The REAL ReaL Reason Why Frenemies Broke Up | Trisha Paytas Re-Upload

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okay if this is what we're doing then this is what we're doing i'm talking about the real reason frenemies broke up so like clickbait is crazy at this point it's it's actually just like it's amusing if it wasn't amusing one in this video i will be defending my sister um and just continuing the continuation of the saga because clearly he likes to drag it out he's making jokes about it so he says i'm ruining his family but i'll continue to make these videos um this specific one and also by the way there's new merch at i also have skincare at and there will be plenty of ads in this video thank you for coming where do we even start so oh god okay so i haven't really brought up anything since sunday right so it's gonna be like a little bit of serious and i don't know maybe this will probably be a lot serious because like i was i was biting my tongue right like you know people know that like if you ate me i i do a reaction everybody knows this like something that i probably need to work on but we'll cross that bridge another time i'm already working through a lot of mental issues so they ethan click baited the front of me or the front of me might as well be front of me because it's in the title why frenemies really end it or something to which the only thing he said in the video and the only thing he focused on was sorry i'm like burpee sorry i'm trying to add it because i don't have and i'm sorry that i make so many tick tocks and videos because i don't have and i don't add my videos because i don't have a crew i don't have a wonderful staff to produce my content for me and make my little script it's so funny because like he's like we put in so much work to this like ethan just shows up too like there are some he edits out so many times when he's just like maybe not even in the lives i think in the lives you can see but he has out so many times when he's looking at the screen and like what is this what what what this is too confusing like he doesn't like the staff puts together the go-to anyways shout out staff like i really do hope that staff will be getting that five percent because that was in addition to what they were already getting paid the staff gets paid whether frenemies goes or not they were getting paid years before front of me started five percent was in addition to and for everyone mocking the five percent like it's a lot of money like it is a lot of money so i really hope they each get about 10 000 raised a month like each of the employees like honestly they deserve it and i hope they get it but also ethan just glossing with the fact that he gets 100 of the highlights which is 40 million views that i haven't gotten anything from which is fine which is supposed to go to the production class which the production house is only the table and the um new cameras but i digress okay cool he likes it he likes to walk it whatever it's fine like i i get it now like you know he's he's also egging this on and dragging this on so here it is with all the adds and all the glory like i'm happy to do but one thing that did annoy me and like i was really trying to hold my tongue because like for me i was like you know what i just want this to pass i just want this to pass but i was like no i don't think so i don't think i'm ready for it to pass no no because if you're going to keep dragging down so so will i but the thing that really did annoy me i will say this this is like my serious point that i want to make in this video because it's like for one my sister shift was deleted like an hour after she made it um i i hadn't even seen the tick tock before she deleted it obviously she knew that it was gonna make things worse i asked everybody in my life to not talk about it moses everybody because like it just one it makes situations worse and it gets other people involved that don't need to be involved i've said this from day one that is between me and ethan the issue was ethan lied and he admitted to it he said he misspoke which is you lied he basically told me he's like after our big fight on the episode or whatever he texted me first he texted moses hey it's just still down to film tomorrow obviously was just not just wrong because he doesn't speak for me then he texts me hey we spent five thousand dollars this is this exact thing we spent five thousand dollars on this bridge room tomorrow like are you still down to film i was like yeah absolutely i'm down like that's what i do i'm a freaking professional like if this was a reality show come i'll come back and like wreak havoc whatever you know what i mean like yeah absolutely i will so this whole trisha said she wouldn't come back unless the crew was fired and dan was fired like that's so insane to me because i literally was like yeah i'm coming back the next day i come back like whatever but the fact is i said yes i'll come back everything is cool we were texting back and forth about other [ __ ] that was happening on the internet just like drama or whatever and then a couple hours later he's like actually that was sam segment that you um discarded and she's really upset and ethan's really upset and the crew just needs a few days like they don't want to film tomorrow like that's what he said so now that he misspoke about that the thing that launched all of this which is like oh they felt disrespected like like i i had already had my issues with like i don't know frenemies was working in my favor like it stuff i should have brought up to ethan and i did not but i was already having issues and i was like okay if this is if this is not reflecting where the crew feels disrespected like you know i should i should quit i told you then i was going to quit before i made the video like i made the video there was no hate in that video all stuff like that by the way there's just so much there's just so much