10 Snacks That Are EXTREMELY Rare!

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Del Taco made one too? Yeah. What is their's called? It's just called a bun Taco? It's call a bun taco. Dang girl I'm tryna get one of them bun tacos [English Accent] Welcome to dope or nope. Today we are looking at some crazy kooky items. Oh, yes, we are This is Mathias. This is good sir Tanner. This is me and Michelle now In your up right voice sir [Ugly laughing] He's not ready for the high life it seems ah, yes seems is your be serving me on silver today leaves to go get the tray What's going on guys welcome to dope or nope today we've got some snacks what's what's the video? It's ten discontinued snacks Oh, you can't buy them anymore, or if you can't even like rebrand it But we try to get the og and if we can some of them probably just super old and expired. Yeah for sure We're gonna eat them anyway We're gonna eat them anyway preservatives. All right first item Doritos 3D queso Mexican chips Wait what? wait Mexican chips I'm looking at you. Like, I know I'm the one who named that bag What I'm trying to say is are these popular in Mexico, do you know no, I don't know you have no idea Have you ever sold here? Have you ever been in Mexico? Well, that's what he was gonna ask and that's why I started I assume here. No, no, I'm gonna ask Have you ever thought about going? Have you ever been to Norway? No? you haven't been to Norway either im not nordic! oh what are you, swedish scandanavian my brain triggered trying to get him triggered Anyways, I do remember these though, yeah. I remember these. Yeah the point of them breathe eat cheese Jason. What do you mean? What's the point of them? You know how it like snack company is Preda like reshape or reef Laver their snack like every like four months This is that which says read ek stuff. So it's like none of the dimensional chip itself is like a pump Yeah, like a huff 3d interesting. I remember these no, I'm not a huge Dorito guys. This is like a early 2000s thing, right? Yeah, remember anything even sold? We're like the bottom who was cut out and I put them on your fingers. No, those are beautiful I Actually, just thought into the story with them like this more now All right, let me get out of the room oh, yeah Oh Look, there's enough for all of us so far I'm only seeing enough for me you Oh at first I was like looking close to the picture right here And I thought it was goofing cheese coming out but it's not. Well, I see you're saying these kind of do live like bugles Oh, yeah, see like looks like a finger by that on him There you go. How do you know duty? Hurts. It sounds like did it. I think we're gonna actually make a ton of people cringe. Aaron over here is freaking out Click like if you cringe alright check this out. calm down, he's just like so excited about food You didn't shake the bag Roockie Doritos eater here. Oh you shake the bag. It's the flavouring. It is a rookie. don't worry Whoa, whoa, did you just try one with out the boys? what kind of level of disrespect is this. This one's my product You're getting a real hard note so far. Hey, how about I give you a whole bag? These are a lot like bugles. Why are you yelling Am I yelling? these are a lot like ... bugels its like whenever I'm chewing I can't hear it so I just talk until I can hear myself why are you yelling these are a lot like bugels I Rate there's a dope. Yeah, these are dope. All right, here's what we're gonna do all the products that we rate dope We combine at the end of the video all the products We rate nope we combine at the end of the video and we try it deal Okay, power punch you want to try it Aaron? No, no, Aaron, come here. Catch it in your mouth He's so ready, he's like (mimics Aaron) Why do you look at you like to go to the bathroom? You look like a stubborn who's like His party trick, you know that giant candy Malo bonkers banana, I love Bunker's banana. Is it Malo? How do you say marshmallow Oh mellow Malo marshmallow marshmallow. Is it Reese's areso species kids I want you to give her head or dome this poll If it's Reese's or Reese's that's what guess what you're gonna have to do spell the same thing Well yours differently and no one's gonna bigger you're right everybody just support me in the comments. Thank you Um, so apparently Australia, this is $20 51 cents. That looks super unsettling though Let's go ahead and check it out everybody review now Ryder makeover new waiter Look at how big that is. It's giant. Yeah This is my hand to scale and I haven't I need a snore --ml size hand, Michael And then organized hand a scale right - everybody Oh Super size 70 times bigger than a standard foam banana. What's a standard thing banana? It's probably like a giant banana version of a Pete. I'm going to slide this out very delicately Nice Wow, so why that is absolutely wait. Wait. Wait, what wait wait In there what see? No it wasn't put it back in here cuz it looks completely different. You're right Why is it look normal and then when you pull it out? I Think it's because of a white background. It's like accenting it. Well, this is smaller. So, oh it's cutting it off You think it's cutting it off? Alright, let's look at the consistency. Oh, it's super Mars. Oh It's very very stop when we all know which side of this everybody's