Torah Parsha: B'resheet (In the Beginning) (Oct 6, 2018)

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[Music] well Jason you picked some some interesting scriptures for this Torah parsha based on my time with the Lord this morning I think this is going to be simple yet sublime I say that to say that though the water that I believe the Lord is going to pour out on us is simple enough to have a child wade in but deep enough to have an elephant swim in and that really is a lot of the Word of God it's very simple it has a very simple message very straightforward and yet if you dig in there's no end in sight it's it's it's amazing the Word of God is amazing it's there's nothing nothing like it because it's it's God's Word God's work crazy just I can't get over it alright let's take a look at our um our Old Testament Pacha obviously the fall feasts are over so we come to the beginning of the Torah and Michael read verses 1 to 2 I'm just gonna add a verse because it's it's like impossible to stop at verse 2 I'll read it and you could follow it on the screens or in your Bibles Genesis 1:1 through 3 it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth was unformed and void darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water then God said and quote let there be light and there was light let's let's just break down the three verses in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth let's look at the word god it's you've heard it obviously being part of a messianic community Elohim but you may know you may not know that it's it's a plural intensive with a singular meaning which is really deep in and of itself I mean it's in the plural intensive yet singular meaning and I'll explain okay it is expressing this word in the Hebrew language which the old test was written in is actually expressing power rather than number it's its intensity as opposed to numerically okay now let me let me try to explain that let me just say sometimes with these scriptures like Genesis 1 1 through 3 and John 1 the more you try to explain it the more convoluted and confusing it gets if you've ever heard a theologian explain the Trinity and they talk too much you'll just walk out more confused than when you walked in so I'm I'm here to tell you that we're delving into something very deep to say the least and I'm in no way shape or form saying that I have this figured out so I'm gonna make sure we don't get too deep because there are people that go so deep that they get lost and and submarines are okay but sometimes you get up periscope you know what I mean okay the pagan world which which is what the Hebrew children were dealing with and living in if you will in Egypt the pagan world ascribed a name to each of the powers in the universe you probably know that all our days of the week are named after pagan deities sunday is named after the Sun God Monday is named after the moon God Tuesday's named after toir the god of power even Thursday is named after the god of Thor Friday's Wednesday's wife the only day that makes sense is Saturday and it shouldn't even be called Saturday because that's named after Saturn that's why the Bible calls it Shabbat the Hebrews had it down they said it's day one it's day two day three and Shabbat I'm just saying you should just know where these things come from because I'm telling you you probably don't have any idea how much paganism has seeped into the church so every power in the universe was described to God like when I go to India if you ask them they do believe in Jesus they'll say yeah he's one of the 1.2 million you follow if you say in America do you believe in God they kind of go it's inferred or it's implied what God were talking about although many people don't many people that sit in the church won't know that their God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob right I'm gonna ask to my good to my good Christian friends I mean they're both pastors they both have 92 years of ministry between them and they're exceptional they're my best friends they're exceptional and I said I just want to know you know your opinion based on your travels Christians have a better relationship with Jesus and they do with the father what do you agree and yet you schewe came so we know the father just just that there's no charge for that so let me explain a little bit about these a couple of deities okay the God of the harvest was known as Seth that was his name the god of healing was known as in the tip and the god of the Sun was known as raw so the Torah because God wrote the Torah through Moses is Han right the Torah viewed God or God viewed himself as the God of all creation who were these pagan deities they're nobody to me right not to me to God I'm speaking for on his behalf right now he saw himself is the one and only true God so he used this word Elohim he chose this word Moses didn't choose this word he chose this word to be a plural of majesty or a plural of potentiality I'm the all-powerful all-knowing ever-present God of all gods those gods bowed to me you follow that's why Elohim is such a powerful powerful intense word Elohim is all-powerful do you ever wonder when God sent the plagues what he was really doing he was directly attacking the gods in Egypt I'll give you three examples they had a god of the harvest Seth what did he do sent locusts what was he saying your God is nothing they had a god