Top Five STRONGEST Teams In Genshin Impact

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hey guys welcome back I wanted to make a video detailing some of the most popular and effective team compositions in genshin Impact as to version 3.2 I was planning on making this earlier in the fall but it's probably better that we wait to see how broken dendro was before doing so and I'm glad I did because oh boy dendro is something else shout outs to coaching means for helping me with this video great help and always a pleasure to listen to roast each other before we get started though there's a lot of stuff I have to preface first off this is not a definitive guide on the best of the best or most optimal strategies it's purely to give you a general idea of what's all the rage right now especially since the majority of my viewers are casual players who don't delve into nor care about beauty crafting but still want to stay updated on what's going on secondly please understand team building is not a black and white do this or that kind of thing for the billionth time gianshin is a very easy game you don't need to go hyper molding sweaty gamer to complete all the content in this game an argument can be made for any unit to fit into any party if you're on sufficient levels of copium so just because I don't include a character in a team doesn't mean you can't use them for that team conversely just because I say x character is your best bet doesn't mean they're irreplaceable and if you don't have them you're just out of luck this video immediately exists as a guideline to reference please don't take this as advice on who to pull for because ultimately every player should decide how they want to play the game and what characters they want to use that's the fundamental basis of gotcha games to catch them all and hopefully use them all Genji just so happens to be casual friendly not to where you don't have to burn thousands of dollars a month to stay competitive Final Fantasy Brave exists I'm looking at you case in point please don't interpret this video as law it's just for reference I'm sorry for spending so much time making disclaimers but with all due respect the Genji Community for some inexplicable reason takes things extremely literally at the end of the day my content is mainly for entertainment purposes not Financial advice with that done let's go over the five comps that I and hopefully many of you consider the strongest I'm going to be giving a brief explanation of the team's concept the strategy behind it and some recommendations of who to use just to reiterate this is not meant to cover every possible option character or team I could honestly make a separate full-length video on each team composition I actually might do that in the future but anyways let's get on with it first I want to touch on my two honorable mentions double hydro and manojia double Hydro mostly consists of using singtel and yellow in tandem with a pyro unit to abuse the ample amounts of hydro damage they provide my personal favorite is but you can swap a huta for sangming or honestly any pyro character as sermonogeo teams while they've never been super dominant are still a very fun team to try out for those who have the right characters which I believe are Ito jongli Albedo and Goro though there is a monochial team for Noel too reason neither of them make the list was because the former is just mostly two characters and the latter is too Niche to be applicable to the average player so with that done let's go to our first team the national the national team is a classic still a fantastic option to this day but not for the reasons you might think apparently there's like a million reasons for why it's called National but the one I went with is that National is supposedly a slang in Chinese for anything that is commonly used by people and I'd say that's a pretty odd way to describe it it was founded on the basis of being easy to form regardless of if you're a whale or free to play and that's thanks to consisting of primarily four stars if not all four stars the original version of the national team consisted of shangling Shinto Bennett and tonyun has since been phased out in exchange for a ride in Shogun to create the writing national team arguably the first widely used meta party quote unquote before stuff like taser freezing what not some or widespread use lately however higher level iterations of national do require more investment to keep up with other tier 0 teams but I still think it deserves a spot on account of how accessible it is the rule of thumb is to capitalize on the overwhelming offfield pressure provided by Bennett sang Ling and Shinto then it would Empower everyone's attack and heal his team subsequently buffing Simon's Beyblade pair this up with seem tools raincoat or water swords and you can deal plenty of damage with just those three alone as mentioned before Shogun is the most commonly used on Fielder her Elemental skill augments the burst of her party members who in turn augment her own bursts all while she provides sample energy regeneration to keep this cycle going with virtually no downtime we've also seen child International I don't know why they call it International not just National but that's freaking semantics up in here basically you saw passing until the child and the Shogun was some other all field support like kazuha or sucrose pragmatically speaking so long as you have Bannon and suddenly you can get away with pretty much anything which is what makes the national team so good but when in doubt you can always opt for the old-fashioned ride in National or if you don't have her then pretty much any onfielder who capitalizes on singtel's rain swords and then its attack boost if you're looking for more reaction damage there is kasaha and sucrose if you want to keep everyone stuck in one place you can use venti more survival than Chong Li ultimately if you're trying for a non-5 star National