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[Music] welcome to the beautiful chateau de la ruche in france in last week's video we toured the stunning reception room beautiful calming bedrooms huge bathrooms but this week we're going to see the unrenovated private areas that tim and rebecca live in from their sitting room to their bedroom all the way up to the attic not forgetting the beautifully renovated kitchen but we'll finish in the darling gift shop in the garden going through the private side yes we are going to see the unrenovated un glamorous side i like seeing that so yeah some people also realize how much you've done yes but this is our super glamorous city room uh it actually is super glamorous so this is the uh permanently glamorous side of chateau line and did the rest of the chateau look like this so this was the kind of state of it so it was kind of um it kind of felt like it was livable yes but a bit unloved when we moved here this was the uh salamanci and this room was covered in uh fabric all the walls were fabric but we did decided to do all the plumbing and electrics at the same time so we had to rip you took everything out i can see these are the buttons that they were it was attached to here it was red quite intense not nice not your neck not my look but i kind of i love the old plaster and the kind of i love the fact that you've just put a frame in front of it i like it yes i needed somewhere to put the frame so i just stuck it there was a hook so i stuck it there looks good yeah so it's all very kind of i like your wallpaper yeah i love that wallpaper i think i'm going to miss that one because the plan in here is that we will take this wall down so that it will be more like the salon which would be the original proportions of the room but i'm going to miss that wall and it's yeah lovely i won't miss the kind of crumbling bits and the bits that fall off every time i open a cupboard there's a hole up there uh because we established that there was a chip there is a chimney there so we want to get rid of the tv and make a beautiful fireplace there with a big mirror above it and then keep i'm gonna hide the tv in a cupboard so i don't have to look at it and how are you going to arrange the mirror in an alcove well i think it will have to just go on the front of it i i'm not a massive fan of the kind of faux roman columns and they're all crumbling at the bottom so they may become less of a feature okay and uh we want to find a nice marble fire place that fits in it that kind of goes with the other ones so then there'll be a flat wall flat a bit flatter we'll probably keep the alcove behind it and possibly put in a log burner or something so it's a bit warmer um because we don't really have heating on our side of the house so winter can be a bit chilly so this will still be your private city yeah this will still be our private sitting room but we'll take the wall down over there and there's um what would have been original french doors have been turned into a window so we're going to reinstate them as french doors so that we have kind of our own access out straight onto the garden yes and then that end is going to be a library because all of my books are in boxes in the attic still so four years in i'm still desperate to get them out especially being a writer yes so it's a bit of a dream to have a library and somewhere to sit well i'm sure anyone who's seen rebecca's instagram we'll see it's just the most beautiful descriptions i mean the photos are beautiful but honestly the descriptions just you're just transported here in chateau life it's really beautiful thank you very kind very kind are you ready for the next level of room i'm ready i'm ready for grim so this when we moved in was the kitchen of so many chateaus have tiny modern kitchens and actually the family that we bought the house from had nine children all of whom were grown up and they would come back here in the summer with their children and their grandchildren there'd be like 50 people here and this space to cook for them i just think they must have had a lot of barbecues because i just i don't know how you cater for that many people so when we initially opened when we first moved in and we initially opened the show this was our kitchen yeah this is where i cooked all the meals for guests and everything and it was so small and it was so tight i think it's a french thing my french grandmother had a kitchen half the size of this and would just cater for this huge family effortlessly the most incredible food i don't know how no and i had a very old uh kind of gas cooker that was already here and it was it was just chaos all the time but there was never anywhere to put anything else balancing plates all over the place but now notionally it is our very grim laundry room and then and will be a very beautiful library one day yes with views out into the garden and stunning yes so uh but at the moment we just live this is kind of it's kind of like a laundry room come storage room come dog sleeping area so everyone needs a room like this yeah but now the chaos happens you don't have a tiny kitchen anymore no i don't i have the one room i've been allowed to renovate in this side of the house it's incredible so yeah tim let me renovate this one because there was a business case for it because we had to cook for guests and everything so uh yes it's