of healing in the temple what did he do he sent boils let him heal that they the god of the Sun what did he do he sent darkness your God is Elohim the God of all gods and nobody now you know my teaching style you've been here why do I go over words this is a prime example you'll not get an understanding of God's Word without understanding the words so that's I started doing this because I had nothing to say and 25 years later I still have nothing to say the Bible speaks for itself you just got to break it down you have to have somebody break it down for you and help you to see it but it's there I'm not adding to it and I'm not taking away now it says god this plural intensive why is it singular meaning look at the word created bara it means to shape or to form or to fashion but this word is in the singular tense wait a minute rabbi you just told me that Elohim is plural in the plural tense but creators in the single offense how could plural and have a verb if you have a noun that's plural your verb has to be plural as well that's basic grammar but God's not basic anything he doesn't always play by the rules he plays by his rules so what is God saying this word bara just so you know in the Hebrew language it is only used with God as its subject the only time you'll see this word bara created is only used with the plural tense of Elohim and why because only God can create it's just that simple that's what God is saying Moses isn't saying it the Torah isn't saying it God is saying it now when I see this word I think like a little child and I say the little child can wade in the water to shape to fashion into form I mean still to this day when I go to the beach I sit in the sand I just did I was just to the beach really pretty Beach and everybody was looking at me because they were like where's your kids why are you sitting in the sand and playing with the sand I don't even like to lay in a chair like to lay in the sand it just feels good and I like to jump in the water I don't do this I hope I never do that golf a bid but as I'm shaping things I think about God I think when God created the world I think he just went Everest six miles if you ever been it's unbelievable or Victoria Falls right at the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia like nothing else how about the Grand Canyon did God just go 12 billion years my eye look at Genesis 1:1 again it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth do you realize from the first sentence in the Word of God we have to operate in faith these first four words in the beginning God those four words form the foundation of our faith if you really believe these words and many people say they do then you can believe every word that follows to the very end of the book Genesis provides the only authoritative account of creation and the divine record states emphatically and inherently that God always was how could anybody write about him when he was here before anybody was the causeless cause it's hard for brilliant men to accept that but men of faith accepted all day long and just for the record the Bible has a very special name for those who choose to deny the fact of God in fact they even celebrate a holiday look at Psalm 14:1 it says fools say in their heart there is no God now let's look at that word so we understand because we throw that word around it means no ball is a person who's senseless but it's not a dunce see some people call somebody who's had done so stupid fool nope you're using the wrong words you have to learn your words you you really really do just let me just tell you something in actuality there are many fools that are intellectually brilliant the Intelligencia of full of fools now there are many scientists that are becoming creationist there's no doubt that many scientists cats out of the bag evolution has been put down you can't it's it's the informations out there now you just have to take some time to read it only a fool would say that the Word of God is written by men only a fool because there's enough internal evidence there's enough external evidence there is enough bibliographical evidence to warrant that this word of god is actually an authentic document with authenticity more than your New England Journal of Medicine more than your textbooks in your college more than your magazine articles and definitely more than your blogs so you you just listen you're letting your ignorant run while by saying it's written by men it is insanity it is insanity to believe in the non-existence of something you don't believe exists let me try that again it is insanity to believe in the non-existence of something you don't believe exists you don't even be talking about the Loch Ness monster or the good tooth fairy I wouldn't give it any credence I mean if I did I would be a fool one eye Genesis 1:2 says that the earth was unformed and void darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water now looking at those words unformed and void without even getting into the Hebrew I just take some issue with some people in their theology because the Bible clearly states that God did not create the earth wasted and empty where does it say that a lot of places but I'll show you just one verse in Isaiah 45 chapter 18 first it says for thus says Illinois who created the earth who I'm sorry who created the heavens God who shaped and made the earth who established and created