No Greater Love (Part 1) (Jan 13, 2018)

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[Music] so it's always nice to know get a confirmation you know it's I'm a big fan that God speaks direct I mean he doesn't have to tell you to tell me something if I spend enough time with him he'll tell me but he uses people to you know affirm and confirm because she need that to know that you're on the right track and he does that out of his mercy and grace right so your beloved was the first song I ever heard and this week burned that and I went to a funeral and it was you know I do funerals different these funerals that I go to the very cookie cutter and they just I just I just don't think their heartfelt enough so as I I got some news this week not the greatest news to burn that was crying during the funeral I know she was crying you know it was more personal and then when we left and we got in the car she said there's no way I'm gonna let anybody eulogize you except you her meaning and she said is there any song that you would want played I said the only one I can think of is your beloved so look how we don't play that that often right it's it's you know God has a special relationship with each one of you and you have to know how he operates with you I have a different relationship with all for my children you have to know how he operates with you you have to spend enough time that sometimes he's me able to say a word and you know what he's saying do you know what I mean when you know somebody so well burnin that nah we don't even have to say a word something's going on I just look at her she looks at me and we know exactly what we're thinking so thanks for that I appreciate that very much the other thing that God said to me and and I know this is so true because I talked to pastors all the time and and they tell me this for themselves in confidence but I know that we we believe that God loves us and that we believe the way his beloved because the Bible says so and we have to be a Bible believer right but we believe these things more biblically than experientially there's no question about it and and if you experience his love as opposed to just believing there's love it's a game-changer but to be his beloved means you have to allow yourself to be loved that's what beloved means to be loved and that's the hardest thing for us to do because we know who we are but God knows who you are even more than you know who you are he knows you better than yourself and the beautiful place to be is not I'm so depraved because that's that's poison if that's all you have of the revelation of yourself you can't get off the ground that's like operating in all truth and if you walk around and say I'm his beloved I'm his beloved that's inappropriate as well because that's almost Christian arrogance and there's a lot of that you have to walk around with the revelation of both I am unworthy but he says I'm worthy and when you can walk in the fullness of both those revelations it changes everything and it's taken me a long time guys I've spent every day for the last 29 years of my life in the word every day and in meditation with God for hours and hours and hours and hours and I'm not saying that's a boast I'm saying that to just say that it's taken me a long time to to really embrace the fact of how much God loves me and I want to share that with you because if I can help you see that I think it's only gonna benefit you in and the kingdom okay so I'm gonna share this this kind of thing with you for the next three probably four weeks if that's okay and I'd probably share it with you longer until you get it but I think it's gonna take at least three or four weeks no matter this is my opening premise no matter what denomination of Christianity one chooses to aspire to or practice we are called to serve God through obedience correct that's that's an irrefutable fact it does not matter I don't I don't know what you call yourself I would love for you to call yourself a believer in the way I would love for you to say that you believe in the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob because that's who your God is I would love you to say that you have a relationship with him through the shed blood of his prophesied Messiah the king of Israel Yeshua and I would love to hear you say that through that connection you have the Holy Spirit running in your tabernacle as opposed to saying Presbyterian Baptist because those denominations a totally man-made then they have nothing to do got but with that being said whatever you choose to say we can all agree that we're supposed to obey the Lord correct I mean you see it all through the scriptures any parent will say to their child I don't want your gifts I don't want you to see you love me just just respect me right okay so God you know we're made in His image we're not different my take though and my take has always been that we tend to obey what we trust if you don't trust something like for instance when my children were little if they stood by the side of the pool and I said jump they jumped if you stood by the side of the pool and said jump they walk away from you buts they didn't trust you right so you tend to obey what you trust but you tend to trust what you love and you tend to love what loves you so the key is understanding and getting a revelation of how