the most stunning kitchen thank you it had to be done on a really tight budget because it was the beginning of our second year here there wasn't very much money left at all after we'd done kind of the guest side of the house and we knew that we needed a proper kitchen so that we could cater for guests properly and i wanted it to be clean and somewhere slightly nice for us to be because everyone's a bit grim on our side but we didn't really have any money and tim basically said to me well if you can do it for as little as possible then you can have it and obviously i was a bit this is supposed to be my forever kitchen my dream yeah you don't want to do it i don't want to do it but um i didn't have a choice so we had to very creative so this these two pieces of furniture here were a dresser that was already in the kitchen so we took it apart and turned it into an island and this actually and it looks better because of it oh that's clever so tim has to do a lot of jigging about but i've got two fridges in there did that yeah so he basically deconstructed the whole front of it and these were drawers originally and kind of put it all back together and then he did an incredible job he did a great job because honestly it makes it look as a you spent a fortune on the kitchen because it looks as though all of this has been made because but no well yeah so just old pieces of furniture and then the world's famous piece of granite that we dropped on escape to the diy i'm guessing this is famous crack but it just kind of looks like a seam in the marble it does sir it totally works plus it's got a story but it happened exactly and i love the story behind it the cupboard doors all came from ebay and tim bought them and i hated them and i was like they're disgusting and he said yes but you want to paint them anyways what's the point in buying an expensive wooden kitchen when you're just going to paint them yes so we did and they look they look the same and yeah so it was all just uh i'm so put together and my favorite thing is that cupboard there which is an old window that we got from lebron juan and some old vintage wallpaper that i found in a brick near chateau de la luz this massive basket of old wallpaper and i was like oh my god these are amazing and i said to tim oh do you think we can get some because i'd love the the dispute and he's like are you gonna have to ask how much they are um and if we can afford it then yeah you can get them and so i went to the women with this like arm full of stuff and i was like how much for the wallpaper and she looked me and she was like 12 euros for the lot and i was kind of like and sometimes my french numbers are that's great and that was kind of did she just say 12. or have i misheard like 200 or something like that and i kind of looked at tim and he was like yeah that's fine this time just about stretching 12 euros so i was like yes please and just and she gave the kids like free cars and all sorts it was brilliant and this is one of those wallpapers yeah oh yeah it's superb horses and carriages yeah so just all line drawings and then it had um like old wallpapers do you have to kind of trim the edges off because it didn't print the whole way to the edge so that was uh and that's an evening how did you make it into a straight line is so hard yeah i was very glad that i was only doing the back of the cupboard didn't need to join the edges yeah but yeah i loved it that window had been in some ladies back garden for like ages and was really rotten and she she'd obviously put it on lebron quinn thinking well maybe i'll get rid of it and so when we bought it she was like what are you gonna do with it and then the tim's like well i'm gonna turn it into a cupboard and she just couldn't she couldn't get we had to send her a picture in the end to say oh she happy when she saw it yeah i think she was quite impressed it's really pretty yeah it's healthy because you've created a modern kitchen but that looks as though it's always been yes so lots of old pieces and just sometimes then i have to have a chandelier because every other room in the house has a chandelier and i wanted one in my hand yes absolutely and i like these a lot yeah they're nice they are they're just very simple i'm searching for a big painting or something to go on that wall yeah painting would be amazing yeah it would i like the framed flower over there yeah that's one of the bits of our branding our logo oh yeah so uh angel actually goes up to me that's really pretty it's really pretty and who drew the house um that was done by an illustrator we did a styled shoot here for weddings and she drawn it as part of the stationery suite and so i asked if i could have it so it's um it's really pretty cool yeah we've got lots of actually lots of people have drawn pictures of the house and we've got a big collection of them and we want to at some point when we get time frame them all and do kind of a gallery wall up the stairs of all the different pictures which would be lovely because loads of different interpretations of it and everything it's something yeah sweet i think gallery walls are great yeah i'm very much in love with the ray burn mainly because in the winter it's my favorite sauce everybody sits down yeah it's kind of the dog all the cats and then it's kind of who can get the closest because it's the kind of warmest spot in the house