10 DOPE Robots That Will Replace Your Friends!

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okay wait wait wait calm down dog calm down hey Luigi he's hungry then torque him back everybody and welcome to dump or nope the show where we rates products dope or nope and today we have a here for you and that is we are fig we have a here a heater sorry to accentuate you here for you my throat pillow messed up so it's a little hard for me to talk but we have ten robot products that'll make your friends nope we have ten robot products that will replace your friends so these are ten roll products that are gonna be hopefully so good you don't have to worry about even having friends anymore cuz you can buy them just like a fraternity what you're saying is I can finally replace you well guess what I'm sick and you just hand shook me so good luck sir have a good day makino erect oh no max Roboto interactive toy with artificial intelligence a toy robot it's got eyes it has clamps for hands and then has little buttons and has like a look looking like a d-pad no that looks like Vader okay oh it does look like Darth Vader that person has nothing to say Reed does first no here's what you do build from now on from now on when you have a text like that you only get to pick three words from this I'm picking short wrong plug received sophisticated those words were in that all right poorly written build instructions amazing Terrell off for the cost he's pretty much saying hey I'm Way smarter than whoever built this product cool flex only pick three words holy moly they're writing college essays about this we get it you're smart we get it you like engineering and science and technology and medicine we are making a robot I love the vagueness event I hope right when you turn him on he just says hi and runs toward you for us and he's you know like like look at my face I wouldn't take that as an attack punch it what's that little dude you have to make sure hands are working properly starts start systems test I'm good at this game is he gonna say after everybody just tickled max did they're not they're not cold at all actually I'm wearing a sweater dress like alright alright I hate this weird give the man what he wants he puts the lotion on the skin oh wow you didn't like that last one did you brush what this isn't even real this one's fake this one's not motorized you don't know that yet his way this one's not motorized you're lucky he doesn't have feeling in that arm this onboarding process is so long just like come alive and like let's go [Music] first he shut down you garbage he's trash why is he trash he's that trash was the best robot I've seen is he well max is a good teaching robot hey hey hey I think he's a dope yes yes yes I do think that there are worse robots out there but this one's actually pretty cool and he's got some cool things going for him and he can help teach the kids yeah that's a dope next robot sharper image full functional wireless control robotic arm toy with spotlight jumbo claw grip and tank thread wheels those are the tank thread wheels that's the Jumbo claw tres tres what'd I say thread oh yeah whoops no you just put a nature there's no a chair at all got one of those smiles as like way too many teeth what kind of surprises lady she's really scripting this right now and it's hurting me a little bit does it come with that that's not an awful you just ran it over those pockets are too small lady I don't think you're her just one more time yeah just super millions of people to see Oh Gina Oh Gina Oh Gina we're gonna call you Gina just your friends don't think it's you Gina she committed so a proffer all right we got a robotic arm let's at the cart 20 bucks 20 bucks am i right Oh wish you waxed me like that all right Michael turn around [Laughter] try and grab this piece of paper from my nose please hold dang girl you lookin cute I move my head a little bit make you work for it he's gonna give me a bloody nose I know oh crap all right now pick this up Michael Michelle and feed it to me and feed it to me just stressing me out huh slow honestly I was started hitting random ones imagine if that was like how you picked up a water bottle just like it kind of is you to do it in fast motion right you can't rotate this yeah oh no easy easy Wow sliding right up to our DM these are poorly I can turn give me that but it's Tanner time why does it oh yeah everyone gets it oh yeah here we go hey pull above who used it the best there's only gonna be two names cuz michael ten even lift it but it was a good effort michael these poles buddy I'm gonna put Michael Michael Michael what are you resting of the product Osito I think it's dope yeah it's got tons of pinching potential from limbo yes your time has come next product this next product is a like demise super realistic super dangerous but guess what it's just a toy it's a toy shooter Paul shoot last we're not allowed to say this so we say shooter Oh shooter better so the idea behind this is that we're gonna buy a bunch of products that are toys but are probably a little too dangerous to be toys so what that means is that we need you guys to give this video 100k likes if you guys want us to do that because the risk here is the fact that YouTube might just not even want this on their platform it might just and the fact we could get hurt these are actually dangerous younger ghetto dangers so 100k likes and will buy this that's pretty literally 11 books that looks crazy scary our next product goontack Marvel vengers endgame Iron Man MK 50 robot oh I think I've seen this before no I think you do the high trigger for this - pika yeah I did the hype trigger for this a while back and like if I'm not mistaken you can put your face in that yeah that's what the stun nails hey I don't know why they're acting like it's so fun but it's just kind of weird let's watch the video this is $290 honey mr. Krabs would freak out somebody bought this coming out of your wallet it just like looks around you guys aren't even paying attention they're so bored has a dual purpose microphone dude you can play a I put on our sensor anyone else get helmets that are 10 times too big for their head just like a little it's big said like this tiny inside that thing Add to Cart a mousepad what is this mouse pad this is janky is mousepad ever that's a mouse pad that's like dirty yeah it is kind of dirty what is this you know your product doesn't work well if customer service is one of the first two