much God loves you then you can fall in love with God as opposed to fall in obedience with God because although obedience is the key to God's heart love turns the key loving obedience he likes a cheerful kid not somebody that feels obligated so if you can if you can see his love you can fall in love with him and and most people have not fallen in love of God they've fallen in obedience to God and it doesn't work in the long run and it's not the greatest witness to be perfectly frank so my mission today if I choose to accept it is to help to help you to help you and me see just how much God loves us okay I'm only going to be used in the first three chapters in the Bible you don't even have to go further than Genesis one two and three and and today I'll be speaking about Genesis 1 next week 2 following week 3 if if you're not interested in this all you have to do is say no but I will not take no for an answer now I'm gonna ask you one more question I'm gonna ask you if you trust me in on the count after I ask that I want you to all in unison say no okay because I'm hoping that this has come directly from the throne so here we go do you trust me good I'll take that as a yes okay starting out starting out and and by the way after service I'm always available for hellos I'm not available for council I'm not available to to hear from you about all your dreams and visions there are so many people that come from father just want to say hello and I want to say hello to them and sometimes they stand in wait 20 minutes you know and it's it's not really appropriate it's kind of disrespectful to them I want to say hello I want to and some of you you haven't got a hug whole week and so I'm more than available to give hugs so so just know that you know they're free and they help you and they helped me so you welcome so first of all how did God create the heavens in the earth let's have a looksie let's look at Genesis 1 we're looking at verses 3 6 9 11 14 20 and 24 right off the bat in the Bible it says then God said let there be lights and of course we're not talking about the Sun of the day says then there was light God said let there be a dome in the middle of the water sky in the atmosphere let it divide the water from the water God said let the water under the sky be gathered together into one place and let dry land appear obviously making the Seas and that is how it was God said let the earth put forth grass seed producing plants and fruit trees each yielding its own kind of seed bearing fruit on the earth and that is how it is was rather forgive me God said let there be lights in the Dome of the sky to divide the day from the night let them be for signs seasons days and years God said let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures and let the birds fly above the earth in the open Dome of the sky God said let the earth bring forth each kind of living creature each kind of livestock crawling animal and wild beasts and that is how it was before we go to the word definition yeah you understand that this is the only book in literary history that explains creation so that's why this is so incredibly foundational Genesis is so incredibly foundational obviously we highlighted the word said let's take a look at it in the Hebrew of course we're looking at it in the Hebrew because the Old Testament was written in Hebrew when we look at words in the New Testament of course we have to look at a Greek lexicon because it's written in Greek it means to say to speak it also the reason why I put that in there is to say in one's heart because when it comes to God he doesn't have to be vocal he just has to think it and it's as good as done he just thinks it and it happens and it happens immediately now when God spoke we tend to think of sound energy like I'm speaking now which is the energy produced by sound vibrations vibrations as they travel through a specific medium which is air could be water these sound vibrations cause waves waves of pressure which lead to some kind of compression known as mechanical energy however when the Lord God made us it was different and I'm sure you've seen this but for me I I don't read the Bible to memorize it I never read the Bible to one-up anybody I read the Bible because I want to know God's heart so I take time and God asked me a lot of questions when I read it and I know he's not testing me he wants me to understand something when he asked me a question so let's look at Genesis 2:7 it says then I don't know a God formed a person from the dust of the ground he didn't say it he did something totally different when it came to us on day sex everything that he made had created and he created it beautifully right the earth and the universe gorgeous but he just said it but when they came to us when it came to creating us it's it it's something totally different I'll annoy God formed the person from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life so that he or she became a living being look at these words yet saw is a very potent word it's used all throughout the scriptures you'll see it in Isaiah about five times depending on your version you'll see it in Jeremiah about four times a kurayan once and zechariah 11 it refers to a potter master somebody who is forming and shaping a pot so when you see this word it means to form to fashion to frame as a creator it says