Top 30 Crafted Weapons - Bannerlord 1.8 - John Wick Armory Experience

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you need to go [Music] mr wick is a sommelier i have never known him not to be good afternoon mr wick i'd like a tasting i know of your past fondness for the german varietals but i can wholeheartedly endorse the new breed of austrians could you recommend anything for the end of the night something big bold may i suggest the benelli bulge an italian classic oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] in this video we're going to cover 30 of the best weapons to craft in bannerlord if john wick were in calradia this would be his armory let's jump right into it since there are so many weapons in this video i decided to create a database to collect them all i'll put screenshots up a couple times for you but the best way to access this is through the discord server in the useful guide info section you will find a link to the database where you can see all the relevant stats and most importantly the copy paste text that you can use in game which will save you a ton of time simply click on this box right here press ctrl a then ctrl c then go to the smithy and game make sure you selected the right weapon category first then press ctrl v and voila you have the exact same weapon from the guide with all the part sizing already done check the description for a link to the discord there are 1 519 weapon parts to unlock in 12 different categories i've curated a list of the best from each category the process for making each was very specific i would start with a concept such as highest swing damage looking at the blade first i would go through every possible selection looking for the highest damage value then continue down the list until all four parts were selected then i would max out each part size and scale them back slightly to pick up extra points without sacrificing damage stats there were a few edge cases where giving up one or two damage points was done in order to pick up five to ten stats in other categories making the overall weapon objectively better with that out of the way let's dive right into the armory up first the daggers this chunky boy boasts 57 swing damage and still manages an astounding 106 swing speed and 100 handling the biggest drawback of using daggers is fighting multiple targets at once so i highly recommend pairing this with the set of the best throwing daggers the assassins whisper which hit extremely hard 44 pierce damage each we can thin the herd from a distance with the throwing daggers which can one shot with enough throwing skill or a headshot when it's time to close the distance this dagger can disembowel with ease it's quick and responsive making defense a breeze the attack speed is blindingly fast and the enemy won't know what hit them tea bag anyone feel like being a bit more stabby this next dagger's for you rather than going for damage we max for thrusting speed which can pierce through armor more effectively than cut damage at 103 thrust speed this dagger will fell any tyrant in no time don't forget to pack a set of throwing knives though as fighting off more than two at once will be quite the challenge headshots can crit as high as 500 with these throwing knives the key to getting good thrust damage is forward momentum while attacking this dagger is nibble enough to block quick strikes and down stronger opponents in two hits keanu's personal brand of tea now for the most devastating weapon on the list nothing comes close to the damage output of the boom stick at 141 base damage this javelin can hit for upwards of 1 000 with the right perks and the best part is we can take three stacks and a shield for maximum damage output for most of the tests we will be fighting against this mid to high tier sturgeon group including a noble this horse gets one shot even with noble armor impale is probably my favorite perk in all of bannerlord even without the movement speed bonus we still manage nearly 900 damage on the snowball if you're on a bit of a budget and haven't grinded javelin unlocks then the fishing rod is a perfect alternative with all tier two parts this weapon is easy to unlock and still manages 118 damage with five javelins per stack incredible value shield and three stacks of javelins check yup it'll still one shot anything it touches this one went right through the shield but missed his body that's pretty cool the same hit with the fishing rod still yields 744 damage certainly nothing budget about this build dwayne the dog is a great companion because everything he touches turns to prisoners perfect for a bounty hunter 72 blunt damage for a one-handed mace yes i'll have some of that and by 72 damage i really meant 298 even against heavily armored targets a headshot can do over 100 it certainly feels hefty when fighting heads up so be prepared to parry kick and shield bash i'm including this six attack combo so we can compare attack speeds for everything at the end dwayne's know santa's little helper but he'll do just fine i know what you're thinking no this isn't a meme it's a legit build hey hey don't laugh size isn't as important as the ladies make it out to be at 33 range these brass knuckles are pretty much like punching people with your bare fist but at 120 attack speed will be floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee as you've probably guessed there are challenges with using the brass knuckles while mounted once the gap is closed we can tear the enemy apart with brutal efficiency with some mounted combat experience 151 damage one shots are still doable on foot is where this weapon