but i have a love-hate relationship with it because it starts off being very romantic and the kind of crackling fire and the logs and everything and then after about three weeks some wheelbarrowing logs into the action and that's lost the the novelty's worn off by april i'm just like can we just turn it off now because yeah how how often do you have to put logs in about two wheelbarrows from vlogs a day so someone's going to bring all that so there's a lot of moving logs around in the winter it's quite it's not a low maintenance form of heating but it does heat all of the radiators on our side that's pretty impressive and is it your wood yes yeah so effectively your heating is free yes apart from the labor involved and chopping and does this take a lot of cleaning as well it's not too bad we clean it every month um which is kind of the recommendation lots of people don't we do just because i've spent too much time renovating this house for it to burn down so we're a bit sticklers for it we've got our own chimney rods and all that kind of stuff so we've kind of got it down to a work of art now you're a machine yeah i have to feed it up there and tim's out there with its drill and it goes all the way up the chimney and out the top that's impressive i love the view in here yes it's nice to go just to look out on the ground the flowers straight out of the wind and the wind is so low down yeah you're in the garden yeah it's lovely yeah the windows was one of the things that we loved about the house just kind of the size of them and how many there are and the views and everything it's lovely you see this every day yeah around that team and it's amazing and it's very difficult not to take it for granted but i do kind of have moments where i'm just like i can't imagine living somewhere where when i looked out my window i saw another house or yes it's just kind of that you kind of have to pinch yourself every now and again and you do this is i'm really fortunate to be here do you find that your instagram actually makes you see the beauty around you yeah it definitely does it makes me think about things and it makes me much more aware of seasons changing and stuff like that i'll see something then it will make me think about it and make me appreciate it more because it's you're kind of watching yeah i felt the same thing through instagram but also through youtube which is that you see things through other people's eyes people who don't live in your home every day and so it forces you to see it fresh and and see the beauty and then when people comment it's amazing what beautiful place and all that kind of stuff it makes you kind of think about it i appreciate it so do you want to come and have a look at our room i would love to i'm very nosy yes it's uh we uh we have two staircases so there's a back kind of old servant stairs that the children use yes and their bedrooms are mattified and then we're up these ones the main stairs yeah i find these very romantic and they're so shallow they are really shallow and you can kind of imagine sweeping down in a big frock definitely but it also feels very old yes it does and we don't know much about the history of the house at all there's nothing left it's all just a guessing game and there's kind of a local legend almost that there was an another chateau here so whether these were from that original they do feel older don't yeah they do from the facade yeah so but we don't know and they've got kind of these kind of on the floor down there there's a big black markings on the tiles and then up here there's kind of all this sort of burn like bubbling yeah wood and the varnish and we wonder whether there was an old furnace or something here because this was occupied france so whether during the war there was soldiers staying here and they used it as kind of a crude form of heating and had to something it does look as though there's been some kind of heat damage but we have no idea so yeah but anyway so far i've only turned right up here yes so this is going left we are indeed the floor yes it's beautiful it's very rickety we have to take um some of it up to put the pipework and electrics and stuff yes but it was already very rickety and it's kind of propped up on little bits of wood and stuff is this original or did you put this in no it's original when we do this room we will probably have to take it all off yeah and reinforce it put it all back down again make it slightly less wobbly and rickety because if you get up in the night everyone knows that you're up in the night but it's just so one of us so worth saving it's beautiful i love this room yeah lots of character and it will be brilliant when it's all done i like what you've done you've decorated the walls aren't done doesn't matter no exactly yeah this was all covered in fabric as well but we've found all this loads of little drawings on the walls and stuff and over over here there's um behind this picture it looks like there's a sketch of a molding so when we come to do this i want to use this to create the kind of moldings that go around the ceiling what a great idea original i wonder if they were planning that for this room yeah or whether some of it had to come down yes and maybe and they kept that as a drawing of the kind of profile of it so because it looks fairly similar to the one in the salon bezel yes stepped bits of it water