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it's 5 45. yes we get up at 5 20 and the only reason we get up that early is for antiques george said we had to leave the normal town at 5 40 and now we're in the van following george and sarah fantastic purple band let's face it that is great man you can see there's some people in the mirror light is arriving into our lives we must really love furniture so what are you looking for i am looking for anything that makes a bold statement all right um on a non-practical side that's kind of the things i'm most interested in on a practical side we need a couple of bedside tables for the chamber pass yes we need um i would love an over mantle mirror for my bedroom or for my study [Music] things like that little bits and pieces that i'll know that that's missing anything for the salon all of the patron money that comes in for the chateau is spent on the restoration and the renovation of la land so it doesn't cover furniture which means that i set aside part of my youtube ad revenue every month so that when these things happen i can i can start to make the inside of that arm look like a chateau find really beautiful pieces of furniture for it this is big excitement for me wow sarah's a nippy van driver yes [Music] apparently there's two huge hangers and lots of outdoor stalls as well i wonder if there'll be so many people this year the fans actually that's yeah really a lot of people came early to get a good parking spot wow actually we have gotten up 20 minutes earlier this is huge a lot of people wanting furniture today hello i'm so sorry for the early morning start we're loving every minute of it i don't know what you mean now before we can go into the fair which actually is only starting in two hours we came here to get a good spot and have a little look around the lie of the land but before we do that we're going to be collecting furniture that i bought when i was at sarah and george's a couple of months ago when we filmed the big vlog of chateau de breve and george has a barn at the chateau with some furniture for sale and i found such lovely things so i'll have a quick flashback now so you can see the moment where i bought the furniture it was your stupid idea to come into the barns which i shouldn't have done we were literally about to leave i'm about to go to the car but philip wanted to look in the barns and i have fallen in love with these four arm chairs and the sofa and that's quite unusual in france you usually get a sofa two arm chairs and two side chairs two or four side chairs but to see four arm chairs and a sofa is unusual it's really comfortable and all with the original color it's an original paint yeah original paint you know lovely wear in the right places so where they've been moved people picked them up and made them across the room nicely worn and then one day i would like to re-upholster them but they're sort of fine for now so i think they can live like this and the reason i'm looking for furniture is i want to completely redecorate the salon when the new paneling goes in and i'm looking for french furniture but that's comfortable yes that is so important they've got big seats they're comfy often french furniture is beautiful this is great and then i fell in love with these chairs as well you're getting those as well yes i've said a lot i love these ones i think they're very very sort of egyptian stuff they aren't they're yeah yeah they have uh kind of restoration aren't they have you ever seen the uh furniture from tutankhamun's tomb no look it up it's amazing it looks as though it's just been made right it's something you would immediately put into your home it's so beautiful it's exactly this kind of style it's amazing i think these are really lovely very sculptural really pretty and as george said we look great on either side also be lovely the dressing table the little dressing table i think they're very very useful i'm clearing your barn out yeah this tui which is in a bit of a state but now everything's pinned on my cousin coming back because he's a carpenter and i think he'll be able to repair it and then we can find an old mirror to put inside it and there's quite a lot of bedrooms at alarm that are missing their original tumor so this will be really useful at la land but there's a third bar why was there a third one and why was i drinking a cocktail well that's i always give it before they go shopping and these are the things from the third one a gorgeous fire screen with a really pretty fabric i do love that me too that was a good find for that yeah i like it with the red coming through the field yeah really nice and then i got these two this one probably for my bedroom somewhere which i'll recover and then this one which is simpler uh i thought i could actually paint quite dark and then it'll be fun cover with a tartan for jerry's apartment i've got a funny feeling i've got a small roll of silk gallery fabric somewhere because this was originally sword gallery yeah yeah shall we been well enjoyed it was from from home in france i do love silk gallery fabrics but yeah sadly can't be kept any longer though the pack's pretty good could you use the bit on the back well why not yeah that's actually very nice on the back and then just find something that marries yeah just do that yeah yeah well thank you i'm happy to have found these things good really nice these are so much more beautiful than i remember wow i love them the garcelle is going to look splendid they're amazing george good yeah i'm so happy i forgot about these oh i love them i can't believe it yeah i love them philip hates them i love them oh they're great he's a very negative man george look at those wow wow it's so pretty is it comfortable and we'll see how much space we've got on the back you're probably not supposed to be trying it in the van but wow is it comfortable oh it's lovely i'm very happy my goodness that fits well it's exact you can't ask for more than that oh that's fantastic this is an old tomorrow it's very damaged as you can see still needs a mirror in it check those out but i think it could be very useful maybe for the chamber pass so i'm going to speak to my cousin emery who's a carpenter to see if he can repair it it wasn't expensive at all i thought it's so pretty it's worth trying and he'll be