Sundays at the Brocante: Love at First Sight

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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter we're all heading to the charity shop the ima use in chateau roux for this week's sundays at the chateau we're going to go and look for some treasures all aboard there's honey and in the front natalia and phillip oh yeah are we looking for anything in particular well i think we need um like a blowy thingy oh bellows yeah that is a great idea because i'm sick of blowing out the fire [Music] whenever i want to get a flame okay all on the lookout for bellows okay and other than that yeah i don't know fabulous things absolutely absolutely fabulous things it's a great day for it it really is this is the best way of warming one's soul on a cold day what have you spotted that's what these two they were separately that one was over there yeah um i think they would look very and i particularly love this i've never seen a marble like this before i'm also thinking if you don't have enough space and you don't like it there you can also put that one in a castle yes 70 is quite expensive for here but i do like them also this one has got marble on the inside you see that oh no does that have a look is it broken no i don't think i think that piece goes here because this doesn't have any marble that one has oh yeah that's the missing piece from the side this is great it's got this little marble shelf we can pop a chamber pot in there if we need it well i mean the dumpster is loose being done at the moment we can't use it what i wanted to say yeah let's get them we can dress them so beautifully with lamps i think so too so you just need like maybe a light sanding a bit of oil yeah especially this front one and we'll never get a matching pair no that's right and i do like the inlay and all the work is still on it yeah they they're really pretty that's kinda right yeah let's do it great cat does want an organ for the chapel it's a really nice one we've fallen in love haven't we phillips we have with chairs we tried we saw each other from a distance they called to us i never believed in love at first time until it happened look at the color i know the colors are amazing do you want to show us how how they look great yeah in the winter a brandy by the fire okay i'm gonna come and join you yeah why not what do you think miss jarvis i don't think i can leave without them but then we're cut off we've walked in and immediately bought the bedside tables for the sofa and organ for the truffle that's gonna be so happy and the armchairs you know i was coming to look for napkins or something for goodness sake after this we have to leave i think so too we've got like so an hour and a half left so we shouldn't be allowed in here but i mean the bargain it's ridiculous the prices i know we've really been lucky that one is one 120 and this one i'm sitting on is 18. i don't understand why there's a price difference between the two chairs so i'm going to go and find out exactly how much it is the pack that's right i love this shop so we just got in and i saw this it looks like a regular piano yeah lovely in there these look a bit sad but i mean i think they're supposed to be with gas or something guess i think oh yeah i don't understand they're actually electric so you can plug that in somehow that one is this one this one is missing the yes a little section anyway down here well there's something more exciting no you're joking no i'm not no you have to be i have well it's 800 euros also how am i going to get this in my super fun i've always wanted one of these it's amazing it's like in the old saloons a piano musical oh soup like no and neither am i because i've just spent 300 on a piano that plays itself well this one's amazing it is amazing i love the electric lighting in it later another day lovely piano you're in heaven right now yeah i thought so i mean the entire store is quite nice got a lot of things that aren't that's good but yeah those little treasures you have to be able to look through it all and some things just maybe on it on their own it won't be as nice but then in a nice room so you have to imagine things taken away from this setting that's what i mean yeah put somewhere beautiful exactly there's some really really lovely things in here and the gm plates i think they're fun there's maps so apparently a little bit of the netherlands followed me everywhere i go [Music] but why it just says italy underneath with like fake marble and you were drawn to it you saw that windmill the polkadot and then the windmill okay i know this is weird because i'm not into the windmill but i like the polka dots and i like the fake pink who would find this you know you want it deep down yeah it's really my color you want that windmill just to remind you of home and the back is just polka dots which is it i'm not going to buy it but oh look at you looking at the price well just i'm just curious it doesn't say phillip is proven quite hard to move from this section because he's decided to open all of the little boxes who wouldn't honestly no they're really cool right it's complete as well i mean it's art deco not really my bike yeah it's just actually the pleasure of seeing things in little boxes that fit and it's local as well nice what's in another one oh they're very broken for little things next one oh quite elegant right they are does feel like plastic um that's also from mr langston chateau hall oh is that here's the whole collection here okay let's see the next one have you seen those before yeah it's incredible knives and forks so the ones that opened first i think oh oh okay darling little set seems to be very pretty but if it's wood i guess that it's um repairable just