Oct 14, 2019 -Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles 2019)

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notice that there's an old saying don't doubt in the darkness what you once believed in the light I want you to know well I would like you to consider rather being a believer is a challenge if it was so easy everybody would be doing it because the challenge is to not doubt in the darkness what we once believed in the light when it's light and things are well we have a tremendous faith and that's not an insinuation or an accusation we do it's it's easy when things are going well it's easier to praise but just just just think that the devil wants you to doubt he's gonna do all he can he is never gonna stop he's gonna throw everything at you to create doubt because once you have doubt you have fear once you have fear you have despair once you have spare you lose hope once you lose hope you you lose joy you don't want to move forward but just try to be silly about your faith try to just be silly that's that I know things aren't looking good but God is still God and I still love you and even when people take vows I know they don't consider it I just did a wedding this weekend and you know it's so sacred to me a wedding I mean it's what issuer used to describe his relationship with us and weddings were ordained before the law was given way before when they asked you sure what he thought about divorce he said come on what do you guys mess around you're supposed to be teachers of religion what does it say from the beginning are you gonna change stuff now why you why are you asking me that question so it's it's very sacred and we say do you take this person in good times and in bad times now if it's all bad it's just rough you got to do something about that you got to figure out what's making it so bad that we can have joy and enjoy each other you got one life are you going to heaven well I'll submit that to you that's gonna happen when I don't know but that's gonna happen but between now and then is the issue you know so I think you just got to remember what you do on to each other you do on to the king there's no way around that I wish there was something else I could tell you but simplistically speaking that's the bottom line he said what you choose release you do to me and you know if you're struggling loving you mate at least you can love that person as a neighbour right if you're struggling to love them as a lover at least you can love them as a neighbour and then you don't know what can go from there let's see where are we Sukkot right sorry it's it's been a whirlwind it really has and it really has I just this is gonna be a different trip this is gonna be an evangelistic trip for me at all you know I'm not going there to preach the gospel I'm going there to just help believers in a struggling and to be eICU this is more of my cup of tea this is what I love to do I got a text from Bill Foster last night and he said be safe because I'm you know me and him are in partners we're really the Forster foundation him and I and so whatever he does he does an important ship with me whatever I do I do in partnership with him outside of here and he said don't work too hard I know you will he said a couple of the things and then he said he said don't promise them too much and then he goes what the heck I know you gonna I'm with you [Laughter] yeah why not um you know I've said this before so many times and I I do feel like I'm being redundant at times but you know we learned from repetition we have to be reminded I have to be reminded the feasts in Leviticus 23 they're like none other I mean it's it's a chapter that I think if we were raised in fundamental Christian Christianity we didn't even relate to you know we just bypassed it but there's a lot of books written on the subject now by by Christians about the feasts and the richness of feasts because they tell us some incredible things about our history because it is our history although I'm Jewish if I was not I would tell you that their history now is my history because I'm grafted into that common law Puerto Rico I you know I've been there a couple times it's it's part of the Commonwealth United States they might have a culture but they're US citizens okay so so even though they have the rights of a US citizen which is incredible nobody has citizens like nobody has rights like the United States citizens nowhere in the world I've been all over mmm nowhere nowhere they have the rights of a United States citizen but they have the responsibilities of the United States citizen because it's really not fair to take you know the benefits the rights but not be responsible and that's the same thing with graff didn't believe is you have all these rights no weapon formed against me you know all of a sudden Abraham Isaac and Jacob are your patriarchs and the covenants are your covenants and the promises are your promises but you also have to adhere to the Constitution of Israel which is called the Torah you can't just take it's not right so they declare incredible history which is yours and and present realities things that are happening right now for us as believers and of course there's a prophetic element to it as well critical events regarding God's plan or consistently fulfilled on these special days right we find Messiah dying on the cross on Passover as the Passover lamb on Pesach the pouring out of the first fruits of the Holy Spirit came on the appropriate day of Shavuot when the children of Israel were handed the Torah and now the Torah is written on the inside of us shablow through the Holy Spirit do you I'm just throwing this out there I think it's rhetorical but with such an important event as the birth of the Messiah go unheralded fees I mean guys you know the birth of the Messiah the prophesied Messiah with that just do you think God would arbitrarily just pick any date for that to happen God our God your God my God is a God of timing everything is very ordered and ordained by the Lord and if you try to do something at the wrong time it will not work by the grace of God he'll bring some good out of it but you'll struggle sometimes he'll just put the kibosh on it and then we go no no that's the devil no a lot of times it's God sometimes we go well he wants me to struggle um gods about bearing fruit gods about bless her he's about blessing everywhere Paul went yeah there was a struggle but there was incredible fruit congregations were raised up everywhere he went what do you think he was writing these letters to so I'm here to say that because Yeshua died on Pesach and he was buried on the feast of matzo hog Mansour and he rose on firstfruits and he sent the Torah on our hearts through the Holy Spirit on Shavuot I'm thinking he's probably going to come back to a trumpet sound on the Feast of Trumpets I believe that Messiah you know he'll he will show himself to the children of Israel and the end of the tribulation they will mourn like one mourns for an only son on Yom Kippur and I believe he'll take his throne on surcoat but now I'm talking about his birth and you know me look there are there look there are there are some you know I don't know of any of the Jewish leaders in the mja a which I've been part of since 94 I don't know of any and you might know of some so I'm saying I don't know of any and they're all Jewish by birth who badger people about Christmas the only people I ever see badgering people about Christmas a Gentiles who used to celebrate