Mount & Blade Bannerlord - The 6 Best Looking Suits of Armor in 2022

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thank you hello YouTube and welcome back to another dare to game video today we're playing Mountain blade Banner Lord and we're doing another armor guide today we're going to be doing the top six best suits of armor based on their appearance and we're limiting ourselves to one Perfection so what we're going to be doing is showing you uh the best suit of armor appearance wise now mind you I also these are all also pretty high stat wise but uh I picked them out to be the best looking suit of armor for each faction and so what we did is I just uh I built the suit with the rules of any item in the suit needs to come from that faction so if it's an imperial set of armor they need to all be pieces of armor that can be found on either one of the Imperial troops or the Imperial Lords and lady that's that's how we make each suit of armor so if you're wondering why is that hand armor in this suit of armor that's why because it belongs to that faction but let's start off with number six the koozate armor and so you can see we're wearing it right here in my opinion this is the best looking suit of kuzade armor you can make I really like this obviously there's a lot of different ways I could have gone with it but this is in my opinion the best looking suit of armor you can make if you're you know playing as a coosate character so this suit is made up of the noble Lancer helmet the lamellar shoulder pieces the mirrored brigandine armor the plated leather van braces and the splint boots so the noble answer helmet for stats we have a weight of 3.4 kilograms it's tier 6 armor and it gives you 48 head armor the lambler shoulder pieces we have a weight of 5 kilograms it is tier 4 armor and it gives you 18 body armor and 4 arm arm armor the mirrored brigandine armor is 18.6 kilograms it gives you or it is tier 6 armor and it gives you 36 body armor 14 leg armor and 14 armor the plated leather van braces are 1.7 kilograms they are tier 4 armor and they give you 24 arm armor and the splint boots are 2.7 kilograms tier 3 armor and they give you 22 leg armor so our total stats for our cousin suit of armor are an AAR or average operating of 45 which is quite good it's not god tier because it's not above the you know 50 Mark which is where I put the line for the best suits of armor in this game but it's still quite good uh better than the vast majority of troops and other Lords in this game uh and the weight for this one is 31.4 so on the heavier side but not crazy it's definitely lighter than a lot of suits of armor in the game could be I quite like the suit of armor I like the way that the uh torso armor and the armor match pretty much perfectly I think the split boots look really nice they don't stand out so I wanted everything to match the noble answer helmet is one of my favorite coosate style helmets in the game I think it looks excellent and then of course the only thing that I was kind of up in the air about was which shoulder armor I was going to use but I think the lambler shoulder pieces are both one of the most unique shoulder armors in the game and as far as coosate stuff is concerned I think they look the best with this outfit because they coordinate rather well with the color scheme of the helmet and then the style of the rest of the armor so yes I quite like the suit of armor the quiz 8 armor that I've built here and it takes the number six spot on this list just stat wise but personal preference wise why don't you let me know down in the comment section at the end of the video which of these suits that that you liked the best but that's number six let's move on to number five all right and so at number five we have uh my Imperial suit of armor so the Empire uh this one is made up of the Imperial plume telmet which has a weight of 3.1 kilograms and it is tier 6 armor and offers 48 head armor the decorated leather harness over scale which weighs 14 kilograms is tier 5 armor and gives you 19 body armor and 12 arm armor the ornate legionary scale male which weighs 28 kilograms gives is tier 6 armor gives you 36 body armor 18 leg armor and eight arm armor the decorated Imperial gauntlets which weigh 1.5 kilograms our tier 3 armor and give you 20 arm armor and the decorated plate boots which weigh 2.3 kilograms are tier 3 armor and give you 20 leg armor so this one is a great example of how yes if you were building an imperial suit of armor yeah you could make one that looks good and has better stats than this one but I think this one looks the best out of all the Imperial items in the game I love the way that this combination and comes together I love the unique helmet I love the shoulder and torso armor how good that looks together and the