How to Form a Kingdom in Mount & Blade Bannerlord (Guide)

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thank you hello YouTube and welcome back to another dare to game video today playing Mountain blade Banner Lord and I'm going to be showing you how to form a kingdom in Mountain blade Banner Lord and so there are two distinctions to make early on there's the story mode of the game and sandbox and the methods are different in them they don't have to be but they intrinsically are because story mode has a basic Mission which ends up in you either supporting or farming a kingdom first of all if you're doing this in sandbox mode I think it's actually quite a bit simpler all you have to do is Reach clan level four hold your own thief and have at least one companion so if you're doing story mode getting your clan up to up to Snuff is going to be part of it but uh basically your clan goes up for a lot of things a the members in the clan and uh companions count in your clan how many companions you have how big your army is and if you hold any thiefs so those things affect the tier of your clan uh so you have to get it up to at least level four and have at least one thief and have at least one companion and once you've done that you can form your own kingdom as simply as just the way that because the easiest to do is just instate your companion as the governor of your whatever Thief you hold and then you talk to them and it'll give you the option so just to show what that looks like if you have a thief like I have here at John Morris you manage Town add and then you can just add a governor for it and so I just put one of my companions for my inventory and then you talk to them and it'll give you the option so it'll be right there at the top it is time to take a momentous step it is time to proclaim a new kingdom I don't want to do that right here because I'm going to show you how to do it the other way but uh so I am playing in story mode so you can even do that the the method from sandbox mode in story mode so that's important but that aside now I'm going to explain the story mode method of doing it so basically right when you start off you'll start off with two missions essentially the first one will be to rescue your family and the second one will be to investigate naretsi's Folly and so investigating narazis Valley the first step of that is going to be running around and talking to 10 Nobles about it and there are more than 10 there's actually 19 different Nobles that you can talk to the when I did it on my first playthrough I just started talking Nobles randomly and it allows you to ask any Lord or lady this question and if they're not if they are one of the people that can tell you about it you know they will and if not they'll be like I don't know about that but you can ask this person and so they'll tell you who does otherwise here's the list so there are four from the Empire you have Lucan reggaea garios and pentan so two of those are from the northern Empire and then one from the Southern and one from the Western Empire then from vlandia you have darthart who's the king and then inglether and unthari then sturgia has three so raganvod again the king and then Olek and golden uh Britannia you have calidog so the king uh ergon and Melody from the Azera you have unkid so the sultan and then you have adram and taste uh and then from the kuzites you have manchug again the leader and then mizui and horanag so those are all 19 of the people that you can talk to they're pretty easy to find what I typically recommend is just to go into your notes and uh you know start foreign and one of each of them is going to be the leader and that that knocks seven of them off your list for you and you'll probably run into other ones along the way and they'll be denoted by a little like you can see from the map if they will help you with the quest because they'll have a little yellow exclamation mark over them but uh so when you're looking for someone specific so let's say you've got seven and you want to so you did all the leaders and you're like okay well now I want to go talk to mizui from the kooze it's pretty quick and easy to do that you just click on Heroes and then set it to since she's a woman you do female and then alive and then you click who's eight and then by doing that I mean there's lots of ways to do it but I think that's the fastest and so it'll say last scene at Orton guard today since I only have one left to talk to I will go talk to her so then you just travel there and so you can see there she is at the keep and unfortunately I've already actually talked to her but so that's the process of doing it now if they're not there so let's say I would have gotten to Art Garden she wasn't here then you just go back into it and it will say okay then it'll it'll have like a different settlement than say last seen here eventually you'll catch up to them because eventually they'll stop long enough to catch up to but uh since she since I already talked to her I'll go talk to someone else all right and I didn't even have to wait for the seeds to be done because a sturgeon party showed up and it was led by uh the son of the king of Sturgis so I was able to finish it so once you've talked all 10 you'll have two new quests that pop up one will be to meet with istiana and she's located in the Imperial settlement of epicrotia and then you have meet with our zagos and he'll be located in the uh Battalion town of Marina so you have to meet with both of them so once you get to maranath uh you'll see that the person you have to talk to with the little yellow exclamation mark I was talking about are zagos is right there so you talk to him so no matter what you plan on doing in this Mission you have to answer in the affirmative so you can't you can't say that I'm not sure I share your views because you want to be the Empire you have to say I too would like to see the Empire destroyed once you've done that uh so like I said that it's important to remember that no matter what you plan to do you have to pretend that you're going along with them uh otherwise they won't give you the next step but once they have you just go to the nearby I Hideout that they've located and you attack it defeat the bandits inside and then you'll get one of the pieces of the Dragon Banner so once you've cleared that Bandit settlement you'll get a piece of the Dragon banner and so we're just