Christmas and then they go back like they have it all figured out and they're they're so angry about it what-what-what is anger you about that Evergreen now do I put one up no there are some people that will come here for a season oh it's the best thing ever the best thing ever and then come to 7:20 57 they take off that's enough there's nothing I could do about that but I just want to clear the air on something biblically and factually and historically and then you you could do whatever you want with it and I don't say though I do whatever you want that I don't mean that I respect you I do I'm not just saying that I respect that you deserve that respect to make your own decisions for yourself okay let's take a look at the Book of Luke a little bit okay we don't does anybody have to go to work this afternoon if you do I'll write you a note you might be here for a little bit now if you have to leave by all means don't don't ever sweat that don't think like you got a cow or out you have to sneak out that's nonsense nobody has control over you but the Holy Spirit there's not a pastor or a rabbi a priest that should control you are not in the corral as his or her sheep okay you're his alright and you answer to him and when you leave try to leave really quietly okay in the days of Herod king of Yehuda there was a Cohen named Zakaria that's his Hebrew name Zachariah is his english name who belonged to the avi ah your if you have some urgency Abita the only thing is there's no B or J in the Hebrew it's a via but it's no big deal same word division his wife was a descendant of a her own and her name was Ella Sheva aka Elizabeth one time when Zakaria was fulfilling his duties as Co hain during his divisions period of service before God he was chosen by lot according to the custom among the Kohanim to enter the temple and burn incense okay Luke begins his narrative he begins his narrative by introducing us to the parents of Yochanan the immerser aka John the Baptist how many people Christians thought that John was a Baptist you can you could admit it I know you didn't think he was a Messianic Jew so don't okay yeah anyway he was he was immersing he was immersing he was in the wilderness he was nursing why was he in the wilderness guys look at his parents not only was his father a cocaine but his mother was a cocaine which means when you have Kohanim on both sides of your heritage you have a right to be the high priest I'm here to tell you that he was probably the one and Caiaphas had no business being a high priest he was politically placed in that position that's why he called them brood of vipers and that's why he said I don't need your I don't need your lousy little priesthood I'll go on the wilderness and I'll get people to repent and his message was repent for the kingdom of God is near when Yeshua came he said repent because the kingdom of God is his hand different he's saying the kingdoms coming the kingdom comes when the King comes once issuer said he said it's here it's here repentance was both their messages and if you look at the dates if Shu has started his ministry on young to Aurora he was blood he was the shofar of God blowing his shofar to gather the people to repent and come back to God everything God did with him was specific specific dates that's why we need not to cast God's biblical days aside like their Jewish things they're not Jewish things they gotta Shinx your cold to be goddess not Baptist not Pentecostal not that I have anything wrong with them but Pentecostal do I believe in the indwelling of the holy spirit yeah so there's an aspect I guess that I'm kind of coastal do I believe in immersing yes I'm Baptist do I believe there's a method to approach God yeah so I believe there's a government presbytery yeah but I'm garnished because there's no one denomination that will work for me they all have a piece the Bible has it all makes sense okay so we're introduced to Jochen Anne's parents Zachariah is serving in the temple okay because Zachariah was a priest belonging to a division David divided the priests up in 24 different divisions okay and they had 24 shifts into which the Jewish priesthood and it was a Jewish priesthood was divided and if you look at first chronicles 24 which we'll look at in a minute we'll so I'll show you where his shift falls each shift was called on to serve in the temple at Jerusalem but there's only one temple there was synagogue systems but one temple twice a year from Sabbath to Sabbath okay so if I was chosen I would serve depending on my way to my division fell out for a week and then another week okay twice a year and we know that's confirmed it's not only confirmed in Josephus running but it's confirmed in the Qumran in the Dead Sea's in the Dead Sea Scrolls we know this is accurate twice a year 24 shifts okay but there was so many priests I don't know if you realize this that's why you see says well now you might have not even seen this right it was chosen by lot wait a minute rabbi you told me there were divisions yes but there were thousands and thousands of priests so with whatever division you fell out they still had to pull out a lot who would serve some of the priests never ever serve do you know an honor what priestly on it was to go and burn incense before the holy of holies way God's manifest physical presence was the manifest of the manifest presence not all of it but the presence of God manifest was in the Holy of Holies do you know how you felt as a priest if you got cold by lot you imagine how you was shaking with that incense the reverence the holiness the sanctity how sacred how powerful how overwhelming it was and today I guess because Yeshua we get to slap God on the back and say hey pops that is not correct guys I I when I talk about God I feel like I'm being flippant even if I talk about him respectfully I don't feel worthy to talk to you about God and I'm not saying that you can go Oh rabbi Greg is so it no I'm telling you that because it's true and I think that's the way it should be so he gets the privilege to burn the incense now I'll show you where his division fell out it's real simple in chronicles you can read the whole chapter you'll see the divisions the 7th division was ha coats the 8th division was a visa so we know what division he belongs to because Luke records it right there's no argument right he was in the 8th division ok when would service begin it would begin at the beginning of the year when is the beginning of the obivously they had no Gregorian calendar we know from the Gregorian calendar because we live in America but and by the way the Gregorian calendar f2 Pope Gregory I don't know why I'm named after Pope I have no idea and it was Gregory the ninth who was a murderous horror show a murderous hard shell what why what do we know we know that Nisan is the beginning of the year March April why do I say March April because it has to do with the moon's the moon's dictate the times in the sea that's why God put the moon in this guy it dictates these times in the seasons we know when there's a new moon we see the sliver it's a new month that's what we know we didn't have calendars and we didn't have watches back then so it starts a nice on March April so if he's in the 8th division and they serve for a week then at the end of the seventh week he would start his service ok at the end of the seventh week he would start his service this is this is really simple I don't yet mine borrow this is not intense math ok the first month is