Mount & Blade Bannerlord - Sturgia Strengths & Weaknesses (Overview)

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thank you hello YouTube and welcome back to another dare to game video today we're playing Mount And Blade Banner Lord and we're doing another strengths and weaknesses video today we're going to focus on the sturgeon Prince or the principality of sturgia sturgeon principality whatever it is it's this whole Northern Area up here so uh definitely probably I think out of the dozen or so playthroughs that I've done in this game you know full playthroughs I think the one I did as a as a full sturgeon role play was probably the most fun and so if you're wondering in this series of videos because you probably watched some of them before maybe you haven't I don't know why I focus on this because a lot of people say well the strengths and weaknesses and the differences in the factions don't matter a because you can use whatever armor you want and you can recruit whatever troops you want and it doesn't matter anyway because the troops are fine the player always wins a couple things there a I recommend doing role played playthroughs I think they're way more fun start as a faction only use that faction's armor only marry people from that faction only recruit Travelers or Wanderers from that faction and only use that factions troops it makes a way more immersive and fun playthrough in my opinion and it makes you play the game with a lot more variety which is obviously the whole point of a Sandbox game and number two is if it's just if if your opinion is it doesn't make a difference anyway because the player always wins you have a serious Advantage yes you do have an advantage because you're a person and you're playing against AI but I recommend turning the difficulty up on Max difficulty the game is actually a challenge and uh it's a lot more fun that way in my opinion but that's neither here nor there let's get to talking about what sturgia's strengths and weaknesses are so before we get into that let's uh let's read this so it says sturgia the confederation of small kingdoms that is now the principality of sturgia came into being only a century ago as Boomtown sprung up alongside the bays and lakes of the north the local tribal leaders forged marriage packs with Nords and other adventurers hiring their swords to subdue their neighbors under pressure from the Empire they elected a prince to lead them in war and eventually the princes became a hereditary office but the idea of monarchy has never sat easily with the independence-minded boyars and the potential for Rebellion and always lurks under the surface of sturgeon Politics the obvious of Viking slash Norse comparisons are there to be made with the sturgeons but I think armor-wise they look more like the Kiev and Roos and they're kind of a combination of those cultures so a very fun historical basis for this group but now let's just start it off with the troop strengths for the principality of sturgia so starting soft uh we'll focus on heavy infantry and the sturgeon people have the two best heavy infantry in the game and so basically my definition of heavy infantry is going to be any infantry troop with uh heavy armor and that uses a one-handed weapon and a shield so yes you're gonna have what some people may consider heavy infantry as your two-handed ones like people using a big ax uh that's not what I consider to be heavy infantry but anyway so the two best heavy infantry in the game are the sturgeon heavy axemen and the sturgeon heavy spearmen they are unbelievably good on the field they just dominate uh infantry to infantry sturgeon's outclass all even the Imperial legionaries which are the next best uh so the number one and two best overall in my opinion are the sturgeon heavy axemen which are are the best and then the spearmen which are super good two stats are really similar Armor's really similar the only difference is instead of the ax being the main weapon like the axemen are which is excellent they have a spear so I like to do a mix of like four my infantry and Sturgill I'll do like 75 heavy axemen and 25 Spearman or like 70 heavy axemen uh 20 Spearman and then 10 heroic line Breakers but we'll get into that later but uh yeah as far as stats go on these for the axemen we've got one-handed of 130 Athletics of 130 and throwing of 130 which makes them super good with those throwing axes and obviously the heavy armor the huge shield and a nice powerful ax with a high one-handed skill makes them way better than pretty much every other infantry in the game so for stats on the spearmen you can see we have 140 for the pole arm 140 for one-handed uh and an Athletics of 125 so very mobile troops uh despite their heavy armor and giant Shield but these ones are obviously the counter to Cavalry so as good as the axemen are I like having spearmen there to defend against Cavalry but with that in mind the first strength obviously is infantry best heavy infantry in the game uh the next strength I'll talk about is their heavy shock Cavalry which is the sturgeon druznick Champion which is the top of their Noble train uh their Noble troop tree which starts with the sturgeon otrock uh but yeah the druznick champion is on par with azerai and koozate Lancers so it's not as good as the Imperial heavy Cavalry or the vlandian heavy Cavalry but it comes pretty close to being the same level as like the kuzade heavy lancers and the uh azerai mamluk uh melee Cavalry um so it is pretty effective it definitely outclasses anything the botanians Can field and I like them they've got a nice solid spear they obviously have a huge Shield uh their stats are pretty solid they've got writing of 170 which is actually pretty high uh pole arms of 170 which is also nice and I won handed of 200 and Athletics of 140. so unlike most Cavalry troops these ones are good on their feet so I like the druznick Champions because you can use them very very effectively as a heavy shot Cavalry