that God breathed into us enough ah it's to blow into and cause to breathe out okay just picture this yeah god blowing into what he's created us causing us to breathe the breath of life and I'm a big fan that every time God blows into you you should probably blow out hallelujah you have so many exhalation thousands and thousands and thousands of exhalation during the course of the day for you to say thank you God and then he breathed life hyah he and the Hebrew it means to have life it's not a concept means to live to live prosperously to live well I know that you're American and when you hear prosper sometimes you think of dollar signs but that's not what God's referring to although that is part of a blessing at times he's talking about that your soul would prosper that your mental faculties would prosper that your emotions would prosper that your spiritual being would prosper and be strong and the idea was to live forever the reason why yours truly cries at every funeral even if I don't know the person is this was not God's plan death was not part of his original plan it cut in on our dance we were never supposed to die and it breaks God's heart so because it breaks God's heart if you're godly it should break your heart as well God created man us you and me if you will by touching he didn't touch anything else he put his hands on us and by shaping and by holding and by giving us a kind of spiritual mouth-to-mouth putting his lips on us and breathing life into us it was so much more intimate and personal but no less powerful mechanical energy tends to be so impersonal and matter-of-fact but it appears to me just reading the first chapter that when the Lord God created us he took a much more personal approach with much more feeling involved you see so without even going further do you see how you differ from the rest of God's creation do you see how much God loves you the crown of God's work was the creation of men he waited to at last not because the last was not special but he made this gorgeous place for us he put everything everything that we needed and then he made us said look look at the home I built you you'll have need for nothing and we were the crown of his creation making us in his own image he didn't make anything in his imagery I love when I go to a place like the Grand Canyon and I'm sharing with somebody and they tell me they're an atheist I don't believe in atheists I just believe that people that are angry with God because everybody was made in His image and they're working way too hard to try to not believe but when they're standing next to me at the North Rim and they look at the North Rim for the first time they go oh my god I go what do you say so he created us and only us in his own image according to his very likeness totally different than the rest of creation do you do you ever just contemplate that look at Genesis 1:26 it says then God said let us make humankind in our image in the likeness of ourselves first I just want you to see God Elohim is plural said Allah is singular because only God can create but then our is plural again what's happening here if only God could create he can't be speaking to the Angels like some people say the Angels don't have creative power some Christians say well rabbi it's easy speaking of Jesus Jesus didn't exist yet sweetpea Jesus is the word incarnate the word incarnate didn't happen till many years after us so it speaks about a plurality a unified plurality that God possesses in the spiritual realm or a plural unity and we see that at the very beginning of time Genesis 1 says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was formless and void and darkness covered the deep and the Spirit of the Lord hovered over the earth and God said the word there it is the tripartite aspect of God you follow he can't be speaking to you shoee yoshua the man the god man but he's not created yet he's speaking to himself what and because when made in his image we're tripartite aren't we do we have a spirit do we have a soul do we have a body if you knew the actual Hebrew it's Vaio Meir Elohim now say or Daum bit cell Meno and it means in the Hebrew shall we or do you want to like when somebody goes to a dance not anymore I'm I talked to some young people and it's not the way we used to do it would you like to dance now you just kind of jump on the person and dance with them don't understand that kinda seems like you should be arrested for something like that but what do I know but back in the day I'm almost 60 you would say when you went to a dance you know 50 years ago would you would you care to dance and extend your hand so God is saying to himself he's having a discussion with himself here do I want to do this do I want to create them he's conferring with himself because he's plural because in God's omniscience and foreknowledge he wants us to realize that his plan of salvation was not a reaction or an afterthought but a proactive preemptive love strike he's doing this in the Bible in the very beginning for our benefit to know that it wasn't something that he didn't know he knew we were going to fall short he knew we were gonna do some detestable things he knew we were gonna separate ourselves from him but yet he had a plan before the foundations of the earth to bring us back to him because he is crazy about us and doesn't want to live