Nissan the second month is er and the third month is Sivan so he would start in the seventh in the 8th week so eight weeks would already pass when he would start his service ok in the eighth weeks of first week second week third week fourth week is one month 5th 6th 7th 8th is the second he'd start at the 8th week so he'd start at the end of the 2nd month and he would finish at the beginning of Sivan ok you got it so far ok look at what Luke 1:11 13 shows us it says there appeared to him an angel of Illinois standing to the right appear Tim Zack carrier Zechariah he's he's he's you know lighting the incense before the Holy of Holies before the presence of God and an angel appears now I know people think that angels appeared all the time I don't know why they think that angels appeared rare I bet you he was probably only priests of the Kohanim that ever had an angel appeared to him in the holy place because whenever they do appear the people are terrified if it was very habitual if it was it was you know something that happened all the time if it was routine why would they be so terrified so is a rarity I mean for an angel to come from heaven physical manifests themselves to give mere man a message how many angels have visited you and don't tell me about your dream angels please please this isn't a dream this is happening so he was startled and terrified he probably hit the deck but the angel said to him don't be afraid like don't obviously you're afraid come on up it's okay because your prayer has been heard he's praying he's praying about something maybe for years and years okay obviously what was he praying for his wife who was barren to get pregnant she was old maybe prayed it for 30 years I don't know they got married very young 15 16 maybe he's you know he's passed his time to have a child but he's still praying faithfully since your wife Ella Shiva aka Elizabeth will bear you a son and you ought to name him yo Kenard so he's got this incredible divine revelation which I think it's appropriate to get while you're serving and holy service to the Lord what's my point I don't think you're gonna get an angel visio on the roller coaster at the Perry fair so maybe you need to get involved in some holy service and some deep meditation and fast a little bit just not on Yom Kippur and you might have a visitation to Rabbi why does it take so much isn't it worth it that's not worth it so the Zechariah receives this wonderful news that his prayers his wife will conceive okay let's see what happens 23:24 of Luke 1 when his period of temple service was over so now it's the end of the seventh week two months have gone by right so far so good no tell me I'll help you you got it well I know you got it but really I don't want you to I don't want to be confused okay he finishes his temple service so it's the end of the second month going intensive on the third month this is important he returns home okay he's at cynic he's at the temple for a whole week he's away from his wife so what do you thinks gonna happen when he goes home yes yes they're going to have intercourse one because he missed the two cuz he just heard she's gonna get pregnant it's not going to be a miraculous conception if you will you follow so he's like excited to see if he heard right you can't blame him he's sworn advocate for years it's a beautiful thing it's not it's not an ugly thing it's beautiful so he goes home le Sheva conceives so we know her conception it's the beginning of Sivan there is no refutation of the time the bible tells us the time and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure this out you don't have to be a mathematician this is really really simplistic she remains in seclusion for five months nobody knows why my take is she's been wanting to get pregnant her whole life first of all she almost doesn't want to tell anybody because in Judaism there's there's a lot of superstition my mother would say when burned that gets would get pregnant don't tell anybody till the second trimester it's bad luck son there's a lot of Kabbalah and a lot of superstition you know when I was when I was first born my mother put a knife and and honey in my crib in the corner the knife to cut away the evil spirits and the honey to bring sweetness into my life look did that do it no I almost killed myself with the knife is what it did and the honey gave me botulism but this was her superstition so I think she just remained in seclusion because she wanted to praise and glorify God for a time I don't know if you know this for me I love seclusion I love being with you but I can't wait to leave not because you so I can go into seclusion with God that's my favorite time I'll be honest it's not that I'm anti-social I'm very social and I love people I talked to everybody everywhere all the time but my favorite time is in seclusion and I think she was so overwhelmed feeling this baby that she wanted to feel for 35 40 years of her life that she never did that she just wanted to stay in God's presence that's my take you can come up with your own take okay so his temple service was completed it brings us to the third month of Sivan like I said therefore Yochanan the immerser was conceived in the beginning of the month of Sivan on month three now there is no reason for us not to believe that it was the pregnancy went to full term why because it doesn't tell us otherwise so it's not really an assumption it's really deductive reasoning so it would be 40 weeks of a pregnancy right a pregnancy human gestation period is 40 weeks so we're at the third month and 40 weeks is 10 months so if you a had 10 months to the third month you're right back to Nisan so Yochanan the immerser aka John the Baptist was absolutely positively born in the month of Nisan period okay he was born in the month of Nisan or March and April that was his birth now look at what it says a few scriptures later 1:26 and 27 and 31 37 in the sixth month that's the six month of her pregnancy Elizabeth's he's not born yet right in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God there our messenger angels Gabriel is the messenger angel to the nation of Israel okay that's who God sends when when when God wants and the message to Daniel would he send right Gabriel was sent by God to a city in Galil called not surrett to a virgin engaged to a man named Yosef of the house of daveed okay we're talking about Mariam and Yosef the Virgin's name was Miriam look you will become pregnant so she's getting this news when Allah Shiva is six months pregnant right so guys Yeshua is six months behind the birth of Yochanan the immerser you got this so far okay you'll give birth to a son and you will name him Yeshua he will be great he'll be called the son of ha a Lyon he's going to be the son of the Most High God okay the prophesied Messiah I don't know God will give him the throne of his floor father David and he will rule the house of Jacob forever he will be the king of all kings there will be no end to his kingdom so first he's talking about his first Advent his birth right who he's going to be and now the end to his kingdom he's talking about the second coming he's prophesying about his second coming he'll have the government on his shoulders how can this be asked Miriam I'm a virgin you can understand her asking she's probably about 14 15 she's never slept with anybody is she engaged yes she's engaged to Joseph what do we know about Jewish engagement very little there's three aspects to a Jewish wedding in the