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i am here at the most exciting chateau to show you today with amari who is the owner of this well let's face it completely incredible place so can you tell us a little bit about the history of the castle so the history the first mansion in history is from 1260. wow so it's old yes and the castle was burned down in the 1490 by the the dutch army sorry you better leave now run and then rebuild after that and then in 1880 the last big renovation happened so the state like it's now it's actually quite similar because we think that la land was built it's its latest incarnation in 1490 and renovated 1860 and that just shows you can take the same period but you end up with something completely different completely different so then neo-gothic and a bit overwhelming design insights i've been saying for a couple of days now and i i can't wait for you to see inside it it is so stunning okay let's go have a look no no wait actually we can't we can't walk in without talking about the fact that we've just walked over a moat there's a moat a laurenta castle that's my dream it really is my dream and rhododendron yes just vast and picturesque cows that you've placed especially for you i just moved them for you thank you thank you they're not mine it's so gorgeous so the moat goes all the way around all the way building and the only way to get to the castle is this bridge so the the bridge doesn't lift but we have only one access to the to the castle i find that so romantic oh the ducks look like sorrows and darklings it's too gorgeous and i just find it incredible when you see buildings rising from the water it's like venice i mean literally not even a bank around the building no just the walls coming straight up i think the walls are so thick yes that's that's why it's still uh in good condition well the building is standing in the water yes actually we arrived in the dead of night and there was mist all around and it was like arriving at a gothic novel it was so romantic it was insane this building rising from the water just the best place to come to this yeah now it's nice weather but imagine coming during the winter and winter but i think i'd really like it around halloween different vibes thank you well this is quite some entrance haul it's amazing i mean the stairs and the stone everywhere it's a narcotic style so it's uh very overwhelming yes so i can stand here for a long time and there's always something to to see i keep spotting new things so honestly for the first time today i spotted the welcome sign yes i really like the fact that you can see the hosts welcoming guests to welcome yes yes i am welcomed by the sign and by my great great grandparents yes we lived here around the 1800s so i never met them i've known their their kids so you knew your great-grandparents yes so when we came over a few times a year we came over to to say hello to the to the great grandparents yes and do they live here yes but then after that your grandfather didn't and your parents so i'm the first one after my great grandparents who live here full time yes that's amazing that you're coming back you'll bring the family back back we are back watch out and your children are here yes so we live here with our kids and they're at school at the local school yeah a few kilometers away from here so i think that's really beautiful that you come back so this is our little market it's not this castle it's a castle yes um that i found in the attics you're joking this is just lying in the attic that's just over there i think it was probably a toy for uh for the kids what a toy it's really fun and does it open you can you can open it oh oh yes i love it there's so many interesting objects everywhere and you have a sewing machine we have a sewing machine so this one doesn't come from the castle so we have another one that we found in addix yes we made a little video on our youtube channel oh yes he does america has a youtube channel yes which used to be in french with subtitles but it is now in english it's most of it is in english and when i have interactions with my kids just i have to speak to my kids in french because they don't speak english okay they speak uh french and dutch pretty impressive and maybe one day speaking well i'll put a link now to your youtube channel if you want to check it out on that one you did a video about another search so we did a video about um about us finding the old sewing machine yeah in the attics but it doesn't work so it was too old and one of our friends saw our video and when she drove home she saw this one on the street with a sign free to take free to a good home yeah sure she just took it with her and then but this will work this one i found notes because i don't know anything about sewing machines so it's beautiful with that i mean why so there is a there is a little tag with the serial number there is a specific website where you type in the number and then you know when it was built and uh which version it is do you know approximately when it dates from i think it was 1900 something like that yeah i can imagine that would be very fashionable at the time everywhere i look there's more i mean the ceilings and as you'll see it's every room it's the most amazing ceilings here there's more more golds every time you enter a new room shall we walk towards the goal if you're attracted to goals very very much so actually i oh the first thing i see here is of course the miranda chandelier i'm slightly obsessed with mourinho chandeliers i don't know if you know that better i know a little bit but i haven't seen one with these chains on in glass it's