gonna repeat that process again you get in here you talk to istiana and you do all the same stuff you just make sure you answer in a way that makes her think that you're gonna side with her and once you've done that she'll show you another how to Hideout and you just rinse and repeat all right and so once you have all three pieces of the Dragon Banner you can just assemble it foreign [Music] banner and now you'll uh now that you've uh assembled it it'll say now you can decide what to do with it so basically there are four different options uh you can go back to epicrotia and talk to you can talk to istiana and uh you can either support an imperial faction which means you're gonna go take that Dragon banner and go give it to one of the leaders and then you're gonna help them reform the Empire or you can form your own Imperial Kingdom which is gonna see you uh capturing Imperial settlements so you can you know Farm a new kingdom of the Empire with the same goal of of bringing the Empire back to its previous Glory or you can take it back to marunath and talk to arzagos and there he'll your two options will either be to support a non-imperial kingdom so you could take it to sturgia of landi or batanie or something like that and support that King and help them conquer the Empire or you can form your own non-imperial kingdom which we'll see you uh trying to capture non-imperial settlements so you can you can become your own non-emporary ruler with the goal of Conquering the Empire so those are the four options you can do it's important to note that all of these options will result with you being in a faction that is at War if you're playing if you're planning on forming your own kingdom you're going to be at War typically with whoever you're siding against so if you decide to form a kingdom with the express intention of defeating the Empire so if you go back to our zagos all of the branches of the Empire will declare war on you and uh same thing goes for the other side you'll just have uh the non-imperial people will declare war on you so no matter what if you do one of these four options you're going to be at War obviously the easiest is supporting a different leader and joining their army because then you're not by yourself you're just joining a kingdom with plenty of other Lords and armies and stuff but it's a lot more fun to do your own so those are the four options in the story if you do the sandbox version you won't necessarily be at War right when you found your kingdom but usually people will declare war on you because you're probably going to be a weak Kingdom starting out and they'll take it as a threat against them so pretty much when you form a kingdom you're going to be at War so anyway since my plan was to do an imperial Victory on this one I'm going to talk to istiana and so I'm going to want to create my own Imperial Kingdom I don't want to support an existing claimant so firstly your clan uh these are the requirements to form your own kingdom so your Clan has to be independent you can't be pledge to anyone else my clan is currently independent so for that one your clan level has to be at tier 4 which we already talked about in the sandbox requirement and so there we have the Army requirement and the uh companion requirement which I meet both of those and so there you need a thief and it needs to be an imperial feat if you're doing the Imperial one if you're doing the one with our zagos it needs to be a non-imperial thief so basically it just needs to be anything where it's not the Empire so I meet that one as well all right and so quite simple there all we have to do is what I showed you for the sandbox one so if you only have one Thief obviously that's the one you should do it at but since I've got lots of them I want my Capital to be at diathma which is or was the capital of the northern Empire and so here here I will go in and I will talk to my governor and we will say it is time to take a momentous step it's time to proclaim a new kingdom all right and they'll ask you uh what documents and customary laws you should use and you can either choose well you can it'll give you the options based on your personal like what your lineage is or one other one I don't remember how it I don't know why this one's azerite because my wife is also Imperial and this is an imperial settlement so maybe it's just giving me the alphabetically first one but I'm going to choose the Empire and then you get to name it so there we go we have now formed our own Imperial Kingdom and of course we named it the Roman Empire there you go that is the story-based way to uh create a kingdom in Mountain blade vanderlord uh as far as the sandbox space if you're not playing in story mode uh or if you are and you just don't know how to get a thief because maybe it's your first playthrough and it can be hard it is hard you're going to want to make sure your character levels up getting companions helps because they can help you a lot obviously you want to recruit troops and make an army uh the best tip I have is to watch and wait uh and build up build yourself up and wait until another kingdom has conquered a thief and as soon as this other Kingdom conquers a fee from someone you attack it because if you do it right away they typically don't have a very good Garrison and can be defeated pretty easily then so that's my best tip if you don't know how to get a thief maybe it's your first time or you just struggle to do it early in the game anyway so uh I think that's all the information you need on how to make a kingdom in the game I think I covered everything I I had planned so hopefully after this video if you didn't know how to make a kingdom in battle Lord now you do so that's all for today and we'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video If you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 126,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade 2, bannerlord guide, mount & blade 2 bannerlord, bannerlord kingdom guide, mount & blade 2 bannerlord 2022, mount & blade 2 bannerlord tips, mount & blade 2 bannerlord guide, mount & blade 2 bannerlord beginners guide, mount and blade bannerlord how to start a kingdom, mount and blade 2 how to start your own kingdom, mount and blade how to start a kingdom, mount and blade 2 how to make a kingdom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 12 2022
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