not to be chaos so we have what's called an apparent discrepancy there are nine hundred and sixty nine of them believe it or not there was somebody named Haley who put together a huge book and the information is out there you just don't want to read it so whose fault is it nobody will have an excuse so I've got an apparent discrepancy here Genesis says that it was unformed and void so what do we do with an apparent discrepancy we develop a theory of theology does anybody know the creation reconstruction theory that between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 there was a cataclysmic event your spiritualizing what are you doing a great catastrophe took place when I don't know see when you don't understand something you come up with a theory man just has to get involved I don't believe that God created the world chaotically look at Genesis 1:2 again it says the earth was unformed and void darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water this will happen very quickly in an instant the Spirit of God was on it but it wasn't in it the Spirit of God is everywhere but is it in you once the Spirit of God went in it and impregnated the world and life burst forth God did this in two senses because he wanted us to see without him it's lifeless how did he do it you asked and look at Genesis 1:3 he just said it man and there was light people struggle with this what are we talking about rabbi to light the Sun the stars no no that happened later so what light is this why don't you look up the word stick with the script get rid of theories get off those crazy websites they don't know any more than you know let's find out what do you say we're here anyway might as well write nothing else to do let's look at the word said or MA it means to speak to think to say but in this sense sometimes Hebrew words will have 5 6 7 10 the word good 27 meanings to command God doesn't say he doesn't speak like we do he's spirit right he just commits he just if he thinks it done Everest done done and the demons of Hell can't do nothing about it because God is all-powerful all he has to do is think it done now sometimes you work with people and they're like it's done and you're like but it's not and then he got to tell him again not what God done if he thinks it done so what light did he put in let's look or that's the word a lot of people name their kids that in Israel three meanings light of day could it be that light come on that happened later stay with me I'm not trying to trick you I'm trying to get you to think you got to think about the word of God you got to delve into the Word of God you got to dig into the Word of God if you want to understand it light of luminaries is that it that's the Sun the morning the stars that happen later how about the light of life he said let there be light and the light was the light of life so in essence the Word of God impregnated the world with the light of life don't forget that you're gonna need to hold on to that in about 10-15 minutes don't forget it the Word of God did he speak so was it the Word of God not words in human understanding but he spoke OMA he commanded it and he impregnated the universe with the light of life thank you that's what I was thinking I'm glad one person agrees so let's look at it one more time Genesis 1:1 3 before we run into the New Testament in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth the earth was unformed and void darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the surface of the water and then God said let there be light and there was light three verses there's thirty one thousand thirty one thousand one hundred and three sentences in the Bible thirty one thousand we have three enough to chew on till you schewe comes back three first three right out of the gate and what did we see running out of the gate we see God right it says God created and then we see his spirit hovered and then we see he spoke what do you know God the spirit and his word what is that rabbi that's what we Jews call a plural unity or what this shoe calls a unified plurality wrap that around your scientific mind but rabbi I can't understand that exactly you're a finite man Genesis 1:26 what does it say let us make God make man in our what's with the plurality now somebody say that was Jesus know Jesus the man wasn't born yet wait you've confused me you're already confused the Incarnation he was how could it man hasn't even created yet how could they be a man think come on think commander you a religious jargon and just think logically God gave us logic by the way dog lovers science just came out and said dogs are idiots I knew they would in no way as smart as you think we have logic and we have cognitive thinking and we have deductive reasoning with a crown of his creation just think Deuteronomy 6:4 says hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one what is that one Akkad what's a hard one in number there's only one god there's not two there's not three when you talk about three God's you are confusing a lot of people especially God there are three gods there are four gods or in five guys aren't two guys there's one god there's only one god he is one in number he's unique but he is united a unified plurality now let's get into the waters where the elephant could start swimming let's look at our New Testament reading John 1:1 through five it says in the beginning