buttons you see that's concerning he's like a little manchild let's do mobile command stuff it goes press which question performing an action oh yeah he glitched out just as funny as Robert Downey jr. let's see lift off lift off his hands low Roberts gonna put the smoke effective what does me do your face hi what what's happening let's try it I'm uploading this is my threat [Music] the timing of it it's like so BA than just that how do you see his face yeah show me his face what it's all of this come there you go it's a terrible approach you get killed walk it off why your why are your head so small this is cool you can kind of go through and do combat training and stuff too which is really neat to do the AR stuff nice it's looking cool thanks I'd like to see we'll show you an edit to verify your ear setup hold the device so you can see both the mat and the front of ironmen you do I'm tired o lock on a target okay then get out of my way with the screen pop-ups this is cool whoa he's like dance he's like popping her and I like dancing never seen Iron Man not fly when he's fighting he is flying look how above ground is alright guys so I think I probably respect the dopest part we looked at know why yeah this one sing I say know what get to your fake news audio the bestest thing you ever seen I'm officially rated a dope that's officially this guy matter but next product solar-powered robotic goldfish oh wow Michael go loves it he's actually gonna finally out of bread yes for all the times I'm alone in my office oh I love it oh wait what kind of cool this is like your first fish and then it passes away so your grandpa gets you a new fish is that actual water in there just put it by your window and then I mean it's fake oh it's solar powered so I'm guessing that helps in middle didn't you read that that was Lilly in your title yeah when you're reading comprehension is of a 3rd grader now they can do better than that the solar-powered robotic goldfish conjures up it doesn't Kandra it's not like a wizard solar powered robotic goldfish conjures up a classical Japanese image of a vividly colored goldfish like something out of the meek and Ninagawa photograph of Yoda rotoview corona woodblock print it's a goldfish in a tank does it make me feel home full find out Add to Cart there's a real fish in here I'm screaming no there's no real fish what's the bottom of the package say thank you - dino-man whoa did not expect that oh I got it how do you get it boom son boys I have things moving it's putty it is puttan he's going here let's let's put more lights on it Tanner get yours out - what are we having Styx concert this is called the power of friendship yeah see there you go that's what happens you can hear it though yeah I wouldn't like that it's like whoa we're not getting sashimi calm down these kind of cool I was like robots you know you hated the first one that was the only real one that's a fake robot I mean it's cool but like it's a little weak you know like it should move a little more 50 bucks no no good yeah Bob for the price I'd say no that's like a dollar store thing that's a it's 10 20 bucks worth like 10 bucks all right for EM dueling robots packaging may daddy I think I've seen one of these before on this channel Oh Brigance it didn't work though alright so you can put some markers or colored pencils right here right you can get this at the Science Festival if you really want some crazy circles and yeah build a robot that's it artists watch check out my thermal robot wow they're obsessed with spinning boom one arm one body one paper three legs three pencils three circles let's get it hey 333 360 360 what what assemble your own doodle in row doodle intro alright we got a robot he's gonna draw for us you know what I'm saying I'd rather have a robot do something useful for me just me though like what massage I don't know they roll me around places you have a wife for laugh I'm a robot get out of the car okay Pikul see what you got brothers yeah let's see it's just vibrating alright whoa dude put that on your back serious or this area come on let's get Connor get them a circle back tat circle back to that's gonna be caught up on the corners yeah definitely you should be not oh maybe not yeah you right that is kind of therapeutic to look at wow that's just ruining the tips of those pens I mean it's going so what is the point of this that what it's doing like I well because you have to build this right you had to build it so I guess like to build it and like here's the payoff like oh it draws I'm a I guess do a kid maybe it's entertaining but till how long until they're just like what's your name very what can I walk around the corner making a Christmas tree oh he's running my name in cursive sucks Tanner suds suds suds but Tanner said but I think this is a no I don't think it's a dope but I think it's yeah I can see be like a one-time-use kind of thing so yeah bucks just to like drop it on some paper yeah I say no take that treat that's product ruff-ruff Zoomer playful pup responsive robotic dog with voice recognition and realistic motion wow you know what's really upsetting the fact that part of it is furry yeah just as years ago the hacks I don't like that oh I know the are those like the eyes are a little off and then I looked it's got fur commit to one or the other like it looks like a rat its tongue should be like slime slime right guys Lenny wouldn't lick you you like feel it yeah handlebar mustache kind of [Music] just like a real pup did she does inspire a puppy that was not a trick time to get out for another day that was like the most forced thing I've ever seen normally $100 we got 450 okay so here's the deal right your new best friend playful pup you know we've seen some of these in the past here on dopa nope some like animatronic types of animals and I'm gonna be honest with you luna absolutely loves these so you know it's pretty functional for a toy for a kid isn't organ assembly he's about to break his back does he do anything it really is just torquing at you dog it's like it's like hey hey Mathias what was that supposed to be that was like it was trying to roll over before it's like a little deer it's like yeah it's literally like a deer wait wait come down dog calm down it's just so loud how do you rub his belly okay that has demonised it's just really loud yeah I think I'm taking this off it's got crazy eyes it's funnier things is standing up it doesn't know when it's not Wow ya know it's a rat