H3H3 On TanaCon

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Now, I know a lot of you guys probably have been following the TanaCon thing. I think a lot of people have talked about it by now so.... I don't want to get too much into the... the nitty-gritty honestly. What I was trying to do 'cause I was going through all this information last night, And the...and the preceding week. We just understand like...what the hell happened? So I kinda have things bulletpointed, I've got video clips, I've got pictures. And I- And I think there's-there's a lot of interesting stuff in here But mos-most importantly- Well, les-let's start from the beginning. Okay, les-let's start here. I- This is a riveting story by the way This whole thing is just absolutely fascinating - And I haven't said fascinating in a while, and trust me when I say that I mean it So she-so Tana was pissed that VidCon hadn't given her featured creator badge in previous years, so she wasn't havin' that. *mouth-pop* So she decided to start her own convention that was inclusive for everyone. That's what she kept pressing, is that it was ~ inclusive ~ for everybody. She sold these VIP passes that said "Featured Creator" on them. It's like, what? Every person there is a featured creator? Dan: Featured F*cking Creator. Oh it actually said f*ck? Dan: I beleive that the actual official name is "Feature F*cking Creator." That is so f*cking cool uhm But it's like dude, Let's be real, she sold 5,000 tickets, and they're all featured creators? Let's be real. There's only one featured creator at TanaCon... It's Tana She wasn't there apparently uhmm So Tana decides to throw a con to rival VidCon, with like 30-45 days to plan it, alright. So here-here's the original invite from- the production company called "Good Times," which a lot of good info about these boys But let's start with this... "Welcome Creators!" "We are so thrilled for you to be a part of the first-ever TanaCon" "Good Times is a family that celebrates the online community. We are so honored to be hosting this event." "We truly believe that each of you here is equip- are equipped... ...with so many talents and passions to lead a REVOLUTION." Tone it down dawg. You're ch-You're charging $65 for a VIP ticket, it's not a revolution. "Through the social media world that fosters a vibrant inclusive and world changing environment." I hate this whole sentiment of like- Everybody's a ~featured f*cking creator.~ You're all YouTube super stars. It's actually really exploitive, because you know every kid these days wants more than anything to be a youtuber. Tana impression: "At my con- everybody is a featured f*cking creator." "For $65" "This event is pioneering the change that we as a community wish to see in this industry." Oh yeah, we definitely need more TanaCons. "We strive to make this a community where everybody feels seen, heard, understood, and most importantly, included." Don't they understand that in a world where everybody's included? It's like- you don't exist Tana When everybody's like equal and everyone has the same talents and appeal. It's like you don't exist It's so disingenuous Tana impression: "Everyone is a featured f*cking creator." "So with that being said, f*ck VidCon" "F*ck the current CEO." Is this voice working for you or is it cringy. Dan: I mean, it's no more cringy-er than her voice. Tana impression: "F*ck everyone who created VidCon." "And if you want to know why TanaCon became a thing." "That's why." "All the love," This is a great genesis of like, a great mission statement. It's so phony dude. It's the phoniest sh*t ever. You're all featured creators. I gotta tell you I- You guys probably know, we don't really post videos on h3 anymore. I just- I'm so like Well, there's a lot of reasons why- w-we're But one of the big reasons just like, man I just I really just can't watch everything on YouTube. It's just, I don't know man. It's all gotten so- Tana, it's like all Tana. and people like her. So uh, let me see what we got here Shane in video: Yes, that's the window What is this? *laughing in video* Shane in video: I forgot him that's- I'm not sure what this-the significant of that one is. What is this Dan? First one, from Shane's documentary, a clip of her vlog. Dan: I think that video was just, for some reason, timestamped wrong. Just go to the very beginning of that video. It's a nice little summary of her- of her uh, her mission statement. Tana in video: "SO WITH THAT BEING SAID-" Tana in video: F*CK VIDCON. F*CK ANYONE WHO CREATED VIDCON. I think all of the rebelled people, and all the unwanted people... Should host a little meet-and-greet in Anaheim, California on the same days as VidCon. I'd