Mount & Blade Bannerlord - Aserai Strengths & Weaknesses (Overview)

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thank you hello YouTube and welcome back to another dare to game video today we're playing Mountain blade Banner Lord and we're doing another strengths and weaknesses video today we're going to focus on the azerai so the southern desert dwellers and we're gonna be focusing like I said on strengths and weaknesses so the difference is in this faction to the others and uh it'll kind of show you depending on what play style you want to do what faction you should choose so I've done a whole series of these this is the final one in the series I've covered every other faction already uh so if you were trying to decide which one for your next playthrough or possibly which one for your first playthrough hopefully this series uh gives you a good idea of that or if you're already playing the game it'll just help you dial in on specific strengths and weaknesses of each faction uh and with all that in mind if you're one of those people saying ah it doesn't make a difference you can use whatever troops and armor you want don't don't do that that's my recommendation uh play the game from a role play perspective where you limit yourself it makes the each play through a lot more interesting and diverse and makes it worth playing more than once because if you just go over and recruit whatever troops you want wear whatever armor you want it all kind of turns into the same playthrough over time so it's a lot more fun to actually specialize each playthrough and also if you're saying that you never notice difficulty uh change from playing uh for different factions I recommend turning the difficulty up because it's clearly not hard enough at that level but with all that mind let's just dive on in and uh I'll tell you what the ads are all about so for starters it says the azerai the Empire always preferred not to send its Legions into the army devouring wastes of the nahasa instead it projected its power into this Borderland by cultivating client rulers among the Clans who competed in an endless dance of power those Clans that could secure a hold on the Oasis won an imperial subsidiary to protect passing Caravans and Grow Rich those who could not were pushed into the desert left to raise goats and raid Caravans until they could plot a comeback today with the waning of the Empire the azerite have agreed to form a Confederacy under a sultan chosen from the richest of the Clans the Banu who yeah but everyone knows that the dance has only temporarily been stopped and at the right moment it will begin again so these are a fun desert dwelling nomadic peoples and I quite like playing as the azerite I think a lot of people don't just because I mean there's lots of cool things about the other factions but the azerite definitely have a really fun and unique playstyle that I recommend everyone try at least once so let's just start it off with some strengths for the azurai and we'll start with troop strengths so starting off for troops we have the azerai Vanguard Ferris which is a great strength they are the third best heavy Lancer uh Cavalry overall in the entire game for stats on these bad boys we have riding of 170 pole arm of 200 one-handed of 170 and throwing of 140 which these guys all do because they're equipped with a saber a long Lance some throwing javelins and us and a shield as well as nice heavy armor and a really good desert horse some of the fastest and nimblest more horses in the game which also have really good armor so the azerai Vanguard Ferris are a really good heavy Cavalry troop and they are definitely a strength that the azerite have another strength of the azurai Army is their Master archers these ones are the second best archers in the game overall third best if you count the battanian finds and battanian fine Champions as different troops but basically the only archers at least on foot that are better in the game than the azerite master archers are The battanian Archers and it's much easier to get giant armies of azerite Master archers because they come from the basic recruit Troop Train troop tree instead of the noble troop tree like the fines do for the Battalion as far as stats on the master archers go we've got bow of 160 one handed of 130 and Athletics of 130. they come with the desert warbow which is really powerful and two full Quivers of arrows so lots of arrows with these guys their armor is not as heavy as some other factions but it is it does offer pretty good protection for them so a very solid Archer Troop that is better than most of the archers in the game so definitely a strength then of course for uh the next strength when we've got one of my favorite units in the game The azerai mamluk Palace guard these are the third best overall two-handed infantry units in the game uh they are a branch of the azerite mamluk soldier tree which is the uh which is another special troop tree that The azerite Have And if you follow the right path down to the mamluk Palace guard you get these troops and they're really good so if you look at the picture there obviously it kind of paints a picture there we have a great big two-handed ax which is really effective against enemy infantry as well as some enemy Cavalry and especially enemy Shield walls and stuff like that uh they're also very heavily armored and come with throwing axes so for stats on these ones we have two-handed of 130 Athletics of 140 and throwing of 130 so just a really really good troop super effective uh for defending castles assaulting castles and in the open field excellent unit definitely a strength then as our last troop strength that we'll be talking about we have the azerai mamluk heavy Cavalry which are the third best mounted archers overall in the game they're really good good so they have a writing skill of 130 bow of 130 one-handed of 130 uh they have a really good Desert War Horse which is very fast uh and it's also well armored so it's pretty hard to take down and the troop themself is also pretty well armored and comes with the desert orbo and plenty of arrows so a really good mounted Archer uh it outclasses the Imperial mounted Archer and uh is only outclassed by the two best mounted archers in the game which both belong to the kuzites uh other than that these are these