exquisite it is complete so there's no missing parts do you have any idea how a venetian chandelier came to be here in blue no idea no i'm imagining your ancestors on a romantic trip to venice in the past perfect story and talk about the castle of stalin as another castle in the area yes unfortunately it was uh it was bombed in 1917 not by the dutch descent by the by the british look at that okay phillip should we get our bags 1490 your ancestors burnt this castle and in 1917. we're not all related in the netherlands there's 17 million of you of course you're awkward i'm really sorry i'd like to apologize [Applause] [Laughter] let's forget those parts we move on from the past the presents to the future yeah to the future on this side of the castle there is um rolling shutters with uh when did they take from i think it's about 1880 with a with the renovations you even know that they had rolling shutters then and then you would have this uh little door here yes with the mechanism and we still have the handle i don't believe it we're going there the demonstration starts stops here because it doesn't work it doesn't work anymore but do you suppose one day you could actually get that repaired maybe because how amazing would that be if i have a lot of time i will look into it but i'm i'm not sure yeah i can understand it's fairly low down no no something must be happening okay i was still there i don't know all the shutters yeah close to the clouds and then you can never open them again it'll be hard to film in the dark i think that is ingenious imagine if we had that at the alarm just one little whee because actually it takes a really long time but you have those does that close it's like that yeah but we never bother because to close all the shutters would just take you yeah you need a volunteer full-time for that well one minute per window it would take one and a half hours well yeah about one and a half hours to come we've got 90 windows we've got about 100 windows okay yeah but some of them probably don't have shutters and they're small openings but nevertheless okay this is what is easier just one hand [Laughter] it's for the entire row of the windows it's for the entire that's the whole lot wow and can i ask about these chairs they came with the castle so these were probably your great great grandparents chairs they're in pristine condition yeah you can sit how have you kept them so perfectly and not just you but your entire family it's always been a family home yes so try to keep the place as good as possible yes a family home with very well brought up children which i particularly love the flowers on this one when people have breakfast they sit here for breakfast you have breakfast in here so three rooms and we have three dining rooms so each each guest has his own uh dining room each bedroom has it so if you're a little bit grumpy before your morning coffee you don't have to interact with anyone this is our little stage if you want to do a little concert or do you want to sing this is this is a perfect spot so we have the the chapel next door yes and uh we did the cresting of our of our kids over here but because it's so small we moved to the chapel yes a few meters and so the priest was standing over here oh how magical i love these pillars they are spectacular gorgeous all neo-gothic the wood paneling so if you look over here for example yes it's all kind of detailed this is what we call linen folds yes in england it's just like a beautiful folded piece imagine the work like hans and every room is paneled downstairs every room yes oh you're so lucky it's beautiful i think i would just sit here for hours looking at tiny details and the walls are all fabric all fabric yes to be fair the pedaling is about eye height for you right oh philip oh first you've gone the place down then [Laughter] i love this portrait her dress is amazing the sleeves that are just matching the underskirt and is that a chatelaine that she's holding probably probably yeah i think just out of sight there's probably a ton of keys and things that framing yeah poor i accept we can't really say bad fragrance in this frame the frame is very very nice it's exquisite from the frame i think she must match the gentleman opposite because he's got the same frame anyway there are two most excellent things about this one the moustache the moustache is obviously the fastest and the second is the way his uh little scarf is just billowing in the wind yes yes very elegantly have you ever considered trying out that mustache well i shifted yesterday so ah drat we missed it by one day next door we have the well the smallest room on this level is ours our little chapel and it's a gem at first sight this is really similar to our chapel because you've got the drapery lines and we have exactly the same parts of the walls that have painted in this way but what you have that we absolutely don't have is these spectacular glass windows that are much older because i can see a date of sixteen twenty seven twenty seven years so they've put in here um after the renovation so then 16 27 you could stare at these and find something new every time they're so detailed this is my favorite one because it has a palm tree with coconuts these bad breasted women are not what you necessarily expect in the chapel and then in the heart of each one there are religious scenes it's really surprising and really beautiful a lot of things to watch while at church yes it's just gorgeous do you have santa maria i've saint paul and underneath here i love this yeah the lamb of god agnes day and one side we can see on the scroll and uh piccata mundi the sins of the world on