without us his very creation why do we have children well some people still have them the old-fashioned way before they get married but you know the way to do it right is you you get you get married right and then you you want to create oneness and we create oneness in our children because I'm Greg and Bernice Bernie but we're one in them and this expresses our love and creates a great a bond when we have children you follow so God's very act of creating was an act of love he's creative in nature we're creative in nature the Lord was quite aware here of the cost to redeem man but apparently we were worth it because he's disgusting this he's saying shall we see Bioman elohim not a say or don bits al may know do I want to do of course he wants you but he's letting you know and me know you're worth it you follow are you getting this don't don't struggle you're struggling you're thinking too deep it's quite simple guys it's it's much more simple than you realize I could spin your head with Greek and Hebrew I could spin your head with doctrine and theology I've studied all I could spin your head I don't want to spin your head I want you to get a grasp a revelation of just how crazy God is about you because until you get that until you're loved by God you can't give what you don't have and many of us are not fulfilling the very commandment that Yeshua told us to fulfill which is to love one another he says this is how you know not a cross around the neck not a fish on the back of the car not church attendance not coming to the waters of baptism not going to the table of communion this is how they'll know and we can't operate in it because we don't have it and if we don't receive the revelation how are we going to give it how can you take somebody on a tour I'm going to Israel in a couple of months I've been there 15 times I can't tour them unless I know the places I'm supposed to be touring and I understand what they're all about for myself that's why it's so important to experience this he says that he made us in his likeness look at look at the word in the Hebrew it means similar to or resembling what was similar to God then he says in Genesis 1:27 the very next verse then God decided okay so God created obviously he asked the question do I really want to so god it didn't take him long to come forth with an answer right it's not like there was a thousand years between Genesis 1:26 and 1:27 he's saying for our benefit do I want oh yes boom I create him you follow it wasn't like he was hemming and whoring like we do I'll pray about it stop praying about things and start doing things it's a catch phrase in Christianity a pray about it means I don't want to do it but I'll let you think I'm spiritual and I'll get back to you and say the Lord told me not to let me pray about sending wheelchairs they're just kids with congenital diseases let's pray about it thank God that we have elders here who are like-minded with my vision and so when I ask them they go of course they don't sit there with 14 committees and 27 people and each pending their own two cents and which aren't worth a penny so God created humankind in his own image in the image of God he created the male and female he created them image looked Zelan it's like a photocopy it's like when you use the Xerox machine that's what he did he photocopied himself we would be the very picture of the Lord didn't you she was say if you've seen me what'd he say so shouldn't we say if you've seen me you've seen your schewe is that not it was that just for him he paid it all he paid it all for your salvation you want to move on from that man the church today it's like crazed it's like all they do is want to get saved and get saved and get saved how many calms could you listen to Billy Graham song you've got to move on from that new birth move on from being an infant and we got to mature and grow and be sanctified you she was very prayer his only prayer that we have recording is father sanctify them this is Yahshua this is our Messiah this is our Savior praying to the Father sanctify them how could we think we're not supposed to be sanctified from the time you're born again you're learning had a love God's Torah is an expression of his love love doesn't steal love doesn't covet love isn't upset when something goes well for somebody love doesn't dishonor their parents love doesn't commit adultery love doesn't lie love doesn't overlook the poor that we're all in the orphan love doesn't overlook the disabled the Torah is God's heart God's heart as a heart of love for God is love not the love that we were taught in the 60s pure unadulterated love graceful powerful love that's not giving to get hey I took you out to lunch now you owe me a favor keep your stinking lunch the very picture this is amazing to me this is amazing this means based on what God is saying in Genesis 1 forget about going on that you and I were placed on on this earth as God's representatives do you I want to tell you when I first got saved when Jews get saved we don't get doctrinal we're just so happy that we're saved and we tell everybody we witness to farm animals that's why Satan hates when Jews get saved do you remember what you shoe is said in Matthew 23 you guys will go over land and sea you'll go to the ends of the earth for one convert today we don't even speak to our neighbor I