first centuries is the shit'll team the era scene and the missing the shit'll King you saw the movie fiddle on the roof that's the matchmaking a lot of these marriages were arranged they were arranged sometimes from birth okay but they had a whole to that contract of the matchmaking then the era scene they had a ketubah a marriage contract it wasn't consummated yet okay but they were as good as married in fact the groom would go away okay and what would he do he would he would prepare a place for her and way would that place being prepared in first century Judaism at the father's house it was in addition he'd built something on the father's house when would he come back for her he didn't know and she didn't know he would come back usually with Annie okay announced fire shofar when the father would send him do you see how this Jewish wedding ceremony is exactly right guys right now you'll betrothed to Yeshua you'll betrothed and see if he comes back and finds out you've been messing around it's not going to be good for you that's why we have to present ourselves without spot blemish and wrinkle to the bridegroom and then what happens when the bridegroom comes back he gets announced with a shofar and they consummate or than insuiin and has they consummate with a wedding face where the wedding feast excuse me and then intimacy that's what we're waiting for we've patrolled waiting for the King to come back for the Nestene so we can consummate with a wedding feast [Applause] now it says how can this be yes I'm a virgin let's continue a little bit the angel answered her the ruach ha'qodesh will come over you okay it's not like I know we think that the Ross ha'qodesh came around axe to the Ross ha'qodesh was always around because God was always around and God has a Holy Spirit okay he is spirit and everything about him is holy so she knew exactly what he was saying the rococo dish wasn't like wait a minute that doesn't come till acts 2 therefore the Holy Child born to you will be called the Son of God notice it let's say he'll be called God it's it's I don't want to get into it too much but it's really screwy some theology ok he's the Messiah if anybody s you who he is say is the Messiah he's the holy son of God I don't understand he's the Word made flesh I don't understand what don't understand he was with God he he was God just stick to the script don't add to it and don't take away 4 if you add to it you led the place to your life if you take away your name might be erased stick to the script man you have a relative LT Shiva who is an old woman old that's from telling you this was a miracle and everyone says she is barren but she has conceived she doesn't know miriam doesn't know that her cousin was why she's in seclusion we just read it nobody knows but the angel is telling her and how how far along is she in her pregnancy so Miriam gets pregnant while Elly Shiva is six months pregnant remember when she went to visit her she heard the news and she said I got to tell you about what this angel told me remember what happened when she walked in the room the baby elite guys let me ask you something an embryo that six months old is praising God what are you doing I'm asking you pal what are you doing besides taking care of you and you want God's help right rabbi that's harsh somebody's gotta tell you cuz maybe you'll change maybe you'll hate me and stay the way you are well maybe you'd be like maybe that's from God and I'll change that's that you'll call it's your call to make okay so she's six months pregnant but with God nothing is impossible all right Miriam conceives when six months pregnant yochanan was born in the month in the Sun so Yeshua was born six months later right everybody with me okay anybody not with me anybody could care less said said when the Word of God doesn't excite you that's that's a sadness that's the sadness of all sadness okay this would mean that the birth of Yeshua took place in the fall and it's corroborated by other evidences pointed out by Christian theologians check this out okay look at this quote this is do you know what 80 robison is okay you should know him okay he eighty Robinson was born 1863 died 1934 he was the president of New Testament interpretation from 1895 to 1934 he served as the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary that's 39 years he is considered the greatest Greek scholar that we've ever had in America okay Billy knows him because Billy's old school the new guys don't know crap they know all they know how to do is have cool hair tight jeans and get you all excited about nothing and you know what if they were right here I'd tell them right to their face why don't you learn how to preach the gospel somebody might legitimately get saved in my crowded in their sin wouldn't that be nice if that happened in your meeting as opposed to rah-rah-sis-boom-bah you know praise the Lord and pass the ammunition and don't forget the plate nonsense you wasted your time okay and some of you know it and you're still going to waste time he's considered the greatest Greek scholar that we ever had in America he wrote something called the harmony of the Gospels this is page 267 I'm calling okay since we know Jesus died on Passover march/april right Nisan by backtracking we arrived much closer to Sokoto than to December 25th this is the guy guys this is the guy who heads up New Testament interpretation for the largest Protestant denomination in the United States of America a lot of those guys have doctorates they've gone to the best seminaries what's the mystery I help me I don't care what you do and I don't say that like I can kill us I do care otherwise it would be teaching I care a lot but what I'm saying is it's your call why are you holding on to tradition isn't that what you shoe and nail the Pharisees on he said by your traditions you abrogate the laws of God why are you holding on to a tradition it means so much to me the Word of God should mean more to you it just should check this out Luke 2:8 through nine in the countryside nearby with some Shepherds spending the night in the fields guarding their flocks okay so they're outside at night with their sheep right that's what this says when an angel of out know appeared to them and the Shekinah the glory of God shone around them they would terrify it again at listen every time an angel shows up they're terrified because it doesn't happen that often okay well I'm not talking about the Bed Bath & Beyond angels you know the little ball baby with the wings in the harp that would not terrify me there is an inconsistency guys how about logic okay we have the date as I showed you scripturally now we have the feel hodgins that declare it now let me give you a little lodge a good old human logic remember when things were logical remember when common sense was common you remember that that was a good time right our kids don't know about that do they there is an inconsistency of shepherds watching the flocks in the field during the dead of winter shepherds don't put their sheep out in the dead of winter because the Sheep will die unless we're talking about the sadistic shepherds of Samaria they did that kind of stuff but but not not a shepherd of somebody who loved their sheep you wouldn't put your children out in the dead of winter it's cold in December in Israel have you ever been to Israel in December I have it's cold winter coat hat gloves cold freezing cold let me give you another Thiele theological quote of another great man this