was the word was the word and the Word was with God wasn't the word with God in the beginning it says in Genesis what we just read in the beginning and God spoke so was the word with God in the beginning before anything was created right you're following so far you're gonna connect the dots beautifully it's gonna really make sense and if it doesn't oh well it's not on me cuz I'm just sticking to the script I'm not going off script I don't care what the Messianic Jews say I don't care what the Baptist's say I definitely care what the Presbyterians I know I'm only kidding okay what the word says you follow stop identifying yourself with a group of people and start identifying yourself with your shoe in this father in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God a unified plurality right a plural unity right United and yet one he was with God in the beginning right the Word was with God in the beginning right all things came to be through him he spoke things into being right this is very accurate according to what we just read in Genesis and without him nothing made had been at being forgive me in him the word was life and the life was the light of mankind did he not speak life into the world the light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not suppressed it even to this very day hallelujah I don't want to take too much time not on this but letting you know that you know you have four Gospels and they're all very different and that to different audiences Matthew obviously was written to a Jewish audience it's very Judaic very Hebraic and it focuses on Yeshua being the King of the Jews it has a Jewish genealogy I can't get into too much but if you look at that gospel and break it down you'll see it's very very Jewish mark is very short it applied to the Roman people they were looking for a servant they were looking for a bull somebody would give their life very short on teachings very long on miracles power Luke he's referred to the son of man a perfect man because the Greeks so very philosophical and they were trying to perfect themselves and they were looking for perfection so your shoe is known as the Son of Man John's a whole different ballgame in fact you will see if you follow with me and track with me that all the other Gospels have teaching teachings of Yeshua teachings of Yeshua teaches you John nope this is who Yeshua is this is he it gets right down and dirty no birth that's like boom right in seven great I am statements not one that's found in the other Gospels gets right into it man and it starts out by speaking about the word a word is a unit of speech like I'm using right now by which we express ourselves I'm expressing myself to you but John is not writing about speech logos he's not he's writing about a person it's personal God has expressed himself in the person of Yeshua as God's Living Word to mankind that's why the first believers were solely Jewish there were no Gentiles in the faith and you know what they called him in the first century hatorah they know he's the word made flesh and lo and behold years after he leaves this is the oldest guy this is the one that this gospel wasn't written till man over thirty five years after he left what do they start with he's the Word made flesh why don't you explain it according to what the Bible says instead of coming up with some cockamamie theology yeah you're not sold I know I get it I'm Jewish I don't get it let's continue John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the word did not have a beginning himself there was no beginning to the Word of God the word existed from all eternity because God existed from all eternity he was with God as a distinct personality or the personal wisdom and power in union with God but the word was not just with God the Word was God okay I don't care what I could care less and now I get it the Lord told me not to wear socks and I'm gonna take off my shoes because we are about to tread on some holy ground it says in the beginning before there was anything there was the Word of God there was with him it was part of who he was and not only with him but it was God part of this majestic intense powerful unified plural God but before I go into verse two I have to go to verse 14 forgive me for diverting but this says in the beginning can you go back to that verse for a sec thanks kiddo in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God now look at 14 and the word how the heck you sitting in your chair and what and the word became a human being and lived with us who's ever heard of a creator becoming a creature who's ever heard of that it's shocking and we saw his Shaheena the Shekinah of the father's only Son [Applause] look at these words to come into existence to begin to be in to appear in history I mean God came on the scene the Word of God took on flesh Yushu with a man god man that man wasn't in eternity how could he be in eternity if man wasn't created yet he's he the word became incarnate the word became a man for the purposes of dying for the sins of the world but in eternity he was the word of God with God and was God when you say to a Jew that Jesus is God then they're thinking you have two gods or three gods when there can only be one God and then if God died who was watching the universe and then who was he talking to all I'm saying is stick to the script just stick to the script don't if you ask