here next month we've got loads of space so much i know i love it i really love it i don't mind what else we find just picking this up is a joy it's going to look incredible in the long when the paneling's done and the tremolo could look amazing in pets that's exactly what i just said yeah that'd be great so even if i don't find anything else today the furniture that i bought from sarah and george is going to make a huge difference to the ghana salon wow literally i stepped away for two seconds to pick up a cardigan and i come back and you're wearing a frock coat what has happened here it's amazing do a turn how does it fit it looks a bit a little bit tight isn't it no i don't think it is in fact if anything it's a little big on your waist oh yes it's amazing it's probably amazing the back's superb color's amazing too [Music] i can't see myself i got that on sunday at a brick i don't believe it it's fantastic it's in such nice condition it's you know in so all the linings there and the pockets let's go look at that some coming up over a lot of vans i'm feeling surprisingly awake i'm very excited this is the way you start daily it's hot chocolate and croissant you've got power supply and i'm being very greedy shopping takes a lot of energy and you told me to wear flat shoes so you must know there's something ahead and it's a beautiful morning it is beautiful i know it's not something i see very often and apparently philip you lost all the sunrise when you were still up editing yes i don't think sundays people are just going to open their vans but no one is allowed to buy anything until 8 o'clock in the morning it's now 7 30. we've been wandering around chatting to everybody our van has a magnificent parking spot and people are allowed to vaguely look but absolutely no transactions can take place and there's security wandering around saying no no if they think some people have definitely bought things i just want to show you these tables they're the most amazing tables on the back of this trailer look at the size of those small tables i asked george what do you thought they were for do you think they're probably from a beautiful draper's shop originally for the rolls of fabric to be cut they're amazing absolutely it's getting pretty tense quite exciting they're going to open the doors to the inside store they are open now how excited are you phillip i'm so excited oh i used to love going to vulcans with my grandfather like antiques fairs this is just my happy place people are only allowed to unpack once it's open so as you can see people are desperately unpacking their vans now at 8am you've already spotted something look at that entire bedroom set look the bed the wardrobe it is really really beautiful oh look at the chandelier with the little porcelain flowers it's a bit it's cute beautiful i love this store wow but everything was too expensive for me amazing though i have found a mirror for over the mountain piece either in my bedroom or my sitting room i'm not sure which one it'll be for but i've been looking for one that's one of the things i wanted to get today really happy really really happy for 700 i think that's a beautiful painted one i love painted furniture i actually prefer the one to your right i find that a little bit too much a bit too fluffy so i do like the shade of green that's why i'm like yeah the shade of green's really pretty but i prefer the painting on this one i've got these they need a little bit of work you can see that's a little bit broken but philip actually came up with a great idea of maybe using them as bed crowns in the champagne where we have the twin beds and we got these for 150 the pound philip and i have rather fallen in love with this painting which is a bit too expensive for me she's um 18th century woman dressed as diana the huntress which you can tell from the crescent moon in her hair and the bow that she's holding a little bit of leopard print there she's managed to catch a leopard in her hand we have finally finished inside and i got four things four you've got three more and the bed crowns yes that's it i think so we can choke myself that's more than enough my camera that's i am at my limit you haven't bought anything i haven't yes i got i got the painting of diana i love that one it's so beautiful you know when you buy something that's really at the limit of what you told yourself you could spend that's how i'm feeling about diana right now she's going to look amazing i just keep seeing her against the beautiful paneling in the castle in my mind um i know you're looking at other things but i can't afford anything else for the rest of my life what have you spotted these are quite nice they're lovely they look super comfortable and i really really like the fabric fabric is gorgeous i love the fabric yeah that's what i like so much about how much they are well we can always ask it's good i find that asking a lot means that we learn as well how much things cost okay so having said i wasn't getting anything else i've actually got these for my study because it was 200 the pair and they're very nice upholstery they're very comfortable and i'm thinking the room is going to be yellow so i actually think that that's that's a good guy it could always it could also be rather nice in the castle not if it didn't fit there right it could be very very pretty in the glass in fact probably even better in the castle against the green paneling so that's what i thought when i saw them yeah i think you're right merci beaucoup so there's two armchairs i loved that's why i bring them out to you actually i was getting really difficult i always say yes i'll get them and then then philip's like well you haven't looked there's a little tiny tin what are you doing my french is quite good but i'm also quite tired because he could have cut up really early and he said 250 but i thought he said two thousand thousand five hundred so exactly he thought i'd agreed for two thousand and he was trying to stop me exactly well thank you for trying to stop me if i'm ever that crazy no it was 200 and honestly i cannot buy the silk fabric that's on them for 200. so that was a lovely buy oh you've spotted something phillip loves a bit of napoleon i'm not sure about the bay's top i don't like the fact that it's got a lot of little pot holes yes i mean generally