decorated gauntlets and boots look really good with it as well so I love the suit of armor and I think it's very unique and very pleasing to look at as far as the stats for this one they're also not bad it has an AAR or average armor rating of 45.25 so just slightly higher than the kuzade set and a weight of 48.9 so unfortunately it is quite heavy weighing almost 50 kilograms but uh it offers excellent protection and looks fantastic so yeah that's uh number five the Empire armor let's move on to number four alright our number four spot belongs to sturgia and I really love the way this one turned out because it's one of my favorite looking suits of armor just on the whole plus sturgeon armor is some of the most unique stuff in the game that I really love as far as items that make up this suit of armor we have the ridged warlord helmet which weighs 3.6 kilograms is tier 6 armor and gives you 50 head armor then we have the rough bear skin for our shoulder armor which weighs 2.3 kg grams is tier 3 armor and gives you 16 body armor and 4 arm armor then we have the heavy lamellar over hubbock for our torso armor which weighs 28 kilograms is tier 6 armor and gives you 50 body armor 25 leg armor and 15 arm armor then we have the plate reinforced gloves which weigh 1.5 kilograms our tier 3 armor and give you 18 arm armor and the huskaral plated boots which weigh 2.9 kilograms our tier 2 Armor and give you 18 leg armor so all together like I said I absolutely love the way the suit of armor uh looks it's such a good looking suit of armor we could obviously improve the stats with different gloves boots and shoulder armor but I don't want to because I love the way this combination looks so again this was a clear choice of Aesthetics over stats that being said the stats are still quite good we have an average armor rating of or AAR of 49 so almost to the god tier line that I drew at 50 and a weight of only 36.3 or 38.3 kilograms so not crazy heavy a lot lighter than the Imperial suit of armor uh but really good stats and it looks amazing so I definitely love this suit of armor it's one of my favorites in the game and uh it takes the number four spot on this list so that's sturgia all right and so at number three we've got the azerai and this one again I think you'll probably agree looks pretty dang sharp so this suit of armor is made up of the ornate desert battle Crown which has a weight of 2.8 kilograms it is tier 6 and gives you 44 head armor then we have the decorated long sleeve bronze scale pauldrons for our shoulder armor they have a weight of 2.8 kilograms it is tier 2 Armor and gives you six body armor and 10 arm armor then we have the mastercrafted southern scale over chain hobbark for our torso armor that has a weight of 28 kilograms it is tier 6 armor and gives you 51 body armor 25 leg armor and 16 arm armor then we have the bronze bracers which weigh 1.3 kilograms our tier 3 armor and give you 22 arm armor and these splint boots which weigh 2.7 kilograms they are tier 3 armor and they give you 22 leg armor so overall stats for the azeroid suit of armor are an AAR of 49 which is the same as sturgia but it's slightly lighter than the sturgeon suit of armor at only 37.6 kilograms so these suits of armor armor value-wise are the same uh this one's just a little bit lighter but again why don't you tell me down in the comment section below which one you like the look of more because this one's definitely a lot flashier the last one looked like a regular suit of armor this one's like all gold plated and stuff so I think this suit of armor does look very good again I made sacrifices like the shoulder armor I could have used a much higher level shoulder armor for this and helmet to be fair the other stuff is all pretty close to top tier for azerite armor but uh the helmet and the shoulder armor could have been much higher level stuff but I don't think it looks as good I think this combination is perfect and it looks really good so if you want to be an azerai uh Sultan or whatever and you want to be really top tier shiny cool flashy looking you know basically a gold-plated guy running around the battlefield this is a great suit of armor for it and Stat Wise It's also quite good that way so yeah definitely an excellent suit of armor that I recommend trying out if you're playing as a fancy azeri King but that's number three let's move on to number two all right and so coming in at the number two spot we have Britannia and so you can see it looks actually it kind of just looks a lot like a battanian fine Champion which is interesting uh it's not exactly the same but it's very close but I really like this suit of armor and as far as botanian suits of armor go this one is personally my favorite so this suit of armor is made up of the Highland crowned helmet which has