Total Lore Overview of the Empire in Mount & Blade: Bannerlord

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hello youtube and welcome back to another dirty game video today we are covering the final faction in our lore series covering all the factions in Mount Laban Oh Lord today's topic is the Empire if you haven't seen the rest of these videos I strongly suggest checking them out as I have covered each and every faction and there's a lot of interesting information for each one well with that in mind let's dive on in and learn all there is to know about the Empire the once great but now declining faction that at one point almost controlled all of kaol Radia at the start of the game the Empire is engaged in a brutal civil war with three factions vying for power the north empire the south empire and the west empire based on the Byzantines from ancient history the Empire seems to resemble the blend ian's specializing in heavy infantry and cavalry however where the Ville and ian's tactics is to mow down the enemy with charge after charge of heavy horse the Empire requires a more tactical opportunistic approach unlike the Blandy and heavy horse whose Knights carry shields and one-handed Lance's the empire heavy cavalry men carry large two-handed Lance's and no shields as is normal for cataracts this leaves them open to volleys of arrows during a charge however if your tactical about your approach and don't leave your horse units open to ranged fire you can decimate your foes so as I mentioned before the northern empire of the Western Empire and the southern empire are the three pieces that make up the empire faction in mountain blade banner Lord each empire has its own leader and certain unique features but for the most part the culture is the same so I will go through each one of the leaders and territories but military and cultural information will be universal so let's start off with the northern empire the northern empire shares a border with the battalion's sturgeons and coos aides as well as the two other Splinter's States resulting from the splitting of the chaotic Empire this Empire is led by an influential senator who wants the Senate to resume its right to appoint the new emperor his name is Senator Liu Khan senator Liu canasta Coase is the ruler of the northern empire leader of the hasta coast clan and a claimant to the Emperor of the calibrated Empire during the reign of Emperor Etsy's Lucan served as a junior officer as part of the Emperor staff participating in the battle of pendrick as the sturgeons stormed the imperial camp leucon escaped as part of aaron eCos group of soldiers back to safety the northern third of the Empire is ruled by Lucan who represents a long-standing oligarchic trend in Imperial politics it holds that strict adherence to Imperial law is the best guarantee that the Empire will not become a tyranny oligarchs like Luke on also tend to believe that only landowners can have the extensive education experience in government and stake and property to really understand and appreciate the law and thus the Senate should be supreme Luke on favours a real it Luke on favours are returned to an oligarchic Senate and is politically opposed to the militant populism of garros while fundamentally opposed to the hereditary monarchy of Riga his two Imperial contenders senators found themselves confronted with populist radicals who would do away with the oligarchy or feudal aristocracy who would beckon absolute monarch and do away with the Senate thus the Senate elected Luke on his Emperor despite the military and aristocracy separately raising their own claimants drawing the border for a three-way Civil War that would follow Lukens claim to unify Cal Radia as Emperor relies on him holding the support of what remains of the Imperial Senate because of their support Lucan asserts that he is the only one with legal precedent to be Emperor and st anna validates this claim in the main questline referencing that Luke on understands the Empire's laws and traditions better than any of his opponents making Luke on by most accounts the most viable claimant to the Imperial seat so let's move on to the southern Empire the southern empire shares a border with the Azariah coos aides and evil and ian's as well as the two other splinter states resulting from the splitting of the chaotic Empire this Empire is ruled by Rey gaya petros the widow of Emperor Aaron eCos who claims the throne for her daughter IRA the only child of the late Emperor empress regia Petros is the ruler of the southern empire leader of the petros clan and a claimant to the Empress of the Cal raiding Empire ray gaya is widowed and was the wife of Aaron eCos the late emperor who was suspiciously murdered she is considered by ISTE Anna to be the cleverest of the three Imperial claimants besides being the widow of Aran eCos she is the mother of his daughter IRA now her own heir apparent the southern third of the Empire is ruled by Riga widow of the murdered Emperor for her politics is personal all men want their families to inherit what they have and if you love daredi ghosts then you will support the right of his heirs heir Niko's was indeed loved and also there are some kal radians who believe that the endless squabbling and civil wars can only be overcome by a king or if necessary by a queen Rey gaya favours a hereditary monarchy over the Imperial title with a more feudal system of absolute governance under the emperor rey gaya believes politics and history is defined by the law of succession hereditary claims and dynasties that define right from wrong and believe that the chaotic Civil War is a result of the fundamental law being broken to prevent her and her daughter IRA from succeeding the popular emperor era Nico's reggae has claimed to unify Cal Radia as Empress is purely feudal and the matter of contention that sparked the cow radiance of a war as Emperor Aran eCos was assassinated before he could select his heir or whether there would be an heir at all as the Senate traditionally appointed Amber's reggae asserts that as his wife and the mother of IRA whom he might have been grooming for role she is the rightful Empress and the only claimant whose succession is not a matter of ambition but purely civic duty and lastly we move on to the Western Empire the Western Empire shares a border with the battalions and landings as well as the two other splinter States resulting from the splitting of the Cal Radek Empire this Empire is led by a veteran who wants the veterans of the Empire to choose the new emperor themselves Dario's calmness is the ruler of the Western Empire the leader of the calmness clan and a claimant to the Emperor of the Cal Radek Empire during the reign of Emperor Etsy's Garros was a soldier who fought in the Battle of pendrick and barely escaped with his life allegedly hiding in the woods with his fellow survivors to escape their battalion persecutors he views this experience as the