to unload because i was really like holding back but by just putting a disclaimer like don't send hate towards people like that doesn't help when you punch down which ethan is notorious for punching down and that's what he did with my sister so here's let's go back to this whole why frenemies really ended which is him implying that my sister was the reason that it ended i guess because that's all he talked about in the video ian does the thing where he punched down on people right like he obviously knows he has a really loyal fan base and they're a really loud fanbase i'm obviously the one getting all the hate they see that so for them to do this video like defending themselves when i'm the one getting all the hate it's like it's really just punching down it's just punching punching punching when it's low my sister deleted that tic-tac within an hour it wasn't even up ethan had texted moses that night like about the tick tock i was like what the heck and i went to go look for it it wasn't up then ethan free uploads her tech talk on his it's still up okay fine tit for tat eye for eye you wanna like you got upset by something she said like okay defend yourself whatever but then to make a whole podcast where you clearly click baited where you knew everyone's gonna watch the real reason why friend of mine's ended and it worked there's like 100 000 people watching live it's like 1.5 million views now i was like and then to talk about it all about my sister and all her the work that she does and stuff like that i was like that's like punching low because she already deleted it like what else do you want like she already deleted it i don't want to talk this morning i'm going to go ahead and talk about it in here it's first and foremost i have to say this is just so stupid that this is like what ethan grasped onto and i am saying ethan because again it's between me and ethan i know ela and him are married and she wants to defend him as if i meant i respect that i totally respect that but like again as far as i'm concerned this is between me and ethan like me and ethan text um i haven't had any conversations with hila about this so and she and she respectfully she you know she wasn't at the front of me when it happened so of course she's not going to know about everything that happened but what he fills her in on and again i respect it and i i just want to reiterate that i i love and respect ela i appreciate her for giving for giving me um for stuff that i've that nasty stuff i said to her you know last year like it was it was it's disgusting i no i would never forgive me i don't forgive myself for it um and i like i said i i love and respect her and i think she's you know she is busy running a huge company that i'm sure gives contracts to their employees but besides that again i'm keeping this between him because everyone's like ethan saying you're ruining our family when ethan is the one texting moses saying that i tried to ruin his life last year like bringing stuff up from so long ago like it's it's really frustrating it's really annoying like and before anyone's like oh my god why i'm just telling you those guys like moses and i are also family you're like oh that's between family mothers and i are a family now like we're getting married we are a family you know what i mean we share everything i share every single text with them whatever the case so and it's fine it's fine you know and i mean right now they should know that whatever and it's like i i want them to have a relationship they're still invited to the wedding like like i love like you know again this is a me and ethan thing has literally nothing to do with um anyone else as far as i'm concerned and again if if you know if it's like okay they're they're a duo that's fine i don't want to put that on hilo because she has always been respectful nice and gracious to me and i can't say the same thing about ethan all the time so there's just so much to unload and then there's so much to unload because ethan okay back to the sister thing so so ethan brought it up in this whole thing and you can't just give the disclaimer don't send hate when you're going with millions of followers and you're getting millions of viewers on your podcast to a person my sister in this case a small content creator who has a hundred thousand followers on tic tac and that's where she posted and deleted it right away like you are sending a hate mob that's just it that's just you know that's there's it would be like me punching down on like channels that dislike me that you know there's a lot of channels and there's a lot of channels that speak like straight up like just lies just straight up lies about me and it's like i don't punch down because it's it's it's inciting hate regardless like if there's an issue and if there's a serious enough issue right you get legal involved you get whatever but sending like your fans and like broadcasting it to them like implying that that's the reason that frenemies ended the real reason why friends ended and then bringing up all the work that she does right online like on other platforms if you know what i'm saying like the spicy account and stuff you know it's really just inciting hate and she's been getting a lot of it and yesterday was really tough and a lot of people think i was like trying to ignore it's like really that whole day because i saw the title of it i was i was trying to like disengage because i was like okay i'm not trying to like put this up further like i really am like i'll just end it but like the fact is like i except for my tick tocks this morning because i did go off on tick tock this morning just like fish 88 if you want to follow you know ethan's been making continuous tick talks about this like it could end at any time i stopped talking about it sunday it could have ended at any time but he's making the two talks he's making these skits with his employees which is fine i know