Can You Beat Genshin Impact From the a Day?

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boys gentian impact is an open world game which means you are free to explore any part of the map right from the start with a couple of exceptions like economia underground Chasm and Inazuma well I don't consider economia and underground Chasm to be part of the map because they are technically separate maps from the one we spend the most time on but what about Inazuma you can see it on the map but you can't technically get there until you've reached the adventure rank of 30. if you try to get to it by crossing the ocean with an ice Bridge you'll get struck down by riding herself because Lord and if lightning doesn't kill you you'd get teleported all the way back to where you began it would normally be impossible for a player to reach Inazuma until they've played the game for at least a couple of days there are a couple of ways to seek past riding and some people have done it but today I'm going to go above and beyond I will be creating a new account and try to unlock not just Inazuma but the entire surface map within a couple hours of playing all done in one take live on stream ready here we go let's log on to our new accounts I have not touched this account whatsoever I haven't even done the intro Quest will you pick your name yet new accounts there we go and password and we start game let's begin our journey into the world of tavat let's go what I feel like this is one of those ideas that sound like it's fun until it isn't all right which twin chat which twin I'll let you guys choose Lumen is winning by a landslide Lumen it is all right what should our name be how long do you guys spend on this screen when you started the game I'll name him after my favorite rapper Lil pump I don't know man it's hard name her Aether that sounds great Aether all right let our adventure begin did you guys know there used to be a bug that would allow you to escape this area right from the start of the game without even talking to pymon but if you don't talk to pymon you actually can't progress the story which means you can't get an element so you could technically walk past pymon right here and glitch out of this map right into monstat but they fixed that so we have to talk to my mind when you start the game it's not that bad right it's like oh hi mom's pretty cute and then she just keeps talking and talking and talking and it's been two years and now I don't even want the character to be in the game anymore all right easy enough our first statue of the sevens I think I'm gonna do this with one bar of stamina as well there's no way I'm gonna have time to collect the oculuses you'll be fine how hard could it possibly be all right there we go easy first part of the map unlocked level two already where's pie mine I just want to talk to piemont do I have to kill these things I think I have to Bam Elemental bursts nice first achievements I think we just go to Mazda right let's go oh wait I forgot I can't Glide I forgot you can't Glide until you've met Amber free me free me come here no my arm I got it what is that oh my God what is that another cutscene I think we see venti right here there he is I wish the new archon Quest introduced like new mythical animals that Inazuma introduced any mythical animals I think the last one was Liu right where they introduced the fat frog yay Miko okay not yay Miko not like fast we do have to progress the story a bit before we can freely roam I think because the map is still Reddit off so you can't explore outside of the Red Zone over here all right there's Amber here we go give me my gliders what's your entrance so extra get me out of here get me out nice free chests oh just leave the chest like this we're not collecting anything until we explore the entire map should I even touch the Waypoint you know what let's not even touch the waypoints maybe we can only interact with the statues of the seven my God single digit damage I haven't seen that since four Candace's are you serious I can't clot I can all right Amber do your job get the chest I'll come back for it but I'll probably forget about it the moment I'm able to escape from this area I am gone I don't even care what happens to the country all right Timmy and it's Birds obviously a classic we're in Monster City that we encounter when we start the game level four my God I forgot how fast you actually level let's go let's go no let me go let me go let me leave I get into storm terror's Lair you can't we'll see about that you have to do the quest no I don't yes I got my glider give me my glider I think I failed this the first time I did this I'm caught help fine it's fine I'm flying I think this is where I shoot it okay imagine if Vinci just gave me this power they're for sure gonna add this to some character right they're just gonna shoot out a billion arrows oh my God who is that nice I got a dressing room can I escape this area yet nope oh my God who is that whoa who is that do I get to play here surely I got to play the characters I see in game right then you drop a hundred bucks just to play Gene all right we unlocked the most crucial component of the game right here do I get free stuff should I say this I'll say this mail I get free stuff in the mail whoa I got 10. look at these glowing spots by the way it's the first dungeon of the game right I think it is it's the first domain of the game that you do I don't remember them glowing like that in my game oh my God why is that what's happening in Monster I don't think you can escape this area until we get four members in the party get a baron bunny how much damage does it do go 42. that's a lot actually go go what that direction not this direction nice we got it chess where we're going we don't need chests only speed oh my God Chad's going feral I'm actually purposely not collecting the teleport waypoints to see what's the minimum AR before I can explore the entire map which theoretically would make it so I can actually get to Inazuma at that AR this is where we meet to Luke I think all right where is he where is he there he is whoa who is that oh that is so cool can I play him okay there we go nice I'll use my new handy dandy sword I believe I get Lisa here and after this I think we can escape from the area how slow you actually killed enemies without artifacts oh my God please after I escape I'm not fighting a single enemy ever again hey Chad see this you see this all right Storm's gone nice AR6 and we can explore the entire map as much as we please I am currently AR 6 which means I can technically go to Inazuma right now if I want to this is the minimum AR that is possible to get to Inazuma but we're not gonna do that yet until we've unlocked all the statues of the seven in monstat the uh and Sumer all right here we go our second statues of the seven should we get this one first or should we get this one first let's get this one first let's try to get the statue of the seven and storm terror's Lair oh my God how to get out here with my negative three stamina guys I can literally climb this one cliff in my stamina's depleted oh bro what oh my God that thing oh no it's so slow no it's flying again yes DPS how am I having trouble killing this thing spinning does it hurt oh my God I could heal I could heal right I can heal surely dead right die die die please die please no no I got it nice our third statute there we go okay you guys said I can't unlock the