discovery under the fabric what was the fabric like in this room it was just yellow it was just a plain kind of yellow fairly modern but it made everywhere feel a lot less rustic [Laughter] slightly less crumbly but we couldn't see any of these panels oh it went over the panel yeah it was over the panels so just around the door frame so you can still see it's still all the staples on yes so this was all covered so then we found all of this we could see the bottom panels but not these big ones the doors so um unfortunately this is where the 1950s electrics have been hacked into the plaster yeah so we'll have to do a bit of repair work there but i want to keep those this is exactly what my room looked like when i took the fabric off as well just the same kind of boarding on top of it do you think you'll ever have fabric in here again or will you don't know it's tempting because obviously it'd be a lot easier just to put well in theory if you can find something maybe you'd be i don't know if i've got the patience it must take forever it's weird because it's our room i can't picture it yet i haven't worked out how i want it to be my mind changes all the time but it's quite nice doing all the other bits first and then this should be by the time i get to it perfectly exactly what you want here also it means that whenever you see something really beautiful you can think oh that yeah yeah exactly i love having the big windows and being able to see out and i'm terrible at shutting the shutters because i quite like to kind of wake up and be able to see out i love the railings that you have in the in the main rooms they're lovely they're stunning sweet so i can see that it's the back of the two cherubim is it their faces on the outside you know i've never looked i don't actually know if you can see their faces look yeah they have got faces they have they have their faces looking pretty cheerful they do very sweet they are very cute and you know what this hatch in the wall is for well it's funny because if you go outside into that corridor there's a door there that's the same as the other ones but obviously there's either never been a all there because it just has this fake back on it but the bathroom that you're staying in yes also has originally had that door yeah and that was the entrance to the room until we found the one that was hidden in the paneling so someone in the past like me liked symmetry so in the salon we have two fake doors as well so whether this was just a fake door or whether it once opened yeah i don't know but no no need to have a door there no exactly can you tell me more about the art so these um these are paper cuts by a british artist called rob ryan i really like them because it's words and pictures they all have beautiful words these are laser cuts made from the originals so the originals he does using a scalpel and cuts it all out of paper and then some of the others are and prints of the of others yeah it's so delicate yeah i love it tim bought me that one when we got married there's my this one yes [Music] of um we've got a few more yeah they're lovely is he quite a romantic sometimes i think he likes to pretend that he isn't but maybe come on it must be something suddenly popped around the corner i'm romantic too no i don't believe you did you have the armoire before did you find that the armor was left here so when we bought the house the family gave us a choice we could either they could either take everything or they could leave everything so they took a few things we obviously chose leave everything so they took a few things that were kind of very personal to them that had sentimental value and then left us everything else so we spent the first kind of month really going through cupboards and quite exciting it was it was really good the mirror's gone from that one right we need to replace it but it's very ornate that one yeah that's a bit uh a bit too ornate for me but uh it's much darker than this yeah definitely it's very dark so but currently that's where all my clothes are where do you get your inspiration from how would you describe your aesthetic i don't really know i kind of i really i get asked this a lot but i think it's kind of the house itself and the rooms and the feel of them and how i want people to feel when they're in them i always want it to feel quite calm and quite relaxing and i don't ever want people to feel kind of stressed by the decor and stuff and i don't like it to be too kind of in your face or fussy and cluttered and things so it's quite not completely paired back but quite it is no you've definitely succeeded it's the karma space i slept so well that's not good okay yeah so yeah just that and the colors kind of come from the house and outside and all that kind of stuff you have a lot of blues yes i love blue just i found it yeah i really love the sky you can see a lot of sky from in this house because the window is so big so i kind of want yeah to keep keep bringing it in yeah and the greens are the blue and green wallpaper in my bedroom it's amazing that's designers girls yes it is yeah so this is our bedroom i love it yeah it will be glamorous and done thing is weirdly you've managed to make it glamorous even like this do you want to see the top floor yes the very much unrenovated bit yes definitely yeah so this gives you a very good kind of before and after i always say to