shines though easily able to strike before the opponent does even while being blocked okay this took me about 10 tries it's way too fast the joy of lindisfarne celebrates the spreading of scandinavian culture over to england the tools of the trade a one-handed axe that can split a human in half at 84 cut damage this thing will easily bless the monks with a single swipe without movement speed bonuses the damage is just under 100 but attack speed is more than enough to overcome most opponents correction it can one shot a noble no problem on foot is where the lindisfarne truly feels at home though helping people take forever naps since 973 a.d it's certainly not the fastest but it is a decent balance of damage and speed need a quick haircut the tomahawk is an excellent option as it offers above average damage of 59 but blinding speed at 111 a quick message from my lawyer gregory we aren't responsible for loss of scalp while using this product the tomahawk's fast but not like the brass knuckles and care must be taken with defense still wow and even one shots heavy armor it's not so good against cavalry though unless you're john wick that is this is top tier armor and it nearly one shot him get dunked on son wow i didn't know lawyers spoke like that the tomahawk is very fast not all heroes wear capes but the best ones use a shield and this one-handed sword is no exception with a damage of 105 length of 121 and bonus damage to enemy shields the captain america is incredibly potent let's go get this sonic one shot high-end armor check one shot noble's two yep i'm not usually a fan of one-handed weapons but this thing feels really good in hand it's quite a bit slower than other speed weapons we've looked at which is the only downside arigato gozaimasu the kodachi is a short single-edged blade designed for speed what this one-handed sword lacks in damage it more than makes up for in swing speed at 116. it shouldn't be the first pick for mounted combat lacking range and damage but on foot this thing absolutely dominates the fast attack speed ensures enemy attacks are stopped in their tracks it's like watching poetry in motion beautiful if you've seen the first weapons guide this one might look familiar it's the little brother of satan's tooth satan's bicuspid is the one-handed version and is an incredible value requiring no thamus king steel to achieve great all-around stats it has decent range so mounted combat is viable it can easily one shot good armor and nobles and while it's not as fast as the kodachi this bicuspid can hold its own in head-to-head combat on foot for those who don't need thrusting attacks i highly recommend this the next weapon needs no explanation but just in case here's a picture the mandingo is an extremely long pike that can reach enemy cavalry before they reach us at just under 300 units long it's no wonder they call it the mandingo it's highly discouraged to use this weapon without a backup so we take the brass knuckles along as well as you can see even with the solid hit the damage is tiny due to the enemy crowding our attacks our trusty sidearm makes quick work allowing us to focus on the enemy cavalry line it up and like boom it's a bull mansion i'm curious okay doesn't go there sorry dude i can't say the name for the next weapon for reasons which will become obvious soon notice there's a stat line for swing damage which will be important to remember this is me attempting to initiate a swing attack but going into convulsions instead tail worlds lied to me oh [ __ ] i can't believe you've done this time for another viking classic the skegox these throwing axes do incredible damage for their size at 86. they even hold their own in melee combat they only pack three per stack and i love to crack so three sets for me now we attack the enemy mount goes down to a single axe but these things are so hard to aim another one shot against good armor with the right perks we can bust through shields in two shots and kill on the third while i don't recommend using them in melee the skegox can be used in an emergency it has low damage but decent attack speed now for one of the audience's favorites the daynaks if you thought denmark was known for their pastries think again the danax is one of the deadliest weapons in calradia boasting 141 damage and the ability to cleave through multiple targets in a single swipe observe prefer to fight on foot tap the enemy mount on the head and proceed it can even cleave through a rider and hit the mount in a single hit it's just so satisfying to use the danex god blessed i mean odin blessed denmark puck now for a truly horrifying weapon the executioner's calvary axe at 152 length this weapon can hold its own in mounted combat and at 135 swing damage it packs more than enough punch to deal with any armor it can take some time to adjust to the length and swing speed but it's well worth the effort another two for one the two drawbacks of using a weapon like this are the handling and the swing speed unless you hit close to the center where the sweet spot is damage will be minimal i know you want to see more heads roll here you go if you've ever wondered how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood well bannerlord has you covered at 108 attack speed this two-handed woodchuck can chuck a lot you might think the damage is low but think again it's an easy one-shot for both of these armored enemies here we chop wood faster than the enemy hence why he is doomed to fail the range isn't terrible either we get a nice one shot while mounted one interesting note this weapon uses an opposite stance and we have to start the combo from