they're like trying to mock it and like make it light because he's trying to glaze over the fact that of why it really ended which is him lying to the employees because let's just say let's just say in a world where i wanted all the employees fired even as a boss talking to them behind my back like that like when i'm also an employee right whatever or working with them like that's sketchy like no matter what i did an interview the other day and the guy was like he was definitely team ethan i think for the majority of it but then he's like that's [ __ ] like even if that was true that i won the fire like going to your employees and saying trisha once you fired that's some manipulation that's some [ __ ] that is this bad bossing period like but at the end of the day like like they're not it's not a professional production crew right it's not professional like cameraman it's not fresh it's cool like he hires fans he it works for them like you know he hires like their girlfriends and that works for them like cool like you know cool cool but then when you're like inciting the lies like back and forth like that that's my issue you know what i mean also that first reply video just being like painting me to be this horrible person bringing up the stuff that i you know that happened to me last year like or that happened that i did to them last year you know what i mean that all was forgiven right he was totally cool to continue working with me for six months and praising me online saying trish is my bestie i love her like we were so lucky to have her in the family like yes moses and trisha they're you guys relationship is killing it right now but then to now throw it all in my face publicly be like don't forget she did this six months ago but it which you said was forgiven and it's cool if they don't forgive me but it's fake and hypocritical if they're doing that just for the money or ethan's doing that just for the money let me reiterate that um if he's just doing it for the money a lot of people like well he clearly was just like doing continuing the show for the money well then then it's fake and hypocritical if i say i forgive someone i forgive them and i don't throw it back in their face six months later you know what i mean i mean ethan's always back to punching down he's always punched down obviously the first video he did of me was the uh like i literally never even mentioned him and it was just like how she looks like a corpse and people look like twinkies and just coming for people about their plastic surgery when like he did what bought nikita but she was open about it i've been open about it like the side by side he used my before and after was one that i had posted so not denying but he you know it's that's his that's his tactic right it's like punching down on people like i'm i'm obviously hated online right now which is you know it's honestly like a lot of people are being like we're doing i mean some people some people don't give a [ __ ] but so i like a lot of people i hope you're doing okay the thing is i like am because like it's just it was so blown out of proportion and it's actually like it's actually laughable to me i mean obviously the stuff with my sister like i thought was pretty low to like bring her up because like punch at me like you know send hate my way like it's fine i'm on the internet i do that and the people do that like i expect it but like i don't know like it just it just didn't sit right with me because she had already apologized she recognized that it was making the situation worse so now if we're gonna talk semantics on it there's just so much i wanna talk about because then i won't talk about the private text messages like this is the thing like ethan is no better than me okay like i i think the thing is i keep admitting like i'm not a great person i'm a shy person i handle things shitly shitty shitty but he can't admit like one fault he'll say he misspoke but mine are straight lies like if i if i like don't remember something or if i say something or whatever like that then those are straight lies but like if he did something which was pretty detrimental to like the end the real end of frenemies which is that was sam's thing that was sam's content you should not and ian's upset and they don't they need a few days the crew needs a few days when they want to go film the next day it's like they really just said you shouldn't come tomorrow not the crew needed days so then when dan went to discord and said that wasn't sam's i have no id sam's idea i don't know where trisha got that from and he goes and also no one told her that the crew wasn't gonna film we were ready to film that's my show the text messages and let's just not again think that ethan is so above and elite me because he showed my text messages the following wednesday to say to prove that i'm a liar because i said i loved the movie i was hyping him up i was like oh yeah i love that movie then when we watched the movie the day before i was just like oh i like didn't see this movie to me that's not like a lot it's just like him forgetting that it was his idea for the costume him saying they're all your ideas when i said when i showed the text to that there are his ideas but again none of this matters and let's go speaking of none of this matters because it really is just not the point in just so much deflection deflection deflection and just going over this whole thing let's talk about the disney thing because everyone's like well she lied your sister liked she really didn't lie and i think they're first and foremost in a vip trip but he's like the vhb interpreter you can include up to 10 people that is true but each person has to have their own ticket so you still have to pay for each individual's tickets now to clarify this was a disney like a disney trip my mom has always taken me to disney but because i like to go vip and stuff like that like they all pitched in and