but also you can use them very effectively in a Siege or in a defense or if they get dismounted they just make a really good infantry troop that's a serious Advantage as well they have a pretty good shot Cavalry that's well balanced well armored and also works as infantry the other General uh benefit to their troops is that most of them use axes for their one-handed and two-handed weapons so you can see our heroic line Breakers also use a giant ax the only exception to that being the ones that have Spears and they'll use those uh axes are the best weapons in the game against Shields by far and they're also really good for taking down doors and stuff so that's useful in a Siege but whereas a lot of your other heavy infantry like your flandian sergeants or your Imperial legionaries values swords uh swords are totally ineffectual against the the big shields that the sturgeons use whereas axes are not in ineffectual against the shields that the other infantry use so there's a reason why their infantry is as good as it is and a lot of it comes down to the fact that they primarily use axes uh and then finally uh they have mounted skirmishers so they're not the best in the game but considering they don't have a mounted Archer it's good that they have some sort of a skirmishing Trope and the sturgeon horse Raiders are not a bad troop overall they just can get outclassed by all other mounted archers they're pretty useful against Cavalry I would say as long as it's not mounted archers like regular shot Cavalry the sturgeon horse Raiders are pretty good at foiling them they do have a pole arm which makes them effective as Lancers if you want to use them that way but it's their large bag of javelins that I like using them for they've got a fast horse but it doesn't have good armor on it so it can be taken out their Athletics is only 80 but they're still usable on foot because they've got heavy armor a big shield and an ax is their primary one-handed weapon I still consider the horse Raiders to be a strength even though as far as mounted archers and skirmishers go they're pretty be pretty low on the tier 5 list uh we'll still count it as a strength though because they are still very useful but for weaknesses the main one is what we just touched on they don't have a mounted Archer so much like flandia and the botanians they don't have a mounted Archer so if you're playing against the kusades Imperials and the azerai you're going to have to realize that you don't have a mobile Archer to foil theirs so you're gonna have to use something else so it is a serious weakness that they don't have a mounted Archer the other major weakness of the sturgeon Army is their Bowman so the sturgeon veteran bowmen are the fifth overall for tier five Bowman in the game so they're beat by all the other major factions not great in that regard so they their weaknesses come from a couple things uh their stats aren't terrible so they've got a boast out of 140 one-handed of 120 and Athletics of 130 uh but they have pretty light armor that doesn't offer great protection with a great big open-faced helmet their bow is not very strong so even though they're both skill is nice and high the bow they use is not that good of a bowl so even though they have two Quivers there of arrows they just don't get that many kills they're still useful especially for like defending castles and stuff uh but they're a pretty weak Bowman and it's it's definitely a weakness of the army as a whole and the other one the other major troop weakness that I don't like about the sturgeons is the inconsistent uh troop progression so the XP requirements between the high tiers is much higher than most uh most other in-class troops for other factions so you don't you won't see a real steady progression and you'll have like a good mix of all the tears you're gonna find you're gonna have the least amount of high tiers unless you focus really really specifically on scaling them up as far as general strengths for the sturgeon people as a whole so the starting faction itself there is only one border because they are the far north so they have this Southern border a lot of that is taken up by this lake so they've got this one border here which kind of follows their the rivers down here and then this other border over here which touches on the Northern Empire a little bit and then the cousin's over here so it's it's nice that you don't have to worry about invasions coming in from the North or like the northeast of the Northwest it's really just the South uh so that's nice it's easier to track troop movements that way and another strength that I would put them under is that they do have a medium economy it's not the strongest in the game but it's definitely not the weakest either uh they are the main producers of four different resources fur flax cattle and fish which makes them a pretty good option for trading the only option that is stronger for trading in my opinion is the azerai but this allows you to make really effective and profitable trading runs into the azerite territory so you stock up at Revel varchek Omar balgar varnavapol sabir and Tiel which they start out with quite a few cities which is nice you stock up on your fur flax cattle and fish at low prices up here and you bring all of them down into the azerite territory and you sell them for a huge profit down there then you down there you buy luxury resources like Silk and and dates and stuff like that and you bring them back up to sturgia and sell them for a profit so the whole trade mission for me when I'm playing as either the esri or sturgia is just running back and forth between those two different areas so it is an advantage playing as a sturgeon that you can very effectively become a traitor as far as general weaknesses although there's only one border uh it is a very long and stretched out Kingdom so you have your farthest west settlement over here is ustical which is about as far south as as far west as carbanza a little