Total Lore Overview of the Sultanate of Aserai in Mount & Blade: Bannerlord

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hello youtube and welcome back to another dare to game video today we are covering another faction from mountain blade bannerlord and going over all the lore that we have on them this one will cover the azurai the desert dwelling serenade wannabes that everybody hates to love or loves to hate this is actually the fourth video in this series so far i've covered the sturgeons battalions and blandians and i invite you to check those ones out as well because they are full of super interesting information about each faction respectively i would like to remind you that throughout this video i will reference information from the game itself as well as warband and of course the wiki and even secondary historical sources as needed so let's just dive on in and get to know the azerai laying claim to the deserts of the south are the ancestors of the serenites the azerai based on the arab tribes of the 7th century the azerai are made up of a collection of tribes that banded together to fight the empire and are relatively balanced when it comes to warfare adhering to no specific specialty an ezrai army will have a good balance of cavalry and infantry although one would be wise to take note as rylands boasts some of the finest horses in all of calradia the azerai are an oasis people who cherish flexibility and adaptability the sultanate of azerai is a kingdom in mountain blade to bandalord it is ruled by sultan unkid and occupies the shores and and desert beyond the great southern lake to the south below the continent of calradia and we will get into that more but for now let's take a look at the faction leader who helms this vast expanse of hot dry land unkid banu hulian is the sultan of the sultanate of azari and the leader of the banu hulian clan he is initially the owner of kuyas ain malik castle and ain balik he is also one of the nobles who can talk about the battle of bendreich so keep an eye out for him his official description in the game goes as follows the current sultan of azerai is unkid he wears his authority lightly preferring to charm rather than to coerce always deferring to the laws of the banu azera in his judgments but there are some who say that his udain is remiss in his duty to administer justice allowing the wealthiest clans such as his own to use bribes and clever legal arguments to oppress the others when asked his views on politics he will tell you well let me put things this way the banu hulian have never sought glory or domination where some see an enemy we see only a trading partner who has gone astray for that reason we have tried to treat all others with fairness and respect for that reason the clans have always brought their quarrels to us to adjudicate and it was natural that when it came time for the banu azera to choose a sultan that we were the ones chosen but it is worrisome to be a sultan the clans cling to their grievances as though they were children it is not in men's nature to appreciate the fruits of peace and order rather they brewed over small injustices and perceived slights and dream of shedding blood when asked about the battle of pandrea he will tell you quote it was a tragedy that gnawed at the roots of all the great families of calradia even ours so far away from the battle we heard that the empire was making war on the sturgians or maybe it was the other way around i thought that we had no stake in the squirrel but nimir a fiery young hero from the bani saron asked me for permission to take some young warriors eager for glory the empire had left us alone for a while and naretzes was offering silver for men so i thought why not let them help the empire i should have known the best course with wars is to have as little to do with them as you possibly can sonamir went and fought and won glory but also got a number of men killed especially those of the benny killed and he became boastful and arrogant and then well that was the beginning of the great feud between saranis and kilds but the rest of the story i should perhaps leave for someone else unquote through both of these quotes you can see that unlike the rulers who would come after him and some of his opponents within the faction at this time unkid prides himself on being level-headed just and prefers to charm people rather than scream that he is the king and chop off their heads which i think is both a good and admirable thing personally but also one of the factors that leads the azerite to the weakened state which we find them in in the game the banu azera also known as the azari civilization is comprised of numerous clans who all claim their descent from the legendary patriarch ezra the clans have occupied the springs oases and coastline settlements of the nahasa desert and its surrounding areas since ancient times the empire becoming weaker has shown an opportunity to the clans who have formed a confederation in the interests of conquest the official description in the game of the azari goes as follows the empire even at its heights preferred not to send its legions into the army devouring wastes instead it projected its power into the nahasa by cultivating clients and allies among the clans who competed in an endless stance of power those clans that could secure a hold on the oases won an imperial subsidy to protect passing caravans and grew rich those who could not were pushed into the desert left to raise goats and camels and raid caravans until they could plot a comeback today with the waning of the empire offering new opportunities and new risks the azerai have agreed to form a confederacy under a sultan chosen from the richest of the clans the banu hulian but everyone knows that the dance has only temporarily been stopped and at the right moment it will begin again to the south of the imperial heartland lies the nahasa the bronze desert ringed by mountains hammered by the sun a traveler coming over the passes from greenerlands would first see fields of dunes broken by gravel planes and volcanic outcrops shimmering under the heat haze but there is water to be found underground trapped in depressions or beneath the juarez where the occasional flash flood rumbles by it is in these oases that people have settled they are