people because this is kind of how it all looked before so you had to take that wallpaper off everywhere yeah so this is the whole way through this the whole underwear upstairs it's got tiny threads in it and then it's gloss painted on top it's kind of almost like a fabric yeah they used it because obviously behind it the wall the walls were crumbling i was going to say what on earth did you find when you took it off they're very crumbly walls but the thing was i didn't want to we couldn't afford to have someone come in and plaster it we didn't want to plasterboard it because we've got all these little moldings and things and if we'd have put plasterboard on we would have lost some of the moldings yes so we basically we had a french plumber and a french electrician here they were kind of here for four months on and off doing the whole thing and the electrician john was uh very sweet so he taught me how to patch the plaster and then he'd give me marks out of four out of four four because they're the french school marks or something they're so random why fall i don't know and so uh yeah he would come in and kind of peer over my shoulder and then give me a mark so you patched the wall we did yeah so we do we all kind of learnt to do it and patch the patches so impressive but we kind of say now we wanted to keep the texture we didn't want them to be perfect was our thing so we wanted to keep the aged texture which worked very well in our favor of our not very good patch plastering they look great come amazing but yeah it took forever and then there was a lot of sanding and a lot of painting yeah that's a big job and i think part of the reason why this hasn't been done is that we're a bit traumatized about it yeah since having done all of that yeah and i think we'll have to we'll have to do it at a time when we're not expecting anyone to visit for a while because it's going to take a long time yeah yeah so these are incredibly wonky stairs so come on up but you do feel slightly drunk by the time you get to the top they get more and more twisted it feels to me like it belongs on a ship i don't know why to me it feels like a fairy tale door yeah what's life idea lovely flooring yes so we have the timmett tiles the whole way up through the whole house and then this is just kind of a higgledy piggledy random collection of rooms which are very in various states of disarray so this one's not in a state of destruction this is the one that my poor parents get relegated to when they come to stay but they're not allowed to do that lovely choice of wallpaper yeah beautiful beautiful we don't think any of these rooms are original most of the walls are kind of bored walls and i think they just put rooms up here to accommodate more children so i think when we come to do work up here we will just take everything out yeah and see back to scratch and then put the walls where you want them actually this is a lovely big room and yeah yeah they're looking gorgeous lovely views my mum's made random curtains so that she can have a bit of darkness but yeah it's lovely to see out into the garden but yeah so this is slightly less glamorous and it's really tall yeah under the leaves still the roof the pitch on the roof is really quite big and then this room is incredibly glamorous because the children use it as their den what a great den they spent quite a lot of the first confinement up here like uh creating uh mess and uh which is still here creating mess we'd like to put maybe four rooms up here maybe but we we keep changing our minds and what do you think you'll use them for well we notionally would like to use them for more guest rooms but more for less for chambra dope more for if people wanted to come as a big group and have a weekend away for the whole space for the small space we do slow living floral and photography retreats those kind of things so lots of picking flowers arranging flowers photography and yeah beautiful kind of creative it's a very creative space yeah it's surrounded by nature like this and honestly because of the beauty of the rooms that you've decorated it's true it's very inspirational well my kind of little atelier is in the next bit and i really love that we get to see yeah oh it's so good this is so good do you have all the chandeliers there were more chandeliers in here last weekend but we put lots of them up in the sheet because this is where i put them when i collect them so i have a slight uh chandelier problem that's not a problem no no if i see them for a good price i struggle not to buy them but it's kind of fine because i have places for them to go i'm really impressed with them they're gorgeous and the chairs as well you upholstering you yeah so yeah i've done that well that one's the finished gorgeous and they were covered in the kind of actually i think it would have been lovely when it was new like a beautiful green velvet but it's all obviously faded yeah because the the color on the back is really nice but um yeah so they're stripped off and then we're going to reupholster the 12 is really amazing yes it's lovely yeah so i've been making cushions and upholstering chairs and all sorts in here for the for the jeep that we've been working on are these going into the jeep yes that one's going into the jeeps at some point i haven't quite decided where yet but uh yeah is that the colors does it give a hint at the cost