love to do it. Ethan: I would loooove to charge you all $65 to come, to this rebelious little convention of ours. Hmm, let's stick it to them. Tana Impression: "We'll stick it to those capitalists- at VidCon" It gets so good. So anyway, she's selling- So what she actually pitches is that most of the tickets are gonna be free, and there's only gonna be a few VIP tickets. What is essentially, a free event. People who buy VIP tickets get to skip the line, they get three times worth the ticket price and- a goodie bag So the VIP tickets were $65. So essentially she's saying the goodie bag is gonna be worth about 200 bucks. So let's go ahead and look through the goodie bag that the VIP people get . And guys, really stick around here, so... So this-this was the the most prominent- probably the most valuable item, in there What the f*ck. Ethan: I paid $20 for a condom. It's a TanaCondom. (Dan: 70.) Oh yeah, 70. *cough* So... Looks like a- it's kind of packaged like a, after-dinner mint. You know, what's the best part about them giving out condoms? Is that every- Dan: Everyone there is 12? That's good, But also imagine actually using this condom and then finding out that it doesn't- it's not a real condom and it breaks. You know what I mean? Like is there a little disclaimer that's like- "This is a after dinner mint packaging and not meant to conceal a- "Something as important as a condom." I wonder how many like uh, -unplanned births or -or infectious diseases were passed thanks to her TanaCondom. By the way, isn't it so good that like "con" like "TanaCon," it's just like so good... Anyway, that was the- that was basically the highlight of the good- of the two hundred dollar goodie bag. um... Here's a video of a girl unboxing her goodie bag. Girl in video: Stickers from PETA PETA, not from Family Guy. Ethan: PETA stickers? OEVEVO sponsered by Jason Nash but he's NOWHERE to be found. "Gucci princess" but I can't afford that because I wasted my money on a ticket *laughs* I love that the included some broke-ass Gucci princess ninety-nine cent like wristband like, okay. It's so stu- Gucci princess? Do you think that any of these little girls spending $65 for your VIP pass can afford Gucci? F*ck and... I don't even know what this is. "Cruelty-free shopping guide" (wtf?) Well clearly it's just a bunch of garbage. I mean it's essentially- they basically put a bunch of sh*t in a bag and said "Will you throw this out for us?" So... But it gets good folks. Here let's- let's keep going. So, the day of- it's pure chaos outside, -nobody gets into the convention, which turns out to be, by the way, just a Marriott's events room. That has a maximum capacity of a thousand. and the creators can't even get into the room because it's so unsafe cause it's so chaotic and uncontrolled outside. Here, let me give you a view of basically- here, let's see, This doesn't look- so yeah, you can see there's just like a winding. It's like the whole parking lot, I mean nobody can get inside. (Dan: yeah.) Dan: no, it's- there's like 4,000 people outside or something like that. Yeah, so the funny part about basically this- is that thousands of people are outside okay, and there's supposed to be a VIP ticket line for people who got the VIP ticket to skip in front of the free tickets. But everybody out there who's waiting in line for 4-6 hours in the blazing heat without any food or water being offered- There's actually footage of ambulance and fire trucks coming and rescuing people from getting heatstroke. Everybody who's outside is starting to realize- They all have a VIP ticket. -because it was pitched like... mostly free and maybe like 300 VIP- for people who really care and want to make sure they meet everyone. So everybody out there, they're starting realize, has a VIP ticket. *mouth-pop" um... They start claiming that there was 20,000 people outside. This is the genius that organized the event, This f*cking 20 year old. I don't even know what to say about you dude. Can't really say anything. I honestly can't say anything but what do you need to say? What really do you need to say? This is the guy that organized this event. What really do you need to say about a guy like this? Yep All- as Dan affectionately put it, the Segway kid, and, this is just perfect. This is-This is the guy, organizing the event. This f*cking guy with a scarf like, oh yeah. "Once I put a scarf on, everybody's gonna know that this is under control." Except you made a huge mistake. You drove a f*cking Segway around dude. God Gee whiz man. This is a guy charge... Dan: Something special about the scarf when it's like 95 degrees outside and people are passing out. *laughs* yeah. Yeah, exactly. So they start gloating. So it's it's chaos, it's pandemonium outside, nobody can get in, people are having heatstroke, you know- and there start- Tana starts tweeting sh*t like, there's 20,000 people outside, we- only 5,000 people were to show- were supposed to show up, but there's 20,000. 