divided into dozens of clans and subclans each with its elaborate genealogy but are collectively known as the banu azera or the azari after the legendary patriarch ezra whom they all claim as an ancestor the azerai pride themselves on flexibility and their armies are the closest thing to a generalized faction within bandalord with a reasonably balanced mix of archers infantry and medium spear cavalry although the focus is greatest on cavalry with a strong merchant tradition their caravans are 30 cheaper to build with a 10 reduction to trade penalties as far as their tactics go the azrae usually depend on their archers to weaken you and then try to swarm you with their infantry despite some major disadvantages which we will get into the azerai have a number of military strengths which i think bear remembering firstly they have some of the most versatile troops in the game their infantry and lancers both utilize throwing weapons very effectively making them dangerous at short and mid-range in addition to this their horse archers which are very effective skirmishers also carry shields and melee weapons making them also effective as light cavalry and infantry when necessary another notable advantage is actually their low tier troops which possess pole arms making them less vulnerable against cavalry than most recruits the azerae also boasts powerful mounted archers some might say the best in the game and all tears in their noble troop tree possess horses making it possible to build very effective 100 cavalry armies however unfortunately these strengths are offset and often paired with serious weaknesses so as with most things that can be described as jacks of all trades yet masters of none the azeri are almost always outclassed by specialty troops for each unit type basically there is a better unit out there to outclass nearly every azeri troop type in addition to this their low tier infantry is poorly armored and very fragile making it difficult to build powerful armies without constant and great losses another weakness is one of their strongest infantry troops which utilizes a great two-handed axe these would be fantastic troops due to their great armor and heavy damage that they can deal unfortunately they lack shields and are therefore turned into pin cushions when facing archers lastly their mounted units although powerful do require a war horse to upgrade to and war horses are especially expensive in azerite territory making them an expensive and often difficult troop to attain in great numbers in summary azeri recruits and tribesmen are more fragile than their low-tier infantry of other cultures but once upgraded they become more flexible and solid all arounders most azeroth units take full advantage of their loadout slots carrying pole arm blade shield and a throwing weapon this allows them to pepper advancing enemy infantry with projectiles before engaging in close combat and to defend themselves against enemy cavalry at close range azeri mamluk axmen and guards are supposed to complement their ability to stand up to enemy infantry line but in reality they may fall prey to enemy archers or horse archers since the azerai forces make little use of axes and other two-handed close weapons outside of their dedicated axemen they may also struggle to break enemy defensive formations throwing weapons and long spears are also of limited use in siege battles as opposed to two-handed weapons azerite cavalry is well-rounded and balanced but the player should take into account that access to war horses is essentially required to make best use of them mamluk regulars and azerite youths can be considered light cavalry at best and until they can be trained and equipped with war horses they are ill-prepared against most mid-tier threats eventually mamluk regulars transform completely when upgraded to mamluk cavalry as they equip bows and arrows and their default troop formation changes to horse archer and once the azera youths and horsemen catch up and are upgraded to azeri ferris the player has access to fully cavalry exclusive play style if they wish so similar to if not outmatching the koozai mounted forces mamluk cavalry also makes for suitable fighters on foot and in sieges though they may prefer to not cover themselves with shields while advancing to enemy walls when it comes to territory the azerite control a lot of land but have no more towns or castles to show for it than most factions in the game at gamestart they control eight towns askar hubiar hussen falk ayakis kasira kuyas they also control nine castles ein balik castle berry hall castle jamia castle medeem castle sahal castle shibal zumar castle tamna castle tubeless castle and ukba castle in addition to these settlements they also start with 30 small villages when it comes to the historical inspiration for the azariah it is pretty straightforward the azerai are based on the real-life arab tribes that existed before the islamic conquests of the 7th century so unlike many believe they are not the muslim arabs that would go on to harass and in many cases defeat the byzantine empire but more likely inspired by the last kingdoms of the persian empire and take features from the parthians to a certain extent but mostly draw inspiration from the sassanids which existed approximately from 22480 to 651 a.d as for in-game lore one of the clans the banu saran will eventually supplant the banu hulian ruling clan and form the serenity sultanate 200 years later in mountain blade warband well that's just about everything there is to know about the azariah in mountain blade bannerlord they are definitely an interesting faction and make for a fun play through if you do it right if you think i missed anything important please go ahead and let me know down in the comments section i hope you enjoyed this video and found it entertaining but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day and i'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video if you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day i'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 5,395
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Id: mrQQ6WP23y4
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Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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