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[Music] hi i'm stephanie and this is my home the 16th century chateau de la land la land was owned for hundreds of years by a family of marquis who were at the heart of french royal life one of them even had the honor of being sent by king louis xv to greet marie antoinette on her arrival in france but far from being a stuffy museum this chateau is a living home i live here all the time and i'm regularly joined by my mother my family my friends and wonderful volunteers from all over the world who helped me to lovingly restore this historic home welcome to la land a chateau filled with life love and laughter [Music] people keep leaving us very soon yeah true natty is it something we said no no no no he has a real life he's saying oh yeah what was that about going back to real life yeah don't live on the internet unfortunately [Laughter] bound by hours i need to work so come and join us in our virtual life we miss you when you're gone yeah it's choices we'll be back in a couple of months yes i will be good uh once all the big works and in the garden start in the fall i'll be back excellent yeah come back i will and you know you can always call if you've got any questions we do if anything goes wrong don't start to panic just okay we'll be like lying on the ground hyperventilating going someone get david on the line okay it's going to be a sunny day enjoy it thank you and i'll see you later the last adults left the building hey i'm behind the camera i'm behind the camera that's so funny natty this is not a usual sight i mean you know times are tough at la land if you are now it's not a visual oh you're always not what i remember cooking nutty well sometimes i have to you know but because i can hear stuart laughing stupid hello hello i want to introduce you to everyone hi stuart is a new very sadly short-lived volunteer because you're only here for two days shortly lived but highly caffeinated stewart came as a guest a couple of weeks ago and we got on really well and she's popped back as a volunteer before heading home yes where's home texas so far but only playing right away can i do maurice oh why are you practicing in the back it's scaring me now so yeah especially when you don't have your eyes on it yeah no don't do that professional and we have yet another volunteer arriving today laura from my canada and we've been waiting to meet for so long it's been put off by coverage it was almost more than a hockey i'm crying [Music] wrote to you actually before i arrived and you said over a year ago over a year ago all for hobbies if you can only come now so yes so nattie's out from behind the computer and making empanadas for everybody this evening thank you natalie with a bit of cheese i see you're loving it i love it i love it that's cheesecake too we have dessert what a great day i love your empanadas i love cheesecake too a true feast would you like a tissue thank you why are you leaving tomorrow to get my friend i had to go the netherlands yes and the auction house if you remember was also from the netherlands so i popped in and i picked up my painting so the mouse that we saw you actually bidding on with ed and anna yeah way bigger than i thought it would be so this is the moment i've been waiting for you is it is it go on big unveiling bigger feeling [Music] how cute that is it's you visiting the sights of paris but look how happy he looks i know do you know what i know that you bid more than you wanted to yes but i'm really glad you got him i know it's not fine art right and i know that i i why would you say that it's glorious what a nice painting as well i mean i just really liked it i love it i really love it he's gorgeous to be fair it wasn't a castle in the netherlands so i mean a shadow in france is yeah it's a little bit of a step up but still so you prefer french chateaus to dutch castles oh that's big big talk i prefer french architecture in well yeah so you think the mouse has gone on to greater things yes and i mean he's already visiting he is a francophile that's what i thought yeah you can see that he's been wanting to and he's been wanting to travel this so cute i'm really glad you got him every time i come in here something new and exciting is happening hi welcome to the kitchen cheesecake cheesecake time yeah what biscuits did you use i don't know some digestive ones i love the digestive ones yeah so let's see how it goes and what flavor is it and it's going to be red fruits but a mix off oh some from the garden as well yes yay i'm gonna go out to the garden for a little stroll and to see how kirsty is getting on once again we've got a glut of courgettes which is fantastic because oh they're looking good hang on there's a huge one there that's more of a marrow situation yes we leave them on friday and they're tiny and they'll come back and boom and they're enormous oh they're great they're doing really well now i love the flowers they're so pretty yeah the cucumbers are doing really well i love these cucumbers now we've had them in the garden before but never this variety i don't know the name of it but it's the best i will find out we've probably got the packets the seed packet in there but did you taste them i did they're really sweet yeah they are and not bitter at all no bitterness no um which is brilliant let's get more of those for next year because they're a huge triumph definitely definitely yeah they're really nice thank you black currant liqueur cassis like currently cure would be a really good idea definitely it's the cure i love that idea monster raspberries is that raspberries these yeah these whoa really really heavily cropped this year hang on i'm just gonna have the one should we just say it fell off yeah you saw it fall and it fell and then it was grou it was grabbed by a peacock it was great by the peacock yeah yeah terrible thing that happened to it we've got the yellow raspberries too yeah yellow ones some more yellow ones on the the younger plants on the