Mount & Blade Bannerlord - Vlandia Strengths & Weaknesses (Overview)

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thank you hello YouTube and welcome back to another dare to game video today we're playing Mountain blade Banner Lord and we're going to be going through uh the kingdom of landia and their strengths and weaknesses in this game so for one thing I just want to cover right away a lot of people are going to say well the strengths and weaknesses don't matter all the factions are similar enough blah blah blah blah blah well to that I say then your difficulty isn't set high enough because there are strengths and weaknesses to every faction and especially if you role play whereas like you just if you're playing as a flandian you only use flandian troops then of course it makes a difference and I definitely recommend playing that way because it makes the game a lot more fun and of course makes you learn new strategies alright so it's definitely how the game is intended to be played and I definitely recommend you give it a try if you haven't and like I said if it still is too easy and it seems like there's no difference then turn your difficulty up eventually it will feel like there's a difference but anyway so we're going to be looking at the vlandian territory which as you can see is this kind of Western section here so all the way over to sargot up along this mountain chain which divides it from the Battalion territory and up on the edge it's it's the whole Western chunk of the map here and it's uh it's probably my favorite faction overall so just the little in-game description which I like to start with says the vindian monarchy descends from osrick Iron arm a warlord who seized the western coast of the Empire and was recognized as King by the Emperor as the price of Peace he in turn recognized his lieutenants as Barons and counts granting them suzerainty over their lands in exchange for rallying To His Banner in war some blandian Kings have sought to expand the powers of the kingship others have allowed the Barons to Feud among themselves so long as the money and Manpower was there when they needed it pseudo sorta Norman is kind of the vibe I like to go with with the blandians that type of influence on them and their focused primarily on heavy Cavalry and stuff so let's just start off with uh strengths and we'll start with the troops section in strength all right and so we'll start off with Cavalry of course and uh the obvious place to start is with the Vanguard so one of the strengths of landia is their heavy Cavalry and they have two different trees both of which have some of the best Cavalry in the game their basic troop tree making it the one that you'll most commonly be able to amass in large numbers will come from your recruits and if you follow the right path all the way down and you have war horses to upgrade them you can get to the blandian vanguards which are some of the best heavy shot Cavalry in the game they've got nice long lances that they can couch which is unique to Landy and stuff they have a riding of 130 pull arm of 130 one-handed of 130 Athletics of 60 so a little bit lower but you know in line for Cavalry uh they're a ridiculously good troop their horses are very well armored they're very well armored they work as infantry troops as well they do have slightly lower Athletics than I would like but they still work as infantry so they're they're one of the best Cavalry units in the game and one of the best troops overall in the game then while we're on the topic of heavy Cavalry we of course have the best heavy Cavalry in the game the vlandian banner Knight and now these ones are a little bit less common because they come from the noble troop tree so you have to find Blanding squares but once you do and you have the time and money to upgrade them you can all the way to Blandy and banner Knights which like I said are the best nights in the game beating out the Imperial Elite cataphracts by a significant margin they've got excellent heavy the armor their horses are very well armored their stats are excellent so you can see 200 riding 260 for pole arms and 220 for one-handed Athletics is the same as the vanguards though so these ones again make the best Cavalry at least shot Cavalry in the game and also make pretty good infantry so as far as strengths especially Under The Troop umbrella the heavy Cavalry is a huge strength for them another troop strength comes from the vlandian vulgaria which is one of if not the best uh two-handed infantry units in the game there are if you you can see these ones come from the recruit as well and you follow down through this path all the way to the ball gear they are excellent troops they work really well as shot shock infantry in the open field they work really well as anti-cavalry support for other infantry and Archer units you can see stat wise we've got pull arm of 130 two-handed of 130 Athletics of 130 so they can move really well they're very well armored they have throwing axes which are nice and they have a decently High throwing stat for an infantry units because they have 80. but they're an excellent troop some of the best infantry in the game and like I said I usually rate write them at number one for two-handed infantry so infantry units that don't use Shields so that is another troop strength that you have is this excellent inventory unit and of course you can't forget about the valandian Sharpshooter as quite the strength they are one of if not the best uh crossbowmen in the game and now the only ones better are a mercenary units so they're harder to get in great numbers so most people would count the vlani and Sharpshooters as the best crossbow are arranged unit in the game for one thing they do have the best crossbow in the game they are pretty dang well armored uh they have a nice big Shield which helps protect them from infantry and other archers and as well as mounted Cavalry and everything so a lot of people building evelandian Army will