mounted archers really really help to make the azerite Army extremely effective against the vlandians and the sturgeons and the battanians if you can get them into an open field and you're not trying to fight them in the forest so excellent mounted Archer one of the best troops in the game and that is all of the areas that I want to focus on for strengths in the azerite Army so they have a solid two-handed infantry uh footman Archer heavy Cavalry and mounted archers so they don't have any areas where they're missing one like they don't have like the sturgeons don't have a good footman Archer and the uh flandians don't have a a mounted Archer and things like that there are certain weaknesses that a lot of your uh factions have the azerite don't have any major weaknesses like that but one of their weaknesses is that none of their troops are again the best it's similar to the Empire in that way so for their heavy Cavalry they're the third best overall their Master archers the second best overall they're veteran infantry is the fourth best overall and their palace guards and heavy Cavalry their two-handed infantry and their mounted archers are both the third best overall so they rank very high in the troop tree and so they're gonna have advantages against certain factions but they're they don't have any of their troops that are the number one best so there's never a spot where you can super depend on being massively outnumbered and winning even though you have you know just because you've got these real high level troops because they are outclassed by individually specialized troops for every other faction the other problem is Shields so the azerite just as a rule don't have very good Shields so even the larger Shields that you'll see like on the mamluks and then the you know the regulars Cavalry they're decent sized but they're pretty low quality so they can break and fall out of their hands pretty quick and then when you get to a troop like that heavy Cavalry which does have come with a shield it's a teeny tiny little shield and that's exemplified as well in their infantry troops so not very high quality Shields and even when they are slightly higher quality they're very small and they don't provide a lot of protection so I consider it a shield and makes them particularly uh good targets for enemy archers and the other disadvantage is that even though the azerai veteran infantry are a pretty solid troop they're pretty well outclassed by like a lot of your other heavy infantry and so as a front line unit because they usually utilize their spear they're not as reliable as like the even the flandian sergeants the Imperial legionaries the coupsate darkons the sturgeon heavy act X-Men and Spearman and even the battanian wildlings and folksmen are all more reliable Frontline infantry in it so if I had to say one weakness for the azerite it would be infantry even though the mamluk palace guard are really good and the azerite veteran infantry have a lot of strengths they can be pretty well outclassed by a strong infantry force from any other faction ah but those are all of the troop weaknesses that I really uh noted oh other than that also not great helmets so the veteran infantry have a decent helmet but if you look at like the master armor uh the master Archer they have a big open face helmet mamluk Cavalry is the same the mamluk palace guard also has decent defense but you know just on the whole not great helmets oftentimes you'll see them taking arrows to the face and going down immediately alright that's it for troop strengths and weaknesses definitely one where it's my favorite way to go especially mid to late game in here is for my offensive Army just all Cavalry so when you do that you've got an extremely fast force that it's close some people will say the coosape Cavalry full Cavalry armies are better some people will say the uh azerite they come close for me they're definitely competitors uh and whereas the vlandians and the Empire have the you know number one and two best heavy uh Lancer Cavalry they don't have very good well the vitamins don't have any mounted archers and the ones for the Empire are mediocre so I find that for full Cavalry armies so highly mobile very fast striking forces the azerite are definitely up there for it so that's a general strength another one is that the economy of the azerite is very rich in uh luxury resources so if you want to be a Trader and make your main source of money from trading in this game which is something that I really enjoy doing uh it's very easy to make a profit selling your luxury resources to anywhere else so you're gonna have a good supply of things like Silk stuff like that but the uh biggest luxury resource that I like to trade from here is actually dates because it's the type of food but the azerite are the only people with dates so you can make a super good profit the far General as a general rule it's not always true but as a general rule the farther away from the azerite territory you get the more money you can sell the dates for so selling them up in the sturgeon territory for example can get you a lot of money so that's just something I quite enjoy about them as a strength they have a really good economy another one is they're a pretty secluded kingdoms so even though they're a very large and stretched out Kingdom kind of like sturgeons to the north they have two really small borders so the Border over here is this tiny little section that they border with the uh well the vladians are over here but sometimes they get to over here and then the southern Empire so a really small border right there and then a small border over here between the uh the Empire and the kuzites so you don't have to worry about the troops until you if you're losing real bad then you'll have them in your core but most of the fighting for the azerite takes place on the on the far flanks so the they've got a really easily defendable border because most of it is this Inland Sea here another General strength is that all of the noble troop tree possesses horses which makes them much cheaper and easier to upgrade and so when you're doing the heavy Lancer Cavalry for the azerite that's your Noble troop tree ever the Azera youth start with a horse so you don't actually need war horses to upgrade the uh azerai Noble tree all the way to the