15,000 unregistered guests showed up to the convention and that's why we have to shut it down. Here she says that- Tana impression: "Bella- Bella and I are coming out to talk to everyone," "everything is fine, just fire marshals stuff keeping it safe. Maybe I won't do that voice. "Adding a third day or if worse comes to worse, I would be down to personally refund anyone who's still upset." "No one expected 20,000 people my love's, I love you." So she's just like "eh, no big deal." 20,000 people showed up, everyone understands. But the thing is- that... The police report issued that same day, Says there was 4,000- four to five thousand people there, at max. um... Four to five thousand people at max. Which turns out, is the exact number of VIP tickets they sold. So literally, the same amount of people showed up as bought tickets. and they're trying to paint like- Twenty thousand people showed up and that's why we're shutting it down. But the truth is they over sold the convention with a 1000 seat capacity to five thousand people. Here's the police report because- Tana and this production company kept trying to spin this narrative of like "So many people show up, that's why we had to shut it down." So here's the actual official police report. "Garden Grove Police Department officers were sent to Marriott Suites Hotel to assist hotel staff- and security with crowd control and dispersal of unruly hotel guests from the hotel property." "The TanaCon Convention was an event hosted by TanaCon Company at the Marriott suites hotel." "The organizing group of TanaCon was a company called Good Times promotion- promotions. " "The event was scheduled to have meet-and-greet sessions between YouTube celebrities and their fans." "Their concert- concerts and DJs scheduled perform for fans in the bar room starting at 1:00- or 10:00 a.m." "TanaCon had sold approximately 4,000 tickets at the time of the event." The- skip on down... "The hotel ballroom where the event was scheduled could hold a maximum of 1000 people." "The organized planned- the organizers plan to move the crowd in and out of the venue to allow all attendees the opportunity to participate in the event." "As the crowd moved through the venue they were herded into the lobby after a short time to allow other fans into the ballroom." "-people moved into the lobby were upset and refused to leave." "As the crowd grew in the lobby, hotel staff and event security could not gain compliance from the fans." So they're like- overflowing into the hotel lobby. But essentially what's important, is that the police specifically state that there was four to five thousand people there. "Approximately twenty officers and several supervisors responded to the scene." Dude, wasting the time of like essentially an entire police force, To disperse this absolute mess. "The police supervisors on scene estimated the crowd was between four to five thousand." "Social media sites said the crowd was 20,000 and this was not accurate." "Police officers were made- were able to disperse the crowd after approximately 60 to 90 minutes." So there you go. The exact amount of people showed up. -as tickets sold. uh... Dan: Who could have predicted. Yeah, who-who would have ever seen that coming. This is the part- Oh wait- I want to show this one scene Yeah, this- this is really important scene here This is from Shane's documentary, which he- he did a lot of the legwork on this and it's really good, but this is footage they took while they were planning the Vid- their con. So here listen to this. I have it set at 5200 right now. 'cause I feel like theres a chance. Everything abou- "I love that for us." So he's like, "The hotel is set at a thousand," "But I have it set at 5200." -and she bears witness to that and says, "I love that for us." Which is basically conspiracy to commit fraud. But they're straight up just acknowledging that they're over selling the event by four thousand seats. This is the part at the end of Shane's documentary where he's just like, "Here's the- here's the raw facts." So here you go. Shane in video: So I still had a lot of questions about pretty much everything. So I called Michael, and uh, we talked and for a while. Ethan: Michael's the- the uh... Michaels the event organizer. Dan: The Segway kid. Ethan: Yeah, the Segway kid. Shane: So The official number of VIP tickets sold was 5108. The number of free tickets, was