the left instead of the right like most of the other weapons next up the breakfast club okay this might need some context two hits me hitting you you hitting the floor ah i'm getting old this beast can ruin lives at 85 damage it's one of the highest in the game for a blunt weapon and since blunt ignores a large portion of armor it excels against the best units in the game we make quick work of the foot troops one shotting each similar to the two-handed axe the breakfast club can go through ryder and hit the horse as well pretty neat well that's a first for me horse and writer in one hit as i'm writing this i just realized breakfast club is a pun i apologize profusely i can assure you this was not intentional i'm not that clever lucille loves being sung too it's about the only thing she loves more than bashing in brains weird huh lucille is the perfect companion for mounted skull cracking 143 length and 85 blunt force trauma i love this woman strad if your wife hears her your toast divorce is really expensive lucille is hungry she cleans up on foot and on horse without any issues she's a little slow but when she connects it's like watching art you are so gonna regret crossing me in a few minutes yes you are you're a lovely girl lucille in my recent world conquest series i showcased el bunco grande unfortunately tail worlds killed him off in patch 1.8 so we're left with his little nephew el doinko chiquito while this little two-handed hammer may not pack a big punch it does have an impressive 108 attack speed we even hit for over 100 but the leader must have hp perks el doinko chiquito feels so good in the hands and it has the knockoff perk allowing us to dismount enemy cavalry be sure to smack the horse though so they don't remount gracias el doinko chiquitomo this next weapon is dedicated to tail worlds i'm a huge fan of turkish food and shish kebab is the best it's a lot of work to get the meat on the stick though so instead we use this tool to skewer the enemies it's not the longest at 189 but was built for the highest thrust pierce damage making it the deadliest vlad the impaler was somewhat of a master at making shish kebab saving him loads of prep work as always with a long pole arm i recommend a sidearm as backup i'm not sure why but landing a couch lance always makes me laugh if you're having trouble hitting the target be sure to over correct your aim meaning aim further than you think you should if your lance is too close to you it's a guaranteed miss if you overshoot the aim you can still hit the far side of the enemy and even a bad hit will do 400 or more damage here we can see the shortcomings of a long pole arm in a heads up fight shield bashing and kicks are the only way to land meaningful hits or just use your sidearm this weapon saw extensive use during the hundred years war and so we've lovingly named this bulge after the famous french king charla le four or charles the mad i think using this 200 length 161 cut damage weapon on a human being would drive me mad too it slices right through high-end armor like butter desolation the reach is phenomenal as we can strike these infantry without fear of retaliation let's try it out on foot no don't you dare volume you're a traitorous horse time for another agincourt it's certainly not an easy fight on foot when they close the distance so i do recommend the sidearm [Music] i think you get the point it's really slow [Music] legend has it that popeye's pole arm is so huge it can only be swung by someone with arms as big as popeyes at 275 it takes a real brute to rotate this thing the best part about this pole arm aiming is more of a suggestion than a requirement swing in the general direction and you'll most likely hit something it's a bit slow so enemies paying attention can block more frequently where popeye's pull arm shines is cavalry versus cavalry battles it's nearly impossible for someone to have a longer pole arm than us which makes it a safe choice okay we're not sitting through this whole combo not for this one you shall not get butter one of my personal favorites the gandalf is a pole arm that can brace no cavalry shall pass at 249 it's not far off from the pikes but also doesn't require unlocking parts in that awful group bracing is quite effective even without pull-arm skill so i can recommend this build for any campaign it's not effective at heads-up combat on foot so it's best to keep this weapon for cavalry charges only any cavalry charging at us will be one shot if we can land the hit aiming for the horse is a great alternative if you're not skilled with bracing yet time for some fun [Music] your weapon it will kill is an amazingly fun pole arm meant for combat on foot at only 158 length it can handle combat at close and medium distances and with 179 swing cut damage even looking at the blade will one shot you i recommend bringing a shield to close the distance then switch to two-handed mode to disembowel these poor souls oh 400 damage while on foot this thing should be splitting people in half even hits far outside of the sweet spot nearly one shot these high tier troops gotta love those jump shots it's certainly not as fast as some two-handed swords but it has much more versatility this idiot kid get out of here get this idiot out of here sorry this two-handed sword is huge at 130 length and 155 swing cut damage even a scratch from this weapon would prove fatal fighting head-to-head will require some finesse as the swing is slow and telegraphed making for an easy block but once the guard is passed it's lights out we can easily one shot any charging horse and it's heavily armored rider did i mention