there's always Bennett shangling sukos and Shinto you can always swap in 5 stars as you see fit it's a very flexible team and will probably never fall out of relevance or how easy it is even if it's not as amazing anymore now that we have new broken cops speaking of broken cops let's talk about the new kid on the Block tendro's wasted no time altering our perceptions of what units are better than others because my God Quicken and Bloom respectively are tearing through everything right now and it's doing that despite us not having a very extensive denture roster to start there's no particular name for denture teams so Jeff came up with a bunch of weird games like Curry salad fridge but I think he's just hungry so for the time being we'll just go with dendril catalyze reactions AKA Quicken rely on applying as many instances of Electro and dendro as humanly possible tapping into aggravate then spreads pension for quantity over quality this means anyone who can deal rapid Electro and denture damage are your characters of choice for starters the unequivocal best unit for catalyze is official whose opioid Electro application is second to none you can also use sucrose and kasaha to come into your electrover further supplementation as for dentro your options are the only ones we have available tento traveler nahida and tinati can be used interchangeably since there's no specific unit who needs to be on field for this to work but obviously nahida is your best choice although DMC isn't that far off cutting Sino and Mikko are also worth trying out if you have a soft spot for any of them hyperbloom is kind of the opposite where you want to try to be as consistent as possible potential hydro and Electro chaining but not too fast to where you accidentally trigger Quicken by pairing Electro and dendro though that's not really a bad thing per se obviously this requires a bit more team building due to 3 elements being used instead of just 2. if we're talking the best choices you'll definitely watching so on your team followed by either single boot or Shogun for Electro by the way in this team Shogun is actually not supposed to use their Elemental burst she's purely there for her skill well technically you can use her burst but that's not the focal point on the grinding National if you don't feel like using sinto you can also play around with yellow and kokomi and ayato anyone who can readily deal Hydro damage is fine if you don't have naita you can also use DNC everyone has traveler I hope as for a lecture you can also make use of Beto dentro is just insanely overpowered right now especially with nahida to give you an idea just how amazing it is both hyperbloom and catalyzed teams can Flex in a completely random unit that has nothing to do with the composition and it will still function well so if you want you can just toss in Chong Li and call it a day speaking of which before we continue I'd just like to remind everyone that you're always free to mix and match different characters to see what fits your play style the best even if they may not be the most optimal if I were to go over every single possibility this video would be 74 hours long maybe even longer regardless let's move on to the next team the next one on the list is gonna be freaks potentially the most straightforward team composition out of all of them I stay straightforward in the sense that there's no rotations no specific combo or timing or anything it's the easiest thing to use in my opinion though that doesn't detract from how stupidly good it is unlike the other four teams frieza's notoriety doesn't stem from how much damage it does in fact it does no extra damage at all not directly at least pairing up hydro and cryo on the same team will cause them to be frozen for a few seconds being unable to move or do anything for that duration this is as broken as it sounds cry units are categorically known for having skills or bursts that last a very long time consistently applying cryo in a large area then of course Hydro is one of the easiest companion elements to react off of by way of singtel yalan and kokomi simply put you need two things hydro and cryo I guess you can throw an animal by extensions in Syncopy either or the majority of players to run for his teams feature ayaka or ganyu as a starting unit but if you don't have either you can honestly make do with cryo all field and Electrode or plot superconduct which describe damage at base you can basically pull this off with any crowd user who is in Yola hands applied so easy but the reason ayaka and ganyu carry this team is mostly due to them having very high base damage freeze doesn't offer any follow-up damage boost all it does is keep your enemies stuck in place and unable to attack without either of those two you're taking a pretty significant hit in DPS then again the only place that matters is spiral Abyss outside of that it doesn't matter if you take five minutes to kill something or 5 hours enemies won't be able to hit you back anyway naturally there is a weaknesses composition most bosses are unable to be frozen under any circumstance so your greatest asset being crowd control is all but irrelevant it is a situational composition but a damn good one at that so long as you have ayaka or ganyu and a supplementary cryo like Diana or Rosaria you can basically AFK your way through the entire game hands down my favorite team for how brainless it is up next we have the good old taser cop taser's gone to the most amount of variants out of any team on this list I think the name originates from the act of electrocuting all enemies in your way by pairing up hydro and Electro to achieve electrocharge as well as general damage so that's going to be your base the original taser composition features sucrose singtel official and some other lecture unit most people went beta but typically the only obligatory units are sucrose and facial you can have your pick of the Litter with hydro and