they really did my sister makes money doing her own work that they discussed that i'm not gonna like repeat on here um you know my mom makes money she you know she sells my stuff and everything like that and and so does moses so they all like chipped in for all of this right it was like a group thing it was the vip it was the it was the the bus and all the stuff like that plus the party right um it was took care of the party so it was like this group thing right now like obviously uh once again none of this really matters right now there's literally none of this matter because ethan's still like texting emotions like i'm gonna pay for like nobody wants to be paid my sister did this tick tock my sister bespoke she inserted herself because she was trying to defend me and her in the situation that made us uncomfortable in the first place which was the disney trip which is the candlestick thing talking about my essay to my mom regardless if i talk about it on the podcast if i make all the jokes about it like it's just so inappropriate to bring up to my mom and sister specifically my sister really like had trouble dealing with that like because she's not as open about talking about my past she's dated guys that have thrown me being that kind of worker in her face in the past and she's just not as open she doesn't you know it's just it's just not a comfortable thing it's not something we talk like openly about something i make jokes with with my family about like it really really affected us like after that trip like it really did like i don't know how to explain it i think that was like the beginning of my thinking that maybe frenemies wasn't for me again i'm not blaming ethan for any of that like i'm just thinking like okay maybe this is i thought that i could handle and like joke about this stuff like i always have i mentioned in david's vlog like you know what i mean but then i realized like some of the stuff is like really something i need to deal with like when we brought up the robin williams thing and i didn't want to talk about it i was really like you know what i mean i was like okay i get it i've been making jokes about it and like whatever but it was something that like i'm i'm really not healed from and i shouldn't be joking about it i shouldn't let anyways i already made a whole video about that besides the point but yes you do have to pay for individual tickets now i was i was so happy that they came how it all went was originally we were supposed to go for one of their family members birthday in june and they're like you should come with us i was like yes um there then they then even texted me like you know maybe not because you know we want it to be all about this person's birthday obviously yes of course so then he's like we should go though and still do a vlog and so i was like oh well weird because they were surprising me i remember just being on the couch should be like oh weird like i feel like they're surprising me but they're not telling me because like they kept telling me to like oh you know keep keep thursday open whatever and then i kind of asked moses and moses was like oh because it was like a surprise whatever and then whatever i again i was so happy i would pay for everybody and now as far as like the birthday dinner felt like the begging thing like it literally it's just so crazy that this is what it's come to like i don't even know but like i really do have to say this because i feel like i have to defend my sister because like well she lied he begged to pay now like it wasn't a beg to pay a situation it also didn't matter i paid for my own birthday dinner it is fine i paid for my own birthday dinners for so many years like i don't expect anyone to i don't expect anyone to pay for anything including the disneyland trip i kept saying to my my family i'm saying your mother like like let me let me pay for it like you know i feel i feel guilty having anyone pay for anything like so when we did all the food segments like um like we paid and i i do think i believe that ethan paper uh maybe he paid for one of uh he probably i think he paid for one of the meals like i have to really think about it but which is oh overly nice like like i look to me like this kind of stuff is like just so silly but like as far as begging to pay for dinner like we did go out to like dinner or whatever like that and it wasn't a big situation was just he's like i'll pay and this is like i'll pay and he's like i'll split it with you and i was like no because i don't like to meet whatever you say whatever i hate i hate the splitting thing so the bill comes whatever like no you know so i usually i'm the first you could ask anyone to take out to i'm the first i'm like here's my card but i was like you know at the time i asked moses to hand over the bag i paid for it whatever you know what i mean it wasn't like a fight you know and and honestly like if like what was i supposed to fight for it like a lot of people do like that's just what people do or whatever but it's just it's just not the point but the fact that they took that right something that my sister deleted that i never even spoke on i still like i still don't care the only reason i'm speaking on it is to like say it wasn't like lies right like he didn't offer my sister money i guess he offered moses money but again none of this is like really relevant to the whole thing because they obviously have money they pay for stuff i pay for stuff whatever like you know what i mean like it's just i never was like pay me for that you know what i i don't know it's just you know what i mean like even like the costumes and stuff i i don't he like offered to pay the first time for like the all the costumes that i've had made for for us you know for our our couples costumes on the show and like of course the first time i'm like no you know like it's fine like i i don't care you know like i don't care about that stuff i really