so the salon area is kind of pinky reddy kind of colors um the walls are all very white in there because we want it to be very light but then i'm bringing color in with all the fabrics and everything so there's this one and then some kind of old florals and uh oh gorgeous mixture yeah and then a slightly redder and weighted friction stripe as well they're lovely really pretty i love this combination yeah it's very sweet and how do you decide on your fabrics how do you put them together like this uh to kind of just just what i like i don't really have a method or anything and i i it's really difficult because i love fabric when i was when i was 15 i had a job a saturday job working in kind of a needle craft shop and uh my favorite job we used to sell fat quarters for people to do quilting with and we used to have them all in this mass in these big drawers and my favorite job was if people have been in and making a mess of them because i was allowed to reorder them and put them all in kind of shade patterns and i just found it so it was so lovely and i'd i spent most of my wages every week would be i'd come home with like watches of fabric because i'd see something that i'd fall love it and just come home i've still got loads of them that i've never used them anything you just have to you can locate them yeah i've always really like colors and then some of the bedrooms we've got kind of blues and florals and a few bits i had left over from other things so i try to try to use them i love this space yeah it's really really really really oh wow oh you've got a shares with a swan on it yes i found that it was in an absolutely disgusting state in a pecan i think it had been in somebody's kitchen so it was very greasy and covered in like crumbs but it meant that it was very cheap so and it was all it was varnished and kind of it was quite orange and i just thought actually i really love the swans and so i thought well let's see what happens and stripped it all off and stripped it it's amazing it looks so good it looks good so do you spend a lot of time up here when i'm sewing i do i really like it it's a really nice kind of space to be i think if i got around to writing my book i'd quite like to do it up here yeah and now i can hide up here and no one knows where it's so peaceful yeah you've got a den i have and actually when you can open the window then you can just hear birds and you can smell the lime trees and it's just lovely it's nice and chandeliers i think chandeliers themselves are completely inspirational exactly everyone needs a chandelier for inspiration sparkly and there's another another bedroom yes this one's to look slightly this is where i've been collecting all the stuff for the jeep it was full of everything but yeah so it's amazing how big it is up here yeah there's lots of space and then there's another whole bit that's full of boxes of books and stuff it was absolute chaos but my mum and i had a big tidy up because it was stressing her out it's weird how storage is quite hard in a chat yeah because you think there's so many rooms and there's so much space but actually there's never any storage no storage because i think they're not designed to be lived that way maybe no i don't know so there's there's big dark corners and uh where all the boxes are hidden in that this is the main bit of the house the main grace there's that wing there and then behind there's a really grim bathroom just there and then there's a whole other can we see the grim bathroom oh let's see the grim bar but it's all like the bathrooms that were here when we came to the house it shows what you've done it's like something out of a horror film are you ready i'm ready for this i can't find the light switch now where is it oh isn't that glamorous i love it this is a bit like our bathroom that is grim i think my favorite bit of the little plastic books it's special it's definitely special and the kind of naino on the walls that's a very small bath yeah our shower is in a bath like that and it's that kind of size and we both had really horrible colds one year and uh it was the middle of winter and both feeling absolutely dreadful and that that's basically the only bath that we had access to and you know when you've got cold you just want to get warm and i ran this bath and i was kind of like this going i i will feel better this time i'm not tiny well so yeah i think it's great to see this because then everyone can see how you've transformed things it's very glamorous this whole shadow i don't think people realize just how i'm glamorous it is at the beginning that was that was typical yeah everything was like a house to be fair that that kind of it's amazing what you've done it's very amazing but that's what makes it your home somehow isn't it that going through the memories yes i have absolutely loved seeing these areas i think as much as seeing the side that's finished because it just just shows how much creativity you're still going to need to finish but projects yeah no it's lovely so i think it would be a little bit boring to be in the house where everything's done yes nothing to change well then we'd have to buy another one i'm an awful long way from that yeah me too a really long way another lifetime the children can finish it i think thank you so much for showing us all of this but before we end the video can we exit via the gift shop