The Most Horrifying Confessions You've Ever Heard - confessions (Part 98)

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences both of his arms were skinned and chopped to pieces the most shocking confessions you've ever heard on this channel i murdered a man back in the 90s i was a young adult male working in a coat factory somebody i knew was working there as well let's call him anthony anthony was a jerk but i put up with it as i'd known him all throughout my childhood one day however he really pushed me over the edge i don't even remember what he said anyways i lost my temper which i rarely ever do i shoved him into one of the machines in the factory with a lot of force you see the machine had blade splitting fabric as needles sewed it together when i shoved anthony into the machine his arm got caught in the blades and they unravelled the skin on his arm just like the fabric i can't get his screams out of my head both of his arms were skinned alive and chopped to pieces i ran away leaving him there there weren't any cameras in that section of the factory so i got off safe about a month later i moved states away from the old factory and i'm now living happily with my wife on the other side of the country the factory shut down after that incident i killed my girlfriend and daughter it was 25 years ago i'm 50 now i'm of an asian background and wasn't really allowed to have a girlfriend until after college but just like that you guessed it i had one anyway she was white so my family would have probably disowned me and then the worse of the worst happened she got pregnant she didn't want abortion but i wanted her to have one after arguing a lot this was back in the 90s so iphones and facetime weren't a thing so i would tell my parents i'm going out with my friends and wouldn't return until the next day they trusted me with this because they knew my friends very well and my friends would back me up saying i was with them but one night we checked into a hotel she was around seven months pregnant i won't go into details it's absolutely horrifying for normal people but that night i electrocuted her and got away with it it's pretty obvious my now probably that i'm a sociopath i know i'm and i'm fine with it i don't care about the baby and the girl i used that girl for benefits and got away with it my parents never even knew about the girl and friends didn't care cause i told them she went to russia and had been cheating on me for years friends forgot about her after a while it's probably bad saying this but i beat the system i was involved with a stabbing in my hometown in texas i was a bad kid back then and me and my friends would spray paint random barns one night a few of my buddies and i went to a rave at my friend's farm we were all pretty wasted so when some guy pissed off one of my friends he pulled out a knife and stabbed him i just looked on and stood there the guy was all right but i can never forgive myself for not helping him i was tested positive for covet 19 and still worked for people as i'm a maid now let me say this i really needed the money i'm not able to get unemployment due to the simple reason that i'm an illegal alien in the us i couldn't afford to become homeless and once i found out that i was positive i didn't know what i was going to do i had few houses on hold for weeks and just recently got back to my regular schedule but i still work for some of my elderly customers i didn't tell anyone i felt guilty i still do but i have myself and my animals to support as well as my education i go to a community college and own a tax number which can be used as ssn saving up in my situation is tough and i'm not good at doing so now i believe i might have had contributed to the death of one of my favorite customers i will forever remember this and now again i'm coveted positive and yes i still work like i've said before i cannot afford to stop or lose any of the houses i know that i need to stay home and keep everyone safe and away from me but what can one do oh and yeah i don't wear a mask unless i'm in a store the job is physical and it's too hard for me to breathe through the mask going up and down the stairs thanks for reading this i know i'll burn in hell i'm pretty sure i'm pregnant but i'm not going to tell anyone i'm going to get rid of it one way or another for context i am 17 years old me and my boyfriend of almost two years are usually very cautious but one night in a drunken state we decided to put faith in my birth control the injection and not use a condom the next morning after everything hit we started freaking out but in the end decided not to worry about it and again put faith in my birth control recently i've been showing symptoms morning sickness weight gain anything you can think of and do to the type of birth control i'm on i can't use a missed period as a deciding factor i've decided if i am pregnant i'm not telling anyone in my state abortions are illegal without a parent's permission so that's out of the question but i am prepared to do anything i don't want a kid i'm not ready for a kid if it means at home abortion or end of the line burying a newborn baby i will do it i can't handle having a kid i'm holding a grudge against my father for giving me a circumcision my father is a muslim man who was born and raised to be a proud believer of allah in 2004 he gave me a circumcision since muslims should be circumcised the thing is i'm an atheist and i don't believe in anything the quran says nor what the prophet said the thing is i feel like my father wasted a perfectly good foreskin in the name of a religion i don't believe in in the trauma it gave me from it i'm a 22 year old girl from the uk my confession is a little dark but i feel like i need to get it off my chest i have fantasized about sleeping with dogs many many times nothing has ever happened before but as i sleep with