don't like the fact that this is like becoming a thing i don't know and like the five percent thing just being a joke and like mocking it it's like i people have been like wow you know because people are like wow the five percent like i guess i paid for all three of your weddings oh it's just like it's just so it's really just annoying and the disneylanding is the most annoying thing and it's just so nitpicky and it just takes away from the whole thing of like what the issue is um and i just think it was low and it's the same thing as like again this the punching down thing is something that i always i just i've just seen recently right we started frenemies at the beginning of quarantine nobody was there except once again me dan and um ethan now as far as me and dan like obviously dan had made it clear from the beginning he didn't want me on the first h3 podcast this is years ago right he wasn't a fan of mine didn't want me on the show whatever okay that's my first introduction to dan and obviously i remember it again sorry i'm sorry i don't want to cut this it's so annoying um and so obviously like i mean i've always i don't think i've ever made it like you know i always was like oh the h3 crew whatever like you know so that was before but then as i like got to know them and start doing stuff with them so like obviously i want i wasn't like fire dan or what you know what i mean like dan i was like inviting to my wedding you know so it doesn't like make sense but it was me and ethan and you know dan is always like hyped me up always been nice to me like since we started friend of mine is like it's it's a different thing so again bringing up the past doesn't make any sense because like we didn't know each other it was it was a long time ago it was before front of me started so it was just us three and then like i noticed like as we started doing more stuff and like being outside in like the real world and vlogging like first and foremost like i'm sitting on the disney vlog like i am not a vlogger i don't feel like super comfortable vlogging like and it's not like i'm like i can't blame me even for it obviously i participated in it but in general i just don't vlog anymore i feel like i'm disrupting people when i'm vlogging i feel like i'm annoying and obnoxious and i don't know i just i'm like that's just so not my thing anymore whatever so then the second vlog we did was um the bus thing right the the bus tour thing and that's when i was just like okay so like the and they left it in so again not really having this um what do you call i guess sense or whatever of um like having i gotta wrap this up this is so freaking long i don't know about them um i like not knowing what's like not ready to put in like i was shocked that they left the homeless part in like of him just like them filming like homeless tents in l.a and you know i've been guilty of it too being like oh my god there's like so much homeless and stuff like that it's just it's shocking it is shocking but it's like not funny and it's not something cute to put in a vlog so i was like the first thing i was like okay the second thing in that which i don't think made the vlog was we went by this like lunch truck and it was like construction workers and him just like on his microphone like being like why are you eating there and i was like it's construction workers working the beverly hills thing and then the final thing was that girl on the street like yes he was tackling people and people were like giving him like thumbs up but this girl was like this is all you have better to do is just like heckle me and he's like oh just happened like the fact that it was like left in there and then i was just thinking like okay maybe that's the sense of humor or whatever and i was like this is not the sense of humor or the type of comedy i want to participate in it where we're just like screaming outside of people's homes you know what i mean like and i get people think it's funny and i know he's gonna be like what are you the comedy police and it's like i'm not the comedy please i'm just saying for me personally that was like a time where she's like maybe this isn't like we don't have that same sense of humor where like frenemies worked right because we're on this podcast we have two different like things whatever and everyone's saying like it's so weird that a show about being enemies ended when it's like literally in the title and i i totally agree whatever he's like the final straw was like her posting the private text messages when he did the exact same thing the next day and he read my text messages with moses on episode one and i was just like we both said like no that wasn't public they ethan still like admit thinks that that was already made public it definitely wasn't it was things that were like don't put in there anyways again in the past but i was like okay so that was the straw i brought the candles back was the texture but then you also showed me this one um regardless of all of it like i do feel like a sense of i do feel a sense of relief um you know i am someone who doesn't like obviously like i quit but i come back right like that's just like my thing whatever and i don't expect anyone to be like oh well if you say you're good then of course of course but like that following day after the video was made he did text me like i'm screwed with all this merch like i don't know what to do with it and i was like i'm happy to help promote it like you don't have to give me any money like like i said from the beginning i was surprised they were gonna give me any cut of that merch at all like you know it wasn't ever in our deal it wasn't our thing i was excited to you know have branded merch i love merch i buy merch you can buy my channel without live like i was excited and i said i'll still promote it and you don't have to you know you know pay me anything although now it comes out that he said all the frenemy's