the other side but what i find really sweet is on either side you have normal lambs worshiping at the mainland and crowds yes yes the chapel is very small but we have a balcony upstairs also you've got far more people than you would think celebrating mass here we'll show you the access to that later it's good so if you look at the balcony upstairs yes can you spot left and right with this are they grapes they're grapes yes and on the other side sweet exactly so the body and blood of christ exactly well really you need to have an eye for detail in this castle oh but now that i'm here i'm looking at the ceiling and the ceilings also splendid painted straight onto the wood and i love the gold detailing in the middle there really isn't one inch of this castle that isn't decorated oh it's all decorated very narrow yeah or overwhelming like i say usually no but i don't find it overwhelming somehow it doesn't feel overwhelming at all no i really let's let's see the next one oh is that i like the wall painting in here so this is where the priest would have packed everything he needed for masks the painting again the painting and you have the safe yes and they've even painted the interior it's superb and i love the niche that's just behind you here i i really like the lily honestly i could spend hours in these rooms i don't have to water that one and the windows in here again do you know what vcdm stands for it's a chateau emergency it's a shuttle emergency the pigeons on the ancestors so it's the first year we have so many white pigeons they're gorgeous i have a good explanation because of covets there were no weddings so someone released all the white pigeons well they found their way out okay the mirror is so nice and i think that's one of the things that makes this place not feel overwhelming with all of the decoration there's quite a few mirrors here and there there's a lot of windows a lot and in the rooms at about to go there's a lot of gold but it actually really lightens everything i find it really friendly perfect friendly great shadow okay the gold we literally just got these these are the best doors in the world they are amazing philip and i spent quite a long time the first night looking just looking yes at these doors and you see what i mean about the gold how it just makes the room so cheerful even though it's entirely wood so this is the painting of the family who lived here around 1700s so this is what the castle looked like then before the the big renovation i recognize the outbuildings much more but they're not on the on the actual nights they turned but they're in quite a similar style as they used to be and then you have the the main gates with the wooden doors whereas now that's all open isn't it now it's open just arrived but we still have the hinges on the on the gates and are you going to have this recreated with your family in the same spot in the same spot yeah i think you should i'm still looking for a good painter so if someone wants to paint my portraits you know with my with my dog standing nice to me yes yes a few dead animals at your feet no maybe just my kids would be good [Music] and swans well they look like swans and now we we downsized to uh to geese geese well fair enough yes yes i like all the trees as well and then they still look very young yes yes they really do it's not at all an established wood around so if we if we go for a walk after this i can show you some of the the massive trees we have uh around the property maybe some of them maybe maybe yeah so this is uh the fireplace with the story about the dutch army coming in and burning the castle oh so this is what actually happened here this is the story this is the story yes so you have the army gathering yes and then here well it's it's difficult to see but you have the main bridge with the castle on fire and then a few people hanging upside down on the tree oh it's horrific and then and they're looting as well they're carrying off all of them what they want to take away and then next scene you can see them walking to bruges in a distance bruce doesn't know what's about to hit it this is awful with the people hanging upside down yeah i think that's the worst part of the story it is it's horrific you just see there's something decorative from a distance but when you go up close it's it's actually full of details quite moving to think that that happened here what a fireplace were there originally um statues up there they were yes it'd be quite fun to find three statues one day to put back there but i think my favorite thing about this entire room is the ceiling the ceiling yes if this draws the eye up but then it's oh there are different continents or regions so you would have if you look over there yes she looks rather egyptian strangely they both look like africa don't they maybe she's the americas probably she does have feathers and africa on the other side it's more asia oh yes asia and europe i love the fact that uh europe so she has a little parasol over her and asia has a great hairstyle with one of those pins holding the bun in place and the initials cb so those are the initials of the family trees of the belgium he was one of the mayors of bruges and he has his portrait in the in the library i will tell you the history of uh and he lived here he lives here yeah his summer house oh not even a year-round residence no it has this winter house in russia five minutes away from here that's another extraordinary thing about this castle it feels as though we are in the middle of nowhere peaceful in the countryside rising out of the water but you're five minutes from a city center of one of the most beautiful