a weight of 3.4 kilograms is tier 6 armor and gives you 50 head armor we have the rough bear skin which weighs 2.3 kilograms uh is tier 3 armor and gives you 16 body armor and 4 arm armor then we have the Highborn male armor which weighs 23 kilograms is tier 6 armor gives you 48 body armor 22 leg armor and 12 arm armor then we have the plated leather van braces which weigh 1.7 kilograms our tier 4 armor and give you 24 armor and the strapped male chauces which weigh 3 kilograms are tier 3 armor and give you 23 leg armor so total stats for the suit of armor are an an AAR or average armor rating of 49.75 so just a little bit closer than both the sturgeon and azerite sets to 50. so definitely an excellent armor rating there and a weight of 33.4 kilograms so it is even lighter than both of those previous suits making it the second lightest suit of armor on this list only behind the kuzade armor so overall stat wise just a really good suit of armor and I also like the way it looks I think that the again if we wanted to make it better the main area to improve would have been the rough bare skin because you can do a lot better shoulder armor than that for the battanians but I like the way the bare skin looks I think it gives them that rough and wild sort of look and helps with their slightly colder mountainous climate that they live in so I like the way the bare skin looks and the rest of it just coordinate it's really really well you may not like it I mean again if you've got any strong opinions about that let me know down in the comment section but I really like the way this one looks but that's number two Britannia let's move on to number one all right and at number one we've got the the creme de La Creme the Peace Day resistance the best looking armor in the game and also best stat wise on this list uh the vlandian suit of armor and so I absolutely love this one if you watched my video where I went over the best uh suits of armor stat wise where I just took the best stat item for that faction and made a suit of armor out of it uh this one is very similar to that really the only difference is the helmet because the rest of it I love the way it looks it's absolutely good stuff so uh this suit of armor is made up of the crowned helmet which has a weight of 3.4 kilograms its tier 6 armor gives you 46 head armor then we have the reinforced ornate pauldrons which weigh 3.2 kilograms our tier 5 armor and give you 20 body armor and 12 armor then we have the brigandine over mail which has uh weighs 23.2 kilograms as uh is tier 6 armor and gives you a body armor 50 leg armor of 16 and arm armor 14. then we have the heavy male mittens which weigh 1.7 kilograms our tier 4 armor and give you 24 arm armor and finally these striped male chauces which weigh 3 kilograms are tier three armor and give you 23 leg armor so stat wise the suit of armor is the best on this list it has an average armor rating or AAR of 51.25 so we made it above the 50 Mark and a weight of 34.5 kilograms so not even the heaviest not even close it's actually the third lightest on this list so very solid suit of armor and I love the way it looks it looks absolutely phenomenal in my opinion uh the only change like I said from the uh stat video to the appearance video is the helmet I much prefer the crown helmet to the uh full visor helmet that we had in the other video other than that this suit of armor is perfect and I love it whenever I can get this in my games I'm always extremely happy because you have one of the best suits of armor stat wise in the game and in my opinion the best looking one in the game so that is all six of my best suits of armor based on appearance so we have one Perfection I only used items that can be found either on the troops for that faction or on the Lords and Ladies for that faction stats were considered but they were definitely a secondary feature I just wanted each suit of armor to look super good and now we've done it so that's everything for today why don't you let me know down in the comment section which one's your favorite or if you've got a different combination that you prefer let me know there but that's all for today hope you enjoyed the video and we'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video If you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 49,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, bannerlord 2, bannerlord best looking armor, bannerlord best looking helmet, bannerlord best looking armour, bannerlord best khuzait armor, bannerlord best sturgian armor, bannerlord best empire armor, Bannerlord Best Vlandian Armor, Bannerlord Best Aserai Armor, Bannerlord Best Battanian Armor, Bannerlord Best Looking Suit of Armor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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