man was a Methodist pastor when when the Methodist faith was like the Wesleyan brothers not the nonsense that we have today some of you might be a Methodist but I'm telling you its replacement theological it's ordaining same-sex marriages so it's non biblical sorry you could still keep going you could still love your church and love you pastor that's fine but just understand that it's not lining up with the Bible that's all I'm saying okay but when when this guy was around 1762 to 1830 to Methodist what tough it was all about sanctification man Wesley was man he was spot-on John Wesley was spot-on back then okay he wrote a commentary on Luke it's like this big this guy was brilliant Adam flock okay I'm gonna quote you regarding this scripture right here this scripture right here just a piece from page 370 volume 5 okay take a look the flocks around Bethlehem were brought into a protective Corral called the Sheep hole from November through February at night hence a December date is highly unlikely cats out of the bag that's all I'm saying now I know some of you have parents and friends and all that they're still gonna sell around that day and that's that's okay but you know maybe they don't know so they can claim some ignorance ignorance is no excuse of the law but that's okay nobody's taught them nobody showed them this obviously the past is not breaking it down like this but you're here now and it's been broken down just Sam and if if that's not enough look at luke 2:7 there's another I just want throw this in there and she gave birth to her first child a son she wrapped him in cloth and laid him down in a feeding trough because there was no space for them in the living quarters by the way let me just tell you something when you look up the word manger in the Greek it means a crib so was Yahshua born in a stable not necessarily he might have been born in a Sukkah and they got this feeding truck to bring in to use as a crib let me do you have a picture of the feeding trough that's what a feeding trough looks like yeah now let me let me get to why I think that he was born in a circle but doesn't matter it doesn't matter what man said he was born okay that really meant but I'm just gonna throw some things in there and you could run with it if you like okay go back to 2:7 for a minute kiddo all right the Romans were known to take their censuses according to the prevailing custom of the occupied territories there was a census going on right Luke tells us there was a census they were taking census but they wonder how many people were in a certain town because they had to pay taxes they want to make sure they were getting their money you follow okay in the case of Israel the occupied territory that was under Roman authority they would opt to have people report to the home provinces at a time that would be convenient for them the dead of winter when it's freezing is not convenient for your return to your hometown but it was convenient to return during the feasts because you were already traveling you already made plans to travel right and they were how many feasts that you had to go to Jerusalem for three right shallow straggling the three student running me 16:16 and it was Passover and it was Shavuot and it was sick code so would have made sense for them to have a census on one of those three okay that's what they did there is no apparent logic to calling a census in the middle of winter the more logical time would have been as I told you somewhere in the fall after the harvest work was done there was no more work to be done agriculturally they're all going to travel to Jerusalem right men of a certain age going to travel to Jerusalem if this coincided with one of the major feast like Passover shablow or Sukkot what would we expect to have find in the area of Jerusalem it'd be overrun with pilgrims overrun with pilgrims they'd be no room at any guest houses just like if you go away on Labor Day and Memorial Day certain places there's no room it's sold out the hotels are sold out right it's the same principle they would get something nowhere for them to stay Bethlehem's five miles away so they have run off they have overrun with pilgrims too because they're willing to stay five miles what it still get to Jerusalem Joseph had to take Miriam because he was from the house of David Bethlehem he had to go back there to register for the census but there's no room the only major holy day in the fall is Sukkot so the Bible tells us it would have been Sukkot the theologians tell us it would be Sukkot the Roman census tells us it would have been Sukkot how did we come up with December 25th it's really a short story I know some of you have read and read and read I don't know what you're reading so much the Western Church since the fourth century AD adopted December 25th officially the Council of Nicaea and the Lateran council a 385 they adopted that as the official date to celebrate the incarnation of Messiah but all the historians admit that this was in concession to the pagans of the Roman Empire rather than to the Scriptures they admit this because Constantine was not a Christian how do you know rabbi because I've been in Rome and I've seen his statues that he told everybody to build a Christian doesn't ask people to build statues of them I'm telling you right now offense but if PETA came back into a Catholic churches or Stachel himself he throw up in any Trash up no idols he would lose his mind Plus he'd be like wait a minute I don't look Jewish so he had all these pagans coming into the faith he wanted to please him they still was celebrating Saturnalia in the gods of Saturnalia so he said you know what I want their money they're gonna come and I want their money you know what he said he said if you're a member of the Roman Empire a Christian I think you should said you got to be born again no that's who said the first country for us then she goes no no if you're Roman citizen and if your own citizen you know you got to pay she could pay to get in purgatory remember that preaching that went on for almost 2,000 years hey your aunt wasn't good enough to go to heaven I'm just letting you know cuz I'm a priest it's but she wasn't bad enough to go to hell so she's perching out her sins and if you pay we get her out now they don't preach purgatory anymore there's not one of them that came phoned and said it was an erroneous teaching just to make money they just stopped preaching it that's let's feel like leaving your wife for another woman and coming back a year later on hey babes what's up what's for dinner it's pathetic so he said just pay and you could be a Christian you know and I'll give you over to your dates so I'll tell you what we'll just change the day December 25th fine you got it cuz you're familiar with that you like that so have at it why would you do that now that you know the truth rabbi but my husband yeah my whole family parts of my family won't even talk to me I went to my sister's funeral and the rabbi said don't let him open up his mouth sometimes you got to pay a price sweet pea you got to determine whether God's worth it now here's the bonus you want a bonus we'll go to the bonus round if your shul was conceived in the month of Tishrei which he obviously I'm sorry if you was born in the month of Tishrei forgive me he was born in the fall the month of Tishrei September October right we don't know the exact date but we know the fall right Tishrei then his conception would have been ten months before all the month