bit more in fact uh and then your farthest east is all the way over here at uh I think it's I think it's right here on Uric Scala castle and bookits it is a really long distance from there to there so when you're fighting especially on multiple fronts it can be a bit tricky to move troops in a logistically effective way so that is a weakness in my opinion that uh because of how long and stretched out the kingdom is uh and then again the other weakness is a lack of horses in the sturgeon area so if you want to do a Cavalry heavy Army you're probably going to be sending true uh trips down into the Empire or into the cousin territory to buy horses so you can actually upgrade your troops because the sturgeons just don't have a lot of horses in this area and also luxury resources like I said the way that I like to do that is to buy my luxury resources down in azerai with the profits from the sturgeon regular resources and then just trade back and forth that way but sturgia itself has basically no luxury resources so you can't start uh the high profit trading missions here so those are your general weaknesses so not not that many strengths and weaknesses to talk about for the sturgeons but the ones that exist are important for our combat strategy with the sturgeons first of all the Army makeup that I like to do with these guys is about 50 infantry so I like to focus heavily on the inventory and then 30 shot Cavalry so primary early coming from your your Noble troop tree and 20 mounted skirmishers I avoid the archers if I do the archers I just put them in the castles and cities I let them to defend in there I don't use them for my on the field Army either in Open Fields assault I don't use them so what I do use like I said 50 infantry and of your 50 infantry most of that is going to be your your heavy axemen because they're just dominating but I'll put enough heavy spearmint in there to make them more effective against Cavalry and then I'll have some heroic line Breakers because those are really good at busting up enemy infantry formations so your X-Men can do even more damage uh but so that's the makeup I do as far as the actual strategy I will use my heavy axemen and Spearman and I'll form a shield wall with them and I'll just have them slowly Advance into the battlefield the sturgeon Shield wall is basically impenetrable it's a little weak on the flanks but because the troops are individually strong uh the flanks are really hard to turn on a Sturgis in spear wall I mean Shield wall then with that slowly advancing heavy infantry line I'll have a then I'll just keep performing a hammer and Anvil maneuver using them as the Anvil and my shot Cavalry as the hammer so you have to slowly advancing impenetrable infantry line and as soon as they make contact with the Enemy let him kind of lock in and it comes to a stalemate pretty quick so what you do is you get your your heavy infantry line to engage and then you use your shot Cavalry which you have over in reserve and you smash them into the enemy from behind it's super effective I've taken out armies you know up to 10 times the size of what I'm using when I do it that way you have your heavy infantry line with the sturgeons and then you come in from behind with the druznicks which are a pretty dang powerful shot Cavalry and you smash the enemy troops in the rear and it just it annihilates them wave after wave after wave so I'll just keep doing that hammer and Anvil as soon as the shot Cavalry have come to a halt I'll pull them back reform them charge them in and hammer on the enemy again the only other other thing that'll vary that a little bit is those 20 mounted skirmishers that I like to use I'll send those in and waves basically if I see an enemy Cavill recharge coming I'll send the skirmishers in and they'll quickly take out a whole bunch of them with their javelins and then I'll have my skirmishers retreat back and I'll just use them in reserve to do that because the only weakness of the uh sturgeon line especially if you don't have enough spearmen is that a heavy enough shot cavalry charge from Imperial cataphracts or flandian Knights can break through the line decently effectively and then it'll screw up your plan so I use the skirmishers to basically just screw up the enemy cavalry charge other than that for defense the best ones on defense are going to be your your X-Men and your archers for Defending Your castles and your best ones for offense your heroic line Breakers are really good on offense your axemen Spearman uh those are all really good on offense and if you have a huge surplus of your druznick warriors they make a good enough infantry Troop that you don't lose that many on the field so that's the general strategy and that is all for strengths and weaknesses for the principality of sturgia hope you enjoyed this video hope you found it useful but that's all for today we'll see you next time thanks for watching another dare to game video If you like this video please leave a like and a comment if you haven't already be sure to subscribe to the channel if you like my content and would like to support this channel consider becoming a member today for as little as 199 a month it makes a huge difference but in any case thanks for watching and have a nice day I'll see you next time
Channel: Dare To Game
Views: 45,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount and blade, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 tips, mount and blade bannerlord guide, best tacitcs to use, unit guide, sturgia guide, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord sturgia campaign, bannerlord sturgia guide, bannerlord sturgian troops, bannerlord sturgia build, bannerlord sturgia units, bannerlord sturgian armor, bannerlord sturgian heavy spearman, bannerlord sturgian heavy axeman, bannerlord sturgia troop tree, bannerlord sturgians
Id: lmO2srT41B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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