cities in europe it's it's next door so in the winter when there are no leaves on the trees um we can see the towers of bruce from here oh glorious you have everything so it's easy yeah before we go through i think we should just look at the door handles look at that everything everything is [Music] gorgeous well i don't know whether to start with asking you about the freeze or the fireplace i'll start with the tapestry yes so it's paint on fabric it's made for the castle i can't imagine anything more gorgeous to have in your own home than a painted fresco like this on a canvas linen with with the castle because uh left and right from the fireplace you can spot the castle actual castle yes in the background in the background but if you look on the on the right side i like the fact that on that side it's in the distance you see the castle and here it's really close up it's it's the exact place where we are standing in the front of the castle yes yes just about to go in i think it's all hunting oh wild war hunt here yes these two are just having a nice little chat they don't seem to be too involved in the hunt hunting with the falcon and then the dog's going to collect what the um bird has caught it's like an open book and they've they've already finished haunting they've got their deer and they're coming home so they'll have quite a feast tonight at the castle because they've got a deer they've got game birds they've got a wild boar something missing it's been a good day well especially as you can add some fish too she looks as though she's telling the fish off these are amazing i was looking at them at breakfast trying to work out what was going on he looks as though he's about to attack a cushion or some bread maybe oh great doesn't make a he's got the bread whatever well she's already eating it back in the days when there were people working in the castle you would have the little bells so you could uh ring if you need anything so if you're in here it will ring downstairs yes in the what used to be the service kitchen in the kitchens downstairs yes so if you want to visualize just think about downton abbey the the series yes the same principle here yes so downstairs would be the the working area and then this level would be the the families uh and then things would magically appear exactly from from the hidden door how amazing is that can i go through this you can i can't believe there's a hidden kitchen in here with so much storage space this would be the in between area between the downstairs kitchen and the dining room so the one in in char to to serve the foods yes so it would appear from behind the wall but you need a way to get the food up to here from the kitchen from the kitchen so actually you have the the dumb waiter yes so you could slap some sanding down yes i'll bring him up from the kitchen that is ingenious it's perfect and the food arrives warm even though it's gone quite a big distance it's just a level yes and this is a room that they call the office in france yes yeah we have that on our plans for la land as well the office works it's just between the kitchen and the dining room and they would store glasses and various other things that they would need and is this still where you bring guests their breakfast from well when i have to prepare breakfast it's easier to work from here than from downstairs have you ever scared people by suddenly appearing in the dining room when they didn't know there was a door there uh sometimes i would have a lot of fun doing that if i lived here i think there's more hunting on the fireplace as well there's there's the deer being chased up yeah the man in the middle is also a hunter oh yes but it looks uh very friends with uh with a deer i think the deer is just walking home with him perfectly happy to come back the hunter in the middle yes you know yes it's the legend of the the hunter who went on a hunt on a day where he was not supposed to hunt and then he came across this year with a cross on his head he heard a voice a mystical voice that told him to uh to convert to uh christianism and to stop chasing him and to stop chasing the deal that's why you see him so being so friendly that's it that's why the dizzy and i haven't noticed the cross indeed he's got the cross between his antlers that's sort of the calm moment in the midst of all of exactly this is one of the most beautiful fireplaces i've ever seen it's amazing how it manages to make stone feel light and airy it's like the cathedrals gothic cathedrals with all the sort of filigree work carved into the stone those little open windows within the stone over the griffins and it just makes it feel as though it's floating on this side there is a piece of history that tells the renovation of the castle but there's a text here just telling that uh in 1496 the castle was destroyed by the the army of venezuela and then rebuilt um back by a jack despair and his son and then on the other side of the fireplace there is the next part of the history so this would be 1875 when the castle was renovated to the neo-gothic style so the whole history of the castle is just until nine i suspect in reality it took quite a lot longer than that probably yes how wonderful that everything is on this fireplace the gold ceilings again lighten everything and when we're having breakfast in here the light on the moat was hitting the ceiling and it was getting all of these ripples beautiful it's chandelier you can lower or put it higher if you want almost on the top you can see the three uh pulleys with the chains so when you pull it down uh the center piece the round piece would go up or down and then just this central