needs sanding oiling good for um dinners in the woods right yeah agreed a rustic meal in the woods oh they were very pretty once well they were beautiful ones not anymore and then you can see through them they're so fine oh look it's miss yolanshi also have you seen these ah extremely useful what on earth are they for uh well they could either just be decoration or just like these and these are for knives well they put them near the knife for us yes look they put them in the whole box of rather lovely knife but you know i have some at home we never use them oh well they are just i like this one look at the korean themed comments they're fun but it's just to put down so you can put your knife off something nice here it was yeah like this so the fact is that if you're eating and you don't want your dirty knife to touch your tablecloth just put them on that or like that we should lay the table like that because i've got some at home so let's do that we'll be fine what did you find well i was just thinking you're still looking for things like your set at home yeah it's it's different but it reminded me that this oh that may well have been an early form of bernardo it's got all the platters too and the lips so many nice things what do you think because it's actually not bad if you're looking at the colors here i like it yeah yeah it's much darker isn't it i can ask but do we like this because it's quite big i don't dislike it me neither though it does depend on price yeah it has been really cheap no more than 20 euros i was thinking the same thing okay great then we check we found quite a lovely print and it's just outside and it's got water damage it's such a shame the library of paintings of buildings interior and exterior decorations by ernest david this one is a ceiling in the renaissance style ceiling aki song they've actually been lovely in the machisa they would have looked so good in the marquis apartment but they've let it get so damaged here at the back you can see all the water damage it's had and i think it's attached to the cardboard yeah i think it's attached to it i don't know if sometimes think that if if we could get it for one euro maybe we should just save it i mean it's just lovely this is a fun section for today look i would like to point out how nice our umbrella is i bought it years ago in hong kong that's my favorite umbrella uh so this is what we're looking at right now it's quite a lot here hard to take it all in if i'm honest yeah phillips already spotted at least three things he thinks we need but i'm i'm cussing i need them i just said they were lovely i just cannot justify buying anything else today i mean you do have a shelter to fill it's getting quite full having said i wouldn't get anything else if i can get this for under two euros i'm going to get this tray because your exact phrase what was your acceptance again well i said it was for the tack room before that i don't what was the phrase yes even two more euros would push me over the edge that's why i said number two that's why if you can get it for under two euros then it's perfect for the tack room because that was the old stables it was the where the groom used to live so i think that's a little piece of history we should remember we're in luck one euro for the trade trey's coming home oh my gosh we're just browsing i love the sound of the rain on the umbrella oh that's the shape of that one oh what have you spotted well i hate the the gold is missing yeah the shape is nice but i wonder if this is drb i don't know the one you're still looking for one day we'll find a piece from it will be a really fun challenge one day would be to come here and tell ourselves that we have to make the most beautiful table only using things from this outside section the outside section yeah only here okay that will be a challenge i think it's doable but i definitely think we should wait for summer yeah because there's a lot of sally kind of things and i mean those are quite nice yeah that against like a yellow underplayed i think it's possible we can find nice things here how to decorate a whole table for under 10 dollars under 10 euros i think that maybe we'd give ourselves 15 euros so you need to find the uh tablecloth napkins i don't think they do the decorations out here make it 20 euros and we have to get the table cloth on that pins as well but you have to get get under plates plates cutlery glasses still think twenty years we do have all possibly i see some glasses over there look you see the sort of goblets stone goblets right in there yeah i've seen them i think you know 20 would be doable and they've got tulips on them i don't know let's go and have a little look not that i need any just i just saw this plastic that mine you dropped it like it was on fire it touched plastic i didn't touch porcelain for a summer table you could use things like that as the glasses instead if we were desperate and couldn't find anything else well you could you could put um little tea lights in it yes all flowers little bouquets right the blue one can you see the little one yeah it's really nice there's no price on anything and these are all like one euro or less i mean most things are sort of 50 cents i think we could do it and i think on a nice day we should set ourselves that challenge that's your takeaway from that entire conversation that that's what you take away from that absolutely usually coming to this shop just fills me with joy because of the bargains but actually today i'm walking with some dread to the till because i have overspent we're back at the chateau and philip has arranged the green sofa that i bought a couple of weeks ago at in my use he's put it in the marquees apartment so i'm going to go and see what he's done