me I'm sticking to the script well rabbi what is that's what it says in eternity was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the word became flesh and came on the scene what took on a human form look if that's not crazy enough for you look at the word lived it means to dwell to pitch one's what did we just celebrate we just celebrated Sukkot and why did we live in tents it speaks to the presence of God that God's presence was with the children of Israel at all times and then he pitches his tent physically this is crazy Yeshua God's presence and look John 1:14 says we saw his Shaheena his glory he was morally perfect fully man was born was suckled had his diapers change yet he walked moral in moral perfection sin came after him and came after him and he said no every time how did he do that as a man if he's all God it's no big deal if he's old man that wouldn't happen god man and he used the power of the Holy Spirit to say no to his flesh so if he could do it is it possible I'm not a God man but I got the Holy Spirit of my tabernacle there's some dimension of God in my Tabernacle there's some dimension of God in your tabernacle so we run around and just say he's God then he's in a league of his own in a way and what he did we can never do now he is in a league of his own because he received the spirit without measure but we have a measure of it so we can fight now here's where it gets funky because he had he had a mom but he wasn't the son of Joseph he was the son of Elohim he was full of grace and truth which means he was full of undeserved kindness for others let me highlight that word undeserved kindness we tend to we tend to be kind to the people that are kind to us he was full it says it doesn't say the Shekinah of the father's only son it says full of grace he was full of undeserved kindness for others but he was also completely honest and upright he never excused sin or approved of evil never if you think that then you're making him too much grace not truth if you think he just buried people with his words that he's all truth no grace but my Bible I'm reading it right here says that he was full of grace and full of truth to be completely gracious and at the same time completely righteous is something that only God can be it doesn't mean we have to throw in the towel and not give it a good effort now getting back to the to the to the reading today John 1 2 it seems like this is repetition you're reiterating Lord is it maybe it's not important I get it he was with God in the beginning but it teaches that Messiah Yeshua is persona had no beginning he wasn't a man like us look at John 1:3 it says all things came to be through him and without him nothing made had been the word was not a created being but was the creator of all things and there are no exceptions if a thing was made he made it and nothing except God existed eternally now after you lower your shoe are you making a mistake people do that if you pray to your schewe you're making a mistake look at how obsessed we got look at how we got off-script yeshua how did we pray does it say our Father or our Jesus then get with the program and and he came so you'll know the father because we all need a daddy bad and to be able to call Elohim the all-powerful creator of the universe baba is off that I couldn't I couldn't think of anything that's greater than that [Applause] but we pray in your shoe his name because what are we saying when we say buscemi Yahshua we're reminding us that if it wasn't for his sick crazy off-the-charts obedience we couldn't call God nothing look at John one for two more verses in him was life and the life was the light of mankind not that he possessed life he was the source of all life Bernadette and I we brought forth life but we are not the source of all life life and light life and light so not only does he supply us with life but also the light the guidance and direction necessary to make sure our life's flourish not just life but a blessed life he said I've come so you'll know eternal life but he also says I come so you'll have abundant life there are many people that are going to heaven that are walking in hell listen to me I'm gonna do a part two on this next week it is gonna knock the hell out of you listen to me I promise you it's it's gonna it's gonna free us it freed me while I was going over it I promise you're gonna get some deliverance and not cockamamie deliverance yeshua gives life and light therefore without yeshua we have death and darkness isn't it interesting that men from the beginning of time have an inborn fear of death and the dark look at this last verse the light shines in the darkness and the darkness some some version some of the greek might say and the darkness can't understand it the darkness can't understand it because no matter how much darkness it throws at the light the light dispels the darkness it can't put it out so it doesn't understand it what kind of crazy light is this you can always turn off a light and the room gets dark right I know we're in Macon come on you guys go in the woods it's dark in there but if your shoe it just runs through that woods he'll light it up like a stadium so sin brought darkness to the world the world is a dark place the world is a place that tries to teach you not the world places the world system that you can actually enjoy your life and have a good life and have guidance for