was so happy when I met the Lord in Israel I was ecstatic I was dancing and the more I got to know him the more I fell in love with him and I one day way back oh well over 20 years I said look I don't understand I was so childlike in my faith and I was so naive I thought anybody with a Bible was legit I thought anybody would the fish on the car you know they're just gonna love me I'll tell you a funny story I was in New York you know we got back from Israel and maybe this is just New York but I'm on a highway with my friends were goons they were bounces they were goons they were rough guys and I'm in the car with these three rough guys and I'm trying to tell them about the Lord on the way to the beach at 7:00 in the morning on a Sunday and Warner Highway I remember exactly what was and there was an old lady in a car and the bumper sticker said honk if you love Jesus so I said to my friend Jimmy honk the car goes great come on and he used a few choice words which I can't use because we're in the south and and um I said come on man just honk the car so you honk the horn so you honk the horn right when we got window to window and the lady turns and I go like this and she gives me the finger I don't know if it was poor eyesight she thought it was the finger that was given it but I thought and I've been getting the finger on a regular basis from believers ever since then not always not always but I asked the Lord I don't understand you're so gracious you're so kind you're so forgiving you're so patient you're so caring you're so concerned you're so providing you're so defending you're so delivering why don't more people love you and he said to me and I heard it audibly but I didn't hear it audibly it was a small voice in my heart like usually hear he said bad representation son nobody's perfect but man can you be real with people and stop being so religious and uppity and spiritually arrogant who do you think you are it comes back to slap yeah huh you do all the right things and then it doesn't work out you go home and then when you'll point the finger at your friends kids all of a sudden they could point back at you doesn't always work out doesn't mean you're a horrible person stop being so judgmental and so critical of everybody and everything but you and I his representatives that we are called to resemble the Lord God saw fit to create us and only us in his likeness which allows us to have a unique and special relationship with him like no other aspect or no other part of creation like God man has intellect yes there's there's a common sense that's lacking that's in Christianity you know some people have seven kids and ten kids and sometimes not always and I'm not pointing the finger we have some that have big families but sometimes it's a way for them to be spiritually have spiritual prowess look at me look at me my Quivers fuller than yours you know what I'm saying but look at you you decided when to stop didn't you so didn't you still make the call and what's the good of it if your wife can't handle one and she's homeschooling seven and she's she's lost to mine three three years ago and the kids are dysfunctional and how you bringing glory to God through that now I was very fundamental years ago I'm this is a progressive revelation for me I'm changing daily with the Lord hopefully you are too my Bible says go from glory to glory it's a daily change for me I'm learning how to love you follow but what I'm saying is that's a dysfunctional situation you've got to discuss these things before him when people come to me and say rabbi we have a date we'd like to do premarital counseling it's too late you got a date you already made the decision you're not gonna what are you gonna tell me you're gonna guess me to death I don't want to officiate that thing go find somebody else there's a lot of guys give him a couple hundred bucks they'll officiate it did you discuss how many kids did you discuss homeschooling to discuss North versus South did you discuss anything how you gonna spend your money and if I could stir up the pot and cause you not to get married you probably shouldn't get married I mean Bernadette and I were incredibly happy for 20 years and then we met she's out of town this week by the way all right some of your ladies might get upset at that what's the difference tween a boyfriend a husband 30 pounds you know common sense is the only thing that's not too common God gave us logic cognition deductive reasoning was so illogical in the faith I see people they're so illogical but God gave us intellect he gave us a moral nature he gave us the power to communicate I know some of you think you're communicating with your dogs you're not okay you might need to seek some professional help by the way intellect in a moral nature the power to communicate an emotional nature that transcends instinct we can't just be instinctive we can't just be the natural man we go beyond that with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to be more volitional there is no foot here of physical likeness god is spirit however contrast to animals man is a worshiper an articulate communicator and a creator and just for the record go back to 127 for a minute says he made male and female he created them just for the record this verse describes that the origin of the sexes is a creative act of God evolution