jump shots are even easier with it wielding this weapon is more than just stats it makes you feel unstoppable the next two-handed sword is so big it can only be used while mounted or by an incredibly large man like the mountain from game of thrones at nearly 150 length this sword can compete with shorter pole arms just for reference it goes from john wick's ankles up past his head good luck pulling this one out of the scabbard it feels heavy to use but when it hits you know something spectacular just took place the thrust damage isn't anything to write home about so be sure to swing away instead this is a great option for mounted combat the swing speed isn't too bad either but it makes sense to carry a backup just in case if thrust damage is more your style then boy do i have a surprise for you backed by popular demand hedo rick and his signature blade the ripon and the terran i'm not sure we can match his thrusting power but at 58 thrust pierce damage we'll give it a shot this blade is fantastic for civilian loadouts but i recommend taking a set of assassins whisper to avoid too big of a mob okay maybe we can out thrust hito rick 175 damage up to over 300 for a thrust is amazing of course he joined the tea bagging because prison breaks are notoriously cramped i prefer a thrusting weapon like the ripon in the terran as long as we can maintain forward momentum when the thrust lands we will have no problem one-shotting everybody it's quite good in defense as well very responsive don't forget to use those throwing daggers the biggest challenge with thrusting weapons is fighting multiple shielded enemies look at that horse damage and one shot the noble 2 and because it's my favorite weapon in the game we're including satan's tooth i've changed a few parts to make it more affordable than previous versions making this the budget build for two-handed swords at 100 swing speed and 130 swing damage there's nothing budget about it not only can this sword one shot everything but it has incredible attack speed and deals bonus damage to shields with 114 reach it's possible to take out cavalry although it's a highly risky move overall this is my favorite weapon in the game and i highly recommend trying it out at least once and for our final build the ankle biter everyone's come across one of these at some point in their life they look sexy they talk a big game but their bark is much worse than their bite however in this case our ankle biter packs a punch as well at 64 damage and 117 swing speed our overall damage output potential is still strong against low armor targets attack damage is more than enough to one shot the biggest threat for the ankle biter is multiple attackers at the same time being able to attack through their dying comrades this sword is very fast i decided to include a quick bonus some tailworld's math for all of you on the left is a weapon that uses all tier 4 parts on the right i'll tear two parts notice at the bottom how they both require the exact same crafting materials tailworlds has still not fixed the wrong crafting materials for these parts allowing us to make a blade that sells for three times the profit than it should it's still possible to make millions with crafting and here's your key to success here in my garage let's look at some side-by-side comparisons for a few of the weapon groups starting with one-handed fast speed options they all have about the same time to complete the six move combo and the choice should come down to personal preference as they all have their own strengths and weaknesses personally i love the brass knuckle one-handed mace the two-handed sword is quite a bit faster than all the others but damage output is much greater with the axe and mace due to the cleavability the pull arm is a nice option if you've only leveled up pole arm and none of the other melee skills the two-handed axe woodchuck is my personal pick here although the pole arm is very tempting now for the one-handed damage builds the budget build performed the fastest and is nearly tied for top damage making satan's bike cuspid my personal pick moving on to two-handed weapons it's always amazing to see how slow the huge pole arm really is when compared side by side the other three all finished within a couple frames of each other and the pick should come down to personal preference i really like the mace because it's new but the others would work as well so john wick now that you've seen the armory do you think you'll come back people keep asking if i'm back and i haven't really had an answer but now yeah i'm taken on back [Music] [Music] as i mentioned at the start the database for all weapons will be available on the discord check the useful guide info section and look for the top 30 crafted weapons link for 1.8 don't forget to smash the like button and subscribe it would really mean a lot to me and a huge shout out to all the patreon supporters and youtube channel members without your help videos like these would be impossible thank you and i'll see you on the next one gross as you can see easy as you can see even with the solid the ankle biter
Channel: Strat Gaming Guides
Views: 401,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strat Gaming, Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord, Crafting, Smithing, Top weapons, top 10 crafting weapons, Top 30 Bannerlord weapons, two handed sword, polearm, one handed sword, axe, mace, dagger, knife, Hammer, Javelin, Pike
Id: Aupx-9Ls6fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 10sec (1390 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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