh you just said well on the topic of medicine this isn't medicine these are drops I like eye drops a lot I have naturally really dry eyes so I pretty much daily take eye drops and I've gone to eye doctors and I've asked a lot of you know doctors questions like what why am i red late at night or what you know went right in the morning why don't I feel like I have to take odd jobs and I just have been diagnosed with like really dry eyes like that's what it is so I have two separate ones that I like one is approved by my doctor and one is absolutely not this is the one that the eye doctor recommends you can't see from here it's called sustained ultra high performance lubricant eyedrops this basically helps me when I feel when I when I wake up or I'm going to sleep I've been staring at a screen a long time I feel strained my eyes are dried out this helps really like hydrate my eyes this makes my eyes feel better but that's it if my eyes are red and I put these in they're gonna still be pretty red after that's where these baby come in layer this bad boy this guy he is like he is like your your your closing pitcher bottom of the 9th there's like probably seven of those in and around our couch and just these are he is my Mario they're everywhere they're everywhere in this house he comes in at a late game and then you're always like where my drugs I pop went in in my eyes automatically and and this is the one that my eye doctor was like don't take that one don't do it why well it's just these strain the blood vessels in your eyes to the point where the blood doesn't show anymore but it makes them less red and it's literally only one that I've used aside from like prescription ones which I've had that make my eyes not red so it's like these and I don't have to use these every day a lot of days I'll wake up in my house we'll be fine they won't be red most times I'll use this sometimes I'll use this but just together I feel like I have special eyes that have special needs and I just people are [ __ ] rude honestly two people wrong with your eyes what are you [ __ ] high and it's really annoying so I don't blame you even though your doctor said don't use that like it's really annoying yeah having red eyes is not a fun thing socially or on the internet yeah yeah those two my bad boys right there starting pitcher my bad okay the next for the next four of mine are all for the dogs so I'm going to go relatively quickly okay so these are actually the second sort of version of this that I've bought the first the first ones that I bought where I bought them from Germany on a web site and because they were sort of like a prototype and if any of you guys have been watch my boots are super a long time you might have seen them but we recently got rid of those just because the these new ones became available that we're like smaller and lighter and easier and a little better to like change the battery but I don't know if these are waterproof the ones from Germany were waterproof easily yeah so we found these are like local pet store and they come in like a super duper long clear tube like this and this you know when you buy it it's very long and then you cut it to adjust for your pet size I can't open mind let me do my favorites I'm holding the Ambu display model so is this one Hermes no that's marbles so they light up and you press it one time Hey okay sir you press it one time like stop I'm putting it on the table I was gonna show them and you make wearing it I'm trying to help it out you press the stop no I didn't touch your eye drop absolutely did no roll it back you press it one time to light up solid and then you press so two times to blink in my opinion I like I feel like this should be law if you if you live in a city or somewhere where there's like you know if you live in the middle of nowhere and you want to walk your dogs and uncouth [ __ ] cares you know I'm saying or even if you let them run out in a field at night and you want to see where they are but in my opinion in a city these should be law because the difference that they make is just astounding it's like how you if I law you need to wear a light when you're riding your bike you know what I mean like these do not substitute is your dog's collar you slip them over their head like this can you see criminal and we've like we've messed around with the leashes that also light up but to me as long as they have a collar on that's what really makes a difference because then cars and other people walking can see that you have animals and where they are at night and it's just for safety purposes this just makes a world of difference and again like if you're the kind of person that lives like on a farm or like out in the middle of nowhere and you let your dog sort of like run around at night this is like amazing because you can always see where they are at night and you don't have to just like rely on them coming when they're being called and that kind of thing and I just like I don't know how anybody functions without this you know is when you walk your dog at night you're in the dark or in the rain or like that dusky hour where it's really hard to see no matter what like it's just so much safer and I've had shown people stop me on the street and be like where did you get those what are those that's when they were the old ones they didn't sell them at stores or you know they sell the little one that goes on the collar but you can't see it from behind you know if someone's driving from behind you they can't see your dog's collar blinking in the front you know the like a collar option is just like the best thing in the world and I really feel like it should be a law maybe not a law but like strongly advised you know I mean it should be it should be more required than it is like a little kid would you let your little kid just like run around in the street in the complete dark you're like no dude that's not safe why don't you play in the driveway until the morning now is it it's really nice to be able to see them at night especially each by color geez pink and bubbles blue and kuba is green also this is the system of measuring their sizes is very easily you just literally cut it to fit the exact size and then you don't you don't attach their leash or anything to this like you they wear their collars as normal and then they you do that again so he can they can see without the mic and yeah so like at night you just you're slipping it on and off their head and it's big so you can slip it on an offer if they have a funny shaped head you can attach it together but like you're not going to attach anything to this you know what I mean it's just like a little necklace that they wear but they get really excited when you got a pink one this one's we cheese