i do like the style of furniture i know you're really into it i find it quite masculine it's nice but i don't think that one particularly i would love it as a dining table it's a little bit small not many people at your dinner party it was just in my room so i actually quite like it and i will ask how much it is if i'm not gonna get it just to like get a better understanding yeah i love that chair the one right at the end over there all by itself billy no mates i really like the the color the color green with the gold ariel also you like all of the ones that have this kind of velvety texture you always go for them i prefer like a brocade yeah you keep bringing us all over today well i love the ones that have a embroidery but with this i just really like the color because usually the raised velvet ones are like in browns and they look quite dirty this one looks quite fresh it's very nice it's nicely upholstered it's quite nice it's not very old i think the carving is very old it's not an amazing building it raises itself very quickly oh well there we go it's a self-filling cushion what do you think it's a nice shape actually let me try it out very upright that's how you sit yes like an upright chair what do you think i like the squidger chair maybe put it in the editing suite so how about maybe couldn't that be my editing suites yeah would you be a bit low down there yeah yeah maybe too low for my desk well i think it's very nice actually i think it's 180 is too much i would have to get it for like 140. yeah yeah maybe up for 120 see how you get on yeah i was gonna offer 100. give it a shot you're getting it 150. 150. yeah i think it's a good buy for 150. it's really pretty color it's just beautiful things everywhere we look beautiful painting it's crazy in the outside section there's so many beautiful things little details look at these bobbins for lace-making and here here you can see how they would be used to make lace we found out the price of these tables and they're two and a half thousand each ten thousand for all of them exactly like george said george guessed he said i think about two and a half each when he's exactly right but for somebody who has a chateau that does weddings and a big outbuilding i think they're glorious there's really nowhere at la alam that would take those and i don't have a spare 10 grand but i think they'd be a good buy for someone else who does beautiful events you getting anything to add to your brooch collection maybe so these are only five years of peace five years i quite like that one i like that one it's a humming gold i would have bought it i don't have that much silver jewelry and i can i know you can make some metals i don't like that um you found a bodice an old bodice which is very beautiful actually i like it a lot and i'm distracted by the lace this is the kind of thing that's gonna love it i think bernadette banner would have a great time lovely lace i love this fabric that's amazing it is lovely i think it's got some water damage no it's a pity but you've just bought something haven't you i have what have you just bought it's like a victoria edwardian now i know you're famous for wearing tight clothing um and you've worn women's clothing from time to time but i'm not planning on wearing this would be small even for you it was so beautiful so maybe we can put it on the mannequin i love the fact that it's still got its label inside yeah it still has its label what's it saying so i saw it i can't quite work it out it's beautiful i absolutely love this yeah and the boning so i asked how much it was i think it would be sell for 100. and just like to train your eye you know just ask how many uh how much certain things are 30. oh no fair enough i can see why you look at the lace on it it's beautiful we have um a mannequin back in the shutter we can maybe try it on her that's what i was thinking this is lovely but it's 115. obviously i need to recover it completely how beautiful it must have been originally yes the embroidery is so delicate just stunning just on it but no too much yeah skull fill it be sure you don't don't need a skull no no okay thank you very considerate oh i like these that is lovely but it's very delicate but i like these oh wow they're nice aren't they they look great on a mantelpiece bits and pieces yeah i'm missing quite a few bits so here it's missing even the brass and here it's missing on one side is missing the brass or the other side is missing the blue oh snake maybe not not sure about snake i love this portrait and i was really torn between her and diana diana has one but i find her beautiful really beautiful now i think she can over clean i could be wrong but that's she's in a she's in a bad state for me happened here but she is 18th century and she's beautiful eyes i love the fact that she's got the monogram on one side yes and his face her love's face on the other side and she's feeding her little bird there's also a hole in the picture yes yeah she's a bit pricey for me sadly i would need a lot of restoration yes if she'd been less then she'd be coming back to that arm but he's 2 000 euros oh sorry we nearly walked past cutlery our lovely curtain rings down there i love these champagne flakes i'm definitely not here to buy crystal or glassware today but oh my goodness fill it that's for hand blocking fabrics yes it's one of the old that's blocks well no because i mean i wouldn't use it but it is lovely nice spot there's so many interesting things here everywhere the eye falls it's incredible i'm loving everything about it but sarah just phoned me and asked we want to go and meet them for a quick drink sounds nice but i'm going to ask about this first okay how is it possible to fit that hat into that can you hold my hair yeah i used to have one of these and it's called mine had things here yes this one doesn't work so you put in oh my goodness and then and that goes in this original box did you see wow and it's a beautiful one mechanic it's called the chapel plot usually because at least that's the way i know them your head's way too big for that yeah the other one was way too too small for my head as well but i love these does it suit me it's very shania twain thank you i love the fact that it's got its original little case let's look inside the case not much inside because the thing