Trump LIVID About Election Results, Fetterman Beats Dr. Oz & Herschel Unfazed and Unintelligible

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Jimmy I know thank you for watching please relax it's too much already and to our viewers watching it at home thank you for joining us after the CMA Awards tonight is the biggest night in country music uh they're saying it could take days maybe even weeks to figure out who won tonight votes in some of the major categories still being tallied could come down to a runoff between Carrie Underwood and Morgan Wallen so we'll keep an eye on that yesterday of course was a very important day in American history it was Tara Reid's 47th birthday also there's also election day I feel like everyone's exhausted this is the first election or people don't even have the energy to threaten to move to Canada we just want to go to sleep that's We're Riding High today even though uh they probably lost the house could still lose the Senate it's like great news we didn't get beaten as badly as everyone expected us to whatever happens it was less a red wave than more of a purple nurple America Twisted Donald Trump's chubby little nipples into a balloon animal last night many in magalan were expecting a big victory at the beginning of the day there's a lot of this on Twitter yes we are coming for you demon Kratz where you're going to impeach that demented alleged kid effort Potato Head five times lock up Hunter and Dr fauci kick Nancy to the curb and go mega mega on your asses and two hours later over it going to bed manic episode concluded I guess and the truth is we still don't really know where we stand we're still waiting for results in a couple of key States including Arizona and Nevada we might not have the results from Nevada until the weekend which this is crazy no matter this is a state you got slot machines you got poker machines you got Keno you got you have us going to the sports book They're tallying up the odds for every game every every horse race every High Line match in the world all of those scores and odds somehow appear in a giant video board in real time and it takes them five days to count a pile of cardboard it doesn't people are thrown out of casinos for counting cards now they have nobody left to count them so we don't know about Nevada but we what we do know is that it looks like Lauren Boberg of Colorado may be out on her ass um there she is she's like 70 votes behind with 95 percent of the votes reported I wonder what she'll do if that holds up my guess is either Fox News correspondent bathroom attendant at a Cracker Barrel or mannequin at a local Bass Pro Shop but down in Georgia Herschel Walker and Rafael Warnock are headed to a runoff runoff is also what Herschel does when one of his kids shows up with a DNA kit it means they do it again I guess again the very close race 49.2 to 48.7 percent to win without a runoff you have to get to 50 in Georgia imagine being this the staffer who had to explain that one to Herschel Walker you got 48 Which is less than 50 percent who but Republicans are disappointed uh that Herschel Walker couldn't seal the deal they thought they had this thing all knocked up but instead um but despite the fact that he didn't get more votes than his opponent Herschel remained unfazed and unintelligible I'm like Ricky Bobby I don't come to lose just hanging in a little bit longer because something good it takes a while for it to get better that's right some something good it takes a while for it to get better so true and it only got weirder from there he put this negative kid in his room nothing but brand new toys but he put this positive kid in his room nothing my horse manure and after an hour or so he looked in on this little kid he was complaining I don't want this I want that but it looks in on the kid that's in the room and The Horseman you got a shovel his shoveling Horseman hold his shoulders laughing and singing and having a good time little boys you know Dad as much Horseman there is there is in this room there must be opponent at the bottom of it and the reason the reason I'm telling you that right now guys we got a point at the end of this right here I can tell you this right now that's right there's a pony at the end of every room full of manure you know the old Saint what does he need this is like a riddle a troll makes you solve in order to cross the bridge the runoff will happen on December 6th it could very well determine uh which party takes the Senate but more importantly we get another month of Herschel Walker on the campaign Trail which is clearly a gift from Comedy God right I mean at the governor level Democrats had their best midterms since 1986. several incumbents held onto their seats including a Dynamo in Wisconsin named Tony Evers I'm incredibly proud to be the 46th governor of the state of Wisconsin [Applause] and I'm jazzing as hell to tell you that on January 3rd 2023 I will still be the 46th governor [Applause] holy macro folks how about that holy mackerel folks we've got the wristband on he's ah the skim milk is really starting to kick in he is jazz as hell you know what Wisconsin as it turns out boring winds flaring winds and then sadly they gave him a wedgie and took his lunch money but congratulations Tony one of the biggest wins for Democrats was in Pennsylvania where John Federman beat Dr Oz and you have to love the fact that the Slick TV doctor got lost to a guy who dresses like Bill Belichick on game days that is it's the acceptance speech but on the bright side Dr Oz now can go back to doing what he does best which is analyzing the shape and color of our stool Oprah right now is sitting at home cackling Like A Game of Thrones villain tell mement I want him to know it was me well you know was he was expected a win if you saw him on Fox and Friends on yesterday on the morning of the election the excitement for his campaign it was irresistible Dr Oz good morning to you good morning this is actually our home Diner but I live about 10 minutes from here so it's very convenient yeah and there's a lot of enthusiasm behind me I finally got him to sit down so we could get our interview yeah it's like Beetle Mania people are going crazy it's I