formative movement behind his later populist ascendancy as Emperor claimant in the chaotic Civil War the Western third of the Empire is ruled by Gary Oz a charismatic general who represents a long-standing populist trend in Imperial politics he is deeply loved by soldiers both for his solid record in winning battles and for his insistence that his veterans be compensated in land afterwards he often demands that the people should settle key issues but in practice this usually means an assembly of his soldiers where his veterans can be counted on to shut down opposition garius represents the populist faction of the Cal Radek Empire and has the backing of most of the former empires more esteemed soldiers and commanders during the waning days of the Empire he allegedly pushed for key reforms such as veteran land grants and popular trial by assembly as these policies were likely blocked or gridlocked by the oligarchic forces of the Senate and feudal influences of the aristocracy and former Emperor's his ascendancy as claimant for the Empire is likely a combination of his popularity with the Imperial armies and his populist political agenda Gary OSes claimed to unify Cal Radia as Emperor is based on his own disdain for his predecessors and the Senate he blames much of the Empire's recent decline on incompetent oligarchs and aristocrats whose ancient laws and traditions keep them in power by right of blood or wealth rather than merit intellect or ability despite this though Gary Oz is purportedly opposed to the oligarchic puppet Lucan and the aristocracy agitator rey gaya Gyarados supposedly governs his own third of the Empire by force of his army and is described as putting down opposition with his soldiers thus Dario's separate from both Lucan and regia who rely on tradition and inheritance respectively believes in the law of might makes right as his basis for being emperor the Cal Radek Empire is not a monarchy the Cal radians insist on this the Emperor formally just a military commander may have taken on most other affairs of state as well rather than be elected every few years by the Senate he may now rule for life and often be succeeded by his son the popular assemblies that once divided key policies may have withered away and the Senate a gathering of landowners may have far less power than it did in centuries past but it is not a monarchy because it is absolutely forbidden for cow radians to be ruled by a king the Empire is what happens when a league of city-states conquers a continent a community once led by free farmer with relatively equal wealth now has vast gaps between the rich and the poor institutions designed to prevent one man from becoming a tyrant come into conflict with the necessities of unending warfare which require unified command without any smooth means of succession the death of an emperor has always been a potential crisis usually the Emperor nominated an error the Senate ratified his choice and the people meaning the army acclaimed it but this did not always happen smoothly and the succession was often settled on the battlefield the current conflict which broke out when the late Emperor Aaron eCos was assassinated is the latest of these Imperial civil wars as far as territories go the northern empire has six towns eight castles and eleven villages the southern empire has seven towns seven castles and thirty-two villages the western empire has six towns eight castles and thirty-one villages so it should be easy to tell that the North definitely starts out with the weakest territory and infrastructure wise and that the southern empire starts out in the best position the empire is a well-rounded faction and one of the easiest factions to play you normally get dropped into Empire territories they also boast strong diverse infantry with high armor and a nice balance between one-handed and two-handed troops as far as military strengths comme they have well armored Archer units with the option to go for Palatine guards one of the best archers in the game or very well-trained crossbowmen that are also very well armored overall they have a very diverse fighting force and although they are not perfect they do for the most part hold their own against the other strongest units in the game in addition to this as a specialist troop elite cataphracts the highest level cavalry in the empire are one of if not the best lancer troops in the entire game they have deadly charges but do lack maneuverability but what they lack in maneuverability they make up for in high damage and strong armor the Empire also has the added advantage of the Imperial legionary truth which is by most accounts the all-around best heavy infantry troop in the game as far as military weaknesses go the Empire does have limited options in the light cavalry or mounted skirmisher department having really only one option that being the Imperial view Solari a mounted Archer on the bright side they are an excellent unit with fast horses accurate bows and durable comprehensive full-body armor there are other weaknesses is there pol armed units the Imperial elite Manan VII ton despite having great armor good weapons and overall good stats they lack one thing that can be a significant weakness depending on the situation namely they ain't got no shields overall militarily the Empire is the easiest faction to play as when it comes to combat because their army is so well-rounded and can be recruited from any military settlement not just the faction you're a member of as previously mentioned that the calibrated Empire is loosely based on the Byzantine Empire also known as the eastern Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire was a vast and powerful civilization with origins that can be traced to 330 AD when the Roman Emperor Constantine the first dedicated a new Rome on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium though the western half of the roman empire crumbled and fell in 476 ad the eastern half survived for 1,000 more years spawning a rich tradition of art literature and learning and serving as a military buffer between Europe and Asia the Byzantine Empire finally fell in 1453 after an ottoman army stormed Constantinople during the reign of Constantine xi so that does it for this lore video about the empire from mountain blade band Lord I hope you enjoyed it and found it useful in answering any questions you may have had or just helping explain what these lamellar wearing scale obsessed lunatics are all about but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day and I'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare 2 game video if you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as $1.99 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 21,741
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Id: 87oxnXeKVMw
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Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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