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today with old curtains a little imagination and a lot of sewing we finally finish the bed crown selma and ian are on fire in the downstairs loom we choose frames for andy's watercolours but we're grieving a loss at la land hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter once again i have several gentlemen in my room faffing with welding it's every woman's dream actually yeah don't put weight on it until we have chains up but uh i survived the night so really happy about that okay i can see already that i'm going to like this okay oh i really like it uh michael's now disappeared entirely and clearly i won't be doing that michael it'll just be on the corner okay in fact i can make it less heavy for you by hooking it as it will be hooked okay that's that's a pretty good idea of what it's going to look like i i really like it with you two there honestly it makes it so much fun i have to take a photo wow that is i'd say i've taken a photo and that's going on my instagram um i love it i love it with the curtains it totally makes it yeah it ties it all together now the curtains if i remember correctly are far too big i mean there's way too much fabric being draped up there and incredibly heavy two chains one of them could do both curtains and the other could be a bed spread or a headboard or pole posts i've got an idea no it's not a four poster michael michael keeps trying to turn it into a full position it's gonna be a two poster because i mean i like that you're thinking big but i quite like the elegance of i mean there's already a lot going on so why did you make one into a bed spread yeah and then the other one you cut in half and for the lining you used some more material i don't think i have enough of that but i probably have other 12. just at the top so that continues yeah maybe yeah that's great this is crazy how much fabric there is it comfortably does the whole bed i love it yeah it's absolutely perfect yeah you hadn't seen those had you michael no i bought them they're in antique fabric um and i got them at the antiques fair in bordeaux gosh gosh gosh i say golly and they'll need to be mixed with much lighter ones as well too dark and bigger ones okay you ready for this you ready everyone yes boom oh look at that thank you thank you for your enthusiasm about the 12 pillowcase michael this one you're lying around in your fabric stash oh yes and i see it's got pins in it now yeah something's a foot it's a pillow but it's got a hole in the front yeah there and lots of holes in the back okay so i'm probably going to center the central print and then okay so let's see how that would look smaller against it as well a little smaller pillow it's annoying because i really like that color against this one yeah it's lovely i'm not sure with that one yeah maybe maybe not both look great on the chair will make lots and lots of 12 cushions it's a good branch the one with the fountain yes i see it as the fountain of youth the good kids found not the goat herds fountain the fountain of youth i think it's perfect i just need to take the actual pencil pleats out of the tongue the bottom because this is the curtain this is the cotton but it's the right width for this who had such wide bed who had such white windows i don't know my aunt gave me the curtains but i think she bought them as they are to put in her house one day and never used them and then gave them to me and i love them i love the fact that they've got raspberries growing on them or blackberries i can't quite tell oh yeah it's beautiful i'm so happy i can't wait to see the cousins up i think i'm going to start working on them and also there's some bits here um where they've obviously been some of the wood has come off and that was an old repair anyway i can see a very ancient nail that was clearly holding it on after previous repair but it's it's gone now so here and here the wood is showing i need to just touch that but i don't want to change it too much because that's that's the old um killing yeah so just little little repairs here and there i am so excited about this i'm decided to work on my bedroom floor because i can't see where else is going to be big enough for this my plan rather genius pan is just to cut them in half i'm getting on very well with the unpicking end look i love it when working on curtains and you find exactly what the fabric is it's the floral twirl by colfax and fowler copyright 1994. that's two years before i was born quite a vintage wow you've never existed in a world that didn't have this pattern in it yeah i've only ever seen it for the first time like but it was there all along it was waiting waiting to be introduced to you the colfax and file is a lovely company started by civil colfax and john fowler john fowler is one of the greatest designers of english country house style he worked with nancy lancaster who did this beautiful yellow room is that the woman who uh ended up living in one room with the huge bird with a massive yellow nurse that's exactly right a beautiful room with just one huge bed it's absolutely vast stream and i sometimes think it will be lovely when i have moments where the chateau's overwhelming i think of that sort of a bed set the nancy lancaster bed set which is just as grand as a shadow but just so now i know where i could get more of this because i suspect now that i have the name i can find more if i ever need more for a chair or