eating. So, alright, we gotta pick up No, no pick it up. Pick up your side. Okay. I picked up the middle you favor your side This is so ready. Everyone take a bow. Alright Oh Things we've ever done and that is so sweet regret. Does it banana flavor if it wasn't banana flavor? It wouldn't be bad I like bananas. I hate banana flavor. Is that okay? Okay, is that okay? That should have been like a whole wheat? No, no, all right. It was good. What's it gonna be? You're the tiebreaker good. I think it's pretty dumb Okay, put in the dope pile There you go, how do you have an idea for how this is gonna end up Not for eating it says but they're real oh maybe they're just expired so they don't want to eat them. Oh, yeah, remember Duncan Mike is a huge fan of dunkaroos. Do you think he'd still eat them? Maybe actually, I mean I would try it by now So you can't eat him but I mean, come on really. I think we can it's all preservatives I gotta be what it expires. 2017. Oh, yeah. Yes. I mean what can go bad in sugar? I mean Michael Jackson went bad and he was pretty sweet. Oh wait look at the frosting How could it go that way from you try that make it happen Kevin no, okay. So here's what we do Let's go get Mike. Here's what I'm gonna do. Mike is a huge fan of this I feel like in a high-five universe video. He like wished these would come back I know it's expired. But I will he's not gonna eat it. He's gonna figure it out It's expired before him but I want to see what his reaction is when he sees how expired this is Let's find out my I got a surprise for you dude. Check this out What? You know me so well, okay I kind of don't want to ruin my childhood No, yes, what the heck danger? It is good I think from the 90s. Yeah I did it Just get in there. Oh God, I ate it for y'all to go buy the one you swear. I don't remember I ate it for sure hundred percent. You can check back the footage when this goes live Mike. I hate this I'm trusting you Memory so Obviously Mike rated that a note spit it out I'm gonna say no I'm gonna say nope as well Before we get into that next product big shout up to our reddit page if you find crazy products that you want us to test out send them to our reddit page and if they get uploaded we'll probably look at Are they soft or hard candy? They're hard. They're what creates the hole inside the doughnut it likes it Yeah, but they're not holes themselves. I get you you feel what I'm picking up. What not event. Yeah It's what creates the hole what you've been missing. I mean, no been missing my dad Oh A light sabers like this big. Oh, by the way guys. This one's a digital review We haven't actually, uh, we couldn't actually find this one But if we did, how big do you think these things would be because the hole of the lights a nice light blue? Well, I've said light saver. I keep wanting to say light saber how big would those be like tic tac sighs a little weight thinner than those the hole of a light saver is Oh No, the whole of the lightsaber is way smaller than whatever that is to be honest Everybody kind of likes lightsabers, but nobody buys them. I buy them sometimes when there's nothing else there It has to be like I walk in and it's life savers or York Peppermint Patties, and I'm like, I'll go life savers That's a rough play Reese's pretty good Reese's I pick those over these. I don't know it Oh Reese's hmm I'm gonna say those are a no-no ya know all this collector edition wrappers Reese's peanut butter and banana cream Oh Banana cream. What do you want? Banana? It's good. Banana cream. Yeah banana cream pie Yeah, banana cream, brother. Finally you're with you You're pretty strong you feel left out. I'm gonna do a little thing again. All right And dollar for Reese's the collector's item Can we all agree that they do not give you enough? Reese's Cups in what you pay for with the Reese's it's so hard to follow you as you're saying Reese's that's what it is Reese's guys your vote really matters Just buy it, dude Everybody Hmm. Perfect Reese's Tom. So I don't think Elvis has anything to do with the banana cream Oh, he does really it was like his number one dessert banana cream really love. I stand corrected Wow, actually I sit corrected ha. Oh So believable, so this is all based off of the Las Vegas, I actually kind of think that might be true I'm gonna leave this. That sounds super true. Right? I mean, why would you slide? I can't be stupider theater ball So it looks like Elvis liked peanut butter banana pie or something like that I can't find the diamond exact with this. It got a grandma fibers. Well Gus means are gonna poop. Oh There's no way that safety you're pretty sure poop. Oh no That's not safe you just ripped up the skin there's clear problem is who wants to try it with me. Oh, yeah No, that's not happening. I'm not eating that. I'll try it away. I'll give it a small bag I don't know. You should guys either a milk product in there. Okay, fine if he wants to take a bite. He'll take a bite Yeah, uh-huh That's not smart, why'd you guys let me do that there's a milk product in there Well, I don't know if you should I think it sounds delicious the whole concept sounds delicious But it seems like you've made you that's the dope. I know that's the note but oh my god Yeah, I'm gonna say no - I'm beyond you guys. Okay, wait, first of all stupid chops. What is