other bed it's gone a bit sprawly but it's happy it seems to love this weather everything seems to love this weather yes it's all this rain yeah so how are the chickens doing in the little house did you set it up yes it's all set up raring to go that there's um they've got food and water in there the runs open so that they're exploring the orchard okay in the shade so it's lovely and cool in there it'll be nice for them to have a little bit of privacy yeah it will be it'll be nice for you to have them further from the seedlings yes yes it's for their safety how is it now the vegetables [Laughter] they look really happy they they are they're loving the freedom in there it's a nice big run for them i'm it's quite curious because next month we've got uh another chicken house rife and it's quite a big glamorous one excellent are they going to still prefer to stay in this little one well they've got the choice they've got the choice of two now this is almost like the camper version yes little botox caravan i think it's quite cute i believe it's made of recycled car tires oh that's clever yeah so uh so it's very hard wearing very hard wearing easy to keep clean yeah perfect for them i love seeing nancy and beethoven always together yes little friends there you go thank you i really enjoyed our garden walk see you later bye ladies i think this is going to be good i love it when you get excited about your thing because i know it will be delicious yum yes i think now it's the more complicated part which is cooking the strawberries and all the fruits right to do like um the jelly okay yum it's my first time here what's going on you've transformed from earlier that is a great dress i went for a run and it started raining okay a run is big i went for a walk and it started pouring so we decided too that we were gonna change the tone of the day i love it it is gorgeous thank you and i i want some when is it ready it would keep asking i'm taking you all upstairs to the bedroom wing to the chandra du park where philip is putting together matty's wardrobe because nutty's going to be moving to this room and it's up hey i'm sorry i thought i'd find it still in pieces no i've got just two of the shelves in but i think that's about right so this one was just shelves although we need to put a rail in for her exactly yeah the only thing i'm worried about is this not being deep enough for closed hangar i'm so excited i think it will be i think it's just about okay i have never seen this one up this is the one that we bought in salat yes can you close it so i can have a look at the front it's actually quite pretty and i uh use some of matty's shoe boxes so she has like face first shoes and then she uses a shelf fantastic it's really pretty wow yes it is it's so rococo it's so ridiculously over the top but i thought it was you know a little too much but now i see it it works well yeah the bed is going to be incredible it's going to be it's crazy i love it you seen the key that comes with it oh is it yeah i think i remember him telling me when he delivered it that the and what about the top bit up here there's a missing oh we got it it was just we're in the bag okay how does it look with that yes yes yes it needs that it's fantastic i love it in the same auction in which phillip bought epic mouse with hordes the kiss i'd spotted this little dressing table and i knew that natty didn't have one to match this suite of furniture and i think of all the things natty needs she needs a dressing table so i bought it in the auction and unbelievably i didn't think philip would be able to fit into the car but he did and here it is it's so cute it's a 1960s dressing table mary is well with the wardrobe and natty didn't have one did i tell you that i found the original invoice uh in there are you serious can we look at it yeah it's in the it's in the other room oh will you grab it because i'd really like to look at it 14th of march 1963 in the hague let's have a look 1963 yeah and this is everything that she bought so she must have bought them new in 63 and the others were all in this sale as well okay but we just got the dressing table and the mirror the mirror um was sold separately okay um from the dressing table and i bought them together so the mirror was 175 florins yes and the dressing table 515 florence so gilda's yes i don't know what that is uh in today's monday they converted it i think one euro was worth worth two gilders okay so it's i think it's changed uh with inflation now good grief that was quite an expensive transfer totals couple of hundred euros in 1963. and the seat is the one that we used for a christmas corner i bought the whole thing for 175 euros i think so yeah yeah and that's pretty good deal i think i'm happy with that and it's so lovely to have the original invoice with it definitely going to keep this again it smells amazing and something new has happened in here i have to make the dough because i forgot to buy it oh no i'm so sorry we went yesterday with the steward to the supermarket in 10 minutes we bought from for yesterday for today for the table of cheese of the gas etc and of course i forgot something i told her i'm doing a recipe from argentina wow look at someone i don't know this could be michael potts maybe put other kind of flour in the plain flower thing right that's it we tried to make he's banned from the chateau i will be letting him know well i think you're being a little bit nervous a plain flower yes so we try to make a normal empanadas though you know what will happen he'll just bat his massively long eyelashes at everyone and we'll be like oh fine it will make a breath for us i mean i'm sad for you that you're having to make it but i'm really happy to try an argentinian one that's going to be nice it's going to be cool i've been filming all day for shadow diys the very last day of filming for this series but there's a huge crack in the windscreen of the car and because we're going to italy it really needed to be repaired and the men