know can you hear me over the Roar of the seniors eating scrambled eggs Steve Dr Oz lost uh his TV show and an election in the same that hasn't happened since uh Magic Johnson ran for comptroller back in 1998 and he may have a hard time getting back into Mar-A-Lago Trump is said to be livid after Dr Oz lost he was reportedly screaming at everyone when the numbers came in he was really mad they say the last time Trump was this disappointed was when Eric was born and uh according to Maggie Haberman of the New York Times she tweeted Trump is indeed Furious this morning particularly about mehmed Oz and is blaming everyone who advised him to back Oz including his wife describing it as not her best decision might even be her second worst decision you know Trump is so angry at Melania they're no longer sleeping in separate beds where they had a victory party planned at Mar-A-Lago and everything it was uncomfortable Three Doors Down was like we're still getting paid right we but the prevailing wisdom among Democrats and Republicans is that the Republicans might have done better without Trump and you know this is going to get under his pumpkin spice skin what I can tell you is The Biggest Loser tonight is Donald Trump Donald Trump was the big loser this man is a loser he's the biggest loser in American politics big losers are going to be Donald Trump trump is not a national winner this is a resounding loss for him well not only is Donald Trump's the loser we already heard John Carl say that Donald Trump was the biggest loser of the night do you agree oh there's no question Trump was The Biggest Loser last night I know he hates hearing that Biggest Loser tonight that's on Fox News digital yeah Donald Trump is The Biggest Loser is back I don't know that's not fair if his candidates just did just as well as Trump Airlines Trump Stakes Trump University and I'm with a loser today post something like this uh now that the election in Florida is over and everything went quite well shouldn't it be said that in 2020 I got 1.1 million more votes in Florida than Ron D got this year 5.7 million or 4.6 million just asking oh man those two are going to devour each other it's so pathetic Trump is becoming the GOP version of the guy who graduated high school two years ago but still hangers around the football games trying to pick up girls in his Toyota Corolla I got an overdose of cable news last night I had I went to bed having dreams about Steve kornacki trapping John King in his magic wall there was a lot of coverage uh plenty of solid coverage yesterday but the best of the night as far as I'm concerned the gold standard for election results shows came from recount chocolate himself Rudy Giuliani the Republicans to get to 51. they have to win Pennsylvania Nevada and Wisconsin and Arizona three of the four three of these four that's right looks like they're going to win one of Wisconsin we can't see the Whiteboard Rudy we're having you gotta see what happens when you let your cat run the camera poor Rudy's living in the Attic now this is one of the things we learned last night is that most Americans believe uh women should have control of their bodies which is remarkable abortion rights in all the states it was on the ballot and this is interesting five states voted on whether or not slavery should be banned Alabama Tennessee and Vermont voted to ban it Oregon still County votes and Louisiana voted to keep it around for a while for real slavery is a legal form of punishment for criminals in Louisiana remind me not to illegally cross the street remind me not to go there pretty nuts that this was on the ballot like along with legalizing Vape juice but it was in the local Fox affiliate in Memphis Tennessee posted a tweet I don't know to inform or celebrate I'm not sure but it said you decide slavery banned congratulations welcome to the 1870s everyone recreational Cannabis was also on the ballot in a bunch of States Maryland and Missouri voted to legalize pot for adults over 21 years old whereas voters in Arkansas North Dakota and South Dakota said no which is what you think with a name like Dakota they'd be more chill right I mean but legalized marijuana it's a long time coming in Maryland particularly since their state flag looks like it was designed by the guys from Cypress Hill now that the midterms are mostly over the focus is naturally going to shift to who run in 2024. you got Biden who said today he'll decide early next year what he's going to do Trump is definitely running DeSantis possibly Gavin Newsom maybe even a wild card candidate maybe even someone who recently has divested himself of his business conflicts someone whose name has been on the ballot before and someone who just entered the world of board games to burnish his financial credentials from the makers of Monopoly the game of shrewd financial decisions comes the opposite of that Monopoly [Music] start is a billionaire rapper Shoemaker and see how much of it he can lose I call the easy I'll do the white lives matter shirt make your way around the board while trying to end as many business relationships as possible that'll cost you 600 million try not to land on Tweed Street I'm going deaf Con 3 on Jewish people Skechers headquarters and watch out for the yay say cards claim you were misdiagnosed by a Jewish doctor and why did he is being controlled by Israel do I have to say this yes yay Hitler was pretty great praise Hitler and go straight to cancel Corner play until you're the brokest gold digger of all yes say bagels are the devil's butthole did he really say that not yet but he will from the makers of Nazi [Applause]
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 2,965,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Monologue, Guillermo, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, LA, Election, Midterm, 2022 Election, Herschel Walker, Senate, Georgia, Joe Biden, Republicans, Democrats, White House, Politics, Ron Desantis, CMA Awards, Donald Trump, Trump, Nevada, Sarah Palin, Lauren Boebert, Tony Eevers, John Fetterman, Dr. Oz, Steve Kornacki, Voting, Cannabis, Mehmet Oz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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