your life without God that's the system of the world it has its own literature it has its own movies its own magazines its own dress code it's got its own thing not the world is bad the world is beautiful God made a beaut do you really think he made these beautiful places so that we won't enjoy it I can't be it's not the world that's the problem it's people so Yeshua plunges himself into the darkness to shine the light to shine the light of life and the light of purpose and the light to heaven and once again just like in Genesis just like in the beginning the Word of God impregnates the world with the light same story just a different time same word that created the earth is the same word that took on flesh and impregnated the universe and impregnated your soul as I speak and the light is so strong that darkness can't stop it nor hide from it it can't run away the Lord just reminded me that I took a guy that I was disciple and I took him on a mission trip with me to India isn't it beautiful when you just you know I just okay I just got to tell you something I don't sit around and pray and say Lord tell me something what tell me something that so-and-so never the only time I bring up your name if I'm praying for your well-being I never say show me some bout zone so because look if there's any problems God's gonna take care of it he always has a better issue he always will because he's runs it it's better you're sure well with that being said I don't know about you but the way God operates with me I'll just be I don't know I could be on the bathroom going to bathroom and he'll just say something it's like left-field all the time which is good for me because that does it won't give me a big head cuz I know it's God you fall if you pray and you hear something then you think it's you pride is disgusting pride is a mess they're people that want to be the baby at the christening they want to be the bride at the wedding heck they want to be the corpse at the funeral you know what I mean it's always about them but humility is a beautiful thing especially when it's real not fake a lot of people operate in fake humility which is insidious pride oh not me but this guy was uh he got recruited to play for University of Georgia middle linebacker he's a big old boy then he had an accident and he gained a lot of weight but when we were on the plane going over you know I didn't know where I was going I know who I was gonna see I know it was very Hindu but radical Hindus where they were killing people I know Jews aren't popular to begin with so I didn't know if I was going to my death or really going because God wanted me to go I didn't know never met the people I just knew God told me to go so I gave him I gave him a bag I said here there's a gift filled he said what is it I said that's not important he goes look at it now I go yeah you can and it was a black t-shirt for on the back it said I'm the rabbi cuz I thought if they were gonna eat somebody see some people left you didn't laugh because you're uptight so is that as always that super spiritual person you know I lost my keys you need the keys to the kingdom no I need the keys to my 300 because I can't get home you know I'm talking about so as soon as we got there we went to this village and the village was a satanic village and this demoniac who throws people I don't know if you ever seen a demoniac but they literally have super human strength they have strength from and they could throw five guys throw you like a ball and I was like I'm gonna see if this is real what's the worst thing that can happen either God is real or he's not gene how much power there is in the Lord and we pray for a parking space law and I'm going to the movies and I don't want to really walk cuz I'm gonna be sitting for two hours hallelujah I got a parking spot right in front praise report so we see this amazing light that God possesses now what great theological discussion rabbi good I understand a little bit more about the Word of God and a little bit more Yeshua the plurality of it all now what we're almost ready to leave I know some of you from the congregations where the guy does a 12-minute sermon that's it that's it that's a drive-by you know you you hang out there you know what's gonna happen 40 years later you're not gonna know nothing anybody know what I'm talking about hallelujah all right this is the last piece Matthew 5 Yeshua said it best he said you are the light of the world the world is dark you are the light you light it up a town built on a hill can't be hidden likewise when people light a lamp they don't cover it with a bowl or put it on a lamp stand so that it if they put it on a lamp since then it shines for everyone in the house in the same way let your light you have light I don't know how much but you have light maybe maybe you're a smoldering wick but yushua says even as smoldering wick I won't snuff out maybe you just need some logs on the fire I don't know I don't know if it's a sin issue I don't know if it's an unforgiveness issue I don't know if it's an anger issue I don't know what it is it's an issue though but he can take an ember and turn it into a blaze man like that that's what he does he's in the restoration business when people ask me what I do if I'm on a plane I got to take a plane later somebody left me so what do you do they just get in my business I'm like I'm in the restoration