your fourth slot humorously the taser party is when the sucrose one of the best supports in the game because everyone realized she does so much damage despite serving as a driver of the team to the point where she ends up being your on-field damage dealer Anyway by absorbing a lecture she does more Electro work for her team than the electro units themselves Mitchell's use is self-explanatory out of all of the cast members she does the best at applying Electro at times more than even Shogun by this point you'll likely realize that your choice of hydro is basically one of the Holy Trinity of hydro units sinto yalan or kokomi if you want Max damage amp there's the online if you want to turn on infinite HP hacks there's kokomi or if you want super armor and the balance of attack and defense go with singtel either way they're all proficient at applying Hydro by the way kazuha and venti can run their own taser teams too since they do more or less the same job as sucrose just not as efficiently as for your last party slot any extra Electro helps make things more consistent so yeah so on and so forth most Outfield electrodes like Sino and kotzing aren't that efficient for tasers since you need to rotate a lot so they don't get that much free time now there is a taser variant that for some reason has a different name called the fireworks team specifically child fireworks where instead of Shinto kokomi or yellow and you have a child as your hydro dealer speaking of child I don't know why his name's always different child International instead of national and then child fireworks instead of taser one last thing you guys are going to see this video several weeks after it's made I believe I have the dates set for November 3rd Scaramouche AKA wander is likely to come out very soon and we know he's an animal unit personally I don't pay attention to leaks but there are rumors circulating discussion boards that he gets really involved in taser cops so keep that in mind and finally we arrive at the last team just to repeat this is not in any particular order soup is now number one it's just the last one on the list honestly the names are getting more absurd by the day okay so soup is essentially taser but with pyrod it tastes Electro Hydro animal and soup is Electro Hydro animal and Pyro the origin of the name is stupid but also kind of funny it's literally a reaction soup what you need is a giant pot venti kazaha sucrose anyone who can trap enemies in place then and I'm not even joking you spam the crap out of your hydro Electro pyro characters just fill everything together like a soup I'm not certain if there's any set rotation or bursts you should go for just as long as you get the reactions off as often as possible you'll be pulling off vaporize overload electrocharge swirl everything else in between so this is pretty much the only team composition that uses all four slots for a set purpose most people opted for a familiar suitcase official and two cross then they toss in coconut for hydro and then suddenly for a pyro chances are you've heard of the team named sukokomon that's one of the most well-known soup teams out there another well-known soup team features ayato official Bennett and venti that's one of the best ways to use them in actuality your only quota is to meet the four separate elements and then make sure your animal character is able to trap them all together after that you can kind of play with whatever units you want soup teams are basically an extension of taser teams though instead of maximizing Electro damage you maximize everything damage in my opinion I think venti is more comfy at pulling off a soup tea in the sucrose since his Elemental burst actively holds enemies in a scent area which makes it more soupy than sucrose whose burst is more like tossing the salad I can't believe I'm playing along with the name you get the idea despite requiring four distinct elements it's another very flexible composition and once again you're free to decide who you're on filter is most people end up defaulting to sucrose or sukokomon or ayato for ayato soup just make sure you have a Healer in case you're not running kokomi and that's about it I know there's a lot of other teams I could have mentioned but like I said if that happened we'd be here forever by the way for those who are wondering why it made everything sound so vague it's because I don't want to give off the impression that you need to have certain characters Genji in allows players to try whoever they please if they don't enjoy using a certain character or have a special attachment to one they're able to do so also you may have noticed there's a lot of recurring characters like sucrose kokomi and Fishel that's because they're overpowered plain and simple lastly the reason I didn't include any physical damage teams is because I'm sorry but physical damage is just I should make another video on physical units at this point it's sad to see them so neglected like this anyways feel free to share your favorite party in the comments down below as well as what you call it I'm interested in hearing what funny names you came up for them for now though if you guys enjoyed the video it would be awesome if you could leave a like And subscribe consider following me on Twitter at varsfer joining my Discord server and checking out my other genshin videos if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take care [Music] thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 350,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact tier list, genshin impact top five, genshin impact best team, genshin impact team building, genshin impact guide, top five, genshin impact ranking, genshin impact strongest characters, best characters, best teams, strongest team, best, genshin characters, genshin f2p team, genshin best characters
Id: sCwRYPKvonU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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