part will come down oh that's very clever it's actually quite modern for its time this house things like this and the shutters that come down with the pulley there's a lot of details yeah let's see the the library it's hard to leave this room you can come back later thank you just as i go look at the linen floor paneling in this room this is the room that you invited us into when we arrived and we had a glass of wine in here it was the most perfect welcome so this is a library so it used to be called the smoking room where the men could put uh sit together and chat together the portraits on the fireplace this is uh charles de cusa ah this is the man whose initials we've been seeing yes and he went crazy with his initials on the wall in this room yes yes and on the ceiling everywhere maybe a nice idea for the launch if you don't want to be forgotten in history it's actually very beautiful the repeating monogram i i like that yeah i i really like it don't get any ideas but i just like the repeating pattern of it and again painted onto a linen canvases griffins and looks like yeah berries berries of some sort it's very pretty he was a mayor of bruce around 1803 and when he was mayor he welcomed napoleon into bruce he did that two times so the first time um he was not very impressed with napoleon so napoleon what hadn't even left the city that he lowered the french flag oh so he was a bit uh punished by benefulio yes and then the second time he came back he was quite lucky to still be in power the second time napoleon came back i think after that yeah well he looks as though he's a man who knows his own mind probably yeah and then again in this room you have the bell yes ring if you need anything do you find yourself wishing that they still worked sometimes well there will be no one coming for him i meant the whole part and so now it's more convenient we just have a little fridge over here oh that is better i designed our own it's an existing beer from a belgian brewery yes with our label oh i love it it's a gorgeous label this is your family chris it's my family question well combined crystal my uh that's a mom's size you have a lot of lines in your family ah this is why you can get one if you want really of course can we try it later thank you i really want to try this while you're in the fridge for now i think that's nice the famous sewing machine that you found in the attics that's the one from lyrics also a singer and actually also quite egyptian styling yes in terms of the most leaves it's also a special uh special design nice decoration but that's it well especially as you've got the other one in full working order where you do all of your sewing of course fair enough again the fireplace is i mean it's significantly bigger than me but it's a problem with the fireplace of what's happening in the fireplace there's a naval battle going on and there's the name of the castle in the on the back plate plates 1879 do you have any idea what that's referring to the renovation oh that's the french name for this castle that's very beautiful chateau yes how lovely that you get to have um names in different languages for the same castle because of where you are geographically well belgium we have so many influences so many languages one in the same exactly where are you going to take us to now so against the half floor yes so this level is only accessible from the spark staircase in the back of the castle i didn't even know there was a spiral stack because i've been using the huge so this is the main staircase that was used back in the days by the family yes and then the people who worked in the castle use the the front start service and the back so there are two other stacks there are two staircases so we've got a lot still to discover and he seems to be leading us this way well if you have to um go to the bathroom he's showing the way from 1880 they had this this little joke it's over there so it's not written uh in dutch but it's uh it's okay it's there it's there it's that look a court jester okay i will show you the staircase gains stunning stained glass everywhere and the spiral staircase i'm just standing oh this is way better can we [Music] when you live as an only child in a nursing home there's not much to play with and this is the main thing my friends used to love it too because at the top there's a little knot so if you uh if you release yours i can send you back we can have fun with this one oh yeah we can [Music] of the tower yes i guess i'd love to see the toughest house we're here so one of the first videos i did was um re um repainting the whole circus i saw the linseed oil yes but we're not on the top yet so imagine the work so now this is the last straightest to the top so one person at the time on this one okay that scares me there's just not enough room for people so the views of the countryside are incredible but the view of the castle is the best thing just being able to look onto the roofs like that you have the most stuck it's crazy so from here i can check almost all the roofs checking if there's any any problem or a missing roof tile how have you not made this into your secret lab uh this could be a a very high uh man cave yeah exactly it's got man is either a man cave or the lair of an evil genius you need a white fluffy cat one of those twisty jazz keeping on everything yeah on that side but there are probably too many trees now but usually we can see the towers of bruce like it's a little tower i can see the little tower is the belt free of bruce so i wouldn't see a little tower the biggest tower of bruges wow again i can't get my head around the fact that you're really