why is it like that yes baby thank you and then my next one for the dogs is their car seat again probably the second most expensive thing on this list but I invested in it maybe seven years ago like right around the time I got permit or a little after and I got it from a website called GW little I'm sure you could find like the manufacturer of it or like where they maybe sell that but it straps into the backseat of your car like a actual huge like couch car seat for multiple dogs and we strap them in there and it just makes a world of difference because they're up high so they're less anxious it's safer for them they can all sit there together they're not walking around the car we're not doing this like we put the car seat in the front or I don't know it's just too much it's just their backseat they're all in the backseat if you have multiple little dogs to me it was like a life-changing experience to have that car seat yeah and then also their dog stairs which I also got from GW little they were not cheap but that's because I went through maybe three wooden stairs that I had gotten from like a Petsmart or a Petco and all my friends hot they were hilarious little stairs and would step on them and [ __ ] break them and it used to drive me crazy in college it's like everyone's drunk favorite thing to do step on my little stairs and ruin them it pissed me off they were from Bubble how dare you but so I have finally invested in those like soft ones that are just shaped like scalloped stairs all the difference in the world and they've lasted at least seven years out and greenies greenies is my last dog favorite I don't know how we survived without them there's it's like drugs to them it is they don't get them like every day but we give them at night sort of like not dinner but like bedtime sort of and it's just their favorite thing in the world they just love greenies their actual crack for dogs so collars dog bed greenies and better friends and stairs mm-hmm friends that won't crush your dog stairs yeah okay my next item is fanny packs in general but most recently this one this is a an REI small pack well it's relatively compact which I like because I have a couple big fanny packs which you know they're good but if you need something low-profile that you need quick access low profile oh hi intense low low profile oh you have two separate pockets but what's cool about these pockets and I have a bunch of my favorites inside of them I'm going to take them out inside you have it almost looks like it was kind of built for cameras because there's like these two like pockets and you put I put batteries in there for my cameras and I can haul batteries very easily and cereal and I could I can pour cereal and you do that my penny pack and then this outside pocket is even smaller I put my SD cards in there see there's one in there right now it's real pretty nice and if I'm ever feeling a little Oh crazy sometimes a word over my shoulder but I normally do that with the bigger fanny packs since that was really short one I'm gonna do my flashlights next these these are these are the MVPs now these are not all of them these are just my favorites I have a Dinant headlamp would you consider yourself a flashlight connoisseurs I don't like you are no no I'm very in trouble but I am subscribed to the flashlight subreddit so I learn every day this is a headlamp I think a headlamp is something that everyone should have period it is incredibly helpful for times when you need to do something at night that you weren't planning on doing checking the breaker at the back your house going check checking things I use that to walk the dogs sometimes it's incredibly helpful when you want to be hands-free and you want light a headlamp they're super cheap mm-hmm you can get them on Amazon this is a little higher end when I got this one at REI they have some really nice ones that you're gonna and I'm telling you flashlights they're fun man so like if you get into it you're gonna want to get good ones so this is mine it has a couple different settings and then these are my two babies right here these are Phoenix flashlights this is the PD 35 tactical this is my main boy right here it's a big one I'm not joking when I tell you Julian doesn't leave the house without a flashlight uses 18 650 battery takes them everywhere which are big boy batteries these are not doublea's these are 18 650 so they require an entirely separate charging system don't know last time I chart this battery was it can go up to with its with its strobe mode a thousand lumens which is enough to in like for temporary measures blind someone not that I wanna do that but there we go so I'm gonna flash you guys real quick BAM really really bright this one is this one is like my the one I take when we go on trips or we're camping or we're going somewhere and this is my like grab-and-go mini version this one something like that out to dinner and it might get dark it's he carries it with him everywhere he's trying to track down your lift that's literally what it is it's incredibly helpful guys a good flashlight is worth all theirs peace of mind having a good flashlight and you know what now I don't go anywhere without mine so it also means that I don't need a good flashlight and I don't need to carry one you hear that ladies and men okay your flashlights in here ladies and men won't need one oh I only got a couple more okay I think I'm gonna cut a half yeah well cut some out to this though this I feel like is like a life hack okay so we went through so many like throw blankets for the couch and they were all like I was unhappy with how big they were I wanted them to be bigger and so we did this stupid thing where we go to like Target or whatever and we're looking at the blankets it's so good so it's big enough for two people Luba and then finally I like sis knocked I had done had it with throw blankets and their fancy [ __ ] and I just don't like it don't like it not here for I just want a big comfortable [ __ ] blanket so you girl head bit over headed over sorry yes he he did I headed over to the bedding section and I said you know those little blankets that they sell for your bed in a queen-size I forget are these queen or king size they're king these are huge by the king size just get a blanket for a bid not one that's meant as a throw throw blanket use it as a might use it as your blanket so these are like legit they're the size of a bed but they're thin enough material to not like you know it's not like having a comforter downstairs but even the ones that we put on top of the couch like those are queen-size blankets meant for a bed but they're the best blanket for man and they're large which is one thing I appreciate yeah and now I'm done shopping