have just come all the way to do it which is amazing merci beaucoup they said i'm not allowed to wash the car for three days so okay we'll have a slightly grubby car for italy but a sparklingly clean windscreen look at this and i'm allowed to take the tape off it in one hour now i'm ready for a long journey so many different things going on today just constant filming but it's incredible that we've got to the end of this series and i don't know when filming for the next series will start but it means that i can go away on holiday knowing that everything's finished and i can relax yes tell us all about this is the last time i'm cooking [Laughter] you started cooking at eleven yes save some space for the cell please because i'm proud of that oh yes and you're supposed to when you eat the meat ones you then squirt lemon on them oh yeah does that have a little lemon here yep i have a meatloaf i'm going to show you [Music] i know you're deeply traumatized but i love it cara i cannot believe you finally got here after what a year and a half uh it's almost two years i think since the first time we discussed it yes yes it's insane well welcome thank you i'm very happy to be here um i probably won't get all of it turned into wool but i'll get a lot of it well i'll clean it all and comb it all so then you can have other people maybe come and i'm honestly i'm so excited it's going to be fabulous really fabulous knitting of course in the attic because that's where people keep their wheels yes so i'm going to turn all your straw into gold well honestly i could do with a nap and 100 years sounds great so go for it beauty time it's made it and it's perfect i've always tried it can i win the competition now with my dessert where are these golden raspberries these are these ones yep the yellow raspberries from the garden oh from the garden by the way the tortilla was made with potatoes from the garden and eggs from our chickens eight eggs who is going to try these me everyone yeah natty this is beyonce's delicious and you know it look at your face it's so good well welcome both of you super happy to have you here today is starting in a great way because annelise is coming around to do my hair and it is much needed i wonder if she can make me look as magnificent as you thought sorry sif i mean you look great too but you know what i mean you're looking very picturesque outside my bedroom window today you too i have my essential reading material ready i'm sure many of you do exactly the same thing and use the time at the hairdressers as this moment of calm outside everyday life feels like i'm going to a spa morning selma how are you it's a bit early for us isn't it that was a little bit late last night yeah but it was fun yeah just so nice having cara here and stuart but i'm so sad stuart's left yes she was really fun yeah an incredible incredible health sweet yeah incredible but today kim comes back yes she is amazing so nice i've decided that one always has to have a power chocola whilst having one's hair done you look at some new rules why not no new housework yeah what more can anyone want you look so serious i thought what what is she going to say the time has come hasn't it annalise the foils are coming out it has we'll see how the colors come out we're trying something new today [Laughter] so ultimately what i've done in the end was i've done it so we've done the bright blonde and like a high lift blonde throughout the parting and around the hairline um and then i've done the dark pops kind of underneath to add depth so the back there's apparently there's bits of dark there's darker slices through the back you can see that just to add you kind of this is very clever just to add some pop pops of color so when your hair moves you can have different different tones i love it because obviously i've been using a new color house and yes you've kind of been a little bit of a guinea pig i'm like trying different colors and i'm really happy i'm really really happy with this result i like it too i'm actually going finally to italy i love italy so much and i'm going next week for a few days to tuscany so i'm gonna be amazing thanks to y'all we're feeling super have you noticed the slightly darker bits of the at the back oh now i'm going to have it curled as well so today's a truly great day finish the job off thank you you're welcome my hair is finished i'm transformed i feel human again i feel super human anneliese is a genius thank you so much but this is a sad moment well for you very exciting for you yeah finally on vacation yes on a month-long holiday first going to france then to belgium and the third inning of arquest i'm going to meet my mother again so stay for a couple of weeks with her yes and then the first of september i'm going to pick up the mysterious woman this mystery woman that everyone's been wondering about and seeing you chat to you in the comment section tatiana tatiana i guess he comes here can you tell us a bit more about her well you will see her soon enough but it is nice but she was she comes here for a volunteer yes so she stays here for a couple of months yes and then the uh it's the first time that we're really going to meet so it's really i cannot believe you've never met your girlfriend i know a lot of people are going to be very curious about that you've never met your girlfriend yeah but you have chatted on facetime you've seen each other four months now i think for more than for six months now something yes every day yeah yeah so uh yeah well good luck with it it's very exciting we're looking forward to meeting her yeah thank you and i hope it all works out well i'm very nervous for you though because you're a good man i know you're not nervous okay it'll be okay yeah we're here and yeah we'll look after you so [Music] if you like her but if she isn't i'm just saying she's got us to contend with okay now i'm very much looking forward to meeting her have a fantastic holiday till then we'll miss you yes or miss diesel yeah i think you