near the center of one of the most beautiful cities of europe yeah have you spotted the twisted chimneys yes very beautiful yes yes they are stunning oh and the cows what's up with you in the cows i have a thing about cows we're going back down to the level with uh with the rooms i can show you the rooms oh the bedrooms the bedrooms but in the meantime this is the half level that i was talking about downstairs oh so only accessible from from this staircase can i can i go through if it's open it is not so that was the sort of minstrels gallery look that we saw yes okay that's the one and this is the bedroom floor this is the bedrooms so we are back on the main circus now i recognize where we are because my room is this way so i've tidied it as best i can but i've been here for a couple of days now so it's it's not as pristine as it was when i arrived welcome to my room i've been very happy here am i very happy this has been a very glamorous makeup mirror in the morning this is where i've been getting ready and i have to say that it beats a dressing table this marble chimney with the light from there it's a great room the bed is huge for a start but also look at the view and the windows are low so i feel as though i'm practically in the garden yes just looking at the moat and this morning there were geese and there were ducklings and the first morning when i woke up there were cows just there in front of the windows i opened the curtains and i love this window here there's a special window it's a very special kingdom and we can tell you all why it's a special window because something has happened here that has never happened anywhere i've ever stayed in my life the bathroom is lovely it's huge and incredibly light but the most exciting thing about it is this door i'm really excited about this would you like to go through that i think you might need to be spending quite a lot of time with that what's your words to talk and i came here in the dead of night and it was still lit downstairs and just sat looking at this beautiful chapel it was completely still and magical it's the best thing to have off your bathroom i can really recommend anyone considering an extension to the bathroom yes the uh balcony area of a chapel works really nicely contemplation and confessions i have nothing to confess no no no no nothing no no it's just contributions the other rooms look the same as this one don't they so they're almost the same yes except this has a private access to the chapel and the bats rooms and the other rooms have a shower yes with view on the towers in the winter oh maybe we can look at the view in one of the other rooms so on the rooms with a shower we went for a walking shower so when you're standing in a shower in the winter you can see the the towers of bruce in the distance so now we're going down the main stairs now we can go down the minster's and uh we can see the dumpsters uh kitchen area yes i've been dying to see the kitchen i would just like to pause and talk about this solid stone balustrade it's very narcotic very neon thick but possibly one of the best pastries i've ever seen again it's making stone seem light and airy i'll be honest when we arrived uh late at night when we just had a lovely glass of wine with you but then you left and philip and i are the only two people i wasn't scared until i saw her oh i just didn't get the impression she was delighted that i was she's um she's just checking if you didn't forget to turn up the lights because oh my goodness that that really we spent maybe half an hour wandering around trying to find and we didn't manage it i saw it in the morning every light is off that's good and when everything is off and it's dark she's smiling ah since i got the star light off she started smiling we managed to get all the lights off except for the one above the dining table no you know why because it doesn't go it's a smart light with my my phone i can't believe it we looked everywhere yeah it's it's a geek castle sometimes i think we need the launch we need a geek castle we're geeks we should have a geek also we're going back to the stadium on the main level it's still good yes and then going on the next level down it's uh turned to the stone because we're closer to the water and so for the dump so usually i said people watch your heads down there but i think you're okay we told you it's part of the modern uh french infrastructure of the castle yes uh let's start with the oh how fantastic but it's practically untouched you're so lucky to have it still like this like this so you have to imagine the old stove over here yes and then uh this will be the kitchen and your great great grandparents still use it they use the kitchen yes i doubt that many people have used this since then now there's not much use so if you put a coal under him then this part will uh heat up you could keep the food warm again it's very very clever the whole house this is what it was like in the dining room when we were having breakfast the light was this is also a kit for the wedding guests so when we have wedding at the castles um the guests are are having dinner upstairs but the the company who makes the food for the for the wedding can use this space to to work from there's a kitchen there's a dining room there's a wine cellar so there's a lot of space down here i love this floor it is really downton abbey you have to think about downton abbey just to imagine yes what could be going on back in the day i mean most of the fun life would have been going on down here this is where you got it and you still have all of your little mods look at these in the shape of grapes i haven't seen those