Center it around a large number of Sharpshooters the other major advantage of them is it does not take a lot of money in rxp to upgrade from The Landing recruit all the way down to the Sharpshooter so it's really easy to have a large amount of these guys so it's a real strength obviously the strength of crossbows over uh regular bow archers is all about range and impact power the bolts do a lot of damage and they've got the best range in the game they can outrange the fine Champions that's the advantage of crossbows obviously the disadvantage is less ammo and a much slower firing rate I consider the Blanding Sharpshooters to be a strength for blandia and then the other strength just comes from the fact that vlandian infantry in general once you get them up to at least uh tier four all of them have access to pole arms which makes them a much less weak to Cavalry than uh most factions infantry so you can see the Billman the uh not The Swordsman but the Bellman the vulgier the pikemen which specializes in anti-cavalary and even the sergeant all of them have pole arms which makes them way way more effective against Cavalry so that is another string so now we'll go into some of the troop weaknesses for volendia so the first one to pop up is they have absolutely no mounted archers so they do not have the ability to have archers that are super Mobile in the field this is something that will oftentimes put you at a disadvantage when you're fighting against the empire uh the kuzites or the azerite as vladia now mind you like I said this can be countered but it is a weakness and it really limits your open field skirmishing ability the other cavalry-based weakness that they have considering that Cavalry is one of their greatest strength is actually that they're light Cavalry are very poorly armored as well as their horses and this leads to decently High attrition so until you get them up to uh the vlandian Vanguard or the uh mostly for this because the batter night uh a couple troops earlier I'll show you but they've got decent armor on the horses but the flandian light Cavalry and the blandian Cavalry in general the people aren't super well armored and the horses aren't super well armored so they go down decently easy and you see high attrition on them unless you keep them out of the battlefield so what I normally recommend to people is to try to keep all of your light Cavalry and Blanding Cavalry in your back pocket until you get them up to the point where they're nice and high level otherwise you are going to see high attrition on them so it can take a while to get an entire Army of vanguards it's not as bad for the noble troop tree because I would say once you get past the valandian Galant they get pretty good they have decent armor and the horses are decent in the armored so you see much less attrition on them but it is a weakness that their light Cavalry goes down as easy as they do the other uh weakness they have is although I think the vlandian Sharp Shooters their crossbowmen are very very good and uh can work excellently they don't have any traditional archers which can be a problem especially against really large numbers of infantry because your crossbowmen are going to run out of ammo and their fire rate is much slower so if you've got too many infantry coming out to you they're going to overwhelm your archers before they're able to work totally effectively so you have to use them very strategically otherwise this is a weakness that will be exploited by enemy Cavalry and infantry so like I said the crossbowmen are great if you use them correctly but not having traditional bowmen is a weakness and then the other thing is just the other the last weakness I have regarding troops is just that many of the troop types lack extra equipment like throwing weapons so in a lot of different factions you'll have so you can see the vulgar has throwing weapons but a lot of them don't so if you go around and look a lot of them are missing that and like the uh Sharpshooters only have the one quiver of bolts those are things that limit them in Effectiveness that means they have empty weapon slots that aren't being utilized whereas you'll have other factions that'll if they've got an Archer they'll have two Quivers standard or if they all of their infantry are equipped with throwing axes or or uh javelins or something like that it makes them more versatile whereas the vlindian troops are very very specialized and so they don't have all those extra weapons it's one of the things that makes the vulgar is one of my favorite villainian troops is that they actually do have that but so I see it as a weakness that a lot of the troops you have in Bland yet don't have those secondary weapons now as far as some general strengths go uh it is an economically balanced region so if you're especially like I said on high difficulty where you're going to be spending a lot of your time especially initially in the vlandian region if you decide to be with them it is economically balanced most of the towns are pretty well off you can find a wide variety of products at all of the major settlements it makes it easy to flourish economically through trade another strength is that they really only have this one border and most of it is protected by the mountain chain between them and Britannia you're only Crossings up here in the northern section of the Border are right here past Ormond fired castle and if they kind of get up to here but then they have to come down and around so you get a Crossing there and then just this crossing over here by the Empire so you don't really have to worry about your enemies coming in from all around you because you just have the one border another Advantage is the excellent armor that the vlandians have the vlandian armor is pretty much the best armor in the game My Favorite uh main piece of armor is the brigandine over male and it's of landian piece so and with that you also get some of the best helmets in the game that give you the