for anything else that'd be lovely well if i ever redo the actual curtains in the room um could use that or could use another one again true well look i made a right mess because now i've lost the scissors where are the scissors on the bed thank you sir yes it's going really well just going to get rid of this lining i've decided to take every other pleat out which i will do with my favorite tool the trusty unpicker this involves going through the seams like pulling apart the pleat and removing those stitches so that i can completely i've done the back already completely pull it apart yeah first pleat unpicked so i've decided to leave the first one and pick the second one leave the third unpick the fourth and so on so you next i've made it to the halfway point of the fabric unpicking every other pleat and folding it onto itself so that i have a doubled over curtain let's see okay this is freakish luck i needed 61 centimeters it's 62 centimeters and i'll have to make a little seam here so i'll lose a centimeter here it is exactly the right width that is really fluky i can't believe my luck i'm ready to cut the curtain in half which is i've marked it with a pin here all the way down this stripe of flowers so i'm just going to not panic and start cutting does actually feel a bit scary and naughty to be doing this that's it it's cut i have two separate curtains and i have to take them downstairs now first to iron all of these into proper box pleats now oh that is so much summer oh yes i like that very much yeah very much time in the treatment so that you don't yes i know that the wood worm is all old but the fact is it's from our own woods and so that's beautiful so they can cluster it and do this and i'll finish that today yeah of course great and then i think hopefully they'll faster yeah and i'm just doing four or four here so i can finish this too this is great we're getting now and then we need some locker but i definitely need a lot because this looks terrible yeah we need something new i'll look for something i think it's going quite well i've managed to iron out the old pleats quite nicely so i'll be sewing them together like this and that'll be one curtain i like days like this it's a very peaceful day i've just heard horrible horrible news and i i didn't want to share it with you because i know that so many of you watch this for escapism and and to get away from any problems but petit pois has disappeared our paycheck and i've just heard that kirsty spent the whole morning looking for the paycheck and sif has been looking too we just couldn't we couldn't get her to stay in the shelter we kept putting it over her we put the shelter near the kitchen door we even locked the kitchen door so that no humans would disturb us she wouldn't stay there and because they're free i can't keep them safe i can't but i can't bear the thought of a bird in an aviary especially not a bird the size of a peacock they roam the whole property i was so worried that this would happen last year we actually also after the death of um the first paycheck one of the others did disappear for the whole night and he came back the next day but i think this one's too young for that to be the case i i don't have any hope because he's really upset she spent hours just searching there's no sign of the p-chick at all i'm so sorry to have to tell you this kirsty hello oh i wanted to come and chat to you i've heard that you were searching for that poor pea chick all morning yeah there's no sign of it unfortunately um we've been up through the woods in the back and everywhere that they tend to hang out and unfortunately it's horrific they can't find it so it's so sad i'm trying to work out what we can do in future because there's no way that we can pen them in but they have a great free range life all right it's one of those things but i'm wondering if perhaps next time she has chicks if we can just try and very very gently walk her in here like heard her we can enclose her yeah she'll be able to come and go but the pea chicks won't because they don't fly yet so maybe at least they'll be safer in the walled garden just for the first couple of weeks maybe just so she'll give them something of a head yeah a head start i'm really sorry it's really oh everyone in the house is so upset um yeah i keep telling myself at least he had such a happy life whilst he was alive well that's it yeah it was it was completely free and yeah just very sad the weather's reflecting our mood today isn't it as well it's not a great day for gardening it's been torrential all morning i'm a bit damp how are you getting on out here yeah it's not so bad not so bad um at least we're saved having to water before the manifold arrives i know it's quite it's still very the irony is still a big thing yeah i just got some cucumbers these are the first ones is the very first yeah that's a particularly magnificent cucumber i think they're a pretty good size i like them when they're little anywhere they taste yes a little bit sweeter oh great yeah and the courgettes are ready there's lots of stuff really well i'll take the cucumbers in just keep on here keep one you've got to taste one of the first cucumbers oh can i good yeah that was really cute though this salad today it's brilliant thank you this is so sweet of you thank you i hope it cheers you up a little bit it does actually it's so pretty this is really really sweet of you and it's all my favorite things i'm going through