my partner i think about all the things i'd do to them i have dogs of my own that i'd never dream of hurting as they are my babies but i have watched videos many times and i can't stop getting excited by them i know i need help as this isn't normal but i can't help but want sex from a canine sometimes i'm convinced i'm a pedophile i'm female of course the idea of hurting kids is absolutely sickening to me and i absolutely would never ever hurt a child i have never done and never would do anything harmful or illegal the idea is revolting and disgusting and literally makes me nauseous i have something called pure ocd it's a type of ocd that causes a lot of intrusive thoughts that are uncharacteristic of the sufferer i also have hoped harm as well as parked pedophile where i am afraid i will turn into a serial killer which makes no sense because i can't stand the sight of blood and consider even the cheesiest of scary movies terrifying but ocd is one hell of a disorder it makes me think terrible things about myself that are in no way true or ever could be true it got in the way of me breastfeeding my baby because my ocd told me it's sexual which of course it isn't it's natural and beautiful and breastfeeding mama's rock i haven't been able to tell anyone this because i'm afraid they wouldn't understand this little-known form of ocd if someone actually saw what was in my head they'd be terrified of what i think about for the most part i'm a very positive and outgoing person although i do suffer from depression and anxiety which makes me seem shy at first but once people get to know me they see me as a really good person who would do anything for anyone but sometimes when i'm really depressed i start to think really really bad thoughts i sometimes think about killing people beating people inflicting any sort of abuse on people whether that be physical mental or sexual i think about hurting as many people as possible and having absolutely no remorse i think about the aftermath in court and talking about how i hurt people and felt nothing and mocking the victims and feeling like a god taking people out of this world i would never act on this feelings as i said before i'm very shy and can barely even raise my voice when i'm mad as well as having a huge amount of empathy for people and i'm usually very regretful for when i do something wrong even when it's not my fault i just don't know why i get these thoughts and i can't even tell a therapist these thoughts without being committed to a hospital it's scary that i think this way when i'm depressed i am a full-time nanny who is also a pedophile i am a 22 year old male who has been attracted to the idea of children being used for sex against their will specifically of boys being used by women i view art of such material on a regular basis and can't control myself when i do as i see myself as the child being used and sometimes as the one using the child i love being around children and take every opportunity to hug cuddle and interact with every child i can loving on them in a way that doesn't look bad but is very much for my own satisfaction the child i watch is 1.5 years old and i have been watching him for about a year i have a special bond with him and his parents are very trusting in me but they shouldn't be god i can't imagine if they ever found out i have never touched him in any bad way but the idea has definitely crossed my mind i know it's sick and i really need to seek help but i'm scared of what this will do to me i feel so terrible because i don't know what this will mean for my future i don't ever want to hurt kids but i don't want to be too sure because the feeling has been growing for years now and i don't want to bring more evil in this world than there already is my father tried to kill my family and i by lighting us on fire to start off i grew up in an extremely abusive household my dad was a raging alcoholic who would beat my mother and i whenever he was home the only time he wasn't home was when he was court-ordered to rehab or in jail the most peaceful times of my childhood one night when i was in the fourth grade he started his [ __ ] again carrying down the house in a fit of rage and acting like a complete maniac like usual only this time he went downstairs to the garage to get a kind of gasoline and poured it on the bedroom floor i was sitting on top of the bed trying to hide my baby sister from him he then got out his lighter and boom the whole room went up in flames needless to say i saved my sister and i and we made it out alive with minimal burns and are doing all right today the worst part though is he was never caught and i'm not sure how but it doesn't matter now because when i was 15 he hung himself extended family just says it was because he was lonely but i think he couldn't handle the guilt of it all feels good getting that off my chest i have been obsessed with my co-worker for over four years we both work at an office and sit next to each other this infatuation first started when we first met it was my first day on the job and she had been working there for around one year when i arrived she is pretty decent looking funny and smart so you might think that all of these would be normal reasons to like her right wrong i like her because she has the perfect body for me to torture i can't explain it but i just imagine tying her up whipping her not feeding her to the brink of death then more i know what i fantasize about is wrong but i feel like i have to do it i have gone to therapy a couple of times but none of it helped the thing is i actually think she is attracted to me she had tried flirting with me a couple of times but i always end up freezing up and not saying anything i don't know if i should tell her about my fantasies with her or keep it a secret i need help with what i should do i am a pathological liar i mastered my web of lies to