yeah we decided to remodel a bit oh corner but then with the marquis apartments okay it needs a chandelier as well because oh what you don't like that one so modern from anything yeah it's a minimalist really i mean you know less is more i can go in yeah oh wow i can't believe it oh it's so much better but it's so much better yes oh and there's a corner there for reading and music and i thought because and it's only a two-person apartment it doesn't need two sofas so we found the other two of those in the kitchen yes which was very crammed as well so we decided to take one because now it has a proper dining here right here i'm amazed at the difference you've made in a very very very small amount of time great it just needs some flowers and this table needs a very serious sanding and wax yeah well this was actually outside when i bought it was it in my use i think it was only about 70 euros and it's amazing and they were storing it outside in the rain can you imagine did you know that yeah you can pull it out and it becomes like a more than a square no i did not know that i thought there was something i'd love to see is it doable then i there was something odd about it i thought there was a surprise to it but do you need me standing on the other side and stopping it from the thing is that it's underneath here i mean it's a gorgeous table it is 70 euros that's insane this part isn't that faded in yes so you can see the color as well it will be great won't it when it's done so underneath here you can feel the uh grills okay yeah okay then you need to use it i think it's on the other side it needs to go back uh that one i know this one yeah that i didn't even know that there were legs in there i didn't know at all it's such a perfect table sir well that hasn't been longer very long time [Music] i am doubly happy i bought that table now but it does need restoring and i love the reason i bought it was the the bit in between yeah isn't that beautiful it is such an amazing table yeah and we can pile some beautiful art books on here thanks and the 40 euros sofa can you believe it it was 40 euros at the local charity shop i do not know it was the steal of the century yeah i was actually going to recover it but now i see it in place fabric works really well it's super old-fashioned but it it goes in here because i think it goes with the embroidery in here yes the same sort of swirly design yeah and it picks out the green exactly and i like this it's really nice detail of that twist of wood there steve well done you and philip have done a transformation it looks amazing doesn't it yeah i thought you were here for editing and look you're just re-transforming the house it's amazing well i'm making it up for me for later perfect that sounds good love it love it love it yeah looks wonderful and you're hoping to move to a chateau one day aren't you we are looking at the moment we are hoping fingers crossed we'll see that's might be in our future i will keep my fingers crossed for you we'll need to keep them all this is an exciting moment because philip and i just worked out that the new rug which was only 20 euros looks really good in my bedroom i think actually my bedroom needed a splash of blue it goes wrong with daddy's painting so it's whipped out the hoover you're ready for action go for it don't let me hold you back it is quite filthy and then i'm going to go and find the carpet cleaner that's going to be the fun bit drifting content i don't know what you're talking about i could watch youtuber all day well already it looks a lot better just hoovered but now let's blitz it i've no idea how to use this machine let's work it out you have no idea either i have no idea okay i'm presuming instructions change the water step [Music] this is a lot of fun is it yeah i don't know what i'm doing but i'm having a great deal of karma so just yeah it's gonna take a while [Music] should we get it should we get the time-lapse camera out sorry should we get the time-lapse camera out oh that is the time-lapse camera is it you can just set that on my lap but you don't want to hold it that'd be very boring [Music] excitingly a lot of the miu's furniture has arrived especially excited about the armchairs so we're going to go and get them now and bring them into the winter salon these are the new armchairs this one's a bit damaged on the back which i knew and oh ruby no no no no no no no oh yes i don't blame him at all thank you ruby right um all right they're nice aren't they what do you think yeah and did you see the two bedside tables yeah so that that's actually being in my use for some time i believe oh do you remember that one from chateau rue yeah because they weren't and i remember thinking we should get them oh good i'm glad and did you see the electric piano it's not the most beautiful thing in the world i'll agree with that but selma has come up with the best idea ever which is to buy an old broken unsalvageable organ and use the case to disguise this why didn't you just get more piano that's a very good question i didn't get a normal piano for the chapel because it's too damp and it would a piano would rot in there whereas this we can a it'll stand up better to the damn but b we it's so light we don't need to leave it in there we can bring it in in winter and just take it out for carol concerts and things if we encase it in well if we encase it in an organ just it would just be the back we'd still be able to lift it out and bring it in so it's still okay don't panic uh okay how heavy does that feel i'm gonna watch you we can do it together we can take the cushions off as well you think we can do everything at the same time right i'm gonna have to turn the camera off or should i try and do both at the same