a phase at the moment of liking sandwiches of roast pork with biannual sauce which is tarragon mayonnaise basically that's really sweet thank you and it's so pretty and you've used all of your crockery i really like the tray me too that's the newest edition oh so people haven't seen your tray on ebay phillip found the matching tray for his set i can't wait yeah there you go well i'm going to eat this and i'm going to pull myself together and then we're going to go to town because we've got to go and meet andy at rico all right thank you this is this is helping i mean to help this i'm going to cheer up bon appetit merci i have had my lunch i am feeling much much brighter and i'm ready to go to bricomache i'm going to take some lovely twilights with me that need framing for the bedroom so that they can be getting on with the framing whilst i'm getting on with the curtains i have brought all of the old antique toiletries that i've been collecting so that i can start work on the gallery wall as the whole bed crown area is going so well now and andy will show us when she arrives she'll be here a new minute she is bringing some of her stunning watercolors of the bedrooms which i just i'm so in love with because i think she doesn't just capture the look of the room she captures the feel of it she's so talented but well first let's uh let's get started on finding lovely frames for these great so the first batch that i bought for framing are the three american twirls which i love about the founding of new amsterdam then this stunning one great lucent this is just a little fragment of balance and i think my favorite story of them all which i talked about in the 12 week video is this one which is the miller his son and the donkey it's the fable whereby however way they bring the donkey to market they get ridiculed in this instance the sun is riding the donkey and his father who's much older is walking and the locals are saying to him how dare you leave your poor old father walking when you're riding the donkey and in every single configuration between them and the donkey they're being ridiculed and the moral of the story is just stick to what you want to do because people will ridicule you whatever and i think that is a perfect life lesson for anyone but most especially vloggers or anyone who's doing something publicly on social media trying out different frames andy has arrived hi andy hey hey nice to see you all and this is me this is the moment i've been waiting for they are beautiful they're so beautiful don't forget to yes we tried a gold one but look the gold i think doesn't it's so shiny yeah it it doesn't blend into the painting in the same way it's weird yeah it's so important instant effect i actually don't mind because it brings curtains out quite nicely that one i don't know maybe maybe the other the yellow i think what do you think underneath the sunshine in the room isn't it let's see great yeah too sad yeah okay no gray blue is not bad but the green is also not bad uh do you have the idea of hanging them all together yes oh oh yes yes we're having a nightmare finding the frames oh so philip is now just making [Music] that's not bad at all i think size wise i prefer that over there i do rather like that actually yeah i do like it it's it's happier isn't it yes yes it's highlighted oh that's really nice on that one i think it works on all of them that has been a nightmare no it has been we've looked at everything like there's a lot of friends yeah and the only way of doing it is to put two frames together one on top of the other making a frame both light enough and big enough and simple enough to let the paintings speak for themselves yeah but i think we did it well i think that you did this one did you fill up was this was it philip special it's very nice yeah and against the paneling and the glass salon yeah it'll be stunning because i would like these to be in the glass cellar please good very very very happy yeah okay i am officially impressed no sooner has selma finished then you're moving in well i thought this would take a few days i'm amazed we've had it in the diary for a while oh yeah i love seeing you up a ladder it's one of my favorite sites in this world a special travel video stuff look at that that's bigger than me how long do we need to leave the plaster to dry it's warm isn't it in here so i would say by the end of this week there we go exciting is there photos clothing everywhere there's sif she's been looking a little lost she looks a little better now here i'm going to give her some croissant there you go no thought you can have some of your own thought there's enough where are the scissors every time i turn around where are the scissors what are the scissors i don't have the answer for you now how is that possible philip your job is to keep constant permanent trigger i just found this scissors behind you okay scissors on pick up we are good to go great luck thank you i'm continuing with cuddle oh yeah good luck with that i'm thoroughly enjoying this honestly i could spend every day doing this i have removed half of the interlining it's actually half gone there and i have removed half of the heading tape except for within the pleats the heading tape's gone on this side so it means we only have one thickness of heading tape when i fold it over and now i'm going to attach these together to create one curtain you're quite far i am actually quite far i just carried on all the way down