money went into the merge which that was news to me like you know that was so technically then you really didn't lose anything because that was also like what people understand like the frenemies highlights is also like i attribute to that like trisha put it being trisha in the title like that is also the money that he's like we will put towards production costs so now he's saying he's putting it to the production of merch so i guess in that case i don't feel as bad because i'm like okay but i still hope people buy the merch i still hope he makes money off of it whatever like i'm not trying to put you know any bad oh ho out there is that the word i don't know because at the end of the day like right like it's fine like you know he he if it's done it's done like i'm not trying to beat like this like dead horse right but like if you're gonna be titling things in front of me i'll just go ahead and do it too like you know what i mean like hey give me those views give me that adsense too you know what i mean that like in this case if this is what it is it's now it's money and it's drama and you're making like jokes about it where you're totally comfortable with it as is your crew obviously not offended by it or upset by any of it then hey neither am i i mean i'm as people keep pointing out i'm the borderline over here i'm the one that's up and down i'm schizophrenic you know what i mean like you know i i do let things go like i'm up and down i have highs and lows and like it's kind of whatever and i don't know like i said i think the thing with my sister is just like it really hurt because she she's she is affected by it like she did get off she is off the internet like for a while on it you know and i mean she's you know she was affected by it and you know i obviously told her she wanted to fight back my sister is very feisty and you know i was just like just you know it's just that that thing is just not a big deal but the fact that they like clickbaited that and then made that the segment i was like wow okay like there is a lot of other things you could like say about me or to me but the fact of the matter is like honestly it's not cool like him i've seen moses that like i tried to ruin his life last year like trying to bring up stuff again from our past that we worked through and the internet is obviously all hate towards our way including moses like you know they could say don't incite hate towards moses don't send hate towards moses like he's in the middle of this like it's out there and no matter what you say by even you know it's it's out there oh you know why doesn't he do this why did when no one really knows the details of like his his relationships with people and any of that stuff like that it just it it does suck it does suck that he's in the middle of it and he's always been like i can say something like should i say and i'm just like no because it's not it's just not about him or you know my sister obviously shouldn't have gone i'm not denying that like she obviously shouldn't have made that tech talk you know what i mean she deleted it she knows that and like as far as music is not it's not really about anyone else too it's about me and ethan and ethan misspoke about a very big thing he put blame on specific people sam and the crew doesn't want to film with you like that's a very specific thing and that's a very and then he went and said that i wanted them all fired that's a very that's very gross that's a very good that's what this is all about to me and i was just like wow that's some pretty effed up [ __ ] right and maybe he wanted this downfall maybe he wanted it to and i'm not really sure right because the only way he put out the episode thinking that like everything like obviously knowing that i was gonna get like hate and stuff like that because in my head in my head i still think i'm still like oh it was it was like fine because i really didn't think i was being you know obviously what i said was rude but it wasn't like i was trying to attack the christmas it's like okay put it out there but like if he really thought this was so awful what i did in that episode like why even put it out so obviously obviously maybe wanted this downfall maybe wanted rift between me and the crew i'm not really sure to show some sort of power i remember when he told ab to do the video about david dobrik to kind of play devil's advocate and be like on david dobrik's defense team during all this like after he had like set like when seth was on the podcast and stuff like that and after i came out with my stories and then av got all that hate and then he turned it around and was like well abi i hope you learned your lesson like i basically like chastised ap even though he asked him to do it and now ever since ap has been super quiet so i maybe was like a power thing or a thing to make me like more like quiet or something i'm not really sure or to be more obedient like you're right i'm so sorry like you know come back and that's what everyone's just like apologize ethanol it's like i don't i have no apologies to say to him i do apologize to the staff once again because like being disrespectful is being disrespectful and like like i i'm again i don't want them fire but like absolutely they have every right to feel disrespected and i apologize for that i apologize for that but just know that it's a lie when i said i didn't want to come back to work that i wanted everyone fired like asking for in addition to is not firing a crew there was never a friend of me screwed a fire they have always had a job they always got a full-time job you know they continue to like it doesn't make any sense like so i do apologize to gila for what i said to her you know back last year like it's it's disgusting i have no idea how you were able to forgive me and let me into your home and around your family like i appreciate you i love you and i you know i love your family and i'm like i'm so