has never been able to explain how the sexes began and it never will and then the only other thing I want to talk to you about today maybe is that man's very existence starts with a blessing from the Lord he makes man he makes this decision and quickly he wants us to know wasn't afterthought boom he creates man and what is the first thing he does right after the creation of man the very first thing look at the next verse guys god bless him have you guys noticed this when you read god bless them you could just stop there the very first thing God does is he blesses man he wants the best for us his ways of ways of pleasantness and all this past sappy s-- you know and I know that a lot of our issues would just be had life choices and those bad life choices what choices made without acknowledging the Lord and some of us think we're acknowledging the Lord but we already made a decision and was so emotionally tied to that decision is we're just gonna keep pushing God till he gives us all way he did it what's all he'll do with you you'll push him hard enough will he'll go I love you so much okay okay and then God what happened what happened Lord why'd you let me do that you know the lady that starts screaming at her husband's funeral why'd you take him why'd you take him the spirit of Lord took him know the spirit of Kentucky Fried Chicken took him you know everybody talks about the Bible in the Bible right trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own standing acknowledge him kids memorize that like at Vacation Bible School they memorize at a church what's the good of memorizing it I go around picking up garbage around the synagogue during the week candy wrappers obviously they're coming from people right you wonder how could somebody do that maybe they've memorized the scripts you know they take some gum and then they roll up the rap and they go I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me it's like it's a sinner you shouldn't do that anywhere but no less a synagogue a holy place shouldn't do that anywhere but I just want you guys to know that God waits until the disaster of our choice has taught us the foolishness of that choice but still God waits and longs to be gracious I've highlighted in my Bible in Isaiah 30 verse 18 it says yet I don't know he's just waiting to show you favor he will have pity on you from on high Fontenoy is a God of justice happy all who wait for him humanity was commanded to be fruitful and multiply which by the way only heterosexuals can accomplish I have talks with with people in the homosexual community all the time I know some of you are like afraid to go near them like you're gonna catch something I don't know why you might have something going on that you need to talk to somebody about but I talked to them and a girl was very angry at me the other day and she says she's adopting and I said if it wasn't the heterosexuals you wouldn't be able to adopt she went oh my bulb God also gave man a mandate to rule to have dominion over all of creation to use it but what what did we do we abused it we abused it the modern crisis in the Earth's environment today due to man's greed man's selfishness and man's carelessness when I lived on the beach and all the hypodermic needles used to come up after the hurricane that was God the baby who's born with crack that's God the woman who doesn't acknowledge that the fact that her bridegroom to be is not a believer and things go haywire that's the Lord that's his let's shake our fist at God it's a crazy thing every time something goes right man takes the credit when something goes wrong God gets the blame it's lunacy how can we blame God for separate ourselves and not acknowledging him in all ways and we make the choice it goes haywire and we shake our fists at the Lord the word bless is is the word burro you hear it all the time here and probably some other places for that matter it means to bless or to kneel now obviously God is not kneeling before us when we bless the Lord the word is burro when the Lord blesses us the word is brother so when we bless the Lord yes we are kneeling before him make no mistake he is Almighty God he loves you but he's Almighty God okay my kids love me I love them but I am their father not their buddy they have enough friends they don't need another buddy I'm friendly with them I'd befriend them but I have a role of father and I take that role very seriously when it comes to God yes we kneel before him and salute yes we do we just don't salute we kneel and salute but when it comes to God blessing us he adores us you you know for you that have had some childbirth that experienced childbirth that baby comes out remember that feeling I remember that feeling with Jeremy was I was overwhelmed not some people said all creations amazing no I don't know what happened something opened up in my heart and I was always a lover always ever since I'm a little kid my mom would say every time we went on the trains in the Bronx you know we'd always take the trains go to my grandma's house and back in the 60s people would come on blind with the saxophone and play she said you would cry all the time you would cry all the time Greg I've always been that way but then when you give your heart to people and you give you a heart to beat when they trampled it you learn how to not give 100 percent of