of Kislev now there's one holiday that falls out in kids left Hanukkah now Marian was told that the Holy Spirit would come over her she didn't know what that meant we don't even know exactly what that means but picture this focus guys don't get distracted okay would Miriam light the Chanukah well she would why would she celebrate God you know giving the children of Israel a miraculous victory over the grease and the Hanukkah means dedication it's a time when God dedicated himself to Israel and was asking Israel to then dedicate herself back to him so here Miriam ISM kislev it's the 24th of Kislev and she goes to the Han akia a nine branch candlestick one in the middle the one of the middle is called the shamash which is representative the Messiah it's up high because he's glorified she takes the candle the shamash and lifts it up and brings it down cuz the Messiah lowers himself to light up the others and as she's lighting the other and she's in the process of rededicating herself to the Lord Bullman happens the Holy Spirit comes over her and she realizes I'm pregnant for the Son of God and think of what came over huh so the the light of the world what does God tell us when does life begin conception that's life the moment it happens the light of the world is conceived on the festival of lights here's one more ok one more then we'll move on remember Yosef when he found out his betrothed is pregnant he must have had only one of two thoughts how could you how could you I was there for the truth in love I'm totally committed and then he might have had the thought of wait a minute don't think it's me don't think it's me I can't get out of this thing but he was so beautiful and so kind remember you wanted divorce in private here's one had to be stoned he didn't he's in love with her no matter what she did he's in love with her and he's willing but in Matthew Gabriel came to visit him and the mr. Joseph trying to figure how am I gonna work this out what what what am I gonna do the angel Gabriel says Joseph it's okay that baby in there is not yours it's mine that's my son how do you think that hit him I just think that when you digitize the gospel it's just not the same gospel it just doesn't pack the same punch okay so let's just look at what the scriptures say about Secotan oh oh I'll get you out of here pretty quick I'm sorry this is what it says in Leviticus 33 33 43 and I find this very interesting forgive me I I don't I don't know I assume when I started reading the Bible I'm gonna be honest with you when I got you know when I met the Lord in Israel when Bernadin I had an encounter with the Lord in Israel just about this time of year 20 or 30 years ago I came home I could not put down the Bible and I thought everybody who was it believed I didn't know believers but I just assumed god they're so fortunate to have access to this I didn't even have this I couldn't put it down so when I get excited about God's Word I'm not excited to show you I'm excited I'm not excited because this is my job I'm excited because I love it and nothing comes close so when I say that I find this interesting this really exciting I'm sorry I do I mean what excites you as a believer I don't know I said to Moshe so again this is God speaking not Moshe tell the people of Israel on the 15th day of the seventh month that's today is the feast of Sukkot for seven days to Illinois on the first day there is to be a holy convocation that's what we're doing do not do any kind of ordinary work because it's focusing on God and what he's done for seven days you were to bring an offering made by fire make it count for something put some skin in the game on the eighth day you had a holy convocation that will happen a week from today it's called the eighth day and bring an offering made by fire to Illinois there's a public assembly do not do when you come to ordinary work so first day eighth day but the eighth day is part of Sukkot but really not it's kind of a separate thing now look at the next verses these are the designated times Vannoy because you just went through Shabbat Passover Feast of Unleavened bread firstfruits shovel oat yom teruah or russia Sharna yom kippur and now Sukkot so it's ending here that's it right these are the designated times of unload that you adore proclaim as holy convocations bring an offering made by fire burnt offering grain offering sacrifice drink offerings each of its own can't get into that now but if you go through Leviticus 1 through 5 you'll see it besides the Shabbat sivanna know your gifts or your vows know your voluntary offerings that you give that annoying period done we're done but then he picks it up again which I find just interesting like what you just you went over long we're done right but look look at the next three verses it says but what's the but he goes back into Sukkot again is something about this holiday there's got to be I mean it's like you're you know you are you going into it again so much verbage on on this one holiday in Leviticus 23 but on the 15th day the seventh month when you have gathered the produce e.length is worth finishing the harvest season now we're praying for winter rains if we don't get rain we don't get food in the spring okay the planting is over the harvesting is over you would observe the festival Illinois seven days yeah I get it the first days to be complete rest okay eighth a clay I get it on the first day you to take choice fruit palm fronds thick branches River willows and celebrating the president of Illinois shaking floor no saying look if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be eating you know this is what we're thanking you waving it before you letting you know yes we realize you provide your the rain maker you know you made this happen you sustain us there was no you know Kroger republics this was it they were totally and thoroughly dependent on God we are too we just have so much and often tips that we don't think about it you want to observe it as a feast I don't for seven days in the it is permanent generation never stop keep it in the seventh month okay continue you want to live in socotra sit now this is an addition okay I thought I was a holy convocation first thing a dad get it bring wolf ring got it don't do work you want me to live in a Sukkot for seven days yeah every citizen of Israel is to live in a second so that generation after generation of you will know that I made the people of Israel live in surcoat when I brought them out of the land of Egypt I am there's something like he's keeps stressing you must not forget to remember not to forget I I declare this to you all the time human beings are very strange and the natural human being is the strangest the natural human being hates grace the natural human being hates to forgive and the natural human being remembers what they should forget and they forget what they should remember that's natural man so this holiday major reason is Thanksgiving that's what this is all about it's it's the end of the season it's it's just massive Thanksgiving for all that God has provided and and one is you can't um I brought you out of Egypt okay God brought us out of a spiritual leader right don't forget our deliverance look Exodus 14 says it this way Moshe reached this hand out over the sea I don't know close to sea to go back up he made the sea become dry land it divided you walk through it on dry ground continuing in Exodus 14 26 to 28 then I reach a hand over and it covered the Egyptians the water came