before and then i've just used them yeah you should it's so pretty and then the madeleine the old madeleine forms i suppose you can make a delicious fish moose with some carp caught in the moat can you hide i'm still looking for a good old stove yes um like a cold stove or something like that yeah we still have our old um actually fall yours is very very beautiful it is it's glorious it will fit it's not very usable we can use it but we get a layer of soot on absolutely everything from one day of using it so we use it for special occasions for christmas things but just a piece of furniture [Music] this is very convivial you can have a lot of people in washing up together dancing in the kitchen would take on a whole new meaning down here and actually beautiful views i just saw that naughty white pigeon fly across the back so this is where all of those animals that we saw being hunted in the dining room this is where they would have ended up next uh next to the kitchen so it's super convenient they thought of everything it's so well planned me sellers and what's this door here oh that's a throne i was not expecting a tram yeah you have to walk up look at this every castle needs to have it's thrown and boy does it have a nice view oh it steps so you can go straight to the water yes you can isn't that what kirstie also always says alou with a view oh this one's suddenly got a view look look at that the wardrobes for the staff and what is this behind us and this is uh where they kept vegetables huh we had a driver right yes all the potatoes potatoes vegetables and yeah everything has a special storage room for it it's amazing how big it is the castle is way bigger than it looks on the outside especially because of this level yes yes this level is really surprising another storage room here for me can you flip you can film inside okay [Music] we need that means business it's big which is fantastic because it keeps you so warm so the next room is probably the most important one of the castle it's our wine cellar oh it's huge it's huge what a superb salad and you have quite a few bottles down here there are some old bottles remaining most of them are half empty but i i've added your own bottles to the collection i really wish that they were yes we sadly don't produce them no no it's just because and we're really lucky that the white named land is actually really good wine yeah this is delicious so it will be your bottle untouched until next time you have the old plan so this is the plan of the wine cellar a big corridor in here as well this is huge huge we have the servant's dining room ah so this is where they would hang out and i guess this is also where they would relax if they ever had a moment to relax for those who watched my previous videos it's been a long time renovation i need to get back to this room soon straight to the water wow this is superb oh and the darkness look it's so peaceful here it's so peaceful it's a delic so these are the stairs those are the steps to the front uh spiral staircase oh okay the one we haven't seen yet yes yeah the door is locked so we have to go back down back the other hand the other way i wonder how many times servant said that oh not the right well we've got a lot more to see yes we haven't set foot outside the chateau yet but we have dinner reservations in 20 minutes in bruges but it's only five minutes away oh we can easily film the entire restaurant in 15 minutes we're going to go into bridge and we will carry on tomorrow morning [Music] a huge thank you to all of our patrons at la land who are making this vlog possible especially our duffer and dauphine of brian bernard brandon and john michael cecilia begum denise bernstein albanacovich jill bidwell candice blackburn candace nedborkovsky clara butcher paulina calabro chloe chalicani lindsey c chelton steven sarah cole industry concepcionary and conklin zoe dorks jim demersman and richard paternord sakura dennis zane dixon jackie ellison nicholas w fairfax tracy ferrari caroline first of fifi greenberg crystal hardy brenda harris delaine hallbrook kim hasselhof dave and tong henderson jacqueline holmes and ken bates priscilla hubel sandra hawley brian kelsey and phil byrne jimmy cam nadia kennedy lisa laforge dave and summerland morgan lawley victoria lepin janet huff lombard marina frank martin meredith robert miller joanne morton kathy nori jc award marine palmer frank paposky and james snow tomorrow price i'm in rahman tonya renee rjb bettina roject hannie ross mary ryan elizabeth scanlan fence right lisa schultz jennifer shanks rebecca shurick carl and laurie siebert teresa sloan patty suhu matthews and claire wilson susan stevens sabrina surett and the leaf house sarah thornton colleen troyer rene valelli victoria jessica walker randy walton laura watkins lucas wallin james whalen cheryl whitaker linda beast christine wilson winnie de la coca poo greg wood david young and lord vicos ordonazzo and thank you to all of you [Music] you
Channel: The Chateau Diaries
Views: 866,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chateau de lalande, chateau diaries, chateau life, chateaux in france, chatelaine, dream chateau, escape to the chateau, escape to the chateau diy, french castles, french country home, french country house, french country living, historic house, life in a chateau, living in a castle today, living in a chateau, living in a french chateau, stately home, stephanie chateau, stephanie jarvis, the chateau diaries, Castle ten Berghe, chateau tour, castle tour, home tour
Id: d-Yqfi-uw-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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