business and there was no old aluminum nice it souls and they go I got him they were already messed up and then when they want me to shut up I'm like you started see I don't start with them because if I start then it's on me then they go shut up I'm trying to rest but then they start then when they want to shut me up I'm like no no I wanted to rescue you blew my rest and now you're gonna listen to the next hour and a half anybody ever made any hired Krishnas they're in major cities you ever meet them I met a Hari Krishna in Buenos Aires I had I had a a interpreter with me I was trying to start an orphanage in Chiapas it's the size of size of North it's just awful jakers um but I was importing a series just for one day so sorry Krishna wants to talk to me interpret says he wants to talk to you I said oh good I want to talk to him servers like as a Christian guy so I'll let him talk to me 20 minutes I stood there and then he was done and I told him why was it interested and higher Christian I said now if I may can I share my God with you he crossed the street I cross the street he crossed Street I go straight then he put his pamphlets down and the interpreter said he wants to fight you who but me could make a peace loving Hari Krishna want to punch him in the face that be the day I let a bald guy in an orange roll beat the crap out of me no no no no no no that's not how it went it was much better ending than that but it says shine your light this is all he's got Jesus has left the building he ain't here right is he here is he here at the right hand of the Father what does your Bible say I don't know what is your what is your saying what does your say he's at the right hand of the Father did he ascend what is your saying did he ascend up to heaven so what do we got we got his light [Applause] okay real simple for the kids this is you the power is always on you don't have to turn that on the power source the father he's all-powerful he has so much power you can't exhaust it if everybody in the world who was a believer was full of his power he'd still have an exponential amount of power so the power is always there the lamps always there but you need to connect you need to plug in your shoe is the cord without the court you ain't getting no power but if you plug in and you're connected it's all about connection [Applause] [Music] the moon reflects the light of the Sun we're supposed to reflect the light of the Sun when not to hoard the light we're not to shine a light inside Bethy shua inside our fellowships inside our Bible studies the lights there you don't light a lamp and put it on the what is your shoe a telling us to get out there and shine your light they'll see the light and they'll glorify it this is how people get saved you don't get saved coming to church you are the church bring it to the streets stop hiding what are you hiding we can't hoard the light we can't hoard the light of his teachings we have to share the light with others and as God's lent we have to stay connected in order to keep the light shining Yeshua made seven grandiose statements in the Gospel of John I think the last one the seventh is most important when he said I am the vine next week we're gonna go over that you study John 15:1 2:11 you hear me read it study it break down the word so you already have an idea so when you come in here that's what a good student does so you don't sit here confused because sometimes you know you you can handle 50 watts and we're putting 100 watts out and put mine bom john 15 1 through 11 and you're going to find out next week that it's more about connection than it is about perfection let's stand up together man now I know why God said take off your shoes take off your shoes when you're on holy ground well lucky beggars we are lucky beggars we have so flip and blessed you protect it and don't take it for granted and don't run around with your mouth saying things that aren't appropriate there are six things that the Lord hates seven that he finds detestable those who stir up strife are along with murderers and those who plot evil what but I tithe who cares about your lousy ten percent God finds the stirring up of strife an abomination that means it disgusts him so if you wanted to disgust him and make him throw up keep it up I don't let my kids get away with taking things for granted I'm not gonna let my spiritual kids either we're gonna appreciate what God does for us and we're gonna have thankful hearts push thankful hearts are happy hearts and we're gonna take all the light God gives us and we're gonna pour it out on this dark world and we're gonna make a difference because this little light of mine oh this little light of mine this little light of mine let it shine let it shine let it shine may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you I may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle peace you show evil wrath on annoy face my wrath ha you're an annoyed point over liquor yes I don't know poor novela ha the assembly hall spots alone
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,016
Rating: 4.8881121 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, torah, Parsha, B'resheet, Beginning, 10/06/2018, 10/06/18
Id: m-FZXAOPrmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 22sec (3442 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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