please you can indeed let's go there's more chandeliers in there too so you can just see over there is the jeep we've been working on for the last i don't know eighteen months now doesn't take as much more than eighty months yeah more than 18 months yeah we can't show that to you because um it's being kept under wraps but i'm going to be revealing a few little bits of it soon okay so watch rebecca's instagram yeah for the jeep i had a little peek and it's amazing but yeah the shops this way from this stuff do you find that the shop works well when you have a guest does for the ones that know about it i always feel slightly awkward going what do you know we've got to shop yeah i think for most people it's quite nice yeah so some of them really love it the difficulty is it was on tv and people kind of knew about it and then covered happened so it hasn't really had its full yes full season yeah this is one of the last really pretty so oh so this is an old avery and uh we just decided to turn it into a shop that's not very big can't get very many people in oh it's lovely yeah so just a few kind of antiquey bits and then a few kind of very french market baskets and then um lots of the things that we have around the chateau so um the table linens that we use and then we always have cozy blankets everywhere and i love the blanket i've been and yeah and candles and everything and then uh just a few antique bits and pieces that we've picked up that uh and chandeliers obviously okay someone wants to take one home it's a really good idea yeah and then people can take a little bit of larisse back with them do you have yes so your candles yeah candles and then in the winter we do um for our guests we do a turn down in the evenings and then we pop a little hot water bottle in their bed for them oh these are hot water you know how obviously my mum knits all the little covers for them and then they all have little labels on their tables but she's really talented she loves it so they're very popular i like the things that you've chosen yeah i'm terrible at it though because i would make the worst antique sales person because i buy things and then i can't bear to let them go so i'm just kind of like oh do you do you want to buy that do you it looks really pretty please don't buy anything so uh yeah i'm not that good at it as a salesperson it's gorgeous and it's a really good idea yeah it's sweet and how much land do you have here we have uh six hectares so what's that fifteen eight yeah yeah so but a lot of it is woodland and um trees the trees are breathtaking lots of trees yeah it's so mature yeah and then we have a farmyard and everything over that side and then we have a five minute bar thank you so much honestly i have loved being here and i'm so happy to have shared this place with you all it is magical you've created a little magical place in the middle of france thank you very much and thank you for coming it's been lovely to have you all and meet everybody hasn't it it's been really great it's been a great long time coming yeah there's so much to chat about because we go through all the same problems i think in the shadows yeah yeah it's always good to meet other people who get it yeah it's the same pain living the dream the crazy the craziness of it all yeah yeah yeah definitely well we'd better go and get ready for the party i should yes i've got some cooking to do and some tables to decorate i've got the table i've done the functional work good i'm going to make fire yes and we'll do flowers perfect a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of la land yadel and ether alice allen dunbanda whaling banshee brian bernard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise behrens daniel banakovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace ned borkovsky clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalicani lindsey c chelton stephen sarah cole industry concepcionary conklin zoe dawg sylvia dams jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first kevin fossum fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhoff david and tom henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla huble sandra hawley melissa janssen brian kelsey and phil burns jimmy kemp nadi kennedy lisa laforge dave and samuel land morgan lawley angel leonard victoria lepine janet half lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton karen nicholson kathy nori jc award marine palmer wendy piatek frankoski and james snow tomorrow price i'm in rahman tonya renee rjb bettina roject hannie ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan's feng shui lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurick carl and laurie siebert teresa sloane patty sue susan stevens montes de pora sabrina suret and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer rene valelli victoria jessica walker randy walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whitaker linda beast christine wilson winnie de la cockapoo gregwood david young and ludovico zordonatso and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 188,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, chateau tour, castle tour, home tour, chateau de la ruche
Id: t5dpvNeFt0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 31sec (2191 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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