for throw blankets because we finally have some that we really like that will fit and then not get ruined because they're little mm-hmm me I got so sick of [ __ ] little ass blankets they do love them yeah but yeah give yourself a queen or king size blanket meant for a bed and use that as your throw mm-hmm if you down for blanket time if you're not down for a blanket time what are you doing no I don't know all right my next item is something I use for my camera I think I've showed this before I've definitely show this before and I think you guys might know what this is this is made by peak design okay and it is a camera belt clip so basically you will get stopped at the airport yeah tsa doesn't like this but you you put your belt on and then when your belts on you thread this through and then you loosen the knobs and you your belt goes in between there so you're basically like clamping this onto your belt and then what you do is you clip your camera in and it locks in with this little mechanism right here you can you hear out on my camera with me but you can hear it it clicks in like it clicks in like that and there's even a lock function where if you don't this is the button that releases it but if you want it so the button won't release it you turn it once and then it's locked so that you're afraid of someone hitting it in the camera going fine just keep this on it's an eye lit anywhere I'm carrying my camera I have this on my belt and it makes filming not only vlogs but like bigger projects LMT or whatever I'm shooting where I have multiple things going on I can't just hold one camera and be occupied with that I need to be able to like pop it on my hip and do something else hugely hugely huh he does every single time get stopped at TSA and they make him take it off and look at it and stuff yeah well lately I just been just been putting in my bag yes but yeah I don't think about they don't they don't like that they don't like that but yeah that's about camera clip and it works with the attachment plate that goes on right on my tripod so what my camera it'll pop on this I take it off and with the same mounting plate it goes on my tripod you love that thing it's pretty great you use that like every day my next ones are all beauty related I'll do them together these is my favorite beautiful people things this I think is like usually around ten dollars so this one was eleven dollars again I think that beauty supplies are charges a little more than usual this is now my second or third one of these this wet detangle professional what's the name of the company is wet wet wet brush gross wet I would have named it moist gross this is the best my favorite hairbrush that I've ever used I love it my hairdresser years ago was like oh do you have a wet brush and I was like what the [ __ ] is that she was like here and it looks like any other hair brush like the cons used when I was a kid they sell them in like black and all different colors I was like I don't get why it's great it really it just sits you can use it on your wet hair you use on your dry hair and I literally use the other one like to the bone because I'll style it with heat products and that probably damaged it a little bit after four years of use it's pretty nice so I finally just got a couple new ones and they're just my favorite [ __ ] brush he's got a wet brush hmm and then benefit they're real mascara is my all-time favorite mascara I think I've ever tried I just recently tried they have a new one bad gal bang or whatever I still like this better and my favorite thing in the world is to wear the black on my lashes are like with fake lashes and then they sell a primer or like a brown mascara on the bottom lashes because it still looks like just as dark like in a picture or on camera or something like that but it looks really natural in person and not as like black that's tight because I have like really pale [ __ ] white people's skin and black mascara sometimes just looks real scary on my bottom lashes you know just real scary I got my favorite lashes ever now listen okay like I've dabbled in some fancy girl lashes like the crazy expensive ones that are like $26 for like one set and they're like well you can wear it six times I'm like yeah I understand but like I got drunk and one of them fell off and I don't know where it is anymore okay but like I'm all for like maybe a fancier pair of lashes if you're a girl that wears lashes or a guy that wears lashes a lot but these are like my go-to all the time if I just want to throw on a pair of lashes these are my [ __ ] there are del demi whispies because I feel like you can dress them up enough to be like nice if you want it to look nice for a night out but you didn't want to wear a big heavy lash and they're always good and small enough to be like nice during the day I mean depending on your eye size or shape maybe you're looking for something really tiny but for me it's a good size to wear and I'm like I'm wearing lashes but they're not super invasive they look a little more than natural but not too much and they're not that expensive isn't very versatile yeah that's my [ __ ] and now they sell them in bigger packs which I'm happy about because they go through them kind of best mm-hmm and then you make fun of me for where I leave my lashes he's left one on my computer the other day like on my physical laptop I'm really sorry that's good probably an accident it's all good I can probably end my favorites there I think I can have my favorite say I was gonna include tiny hand but he's an obvious loves this tiny hand well yeah this was this was cool I hope you guys enjoyed the favorites obviously we can do this again we have more things that we can show you if you want us to focus on any specific sort of favorites or whatever let us know but yeah let us know in the comments what some of these maybe you already use for some of your favorites because I'm keen to know what you guys use yeah I agree or if you have any flashlight suggestions for Julian let's have a flashlight party I love flashlights you guys have a wonderful week this Wednesday Jenna and I are actually gonna be playing in a pub G tournament live on Twitch it's gonna be real fun how I got here where there's giving more information soon so stay tuned on our twitter at Jenna Julianne if you want that but we got we'll be playing this Wednesday so check it out thank you guys for hanging out we'll see you next to go next episode [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 651,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: 2pEbqHindso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 7sec (3487 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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