your heart okay so you start giving 80 you start giving 70 you start giving less so this way if they trampled it you got a high you didn't trample all of it but if you don't give you a whole heart you're not operating in the will of God so when Jeremy was first born it blew me away something opened up in my heart then Shayna something also opened up my heart then max came along I was like I had no big deal Lilly I was even literally I didn't want to show up for the event you know somebody said you take care of it and when you get home give me a call now I'm only kidding he's here the other two Warren that's why I said no but I adored the kid when he was first born you follow all of them what could they do for me nothing nothing now they're my little slaves yes max said to me they says do you realize you don't do anything and I said who do you think pays for this whole thing but I adored them right away that's the way God felt as Suzy made us you went and the very first thing he did he had to lay hands on us and bless us he could it just came right out of him Wow people go to the Grand Canyon they go WOW and the Grand Canyon is looking back at them and going wow you're so much more impressive than a rock don't you get it it's just a big hole God just wanted so badly to protect us and to provide for us and to give us what the world can't peace and we keep trying to do it on our own because we think we know better that was Eve's problem is God telling the truth was the enemy she went with the enemy you don't read about her in Hebrews 11 do you know you don't by the way this is this is something that is a common thread through the Bible look at what the very last act issuer does Luke 24 50 51 right before he ascends he leads them out to Bette Tania Bethany the house of the great I am it's a little east of the Mount of Olives where he's gonna return then raising his hands he says a brook over them if I had a bed what bra do you think he said what do you think guys there's only one blessing in the whole Bible that comes out of the mouth of God that's number six can you see him saying that it's the most comprehensive blessing all the blessings in the world that you've said over your children aren't is comprehensible as the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord bless you the Lord adore you the Lord provide for you the Lord protects you the Lord go before you and behind you in on every side Lord bless you and keep you the Lord lift up his countenance that you would see his smile the expression of his face the love that he has for you there's no more comprehensible prayer can't you see him saying that I've got to leave come here and lifting up his hands even ha I don't know I've used forever there's nothing like it so the very last thing he does before he leaves is he blesses his disciples as he was blessing them as he was blessing them he was leaving he'll it's not like he blessed them is it okay by the way no that's how he left it start with a blessing he ended his ministry with a blessing and if that's not enough the very Bible ends on a blessing revelation 22:20 1 may the grace of the Lord Yeshua be with you all now it's kind of a bad rendition because the grace of the Lord Yeshua isn't with all it's with all the saints all the saints isn't this amazing what a peaceful close to a book filled with thunders of divine judgment that this is God intention all along and if you walk around with those funders of judgment all the time it's not gonna be pretty when you sit with the judge it's his kindness that leads us to repentance it's my kindness that causes my kids at different times to come down the stand say I lied to you and for me to say I'm so proud of you kid I never said that to my dad I'm so proud of you let's have a party and if you ever lie to me again no look last but not least and then we'll get out of here look at Genesis 1 again verses for 10 12 17 through 18 21 25 I'll read you can read along if you like it's on the screen so maybe have your Bible with you God saw that the light was good and God divided the light from the darkness God called the dry land earth the gathering together of the water he called seas and God saw that it was good the earth brought full of grass plants each yielding its own kind of seed and trees each producing its own kind of seed bearing fruit and God saw that it was good by the way if we ate like this we'd probably put a lot of like surgeons had a business yeah God put them in the dome of the sky to give light to the earth to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from darkness and God saw that it was good and God created the great sea creatures and every living thing that creeps so that the water swarm with all kinds of them and there was every kind of winged bird and God saw that it was good and God made each kind of wild beasts each kind of livestock and every kind of animal that crawls along the ground and God saw that it was good now this word is is maybe one of the most abused words today in our language because everything is good in fact it's all good I don't know where these maniacs are living but you got to be out of your mind to say that okay incest rape divorce congenital illnesses it's not good so I don't know how you say well good but maybe I'm I'm a little bit more careful of my words I don't know but good in the