honored to be a part of it and i i think that ruining our family thing was like what ethan said was like that one hurt a lot that one definitely hurt the most because i'm i'm i'm really just it's not even doing my best it's like i'm leaving them out because it really doesn't have anything to do with anyone else so i do apologize to her obviously i apologize i feel horrible you know for moses obviously he's with me and loves me and almost like that but like all this stuff is not something he signed up for um but yeah i mean if this is the back and forth we're going to do i mean i'm just down to do it at this point at first i was like you know let it go trish then you'll look like the bigger person but what have i ever been there person not today not now they're monetizing i'm monetizing it you know whatever let's go let's just keep going back and forth and i guess i don't know at this point like it really does seem like we just like lost we didn't understand the assignment like we just like lost the plot i don't know i don't know how to use gen c things and um yeah i don't know everyone's like we're tired of hearing by the summer i'm like why aren't you responding and so this is my response i was doing tic tocs it was like whatever i want a whole video about it but i was just like okay i saw them baked in like the whole click bait and the 1.5 million 1.5 million whatever i hope that clarified things i don't know i just bottom line like i really like of all the things that i started feeling like kind of icky about towards ethan and he probably feels like he bought a lot of things towards me which is fine but i was just like this punching down thing is like this is not cute it's like not cute at all like i don't know i just i i can't imagine like just going after i don't know i think i probably used to do that but like there's so many channels that like actually like hate me but like again or going for someone with like a lesser fan base or going for you know what i mean like it's just it i don't know to me it's just like i see so many tech talks what am i supposed to respond to like every single one there's so many like untruths and i'm just gonna like respond to that it's just you know what i mean um i don't know i think it was just so crazy and he missed the point entirely and their logic of ethan already addressed it on the podcast and he apologized so it should all be forgotten it should apply to me as well if that's the logic we're going and that's the reality we're living and then it should also apply to me stuff that i've apologized and addressed on the podcast should all be forgiven and forgotten but it doesn't apply it only applies to ethan right ethan can throw stuff in my face but if he's apologizing you know it's not even throwing in my face it's something that i like thought was okay and now i'm just thinking like i'm like realizing to myself i was just like oh so and there's all this [ __ ] like oh my gosh she accused me of sh or her you know whatever not sa but sh it's different and i'm like that's not it at all like i'm just finally like coming to terms with like okay i shouldn't be i shouldn't be okay with these kind of jokes right then i said and i keep saying it like i'm not putting ethernet blame i'm like literally realizing this for myself that i can't handle it i can't handle talking about it and it really does affect me and i realized especially the scale at frenemies was becoming like it is getting bigger you know my family is going to like find out stuff where it was so casual for me to talk about it before because i felt like i had power and i had control over if i was talking about it but now it's like my family is finding about stuff that you know i'm just i'm actually not ready to handle and talk about which is like crazy because i really felt like all that in the past i talk about it sometimes in the mindset of that didn't happen to me that's just like a story i tell when in reality it did and i have to like come to terms with that right so all that to say like i was honestly ready to let it go i didn't want more you know whatever back and forth but if this is this is the narrative this is gonna be like the real reason for enemies and this and you know i was like oh i'll play it too like you know if that's what we're doing i mean it's it's kind it is sad and it's like whatever but i mean if this is the mo and it's just like same old trish like i guess the same old church i don't know truly though i'm being sincere about it right i'm not trying to troll or anything like i'm i am so sad about it right like when have i ever like not gone back to frenemies right like um the only reason i did to put those prior text messages because like i was like i did the video and i was like i thought i i felt i was being responsible the crew just saying i'm gonna take myself out of the situation and at least i thought maybe temporarily and get back to it whatever obviously and that's a dead and going concept but but i did put all those sections because i'm like once i saw damping like that wasn't sam's idea where did she even get that that's when i was like okay i don't like people like controlling the reality that just happened hours before because i do have schizophrenia and that does include memory loss and delusions and stuff and i'm on medication for it i was like no no no i'm not gonna let someone like dictate reality for me because i do get it confused a lot and you know that's something i'm dealing with and whatever but like i was like okay that's why i try and like look and everything and then when i saw like literally hours before him saying it was sam's idea and then dan saying like it wasn't sam's idea i have no idea where chatham i'm like okay put these together like they're in the course of a two-hour time span same thing with like we were like the crew needs a few days as a and then dancing like we were down to film and they did film the