Donald Trump - America's African President | The Daily Show Throwback

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in the time that I've been here I've been following the presidential race and I've noticed that a few pieces of conventional wisdom have formed around the candidates none more than with Donald Trump six in ten Americans believe Trump is unqualified to serve as president he's not qualified to be president unfit to be president unfit to be commander-in-chief the Des Moines Register writing that Trump is quote not only unfit to hold office but unfit to stand on the same stage as his Republican opponents he's on fit for that stage no that stage is unfit for Trump there's no marble there's no gold we're the woman in bikinis and how would he even get there there's no escalator come on people so the complaint about Trump is that he's unpresidential and it stems from certain statements that he's made when Mexico sends its people they're bringing drugs they're bringing crime they're rapists and some I assume are good people and you know what they when you assume you're the best of trump I know these comments about immigrants who are upsetting to some people but for me as an African there's just something familiar about Trump that makes me feel at home the influx of illegal migrants crime unfair business practices drugs it is also not true that all foreign Nationals are involved in criminal activities there are some who are but not all of them it's like oh it's not so odd [Laughter] uh sounding a lot like Donald Trump you see that's a light xenophobia with just a dash of diplomacy which is also the title of Paula Deen's new book so uh so I don't see what's unpresidential about Donald Trump I mean here's another thing he unnecessarily took heat for autism has become an epidemic the beautiful child went to have the vaccine and came back and a week later got a tremendous fever got very very sick now is autistic now was that factual no but was it presidential depends where you come from gambian President says he can cure AIDS using herbs and bananas he admits there will always be Skeptics but he says quote mine is not an argument mine is a proof it's a declaration I can cure AIDS and I will that's right that is right the president of Gambia says he can cure AIDS with bananas and I can also cure cancer using AIDS if only I hadn't cured all that aids ah crazy thing to better safe than sorry what I'm trying to say is uh Donald Trump is presidential he just happens to be running on the wrong continent in face in fact once you once you realize that Trump is basically the perfect African president start to notice the similarities everywhere like the level of self-regard I say not in a braggadocious way I've made billions and billions of dollars I made a tremendous amount of money I'm really rich I have a great temperament they love me anyway I don't have to do this I've done an amazing job I was born with a certain intellect God helped me by giving me a certain brain I bet that's the one time that God's like I don't need the praise it's cool I'm you that's you I'm cool culinary level of bragging presidential well let's ask a man who actually was President Idi Amin former president and best president of Uganda the people likes me very much I am very popular I am very powerful I am the one who has got the money I have got a very good brain I have a very good brain and I know this because every time I ask people if I have a good brain they say of course Mr President now please let my family go you've already killed my sister I think you've proved your points and just to make sure everyone knew exactly how successful he was Idi Amin insisted on always being referred to by his full title and this is completely true his Excellency president for Life Field Marshal al-haji Dr Idi Amin Dada VC DSO MC Lord of all the beasts of the earth and Fishers of the Seas and conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in general and Uganda in particular luckily Idi Amin didn't own any casinos [Applause] he's already at the level of Zimbabwe as president Robert Mugabe whose brutality and repressive tactics have kept him in power for 35 years my people have great praise for me people love me everybody loves me the little man he's very low energy Land Is Ours he's not European it's our land and we have taken it we'll take our country back we will win we will be win me all the time we will have so much winning if I get elected that you may get bored with winning like I'm winning right now oh it's really great to know that if anything ever happens to Trump we have a backup coffee in Africa I like that actually uh now that I think about it Trump reminds me of one African leader in particular weird here check lavish lifestyle check Fringe discredited views about President Obama's Origins and Along came a black Citizen of Kenyan African origin a Muslim a his name is Obama check oh and there's one more thing Gaddafi put up a tent in the town of Bedford about 40 miles outside of New York City the property in Westchester County where they're setting up that tent is owned by none other than Donald Trump yeah that's right when muamma Gaddafi came to America he could have stayed anywhere but the only place he felt truly at home was in Donald Trump's yard now just by the way our lawyers told us we have to mention that Trump told Gaddafi to take the tent down and you see you have to be careful what you say about Donald Trump in public not unlike an African president Trump is a little scary some and a lot of America's comfort zone but this great country is capable of bold leaps it took one in 2008 when it elected its first black president now in 2016 I say it's time to be bold once more and elect America's first African president phrase [Applause] Mexican rapists we don't have a word for Mexican rapists [Music]
Channel: The Daily Show
Views: 880,170
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Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, donald trump, african dictator, africa
Id: h6k31r6nQWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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