it to patch up? Well, these are whistles right? It's a lollipop you'll be able to blow into it I like make whistling sounded like luffa sticking like that. Then you can do like different. It's all it's like though Yeah makes a great whistling sound. Wait until you eat the pop flavor. It's real a Chupa Chups. They're so good Chloe How'd it go? That's it Oh Easy, you're gonna break them. All right, who wants Gandhi? Play real music strawberry flavored lollipops so you got the little tiny wall on top and then you got the side hole - Harvey that's pretty loud tastes good - Yeah I like it. It tastes delicious. I heard a bit a whistle. Oh, yeah go for me. Come on Who is this demon child that is taking it off my body? There you go Oh Coming back in this later catalog super mario odyssey furious You know That's so interesting though When you have like already existing serial type like kicks frosted flakes like lucky charms. Cocoa Puffs, right? and then when they brand them with a movie that this is not that it's it's own serious it like on Cereal this isn't like Mario lucky charm. This is just Mario cereal, but to be fair it literally as Mario lucky charms Oh, yeah, there's charms What is Luigi Mario lucky I'm saying it's it. They really have to think that it's gonna sell. I do understand. You're totally right I would buy I wanna see buy it. I'm like such a yes-man right there No, I was going to explain because imagine somebody who has never really eaten cereal They probably are more familiar with Super Mario than they are with any of those other dumb brands, you know So that's why I think it's a good idea. So this was a limited edition Nintendo with amiibo new Okay, so this came with an amiibo. I think the box is an amiibo So you put it on the thing the box has like yeah I think you put the thing on the you put your box on the pad posing a QR code or something Isn't that pad like your Nintendo Wii U me Bo? Oh An amiibo is like a it's like a real world like my fraud Yeah It's a real world like little figurine that when you like connect it via like RFID or something like that Then it gives you like in games By now Look at that though You know the thing that kind of has always worked me about like Lucky Charms and things like this water enough charm So if you look at these, these are like little stars. Why not coins? Power stars Oh like the Mario gold star that they you go and collect This has also got some of that new stuff in it because it's based off of new Mari Alright, okay. It sounds like he knows a lot more about Mario than you do and you're my resident gamer here So, what's the deal first things first? Let me tell you something, man Hey Mario games not a fan of it. But neither am I you aren't either he's a big fan of it It's so good. I Played Paper Mario and I was like stupid hat Oh Yeah now he teamed up with hog, huh He came with my neck at first, but I wasn't safe you like. Hey, bro, you want to know? Yeah You know I was in like the third level that's like like it's the same and the same and the same and the same Zelda next level so good. What why didn't I get one? I love that game play the poop out of breath and a lava Let's try this songs milk right at first. Okay. What's that other stars? That that is Yoshi's egg in the game is it acceptable to eat the egg with the start only if you cook it over easy, I Wasn't watching you eat, but I realized I hate to take part in those now So, why do you stick your hand in it? You notice how I poured it into my hand. We've done so much These are always not tasting good. This is kind of weird right now. Do we have some milk and bowls and utensils? For this sweet, ah dear, that's full fat whole milk pause Stop you did not get 2% Honestly if you guys like tears of Noah's right? No only go no, you will not guys he's gonna gag on 2% now because it's a little chunkier It's not chunky. It's not thick. It's actual milk guys. That's not real milk this came from a cow So did this moment happen? I don't know what they did. They added water, right? They boiled it and they burned it No, they added water 100% You wanted some? There we go wait no, oh heck is wrong with you You are not doing it on purpose either, I know you're genuine things that was genuine serious channeling I can't believe you got so triggered. I was doing that to trigger you I didn't think I'd get backed out of a response. Honestly, I'm sure can I get the actual mo, please? Yes All right You guys ready for this you? Guys more of like a lot of milk kind of guy or not a lot of milk kind of guy. How was that? Oh, that's not a lot of milk at all My only flaw of you so far is there so besides the Yoshi egg. There's so hard to determine what they are This is good though. Definitely it done with whole milk before the next item Thank you for watching art princess Ashley who says I still wonder who dropped the paint roller in your vlog video in my blog Yeah, you guys haven't seen my vlog channel yet. I have a blog channel where I blog cool that Mathias blog It's called Mathias blog by now. It might actually be called just Mathias We don't know. Maybe it's is Mathias, but go check that so this is dope or nope now Yeah, Mathias, so just search Mathias again, and you'll find me Actually, there's an info card right there link down the description below if you can't find