next day it's like do you know what i mean like i was like okay that's that's not that's not okay there's no talking to ethan at this point because he's manipulating he's lying he's straight up lying misspoke lying it's a big thing to misspeak on someone's name right like you're throwing other people now under the bus for it like the pretty big thing to misspeak on so if that was the the final straw then okay so be it but i am sad about ending like i literally was just like hey you've read my text messages you're obviously lying in this situation here it is i incriminated myself obviously this textbook has also made me look shitty what i mean so it wasn't like i was thinking like i'm going to dunk on anything i was just like no this is what i said and i didn't edit out like what i said in it which you know got me hate and rightfully so and i apologized for that um but it is sad like it is that like i like i did an interview this week for this like um i don't know it's not yet but i did an interview and i and like i said he was he was pretty pro-ethan and um and that's totally fine and whatever like that i don't know where my thought was oh but he was just sad he was ultimately sad front of me it was ending right he's like let me mediate and like bring friend of me back and so i think that is the saddest part he's like that was a great job and everyone keeps saying and it was it is you know what i mean but if he's banking on like pushing me and getting reactions and that's fine and some people called it exploitative i think it was d'angelo wallace who's like it's he's exploiting it which it is as am i exploiting it you know i have these things that i do snap and i do go off and like any other production like if it was real housewives like be like we're gonna keep filming this and exploiting it for money and i'm down to do that because really that is my only discernible mark on the internet right and i've been trying to get better but i can't just change overnight um it's gonna understand i feel like i haven't talked too long but um you know if that's what we're reliant on is him pushing me which i felt he was doing in that situation trying to push and i'm real i was really trying to hold back like obviously like you know i didn't go off name calling or anything i was trying to hold back i didn't want that meme storming off you know i really was trying to like improve myself and not be that person but i'm like okay if this is what we're trying to get again another walk off and you're pushing it this way like there is a point where i do kind of like just black out and go and i was holding it together i was like right in that middle and but then to be like oh like too far it's like okay well i don't know what to tell you i mean it is what it is i don't again as people have pointed out i don't know what the basis basis in front of me is being like we don't really like each other but we're family now or whatever like that's the piece of the show and whatever and i guess that's just uh that's just what it is but like i said once people started feeling disrespected like the crew and something i was like okay then maybe it is going too far like if other because again that wasn't my intention but it it that's how they felt so i'm like honoring their feelings because then i was just like and i wasn't blaming them and that's not going to be made me lose it's like taking myself out of situation which i already felt to be kind of like maybe a little uncomfortable maybe not really my place to be anymore not on anyone else but myself because i was like oh this is like you know me it's like it's kind of like their kind of thing their kind of sense of humor their you know what i mean and it and i've always made it clear that it wasn't my sense of humor the h3 um crew humor it was never my i never understood it i like never watched it never got it so when it became more of that right quarantine's over more people are involved we're going out and put like you know it just was like a huge adjustment to me that like maybe it wasn't the right fit so maybe i sabotaged it maybe he did maybe it was just meant to be over this little nine-month span whatever the case is i am sad about it it's obviously heartbreaking and obviously on a personal level like i keep saying like yes there's no reconciliation like obviously on camera but like personal level like yeah i i want to reconcile i was like you're making most of the shoes between the family and absolutely not i don't think you have to choose at all everyone's invited to the wedding and i hope everyone comes and i hope by then everything is like calmed and cooled um i'm i've owned up i continue to own up to the [ __ ] i've done wrong like i you know what i mean like i have so much to work on and it's like if i if he could just take like an ounce of that you know what i mean like that would be cool that would be dope and then maybe working on a personal like we're okay you know i'm not besties you know but we're okay because i really do want to be okay with everybody right like truly there is not like as much as trisha wants to come back trolling and being like you know i i truly do want peace and i do want to hold back the trish rants and the trish for people that i feel should be held accountable who don't people can just not say sorry or not accept that they did anything wrong and stuff like that and not just go after every little thing on the internet that everybody does and all the gossip and the drama so that's the real reason frenemies broke up in my eyes and and that's it have a great saturday love you guys stop by 2000 by merch buy it buy it tick tock just like fish88 buy it new subway i'll enjoy the morning buy it like a little okay
Channel: Tit for Tat
Views: 49,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HnBxyY88Ufc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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