Hebrew is Tov that's how it's pronounced and just to give you four words there's many more it means something beautiful delightful pleasing and excellent so on every day that God created something he said it was beautiful and he said it was delightful and he said it was pleasing and he said it was excellent okay from his mouth something changed when he made us look at Genesis 1:26 27:31 says then God said let us make humankind in our image in the likeness of ourselves let them rule over the fish in the sea the birds in the air the animals and over the whole earth and over every creature that crawls on the earth so God created humankind in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created them God saw everything that he had made and indeed it was what changed everything was good and then we came along and he decided you guys are very good look at very good May ode Tove this is how what God thinks of you your especially and exceedingly and extremely beautiful you are especially and exceedingly and extremely delightful you are especially and exceedingly and extremely pleasing and you are especially exceedingly and extremely excellent oh lord I feel so unworthy the greats did a guy like deal moody he preached over a hundred million people no internet he saw second chronicles 16:9 one day and it said the eyes of the Lord moved to and fro looking for a heart that's completely his and he said you know what I'm gonna make my heart completely his and I'm gonna see what God can do with it and he was an ornery 18 year old punk kid shoe salesman working for his uncle over a hundred million people and he said the closer I get to the Lord the more unworthy I feel that's true but what you need to hear when you feel depraved and you're saying God you love me I'm selfish I exaggerate and I do what works best for me and there's strings attached to my love and sometimes I operate by performance and I'm not even doing it out of love I feel so unworthy and you have to hear not to me or not you're worth it to me and I love you and that's something that you will chew on until you leave well your schewe comes back let's stand together next week we will go over some things some little nuggets as I see them in in Genesis 2 and that's when God made man and he also made whoa man and we're what we're gonna have we're gonna have some fun with it like Phyllis Diller once said well I could have been angry when you could stay up all night and fight but we will we will talk about what uh what an incredible blessing marriage is and how few people in the body even know why God set up marriage the way he did and once you know that it changes everything so we'll go over that and we'll see much more of God's love in Genesis 2 and then we get to 3 we'll talk about the fall of man and we'll see even more God's love in that and by the time we get to week 4 if you don't get it by then your woods too wet and we can't do nothing for you now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace Yeshua you've a wreck on annoy the East marajó your air and open Ovilla ha ha yes ah I don't know oh poor novela ha the assembly hall I love you guys shabbat shalom hey please stay stay stay stay stay don't go away stay stay Joe Dave where are you thought you escaped huh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just had to get your attention there are milestones in everybody's life and I just want to make this real be brief and quick he reached another milestone it was another trip around the Sun so we want to celebrate rabbis birthday with this small token of our appreciation I don't know that birthdays are mentioned in the Bible or any kind of good way I think there was one bad time - yeah so discounting that we just want to say thank you for who you are and for the love that you show [Applause] thankthank I'm sure this there's some renew Mauritian in here like you guys always doing thank God burner that's not here because God takes 10% she takes 50 but let me just say I'm really happy that I made it another year I have more things I want to do it's not up to me but if you could just keep me in your prayers that would be able to stay around longer not not because I love life but I love I love the Lord and and I just think I still have some things to do but he you know father knows best but yeah I I always feel the love from you guys you know and it's it's a very special place and and keep doing that man because love love changes everything you know when you go with me to Nev a Mac I'll what that lady is doing is she is loving those kids to health there's a there's an anointing on her that's unmistakable she looks like she's homeless but there's something unbelievable about her and and that's the way I would like to see us operate more and more don't look don't don't don't do like the others do when somebody's down and out the last thing they need you to do is take out your Bible and finish them off I think they're in enough pain the Bible says you who is spiritual let you restore so if you're not in the restoration business you're not in the spiritual business thanks again god bless [Applause]
Channel: Getzel
Views: 5,536
Rating: 4.8904109 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Genesis 1
Id: yI8LBb6LdzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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