don't we're going to miss the barking he rarely barks it's so right it's only when every time i was walking to him when he was barking so one point i thought okay wait now till he comes to me because it was not and then it's going better good good good and ruby i want to go to miss ruby here we go yeah you'll be going to miss me but i thought everybody to take care of him trying to give him a hug you know the summer's going to go very very quickly um i'm going to be away for a week next week i'm going to italy so everyone's having their holidays and we'll all meet back here yeah it'll be glorious yes enjoy your holiday and selma i'm making you a solemn promise by the time you get back yeah the cockrell doubts it but by the time you get back the downstairs lou will be wallpapered and all you'll have to do is put the stuff back in it because we are not going to finish it without you we need the inaugural party with you well and tatiana in evening wear and we want a ribbon and we want to cut the ribbon so we're waiting because i i think i do know i have to finish some things so yes only i can do it only i won't let anyone else touch it okay safe journey the cockles trying to persuade him to stay so strange to see him leaving for a whole month that doesn't feel right but it'll be very exciting when he comes back with tatiana and we'll get to meet her always a terrifying sight kirsty you burning weeds in the courtyard you've chosen another boiling day for it it's another boiling day but it's best done on a dry day anyway so you see the sun and you're like i know what i need a flame thrower [Music] it's amazing seeing them just disappear yep they um they shrivel to nothing and yeah most of them admit defeat most of them die back yeah um there's a few stubborn ones daddy lions are the worst bits around the fountain because of course they keep getting watered by the splashing of the fountains so they're really happy there that's the war on the yeah the elements but um the other thing is i can't get too close to the box hedge with it because yeah it's none you know it doesn't discriminate just yeah yeah yeah you know yeah it's looking gorgeous it's a beautiful day it's so nice and all the flowers are out as well i know i love it all the lilies i really like the way davey planned these successive waves of planting it's so pretty it's always changing so yeah here we have the alliums and um the start of the lilies in the box then the purple of the lavender's come through white lilies purple and white looks really nice okay well leave your burning weeds oh thank you just get a close-up because it's always fun to watch okay [Music] i had to run up to get change because the weather's turned absolutely rubbish again we're having one of the coldest french summers on record it's it's so bizarre and we go through all seasons every single day every day it's boiling hot for a moment then raining then cold and gray it's so strange but i'm going to run back downstairs because philip is about to leave with his friend micah they've been isolating mainly in the marquis apartment i can't believe you're leaving it's been so quick paul philip you've had four solid days of driving for about four days with your front bed you looked really happy both of you all the time hopefully see you in october micah yes bye bye for having me it's been a real pleasure now this site is cheering me up a lot we may have lost philip and micah but we have gained kim and emma how are you both good it's so good to be back here it's really good to see you this is a bucolic idyllic site i'm very happy to have you all here oh what are these yeah well i'm getting into the mood then for italy next week thank you that's why we did this by the way can i just say cara your burgers were absolutely delicious thank you very much at the end of a typical chateau day good night from me and good night from the peacocks a huge thank you to all of our patrons who make this vlog possible and the duffans and dauphines of la land jaidel and ether alice allen dan bander whaling banshee brian barnard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise berenstein el banakovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candice ned borkovsky clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalakhani lindsey c chelten steven sarakol linda sue concepcion erin conklin zoe dork sylvia dem jim demersman and richard patternord sakura dennis zane dixon jason w jackie allison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first to kevin fossum abigail grant fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine holbrook kim hasselhoff david and tong henderson camilla herrera jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hoop lissandra hawley melissa janssen brian kelsey and phil burnt jimmy kemp nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summer la land morgan lowly angel leonard victoria lepen janet huff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton karen nicholson kathy nerd maureen palmer wendy piatek frank poposki and james snow tomorrow price arm and ram antonio renee rjb bettina roject hannie ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan sven schreiber lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurik carl and laurie c but theresa sloane patty sue who susan stevens montes de porra sabrina surette and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troy renee valelli victoria jessica walker brandi walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whittaker linda wiest christine wilson wins la coca poo greg wood david young and lore vicos ordonazzo [Music]
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 110,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stephanie chateau, the chateau diaries, renovation, chateau diy, restoration, chateau garden, gardener, escape to rural france, cooking, catering, chateau kitchen
Id: -klayOJZuI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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