Total Lore Overview of the Principality of Sturgia in Mount & Blade: Bannerlord

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hello youtube and welcome back to another dirty game video today we are talking mountain blade band Lord lore and we are going to be going over an overview of sturdy ax the northernmost kingdom in this fractured land one that takes most of its historical inspiration from the northerners of Denmark Sweden and Norway or at least that's what most people think so let's just dive on in and learn all about these fierce warriors of the frozen north bear in mind that I will draw from the game itself various wiki's and secondary historical sources for information in this video the Principality of stir Jia is a kingdom in mountain blade to banner Lord it is ruled by Prince Regan bad and occupies the snowy northernmost mountain territories of the continent of quel Radia so before talking too much about stir Jia let's first discuss its leader regen bag Gandhara vyg is the prince of the principality of stir Jia and the head of the clan Gandhara vyg in the year 1077 regen vaad marched with his father Prince varen slav alongside the battalions and Blandy ins to confront the chaotic Empire at the pond react in the battle that followed vet and Slav was killed as the sturgeons fought the main Imperial force and overwhelmed their camp however regen bad did not participate in the frontline having been ordered by his father to stay back upon receiving word of his father's death regen Bob claims the Empire's dragon banner as his father's trophy and thus his inheritance but elect the old refused breaking the banner staff and throwing it at his prince rygan VAD was further enraged by what he perceived as cowardice from khalid OGG for ambushing the Imperials instead of fighting them directly the official game description of regen bed is as follows the current Grand Prince of stir gia is regen bed harsh and uncompromising he believes that it is the right of the prince to command the boyars in all things not just in making war for the time being they obey him not least for his ability to call on the kinsmen of his mother a Nordic prince with ties to the fearsome scold abroad a mercenary company the principalities history began when arctic traders and adventures migrated from the Northeast territories seeking land and wealth and eventually formed diplomatic and marriage alliances with the native tribes of the Sturge and region merging the two cultures into something new with a violent warlike but also mercantile mentality most comparable to the Nords from mountain blade warband ster gia holds the north of cal Radia the sturgeons are based on medieval slavic communities from the regions of belarus and ukraine with leaders inspired by the likes of Vladimir the great the sturgeons are hard people from harsh lands that are all too familiar with the ways of war they specialize in disciplined infantry and close-quarter combat utilizing a shield wall for the trading man venturing and discouraging lands will net you wild honey bog iron and fur stir gia fits the player who wants to slash and burn the player who wants to raid towns with a two-handed war axe under a Raven banner with ice clinging to their beard the clans in these Sturge infection include the Olga Vings the gun darlings the vagary things the or madhavan's the ves holdings the toga rovings the ero Vings and the herb rovings some of the Sturge and minor factions we've seen include the skull dubrow de de mercenary group and the sons of the forest a slash-and-burn nomadic tribe and also the lake rats who live by the Shamir of the lake rekts where they lure ships onto shoals with false lighthouses and beacons as far as in-game troops go heavily armored infantry bearing thick shields to form a shield wall is the core of the sturgeon military effort although cavalry and archers units are also employed prominently when traveling through snowy regions on the overworld map sturgeons move 10% less slowly than other factions starting territories Forster gia are as follows they have seven towns ball guard a more rebel Sabir tiao varcek and VAR nova pol they also control eight castles macedon castle cranny rogue castle near Yuans castle old castle - corps castle Herick scala castle austere cold castle vladov castle they also control 32 villages which I won't list but trust me they are there the official in-game description of the sturgeons goes as follows the Confederation of small kingdoms that is now the Principality of stir Jia came into being only a century ago as boom towns sprung up along the great rivers of the north the local tribal leaders forged marriage pacts with the Nords and other adventurers hiring their swords to subdue their neighbors under pressure from the Empire they elected a prince to lead them in war and eventually the princes became a hereditary office but the idea of a monarchy has never sat easily with the independence minded boyars and the potential for rebellion always lurks under the surface of sturgeon politics in respect to their land and culture we know about as much as any faction the sturgeon forests are forbidding and cold but great wealth lies within wild honey can be found and bog iron but the real prize has always been fur for centuries brave traders ventured there to buy the pelts of fox rabbit and ermine from the tribes of the woods as the Empire expanded eastward that trickle of traders became a flood great towns sprung up on the rivers fortune seekers came from the coast but from the steppes and most of all from the Northlands tribal elders made alliances with the newcomers sealed by wedding vows and with their share of the trading profits hired mercenaries to subdue other tribes star jia became a collection of principalities mana kingdom and great powerhouse of the north 200 years later in mountain blade warband the sturdy and Empire has lost much of its eastern lands to the coos Aitken eight but also has taken a significant portion of land Ian and Petain Ian's territory the remaining sturgeon lands experienced a cultural split with the Nords living in the West and the wagers in the east although one can see sturgeon influence in both the Vader's and the Nords most consider the Nords to be the true descendants of the sturgeons according to the Nord hero method Nord people come from a place called Northland although the game's description of the custom battle characters their claims that Nords originally came from land known as Zuni nordland is said to be far north of kal Radia over the sea and it's also the home of the sea Raiders Mattel says the Nords were invited by the Cal rated Empire to crew their galleys and were given land on the coast as payment for this service after the Empire fell however a nord leader named moon dig Harry breeks landed in Cal Radia to claim a supposed nord birthright of the whole continent Mattel makes note that this was a fabrication by the skulls and qualifies it fine noting the Nords need no excuse to go to war goon dig hairy freaks would be killed attempting to attack the rock of river chick but Nords still come to Cal Radia under the idea of claiming Cal Radia by force so just as a little roundup let's go over some quick facts about the sturgeons to really hammer this faction home the sturgeons are primarily based on the cave in ruse they people in medieval Eastern Europe consisting of slavic peoples and some of our Indians who were Norse and Bicks to Norse Slavic traders warriors and adventurers it was a loose Federation of city-states most of whom were located in the area of modern Russia Belarus and Ukraine they occupied the eastern portion of what will become the lands of the Nords the Nords themselves originally came from Northland not Keller aadya due to this fact stir gia X partially as a placeholder for the Nords they can also be the ancestors of the kingdom of the vague years due to their cultural appearance though they lack the Vader's excellent archers they have excellent heavy infantry using the shield wall formation the sturgeons are separate from the Nords with the Nords listed as another culture within the banner Lord encyclopedia so that's our total lower roundup for the kingdom or more accurately the principality of ster gia in mountain blade banner Lord as you should now know they're not Vikings but draw inspiration from the cave and Roose who ironically were also mistaken for Vikings many times throughout history but that is an interesting topic for another day I now invite you to pop down to the comments section it had anything that you think I may have missed even if it is just a little detail somewhere I hope you've gotten what you came here for but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day and I'll see you next time [Applause] thanks for watching another dare to game video if you liked this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as $1.99 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 8,273
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Id: YsgcRit5Pkk
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Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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