protect myself from my family i've been my whole life an atheist and bisexual man in my muslim family my parents may not be as racist as most people here but they're hardcore muslims and believe the punishment for leaving islam is death the problem is my lies are making my life extremely easier and helped me toy around the system i make more than my peers only because i manipulate them i'm planning to leave this country once i have both the money and the means to start from nowhere and i'm doing a great job with that no one will remember me and i'll only drop the truth to my father as revenge for breaking a part of my body when i was young i pushed my terminally ill great aunt off a bridge when i was 28. she was 93 and told me in confidence she wanted to die with dignity and didn't have the courage to jump by herself i don't know why but i agreed after much pleading from her so i made her last day the best one i could we went to a bridge and she took a handful of sleeping pills pain meds and she said her final goodbyes it's been nearly 20 years now and i don't regret it she was very old and her cancer was so advanced i still sleep with my ex-girlfriend often yes she is in a relationship but who cares here is my story my ex and i get together at least a couple of times a week and we will smash we have broken up for over eight months now and i do not plan on getting back with her but the intercourse is real good we had been dating for two years but this [ __ ] shows up in the picture and long story short she ends up sleeping with him and i found out broke it off but remains in contact you could say we still have some feelings for each other but i can't trust her like that no more anyways we keep in touch and continue to have intercourse she and the other guy is official and knows we hang out and prob guess we smash but can't prove it and he is such a little [ __ ] that he can't stop her this is the part i wanted to tell they had an argument and were broken up or so my ex says my ex then comes over and we had great intercourse during fun times her phone was blown up by the dude she was with she quickly slaps her clothes on and went back to him that night it was a week or two later that they had another argument she comes over and we ended up smashing she then tells me the night after we smashed she went over and they smashed he went down on her and lapped up my man juice she said he said something along the lines of it's so good i don't care what anyone has to say about me or her but my unpopular opinion is that my ex and i still have intercourse even though she's in a relationship with the [ __ ] who broke us up in the first place so [ __ ] that guy i had sex with a homeless 70 year old man when i was 17. age of consent in my state is 16 i am 19 now so my mother kicked me out of the house during one of her manic episodes while my now ex-friend was staying with us to avoid his own abusive household we my friend and i ended up walking over six miles to the only library i knew how to get to by heart from there we wandered the city when this homeless guy approached us both drunk and high off his ass he admitted it was cold in november was going to reach 40 degrees that night so my friend and i followed him as he led us to the best spot a homeless person could ask for it was a building that his sister gave him the key to and he always slept in the stairwell no one ever used anyways my friend said that he wanted to leave and was unsure about this i refused as this crazy man was our only option to be guaranteed not to freeze to death needless to say he abandoned me with this man will name greg greg and i walked around the city where he berated me for being so stupid as to end up in this situation greg claims to have been a child psychologist at one point anyway after we run some errands for his fellow homeless friends we went back to the place i don't know why but something came over me the way that greg was so caring inflated my ego by calling me smart and kind and opened up to me about his life i just felt so in love by it all he wasn't that bad looking just a bit weird so i indicated with cuddles because i was kind of cold you can guess what happened next the morning after he made sure i was fed at a soup kitchen he talked to me about life some more before begging me to go back home the streets were no place for someone like me he claimed he dropped me off at a hospital where i called my mom to come get me he told me that he would miss me i feel disgusted that i miss him too kinda but i think that jerk gave me an std anyway that's my confession i feel so much better to get this off my chest i was the reason a gay kid was killed general things to note we live in a rural town in saudi arabia and as you may expect they are not exactly well educated they take things like being gay extremely seriously anyhow one day in school during lunch break i went to the bathroom to take a piss and after i finished i heard some sex noises coming from one of the stalls long story short i went and called the supervisor and he caught the kid with gay porn the islamic police were called the police themselves were called yes we have both the principal was called in his parents the parents were beyond pissed and the father was extremely angry with him everyone at the school found out about it and he got bullied so hard for it until he killed himself all of this is because of me if i hadn't spoken up he'd still be alive he was 14 this was in 2012. thanks for listening to radio tts and special thanks for submitting your stories hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more content that is not censored by reddit mods click the right box for the confessions playlist find the confession submission form linked in the comments below
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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