back over them over over Pharaoh's cavalry not even one of them was left this was crazy guys another one of God's crazy miracles Egypt had this cavalry they had they had chariots they had arches that could shoot as the charity moving they had tremendous weaponry they had it all do you know what Israel left Egypt with some livestock some jewelry and a little matzo and they had been enslaved for 400 years they were no match but where is Egypt today I'll tell you each it is they depend on America to protect them so not only deliverance but sustenance God's provision we can't stop being thankful for that some of you say but I'm struggling you're not starving you're still eating I'm gonna take you to a place where if they don't get a meal today they will die you're still eating you want to remember everything the way in which I don't know it led you these forty days that's why you live in a Sukkah not just well we got to live in a circuit to remember to help you remember whatever it takes humbling and testing you in order to know what was in your heart he knew what was in your heart he wants you to know what's in your heart whether you would obey his mitzvot his Commandments I he humbled you me you allowing you to become hungry and then fed you with manna manna which neither you know your ancestors had ever known you've never seen anything like it is the perfect food to make you understand that a person does not live on food alone meaning it was simple but it sustained you that comes from the mouth oh I know during these 40 years the clothing you were wearing didn't grow old and your feet didn't swell up some of you could take it you want the same dang outfit every day some of you can take it you will the same dang outfit every day the Lord fed them with the original Wonder Bread it was amazing it was the perfect food a lot of people coming up with these new way they have to shave foods this was the perfect food they ate this three times a day it sustained them and he provided with them with forever where you know can you imagine that the clothes for 40 years didn't wear out one outfit there was no happy - trees in the wilderness it didn't wear out and what about if they're walking along rough terrain and these makeshift sandals they were little thin piece of paper leather not a blister or a bun not a callus or a corn no Hill Spurs no hammertoes he sustained them look at what it says in Deuteronomy 6 come on Greggy keep going when I don't know you God had brought you into the land he swore to your ancestors he would give you cities great and prosperous you didn't build them the house you moved into the house you live in the apartment when you didn't build it no sweat labor so what you paid for it big deal big deal uuuuu ain't good things to you Phil you had water cisterns that you never dug you had vineyards and olive trees which you never planted I'm gonna provide everything for you I'm gonna make this beautiful house for you and give you what you need and when you get in there and you're all fat and happy don't forget me remember that you were a slave I delivered you me no alien God I did it if you're redeemed today remember you were a slave to Satan rather I wasn't I was I was born again from the time I was born no you were a son of the devil and you were a slave to sin and you were destined for hell period don't ever forget it don't ever forget it and if the sustenance and the deliverance isn't enough what about his presence look at what it says in Deuteronomy 32 he found his people in a desert country and a-howlin wasted wilderness he protected Israel and cared for Israel guarded Israel like the pupil of his eye you think if he guarded Israel in the wilderness and you're grafted in he's not guarding you the same way you don't realize this is your wilderness experience you're not home yet you're not home you need to live in a Sukkah not in a big fat house sukkah spiritually speaking you can live in a house I could care less but spiritually stay in the sukkah the birth and the childhood the nation Israel is described right here guys in Deuteronomy 32 after the Exodus God guided them he instructed them he preserved them with love like a mother Eagle you know ancient Hebrew culture revered Eagles as mighty warriors they were almost worship because Eagle will care so fiercely for their young Eagles are known for their strength and their courage and they carried a young eaglets always to safety away from predators look at Leviticus 26 I don't want to go into the whole thing but I had to put it in context this is all about the blessings there's all about the blessings that God's gonna bestow on you not because you're a child of Israel not because you're biologically Jewish not because you don't celebrate Christmas mr. Gentile no he's gonna do this if you obey Him all these blessings of physical manifestations of the Lord's presence look at the last part of it go to that last part he says I will put my Tabernacle among you what his presence was guiding them the cloud in the day and the fire at night was got a physical manifestation they didn't have to figure out where to go when it rested they rested when it got up they got up when it moved they moved when I went left they went left when it went right they went right they were blessed right you're more blessed you'll more plus that's why Paul uses this verse he uses this very verse from Leviticus to describe God's privilege that he's bestowed upon you and me as his temple look last but not least first Corinthians 6:19 20 don't you know Paul's like don't you I mean Corinthians what happened to you I came here we preached the gospel the Holy Spirit fell you got hit you repented you got immersed an issue for the forgiveness of your sins you became the temple of the holy spirit what's going on what happened don't you know he writes some with it cuz he hears what's going on there just walking in blatant sin don't you know that your body is a temple for the Ross ha'qodesh who lives inside you whom you receive from God the fact is you don't belong to yourself look at me family you can't have it both ways you can't want God to be your mother eagle and protect you and provide for you and then do whatever you want we don't work like that in the Hirschberg household we put a roof over your head we clothed you we've sent you to decent schools you know what you're gonna put some skin in the game Paul is instructing the believers in Corinth to flee from sexual immorality that's what he's saying in context and he reminds them that theirs was a holy and dignified calling had they forgotten that their bodies were a temple of the Holy Spirit listen look at this solemn truth the psalm truth is that every believer is indwelt by the Spirit of God God the Father created our bodies God the Son redeemed them and God the spirit lives in them that makes our body the very temple it's it's one thing to have a cloud some people think well I'd love that you got something better you got an internal cloud an internal pillar of fire you don't have to look for it it's on the inside that's crazy now God could have said that our bodies house the Holy Spirit and I'm sure you would have been fine with that okay but he didn't he could have said it's the home to the spirit you would have been okay with that but he didn't see he said no no it's the temperature of the temple he's declaring that our bodies are a sacred place that not only the spirit lives but is worshiped therefore how we behave how we think how we speak