time let's see oh look i can totally film and carry oh but be careful because i've just got one hand in the middle so balance is an issue okey-dokey okay let's you okay doing this no i think you've got to do that oh well done michael nice nicholas uh always says about being here with me but it's all about moving furniture from one room to another room and then back again with no apparent reason twice if you're unlucky you're glad you bought a chateau with me to save my gym membership oh here we go here we go uh we forgot to take the old chairs out before we put the new ones in how's the fire going cat um we're down here that's good the card table has arrived but we're going to use this as a little wall table instead yeah little side table so i'll take the label off ruby's had a lot of fun wandering around all over this it was obviously left a little bit too long in the maintenance room oh little paw prints it's quite bad the top is so scratched i mean it already was it's not ruby what should we do [Music] i think um i mean just give it a really good like clean shine and clean for now and then i'll have to properly restore sand it all right let's take this through it's so much filming and carrying yeah and only with one hand i know it's great chairs look so good in here i know this room is so messy i don't know what you're talking about nothing in my house is messy we're thinking here that chat is supposed to be there it's a bit messy [Music] there's the door open still yeah i really have got to find a way to straighten my father's paintings oh it's perfect okay so we need to straighten those paintings and dress that table yeah and clean and wax the table sounds good and then we can have afternoon tea looking for that i've moved the table in front of the window because it's pretty murky in this room we're just going to clean it and i found some mahogany colored wax which won't get rid of the scratches but we'll make it look a lot better in the meantime before we restore it properly all right let's apply that to the whole table look at that difference already that already looks so much better but it's supposed to have half an hour to dry before being polished with a clean cloth which gives us just enough time for afternoon tea i have made avocado on toast and we've got biscuits okay the tam tams from australia i'm gonna try the lavender gravy tea what do you think sounds good well sounds intriguing i'm so not the biggest fan of tea yeah but i'm working on you i know and as we have to try differently every day yeah then yeah let's go for this sure excited i really like what you've done because we're using the nestled coffee tables you've made the table equivalent of those um cake stands oh yeah it's like an epic afternoon tea cake stand oh this is beautiful and the fire's going well and i love the new armchair so much it's ridiculous this is so comfortable so comfy this looks good and i am ravenously hungry me too okay half an hour break before we carry on with the table good yeah sure this is the lavender tea it is it said it was perfect for afternoon tea at the back of the packet so i wonder if it goes with avocado well we were cleaning we found the uh t-strainer remember yeah and i love it so much such a pretty tea strainer all right i am going to start with avocado and if i know you you are going to start with fry's chocolate cream yeah that's correct are you enjoying yourself so i'm busy i just want to curl up with a good book here for the rest of the afternoon i agree we've got stuff to do though it's so pretty in the room as well we did really well i agree and in the end i think i didn't say the price when we were in the shop they were 80 euros each after your bargain yeah yeah so it was 160 the pouch i actually think it's really good even though it's more than i would usually spend anyways i think they're such good quality that it was worth it it was so comfy so now it's just rubbing it in or polishing polishing now how do you feel about polishing so switch over what do you mean you meant polishing and i like the way you you found the cards to fit on the card table yeah and the top looks so much better than it did yeah it looks like nothing needs doing such a nice little table well that was another very successful visit to the broadcast many more projects to come honestly i really like this table from the moment i saw it that was a good spot destined to be together you're in the table yeah a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jaedel and ether alice allen anna brandon and john michael daniela dan banda lauren barnes vince barone denise behrens linda c bradley candace and ed borkovsky veronica castillo zoe dawk sakura dennis jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari l fine caroline fester brenda gibbons abigail grant brenda harris delane hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson jacqueline holmes helen jacobs jimmy kemp david and summer leland victoria lepine janet huff lombard frank martin kim matlock meredith nina messick robert miller kathy nuri jco ward mp maureen palmer tamara price tony renee yvonne and peter richards rjb bettina rojack hanny ross elizabeth scandan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks patty suhu susan stevens jenny stevenson sarah thornton colleen troyer jessica walker brandy walton laura watkins greg wood david young and ludovico zodonatzo and thank you to all of you you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 177,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau, chateau renovation, escape to chateau, brocante, emmaus, charity shop, finding treasure, antiquing
Id: RwO_4ID0Ufg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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