is here it's very exciting i really like that i think i bought mine with my grandfather for like 10 euros 15 euros i have to do my hair again this is not what i was expecting soon i mean he's making me talented about that but honestly we've got so much garlic we're in the garden that i just i don't think i can i love the color so what did you find what did you get we got a whole box of beautiful 18th century fabrics which we're very very happy with um we've got an uber stream to go on the wall yeah probably part of a kind of fragment from a larger carpet yeah yeah it's great and that will be for you for your house probably uh a huge original paint counter oh yeah we've got first of all some garden bits some garden terracotta some reconstituted urns so yeah it was a good day yesterday we're very happy and we're very happy that you were able to come together it was glorious absolutely glorious i because every time i see you it's catastrophic [Laughter] ed and anna's they've been obviously found one i know and because it's the end of the day [Music] how much was it uh 350 i think that's a good price well philip is a happy man he has what's called a murder decree which is to lean against apparently so he'll be leaning very elegantly against that we have a lovely porter who is helping us because there is no way on earth that philip and i could carry all of this to the van so we're moving fast now well is everything going to go in okay phillips leaning furniture is definitely coming back with us and now there's a marble for it and this and still two more chairs to go and collect and a huge mirror philip and the porter have gone back to collect the last two armchairs and the big over mantle mirror that i got so i'm waiting here as it's really quite warm and we've walked a lot they're really sweet they'll let you wait at the van i'm hanging out with diana isn't she beautiful she's just too lovely to leave behind the way it works is that you run around everywhere finding things that you want and telling the people that you'll buy it and they just hold it for you and at the end of the morning you go around picking everything up and paying for it and when i went to collect her he said that so many people had tried to buy her he could have sold her hundreds of times over that we spotted her really early on well to be fair philip spotted her but i'm really really enamored with her i love the crescent moon in her hair symbol of diana the flowers in her hair the bow the leopard skin which is lovely this is going to be the hardest thing to get back in one piece to that land i don't think the glass is very old to be fair so we could we could replace it if there's an accident it wouldn't be the end of the world but it's lovely it's very pretty i'll hold this thank you oh scary moment i'm very glad i'm not part of this is this is it the last things going in the two yellow chairs which i love even more than i remembered merci beaucoup bye joe we're done by james i think we've done it wow honestly well except those two bits at the top can't stay where they are because they're gonna fall on the mirror other than that we are done everything's in yes thank goodness we bought a van done phillip thank you drove us back safely what i need now is a good lunch and i cannot believe it is only lunch time yes i feel as though we've had three days in the fair i don't it's literally hasn't gone one yet crazy right and i don't know about you but i don't want to let diane out of my sight so i'm going to carry her to my room she's amazing she's too nice to leave in the van i am having carpaccio of beef because what a warm day if i wanted something fairly light oh it looks delicious you've gone for something a little less light yes but we needed a good sit down i was gonna have a salad and then i had burger and i was like okay every single thing i bought you spotted first since you've got a great eye thank you you're so good to be in a poor can't wait because i just wander around bewildered and you keep pointing out beautiful beautiful things i mean it was quite easy to do today i'm so so happy with what we i'm going to take the royal wheel with what we found buena pitisa thank you very much what a good day a huge thank you to all of our patrons who make this vlog possible and the dolphins and dolphins of la land jaidel and ether alice allen dan bander whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise berenstainel bernakovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned borkowski clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelton steven sarah cole linda sue concepcion erin conklin zoe dork sylvia dem jim demersman and richard patternord sakura dennis zane dixon jason dubby jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first to kevin fossum abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camilla herrera jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hoop lissandra hawley melissa jansen brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy cam nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer la land morgan lowly angel leonard victoria lepine janet huff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton karen nicholson kathy nerd maureen palmer wendy piatek frank popovsky and james snow tomorrow price arm and ramen tonya renee rjb bettina roject hanny ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan's feng shui lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurick carl and laurie c but theresa sloane patty sue susan stephens montes de paura sabrina saret and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer renee valelli victoria jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whittaker linda wiest christine wilson weed luck okapu greg wood david young and lodovicos ordonazzo you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 192,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chatelaine, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french country living, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, french living, france, french holiday, le mans, cathedral, french travel, antiques fair, antiques, french antiques, chateau antiques, chateau furniture, antiques haul, haul
Id: CTv4ZYdYClc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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