it. You're really dumb Get trolled We love you guys next item next item. Alright guys, so this next product is gonna be a digital review We have more at the Taco Bell wiki didn't know this existed (It does) So I'm already concerned looking like a sloppy joe with uh assets on thought. Oh, man I just vomited in my dude Oh head talk about beef is already not that good the Bell beefer The Bell beeper was a hamburger bun based meal on Taco Bell's menu from the 70s to the 90s As an update to the Bell burger. Oh my God. Thank God. They got rid of it Wow. It lasted 20 years Yeah, I barely lasted 20 years. You can tell them an equivalent to the Bell before I pass away soon That would have you be and I live Whoever bought this y'all are a bunch of sickos and I disagree with all of your guys's choices Well, there's comments think inside the button type of Bell and bring back to vote a month ago Wait, this is 26 days ago. Bring it back. How active are you guys on the Taco Bell making? Seven months ago these people have been like yearning about this for 20 years Del Taco, May 1 - yeah There's called. It's just called a bun tacos called a buntaco Girl trying to get one of them bun tacos I'm gonna go ahead and give this a fat nope. Yeah, I'm gonna nope that yo peanut butter and jelly Oreos Oh my gosh limited edition. Come on, that's wrong about this. Yeah, this is not correct. Okay waiting Question-and-answer classic Oreos, do you dip it in peanut butter? No. No buddy. Don't have an American a dip it in milk Well, here's the question right I actually have a real peanut butter on my house, what do you have at your house Yeah. Hey, that's candy. That's candy like so that makes sense. I would dip it in Skippy's for sure You like the peanut butter you like me? Yeah, it's called a real peanut butter made of peanut This guy Oreos, he's like looking for the time. Oh so red in there and it's off-putting. Yeah It looks like peanut butter and jellies in there smells weird. Oh, no, it's gonna be enough for me Johnny. Are they expired? All right, Michael try one tough guy, oh we're trying it - look at that red food color. Yeah It's just the red you got to try something off about it for sure Very off-putting the colors first off the peanut butter on the cracker It's the exact same colors the cracker. So that automatically makes me feel weird Oh God Oh robot. Yeah, and that's not even expired. That's just bad dunkers were way better than that Yeah, you're sick you are sick you sick sick person up there Do you like something that I don't like I think they'll agree Joe. That's a no. Thanks product. That's it You make it out to the nope. Ah Frankfurt wonder ball minis 2-pack milk chocolate. These were amazing Oh what aren't these illegal? Oh, That's not a toy in there Yeah, the kinder egg kinder eggs toys in them are illegal in the States because kids would choke them. They'd be like Oh chocolate They eat it and then be like, why is there time very good. That's a really dumb marketing by them Do you could see how that can be fun that you could also see way much more intensely how that could be a bad idea Buy it now Wonder ball is this expired looks old. Oh, I got two eggs and a sticker. Oh, it's a woody sticker where? All right, I'll take that princess I get here. I'll give you one of these bowls. Okay, so here's the ball Oh, that's so white in there. I wasn't expecting that that has oxidized like crazy. That's not what it's supposed to look like Well, this definitely has expired and it looks like some sorcerers or but I'm gonna crack it like an egg ready There you go. Yeah But are you brave enough to try what's been protected in here the treasures oh, yeah. I have a little Dory's What do you have? Oh, you have a mini Mouse? Oh, I have a Nemo - Wow, it tastes like chalk isn't bad. Yeah Better than the Oreos better than those I can eat a couple more of these space was like, why are you eating more? I love seafood With me I am I read doesn't know that's not all right, no idea is cool. Yes if it was good It probably would be good. All right, guys this box right here is all of our dope I want you to take a handful close your eyes Oh Sweet I didn't I got some good stuff here. You guys just holding hands Wow, you're gonna do regret, all right, I just don't with mana. It smells so bad. I can theory it'll also be good theory That is a ball of snacks that everyone still wishes they could have that you just had the pleasure of eating all at once Oh Guys thank you very much for watching. Make sure you click of those videos and we'll see you next time high five
Channel: DOPE or NOPE
Views: 4,462,391
Rating: 4.8423409 out of 5
Keywords: you cant buy anymore, Matthias, Matthiasiam, Mathias, dope or nope, snacks, man vs food, food review, doritos, doritos 3d, giant candy, candy, candy taste test, huge, dunkaroos, 90s, snacks from the 90s, nostalgia, childhood snacks, nintendo, nintendo switch, discontinued snacks, mario, super mario cereal, oreo, family friendly, Hi5 Studios, Hi 5 Studios, Hi5, ebay, food, tasty, unboxing, comedy, unbox, reacting to, top 10, review, test, taste test, in real life, rare, nintendo cereal
Id: X2WJ9lShtzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 41sec (1421 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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