okay kind of gives you a headache I bet you want to take that on Glee now so just like motor stops ah sorry sorry Luna when you see this in the future oh all right lots of nope yeah I'm gonna say that's a you can throw dog I can't they can't do it yeah people you kicked off of twitch for this so we'll give her to her handler YouTube's gonna strike taking a nap you know she twerked off the table that's all it is we got Tamiya or Tamiya I'm not gonna assume chain program yeah v1 of baymax and it's a robot building kit and that's what it looks like when it waves and pretty much you can set up cones and they can go through them test your skills by creating calm down there it goes through this course tester skills by creating a course in programming a robot to successfully navigate it we love that okay okay if I can successfully program it why would I make a course to test it what okay okay so with wouldn't it wouldn't I want it to test itself and not what I did myself you have to program so you can test it too so it's like these little tracks right here these tracks you can design different tracks I believe oh my left to right left I didn't like that's what he's testing is like how he can like maneuver so you can set up to go in different obstacles that's cool so we pretty much have to decide what he goes at a time and then we have to see how he executes it while he starts running I love you too Mia let's go ahead and buy that probably Add to Cart so Noah has a track pre-loaded on it and it looks like it's pooping let's get down for the tail some dinosaurs have tails so yeah you can just turn it on right now and it'll start going through whatever the chain has for it let's take a look here I could have just zoomed in but how about this instead see that forward left left right right follow these letters to tell you where to go oh oh oh it's very fragile boy who put him on this side of table and he's done almost I don't like that it comes out the front I really realize I don't like that it's kinda like reverse pooping that were you know wow there's a lot of pieces kind of gives me anxiety this is gonna take literally 20 minutes two hours later I'm Michael it's not even it's not gonna get through the whole thing yeah oh my gosh kind of give me like little buddy what do you call this one Michael I call it the disaster I call this the cop looks the same as mine he just came right back around supposed to do donuts but it turns out takes a long time to do a laughter okay yeah what's disappointing is that it just takes so much time to build this entire thing together and then he's just yeah that great to be honest so you know egregious nice product before we get to the next shoutout bringing the next product a big shout-out to shamil Shirley for being a member and if you guys want to know how to get a shout out go ahead and check out that join button down below and hit that do it button there's a new button I swear but until then next product all right we got a forum brush robot packaging Mayberry again what is he doing he just mind he's supposed to paint 90s nineties night yeah laughs this reminds me very much of like Bill Nye the Science Guy when I was an element yeah drugs oh yeah I get it sweeping robot all right you gotta build this guy come a little motor that brush just like the brush I use on my beard but it's for sleeping so hopeful all right requires some batteries you know change your child's imagination with toys when you bring your hand I'd let you put your hand on his leg I'm so calm just like thanks Michael oh you're gonna crush these up no I'm just gonna put them on the table no no here I got a great idea oh no I don't know if I trust you come on I trust the guys all right have a great idea personable let's test out our little friend oh my god the googly eyes fits this whole thing a little off the rails he might be he just vibrated off of that [Music] hear me out and only one you wanted this but I do this thing is the worst no there's something else look this way look he's like what does he look like it looks like a cricket from Bug's Life he's not it's kind of cute a little cute little robot you want around he'll see an alien all I'm saying is hopefully you know this one does its job what is it supposed to do talk Hey kuru hates with you what's on his chest is that like a baby carriage I don't know why I expect you to understand that oh you know we might be in a little bit of trouble with this product cuz none of us speak Japanese no all right well let's test let's see if we can figure it out at the car he's here why he's tiny Oh Roby's cute little tiny boy turn him on good morning morning say Luigi he's hungry hi hi Robi no my name is Tanner not Dostana dude you're twerking all over my table right now brother I think that soy boy Roby what's your name you're a pirate good morning that kind of worked do you love me I'm sorry I didn't mean to talk over you do you love me are we supposed to be able to talk to it yeah but we don't know what Japanese so was this a flawed product no but are we silly media oh I think I ate a red mom what do you think Michael you won't eat anything he won't speak our language she's pretty much et he just keeps shaking his head of us no no no no no seems rebellious but I'll put him with this little guy looks a little friends I'm gonna say it's a dope you just don't we can't speak its language so I'm gonna say it's I'm sorry what do you guys read it what in the pool hey ray goldfish ten out of ten guys go ahead and check out that video that is a video that YouTube recommends specifically for you right check out that video actually it's a whole playlist of my favorite video so you guys want to look and see what I think are the funniest videos we gotta burps yeah my favorite videos oh give me a red one yeah I can smell it but you know it smells good those videos right over there and hit that subscribe button bell icon we'll see you guys there that's like a baby oh no that's right that one was right
Channel: Dope
Views: 3,099,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2019, top 5, top 10, trending, popular, cool robots for kids, robots, diy, tech gadgets, gadgets, tech, amazon, amazon prime, amazon prime day, haul, shopping haul, friends, best friends, funny videos, comedy, funny, iron man, avengers endgame, overseas, matthias, dope or nope, hi 5 studios
Id: mnx0Y3Fj8TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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