best protection and all that stuff so I know that's a general one and anybody can use any armor but if you're trying to role play and stick to that you know one faction Vibe then the vlandian armor is some of the best heavy armor in the game and if you're going just by controlled areas the vlandians do start with the most controlled areas so Town settlements and uh castles flandia has the most obviously if you count all three factions of the empire together then they would have the most but you can't because they're three separate factions so flandia does actually start being the biggest and most powerful uh as for weaknesses there's really only two general weaknesses uh to the vlandian kingdom one is that you're actually short on horses which is ironic for a kingdom that wear heavily uh heavy Cavalry is your biggest strength and so there's only three horse farms in the entire region you see out we have one at horser uh one over at valenbee and then this one way down here in the South uh at seventh uh and that's the supply of horses for the entire region so they can get limited and because of that uh the horses that are generally available over here which are the saddle horse and blandian courser are kind of expensive so if you're using them to upgrade your troops especially to the islandian Vanguard uh it will cost you decent money so a lot of times when I'm playing as a blandian I'll take trading trips where I grab resources from here that are in high demand over in like the kuzei territory and I'll ride over there and sell them all and buy as many horses as I can but so as a general weakness you are uh low on Horse Supply in the the general region and so as far as strategies for vlandians go the best way that I've found as far as combat strategies I should say go the best one I found is the defense and counter offense so vladia has very strong defensive troops and then you can use them in a counter-offensive but they're not generally great as the aggressive offense so generally speaking the way that I'll set them up like I said of course this is when we're talking about inappropriate difficulty level not easy where you can just F1 F3 everything and win but generally what I'll do is I'll have a three-line defensive the first line being Pikeman and or volgiers depending on the mix I like to do because like I said the vulgiers are overall better troops than the pikemen but the pikemen are really really effective against Cavalry when you're using them in defensive formation because they've got those nice long Pikes but so that's the first line then the line behind them is another line of infantry I like to do just sergeants if I've got enough of them because they're the best anti-infantry and anti-archer infantry but if not I'll do a mix of Sergeants and vulgars so the first line is the vulgarians and Pikeman second line is the sergeants and again if you can more Ball Gears and then your third line is Sharpshooters and if you can I like to get them on an elevated ground and so that's your three lines and then after that you'll have shot Cavalry which preferably will be a lot because they are probably the most powerful troop in the entire landian arson uh so Banner Knights and vanguards as many as you can have so the mix I'll generally do for this is like 50 shot Cavalry 40 to 50 percent and then 30 Sharpshooter so a nice big batch of your Sharpshooters and I'll put those in a loose formation in the back and then 20 of mixed infantry for your first two lines and I find that that mix and that General strategy works really well and so you have your three lines for your main defense and that draws the troops in and you set your Cavalry up over to the side somewhere on a flank and then you do controlled charges so you'll have your Cavalry charged decimate as many as they can as soon as it starts to slow down and kills you have all of your troops all of your Cavalry regroup back at the spot that you had them before or some other spot and then the enemy will focus again on your infantry formation and as soon as your Cavalry is reset then you charge him again I find that that works extremely well the defense because of the really strong heavily armored infantry and the excellent crossbowmen which can deal heavy damage from very long ranges I find that that strategy Works basically a hundred percent of the time in the open field as far as seed strategy again you're going to want to have a mix of Sergeants vogiers and Sharpshooters for defense on a castle and foreign assault all of them work the Cavalry obviously are ones that I leave out of assaults because they're too valuable to lose and the regular infantry are going to fare better in it and for that you're just going to want to focus on Sharpshooters and sergeants if you can but that is uh the whole combat strategy for vlandia and that ends our video so hopefully I kept the video nice and short I didn't want it to be as long as the troop videos I was making uh but that is a general overview so if you want to play a heavy Cavalry focused game with some emphasis on a decently heavy infantry and excellent crossbowmen then volandia is the faction for you but that's all for today I hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful but we'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video If you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 39,164
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Keywords: mount and blade 2, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord campaign, bannerlord vlandia, best tacitcs to use, bannerlord 2, mount and blade bannerlord, vlandia bannerlord, mount and blades bannerlord, bannerlord factions, bannerlord guide, bannerlord vlandia campaign, bannerlord vlandia guide, bannerlord vlandian knight, bannerlord vlandia armor, bannerlord vlandian units, bannerlord vlandia tactics, bannerlord vlandian troops
Id: 4-Su-JlxwE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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