between two to three hundred. Now that's inclusivity, baby. "We just think that everybody's a featured f*cking creator, as long as you pay me $65. I'm surprised 300 people got free tickets. [Michael] claims that Tana knew that and that she was lying when she said she didn't. Tana still says she didn't know. The number of security guards was never 91. I got a hold of the contract and it said that at most, there was 25 security guards at the time. Now to put that in perspective, for most conventions, it's usually 50 guards per 5000 people. So this was cut in half. The amount of money spent on security was $60,000. So to put that perspective, the amount of money that VidCon spends on security is $1,000,000. Ethan: Bro it's so dramatic. This is the big one So I got a hold of the contract between the Marriott and Good Times. -and the contract stated that there was only going to be 1,000 people. *dramatic noise effect* and Michael signed it. Now, I've talked to both Tana and Michael about this and they both said that yes the contract might have said a thousand but everybody at Marriott told them that that was just the safe number and that 5000 was okay. Ethan: Okay, That's so stupid. There's- they literally had a room with a max capacity. Dan you you've worked with like uh- With a lot of venues and stuff if they tell you, they're like, (Dan: Oh yeah.) "It's a thousand maximum capacity, but that's just... the safe number." Dan: No f*cking way, are you kidding me? No way. No way in hell that's real. Also whatever, (Dan: just, never.) That's kind of a big f*cking difference from 1,000. Like maybe 1,300 but like (Dan: yeah.) Dan: Like a hundered over maybe. (Ethan: Like 5000?) Dan: But even then though they would never- they would- even if they would like turned a blind eye to it, they would never say that because they're liable like that's- that's insane. It's Marriott. It's a huge corporation. They're not gonna be like, "oh, yeah 5,000 that's fine." (Ethan : Yeah.) That's the part, it's Marriott, it's not some amateur small hotel. (Dan : No.) Dan: They don't give a f*ck about Tana, you know, like they do- they have events there every day. It's- this is just routine to them and it's just no, there's no way that's real. I mean this- this is the part that really... Michael in video: Oh, what is the capacity? Tana's friends: he hotel told them 1200. Ethan: Like you're insane. The capacity is 1,200. Shane: Even if there was no issues, no drama, no, whatever, it wouldn't have worked. (Tana: Yeah.) There's no way that 5,000 people could fit there. (Tana: Okay.) There's no way that 5,000 people would have had a good time. You both knew this wasn't gonna work. I have it set at like 5200 right now (Tana Impersonation: I love that.) Tana impersonation: I love that for us. (Dan: I love that for us.) Why she'd be looking there like a mom. You know she's 20, that blew me away dude, she's 20. She looks like she's going on her second marriage already. Why she like coked out she's like rubbing her nose. Everything about- mmmmm, so anyway. The thing that- that really like just actually hurts me about this is that- Shane- Shane did an amazing job on this documentary like showing all this. I mean he did not pull punches, (Dan: Incredible, yeah.) But in a way, it is also a way for them to save face and be like, "We confronted it, we talked about it," but the truth is they straight-up... appeared to be committing a fraud. They collected like $325,000 from these kids. The convention by the way, completely shut down like nobody got in. -and here's a great part, nobody's been refunded. Nobody's been refunded. Here, check out this press release. Apparently this g- the Segway kid, the genius in a contract he signed with this like startup uh, ticketing company. -said that they will not issue refunds any- any- Under any condition and that any refunds would be at have to be handled by them directly. Dan: It's a great policy. It's fantastic. -and in here, "If you would- will be issuing refunds to make a claim," "please go to goodtimes.live/claims" "and fill out the form anytime before January 5th." "You should expect the refund within the next thirty days." It's like bro, you got a- you got to jump through hoops, -and pray that you get a refund. -but the worst part is like a lot of people flew there, booked hotel rooms for this, and these guys pretty much committed like a straight-up criminal fraud. I would not be surprised if the FBI or the police force come knocking on their door in like -couple weeks. So, I don't know Dan: Yeah, there's no way this is over for them, I don't think so. They're in some deep sh*t. (Dan: yeah.) There's some great little details here too like... um... The same night that- that all went down, and the convention was closed, and everyone was losing their minds Michael in video: I was literally walking from venue to venue crying trying to find something out Tana is at the uh, Michael: It's 11p.m., we're still calling venues. It's 2 a.m., we're still calling venues. You know where Tana's f*cking on? At a studio 71 party. Ethan: Look at this, this is her that evening dude! She's such a f*cking idiot. Tana, what do you wanna do, do you want to- She's a Gucci's princess. Thanks for your $65 Anyway. So, by the- you know what really shocked me the most (Dan: Wow.) 