what we let into our temple through our eyes and our ears become critically important every thought word deed is in his view it's not first look I know you're thinking I thought this is a coat look guys you can party and party but you know this is serious it's not for us to take our bodies and use them the way we desire I tell my kids they're blessed I used my body flagrantly and I paid a huge price it took years years to clean house years I paid dearly for what I did my kids are blessed blessed in the final analysis they don't belong to us they belong to God we have the Lord's by creation and redemption his ownership to us dates back to Golgotha at the cross we see the price tag that God put on us how greatly we are loved how greatly we love the things I did the people that I was involved with the planning of evil on my bed and to think that God would love me so much in the midst of that how much more does he love me now that I'm his yes I will boast about God's love from not because I'm special because he's special Israel is protected not because Israel special because the God of Israel is special I know you want to feel special and you should but listen to me stop telling me it's all about God and start acting like it's all about God stop telling me about your 4 divisions and your crazy dreams and just tell me how great God is and hit the deck every once in a while and flood the ground with tears the feast of Sukkot is a time of massive Thanksgiving for God's deliverance for God's sustenance and for God's presence it is widely believed that the Puritan colonists who were great students of the Hebrew Scriptures based the first American Thanksgiving on Sukkot I mean think about it guys they left England because they didn't want to worship on Sunday it was outlawed to worship on Sunday when they came here jail sentence jail sense to put up a tray now Thanksgiving then come for a long time so don't you think that when they were telling the Indians about the Lord because they were evangelist and they sat down they celebrated Sukkot at the end of the harvest and the Indians celebrated Thanksgiving at the end of the harvest cuz they knew they called him the Creator the Creator but they knew they were thanking this creator they didn't know him personally for provision so here the Puritans are talking about this and the Indians to tell him about this dish what they make lima beans in corn for because they were hearty you can grow that anywhere right so look at this screen where do you think they got the name for the dish succotash seriously and you don't see that that's not blatant to you you look at the texture and they go I don't know it was lima beans and corn maybe it was an Indian name succotash is not Algonquin it's Hebrew they were celebrating Sukkot make no mistake the key to the whole thing is living in the booth it's a Sukkah it's a hut or a temporary shelter this provides the whole point to this feast is it provides a corrective here me a corrective God is correcting us in the sukkah to the natural tendency of becoming overly and excessively attached to stuff now I'm not bragging but if Bernadette and I leave here we have no home we don't have assets my car is is least through the synagogue some of you might say it's a nice car yeah well you know what use you go to ministry for 30 years and you might get one too you don't know me and Bernadette when I used to ride my bicycle to work so have at it knock yourself out okay but we leave we leave with nothing this yes you get you clothes we leave with nothing okay but I'm ready to leave and I'm ready to stay I'm ready to leave and I'm ready to stay I thought I'd be in New York City the rest of my life I thought I'd be in Florida I thought I'm I'll leave I'll stay whatever that's God's call but if the primary meaning of Sukkot is Thanksgiving then the secondary meaning teaches us to be ready to move we have to think along the lines of tent pegs not concrete slabs that's what I was trying to tell you all along but you didn't listen to many believers today are attached to their own wills we have to realize that we're just passing through what I'd like to do when I get back with some of you and I'll find out who that is because I'll ask I want to send you out I want you to come here for a season then I want to send you out if you're watching and you have a group in Texas or Wisconsin and you have 2030 people write to me you need a leader you need to stop watching this and you need a leader over you who can hear from God for you specifically so if that's you and you're looking for leadership call me I used to not want to send people out because I thought you know you guys are nuts and you're gonna give me a bad name you're gonna say something wacky you know you're gonna say some wacky but you know what you might say something lacking and you'll have to answer for that okay you I'm not ask you to be me and I don't want you know I don't want to be you but I believe that if you have the essence of God's grace and truth and God's called you to leadership I'd like you to see it fulfill my destiny so coat is a really big deal it's referenced in Exodus 23 Leviticus 23 numbers 29 and Deuteronomy 16 the prophetic pieces like none other it pictures a time when Israel will be dwelling securely then she could then she could build on the concrete slab and happily and we'll hear the voice of bridegroom's and Brides coming from their chambers the Millennium is going to be like nothing else so I think guys it's so apropos to end all lesson today with one of the greatest prophecies about Sukkot known to man and it's something we say every day and it's in Zechariah 14 it says on that day the day of the Lord that day when he takes his throne that day there will be neither bright light nor thick darkness and one day known to out annoy will neither be day nor night although by evening there will be light because the light of the world will be in all missed then I don't know it will be king over the whole world then I don't know it will be king over the whole world man's plans at that point garbage cans it's over it's over equity and righteousness and truth justice and righteousness will be the foundations of his throne on that day I don't know we'll be the only one no other gods not Christian not Allah not Buddha not secular humanism not supersessionism not radical Islamic fundamentalism not Hinduism no you sure will be the only one and every dang knee will bow and every tongue will confess [Applause] so let's stand together and end where we began with our prayer I think it's so appropriate the light of the world conceived on the festival of lights the god man made flesh to tabernacle and wouldn't be just like Yeshua to be so obedient that if he's born on Tabernacles he'd be born in Asuka so let's let's prophesy this together especially on sakoda it is so appropriate the nemah the higher our Jenai lamella calcio ha read by Omaha who by Omaha who yelled oh my god Musha Musha Lucia and it is said the Lord shall be king over all the world world and on that day and on that day the Lord will be one and his name aim and his name and his name name one Huxley up
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,292
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: Sukkot, Yeshua, Jesus, Messiah, Messianic
Id: HjgArj8t67M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 58sec (4378 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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