Vanguard Ferris which is an advantage because most of your other nations their Noble troop tree uh well the Cavalry based ones they don't start with a horse so you need war horses to upgrade them just to tier two whereas the azeroi youth start off with the Desert War Horse right away so that is a general strength that I think a lot of people Overlook it's why whenever I play as the azerite I have a full Cavalry Army much quicker than any other nation in the game as far as general weaknesses for the azerite as a people go uh your mounted units require war horses to upgrade which are expensive in the azerite territory so that's for the mamluk ones so not your main troop tree your your mamluk troop tree because you you get to the azerai mamluk soldier and to get to either the and to take her down the mamluk troop tree you need war horses and the problem is the azerite they have really good horses uh especially the Desert War Horse but they don't have a lot of horses and uh so if you're focusing like if you're mostly in this area you're going to either have to pay a lot for the horses that you can buy here or just have way less horses so basically the way around that is to do trading missions where you either go up to sturgia to sell your dates and other luxury sources for the most money possible and then you head into the Empire or the kusite territory and buy a bunch of war horses there where they're a lot cheaper but uh getting war horses in the azerite territory is definitely expensive and only in small amounts so that's a weakness uh another weakness for them as a territory is an army-based one and it's all of your low-level troops are the most fragile in the game game they've got the worst armor and just they just die the easiest so you have a really high attrition your azerite recruits tribesmen and your basic mamluk soldiers as well as your light archers and footmen are all just really really susceptible to damage I would even say your tier 4 azerite Archers and infantry are not as well armored as other tier 4 troops in any other faction so they're lightly armored and it makes them super fragile so your attrition rights early game before you get your army up to a point where it's got a lot of really strong troops is really high it's hard to maintain these guys because they just die too easily so that's a weakness for the azerite you got to get past the point where you're reliant on all of your first three tiers of troops because they just die way too easily they're too fragile so finally talking combat strategy the azerite they're the best strategy that I've ever found is an aggressive offensive strategy they're a pretty weak on the defense side and part of that comes from the types of troops you have and another part of that comes with the equipment you don't have the best shields in the game and the helmets are generally not that great either so you got too many weak points and you lose a lot of troops on defense but if you're aggressive especially with a heavy Cavalry Focus the azerite are really really good the best combat strategy for your army build here so I have two different ones late game it's all Cavalry it's like 60 mounted archers 40 heavy Cavalry or 50 50. that's late game once you get to that point that's the way that I run my Army as an azerite uh early game when you've got more of a mix and less Cavalry I like to do 10 infantry 10 archers 40 heavy Cavalry and 40 mounted archers so I still like to focus mostly on Cavalry but I will utilize uh infantry and archers in the field early game with the azerite and when I'm doing that I'll make small defensive infantry blocks and I'll put my archers behind them which is a real basic strategy and then I will aggressively charge with my Cavalry and I'll skirmish with the horse archers so on in that strategy I will just the first thing I'll do is set my infantry block and set my archers because you know you can do it before your enemy is anywhere near you then I'll form up my Cavalry and I'll set them to charge and then I'll set my skirmishers my most archers to Skirmish and I'll focus on it if I notice my Cavalry slowing down I'll reset and then recharge you know I'll take my I'll tell my Cavalry to retreat form back up and then recharge otherwise I'll just leave them on the aggressive charge the entire time and they will pursue the enemy and make sure that they you know annihilate basically the whole enemy Army but if you do that you then just keep advancing your small infantry and Archer block which will keep drawing the enemy infantry and archers towards you because they won't they won't focus on your Cavalry that way which it's a good way to keep your enemy guessing late game or I've got the all Cavalry Army I will do a similar thing but I like to split my forces if I can so I'll set separate commanders with uh like half of the heavy Cavalry each and half of the skirmishers each and then I'll have the skirmishing ones Skirmish and control them if I need to but I'll keep at least one of the heavy Cavalry ones in reserve and wait until the enemy infantry forms up and then send them into charge but uh yeah that's in in a nutshell the two different strategies I use with the azerite are are the late game and the early game ones late game it's all Cavalry early game I utilize what I have uh but those are the percentages I do and that's it for azerize so that is all of the strengths and weaknesses and what I find to be the best combat strategy for the azerai as a whole in this game hope you enjoyed this video hope you found it useful but that's all for today we'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video if you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 34,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade 2, mount and blade, mount and blade 2 tips, best tacitcs to use, mount and blade bannerlord, best units, bannerlord tips, bannerlord aserai campaign, bannerlord aserai guide, bannerlord aserai playthrough, bannerlord aserai troops, bannerlord aserai units, bannerlord aserai mameluke heavy cavalry, bannerlord aserai armor, bannerlord aserai experience, bannerlord aserai army, bannerlord aserai tactics, bannerlord aserai battle, bannerlord aserai theme
Id: RYVG2TgOsc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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