'cause that- you know this girl Bella Thorne that she's friends with. They're both 20, dude. That's more mind-blowing than even the fraud itself. Those girls, and I- I don't know if this comes off rude. It prob- it might, but they're -those girls have a lot of mileage on them. They're like 20 going on 30 like holy sh*t. -and I'm not saying... That like, Bella Thorne isn't attractive, I'm just saying she needs her oil changed at this point. Just, gosh- 20 years old! Dan: I mean, I think she looks good. She looks good, it just looks like she's wha- she just washed out of the seat. Dan: *giggles* Tana... I don't know, I'm just shocked that she's 20. I'm not saying they're- they're, you know, ugly or anything, just goddamn. Dan: Well, it explains a lot about all this, and I believe the- the Michael kid, the- the Segway kid, he- he's also 20 or maybe 21. What happened? (Dan: It's a bunch of children.) Yeah, what happens when a bunch of 20 year old pseudo celebrities try to organize a convention? Dan: Here it is You get a, a little fraud, a little unplanned pregnancy, a couple of STDs Have you ever had a condom break on you Dan? Dan: I have actually yeah, that's- that's a scary. It's a bad feeling, (Dan: Oh yeah.) a lot of people are gonna be busting through those dude. Breaking through a condom it's one of the worst things ever. I remember... I think that like the first time I had sex, the condom broke. Dan: The first time? The very first time. (Dan: Oh sh*t.) You're like, oh sh*t. You're like "This is a good condom." You're like, "This is a really good condom." "Damn what's this brand again? Damn baby? What's this brand? Oh, it's a TanaCon brand? Oh sh*t. (Dan: Oh sh*t) Dan: Did you have to plan B it. I planned B-ed it. Have you planned B-ed it? (Dan: Yeah.) Dan: The time the condom broke, that- that was the one time, yeah. TanaCon should probably have included a little plan B in her goodie bag. Dan: I feel like Tana needeed a plan B for this convention. Her parents needed Plan B if I'm being honest. *mouth-pop* Dan: Yikes. So anyway... Turns out the "con" in TanaCon has quite a double meaning in this casing as both a convention and a literal con. So, I have a couple of bonus clips for you guys. It's- there's really nothing to say 'bout it- I felt stupid even talking about it. -honestly, it's- it's fascinating and that it was such a train wreck in like... Presumably they put this event together, *mouth-pop* Almost without even a thought to what would actually happen the day of. You know what I mean? Like... (Dan: Yeah.) I mean so irresponsible, that I sent 5,000 f*cking people, and almost did not even hav- like they thought, "As long as I booked the room." It's like, you know, if you build it, they will come. That was a movie. Dan: You need- you need- another audience out there. Yeah, I don't know. You need- anyway, it was just like mind-numbingly insane. *mouth-pop* uhm... Would not be surprised if uh, We-We see some jail time for them, if I'm being- and I'm- and I swear to god I'm being honest. Will not be surprised. Dan: Well, the big thing is this Michael guy. At least according to Shane's documentary, He signed on the dotted line for everything. Yeah, but Dan: So he's- he's definitely f*cked. The thing is... I think she- that one clip alone, proves that she has like, a conspiracy to commit fraud. "I love that for us." That is gonna play in a courtroom. There's gonna be a judge and a jury watching Tana go, "I love that for us." -and then the judge is gonna be like, "You know what I love for you," Dan: Five to ten years. I'm trying to think of a good playing word. I'm tryna- "You know what I love for you Tana? 65 months." One month for every dollar for your VIP ticket. *outro music* (bye <3) *outro music*
Channel: H3 Podcast Highlights
Views: 2,907,185
Rating: 4.8831086 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan klein, ethan and hila, tana, mongeau, tana mongeau, tanacon, tana con
Id: oGoKZyeN3-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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