and i'm going to go round the corner and that's the first curtain made i can't wait i was wondering it was so quiet here because i'm editing next door and i didn't hear a word and do something i think there's something about hand stitching that's very calming and it's so rewarding when you see it finally up that's the best bit it's all worth it for that so i cannot wait until i can try this and i want to do that before dinner so i have to so fast phillip is just pinning where each of the hooks is so that i know where to sew the eyes thanks so much for that how do you feel about poor peachick it sucks yeah he does he's really cute i love his big feet i know oh don't don't don't because it's just going to upset me i'm going to carry on with this sewing just in memory i have 15 minutes before dinner with the guests so it is a race against time to get this one up i think we're gonna make it you little you look a little worried that it's not gonna hold the weight that's why i'm standing okay i'm going to hook the side up as it will be hooked see how it looks does it feel as though you can let go i think so i don't think it's put much weight on it actually i think most of the way it's gone to the headboard gingerly step back come and see how it looks oh it looks really good from the side it looks great quite excited yeah i actually i really like it it finishes it really nicely yeah the weather's cleared up just in time for dinner with our guests outside and i'd like to believe that putipua is happy somewhere over the rainbow welcome to dinner i've started you off with a toast on avocado cream and reduced radish and then there is gravlex something i have from my home country norway so sort of marinated smoked salmon with honey and mustard and dill thank you so much matthew it does look pretty on the plate i don't want to eat it roasted chicken marinated in honey and lemon and then some mixed veggies with um turnips carrots and potatoes and then we've got hummus because we love hummus and lazarus salad with beetroot and nectarines [Music] thank you thanks molly i have just finished sewing the last curtain and phillips about to fill it up i just couldn't stop myself i had to make the other one how could i possibly go to sleep without the second one on thanks here you go thank you beautifully ironed that is my midnight ironing is truly excellent you've just finished cadet haven't you literally just finished getting it okay well our timing is exquisite i've been so frustrated if i'd finished and i hadn't been able to put it up well let's hope that it holds you should probably bring me a cup of tea in the morning just to check nice come on it was worth a try it may be 3 30 a.m but i'm quite elated i just really wanted to see it all together i think it's so beautiful phillip thank you so much for staying up to do this with me you're welcome it's so beautiful i'm really happy with the way the different twirls work together next job will be making the balance and making the bed spread and that's before i tackle the rest of the room but i this is a good starting place i think it looks beautiful yeah it really does but on that note i am going to go to bed because i am absolutely exhausted that job well done you did most of it thanks you're welcome it's a lovely bit of draping you live there phillip you're very old i swear philip has spent 20 minutes breaking the sides i think you're gonna sleep very well i think that even if that hadn't been on my bed right now i would be sleeping very well by this time of night but yeah i'll be sleeping super super well because of it a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land jade lund alice allen dunbanda whaling banshee brian bernard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise berenstein albanacovich jill bidwell candace blackburn candace nedborkovsky clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalikani lindsey c chelton stephen sarah cole industry concepcionary and conklin zoe dork sylvia dams jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first kevin fossum fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tom henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubel sandra hawley melissa janssen brian kelsey and phil burn jimmy cam nadi kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer land morgan lawley angel leonard victoria lepine janet half lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton karen nicholson kathy nori jc award marine palmer wendy piatic frank proposky and james snow tomorrow price i'm in rahman tonya renee rjb bettina roject hannie ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan's feng shui lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurick carl and laurie sieber teresa sloane patty sue susan stevens monty stipura sabrina suret and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer rene valelli victoria jessica walker randy walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whitaker linda beast christine wilson winnie de la coca poop redwood david young and ludovico zordonatso and thank you to all of you [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 95,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, the chateau diaries, renovation, restauration, chateau diy, diy, toile de jouy, antiques, bed crown, chateau bedroom, bedroom decoration
Id: KiEuyzku1_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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