storm Terror one right it'll be a big time loss okay I won't go to it let's do dragon Spy Next how do you even get there I'll have to climb again how am I still climbing I'm fine I'm fine I'm good I have one bar of stamina let me let me relax oh my gosh you're gold I forgot level 30. can I get that place that's not completely dangerous it's fine everything's red we're avoiding combat I'm pretty sure a sneeze from that guy will send me flying all the way back to monster actually should I test the damage right here hit me hit me coward he missed okay you have your one chance and you missed where's the Statue of the seven am I going the wrong direction I feel like I'm choosing the hardest way to go about this there's definitely an easier path I might die I'm dying I'm dying not yet not yet but soon but soon I'm gonna die soon I need Fire Let's dragons find this difficult I'm getting up I'm getting out I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it no no no no there's a waypoint right there I'm gonna get the Waypoint okay we're good that juice up the seven what is that thing ah I forgot that thing exists I can't unlock this yet why not oh the Crimson the Crimson again give me give me give me give me nice there we go our third statue of the seven now it's time for a leader I think I wonder how many levels I can get from collecting all the statues of the sevens highly dangerous I think that's like 99 of the map from now on just highly dangerous everywhere wait what's the minimum level for sumuru Monsters I wonder I just get one tap by those or what like a hilly trolls accent are they gonna like to like swing his Bat at me and I just die I remember there's really high up high up there for the love of God these are level 16 I can't it's red it's red I can't okay I'm going back I'm going back nice there we go another one to the collection our fifth one I think where's the next one okay you know what let's see how much a fly hurts hit me not bad actually level 16 but it barely hurts okay I don't think I have enough stamina oh God uh this might be a stretch no way I don't have stamina food I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good ice Bridge with Kaya guys I have an ice bridge in literally like a year and a half ever since I got Mona I never had the ice Bridge ever again is there any statue of the seven that's like hidden behind Like A world quest or something I think that's sumeru ones right ronara statue is hidden wait is it actually like physically hidden you straight up just can't get it it's just like doesn't exist like you straight up just can't even see it there we go another one all right let's get this one get these two and then move on to sumuru in the desert what's my favorite Nation so far I think it has to be super Fountain fountain's not even out yet buddy you gotta actually release it first for me need to actually see if I like it okay another one let's go seventh one I think I should really keep a counter on this oh my God what is that thing in the sky surely it won't fall down and get destroyed right wait is that the old one is that the new one leaders actually really pretty at night look at this and it's dangerous of course all right I see it I see it right over there oh God for level 24. it's fine right maybe I should let it land on me and see how much damage it does what if I just died all right there we go our eighth one our eighth one I think I I lost count like go here and pick this it's over here I can't even see it it's on a floating platform I don't think I have to do an archon quest for that one right oh I remember you have to climb the vertical Mountains for like a billion years okay level 32 okay surely this thing hurts right hit me oh God not those things not those things no no no no no no no no those things actually hurt I'm out if I follow the path there's no way I could go the wrong way statue of the seven where is it I don't even see it oh it's right there I see it I see it got the client up there I can do this I can do this watch okay maybe I can't there's a path now you tell me there's a path I'm halfway up already there's a Caswell Banner coming I'll just do a little bit of free to play Magic you know how high is this I've been climbing for like forever oh maybe I could just Glide right here let's go nice all right it's another one down next stop the chasm pretty sure I just die from that thing if it hits me if I try it okay not dead I'm fine I'm fine it's good we're good we're good not even I'm peaceful I'm peaceful I'm peaceful why there's so many monsters here can't get me I'm too fast name's Kaya I looked after the horses even though I haven't seen a single horse in this game do I have to go all the way around I think I have to there's a path oh I'm sure there is but at what cost just avoid eye contact just like in real life they don't exist if you don't see them oh my God I'm winning I'm winning uh can't see me from here right but it doesn't see me it doesn't see me it's fine it's just trolling it's stuck on a rock it's not even moving go for it go for it no no no no no no no no no no no as who put monsters right near the statue of the seven like it's actually stuck on a rock dude can you move okay I'm an aggregate go over the statue of the seven climb on the ledge it's gonna cause it to Diego it's fine I can just walk past them what wait I just walked past them I could have just walked past it gotta do all of that for what did Kaya die for then that's all Lira and that was these two two Subaru what are the monster levels in sumeru is the real question I'm curious or Lee sigil there we go the Spider-Man mechanic all right here we go first statue of the seven of sumaru unlocked let's go get this one next do I need the archon quest to do Arana request you can do it without the r Conquest really but it's so long it's not even worth it kind of speed run here not slow run touch some grass what are these what are these huh oh statue of the seven found it I agree with everything got away from me get away get away from me dude how long are they gonna chase me oh my God stay back it's stuck I'm good nice there we go doing good not bad we're still AR6 so every statue of the seven gives 50 we need 300 so six more six more statues of seven and we're gonna level up that's actually the entire map I'm pretty sure I can't even kill the mushrooms level 27. see you later buddy peace out can I drive my boat I could drive my boat I think give me a boat I got a boat at AR six give me a let's go peace out nerds let's go is this the way actually I don't I don't know all right stay back stay back wait I can actually kill one check this out I'm stuck I got one pizza see you later okay now what now what did we go you can drown them if you push them into the water enemies everywhere hello is there a safe spot in the city all right statue of the seven here we go have Todd how did they see me do they have X-ray vision or something they see right through the rock for sure this is death if I go there nope there we go all right another one down what's the next one maybe go here here then here here and I think that's a good plan I don't think you can unlock the aranara unfortunately do not trigger that thing for sure another statue of the seven please enough stamina for sure not even close how am I supposed oh God I Acro all three that's perfect oh my God they stand on this Branch nice now what I'm kind of stuck I'm stuck step brother oh I'm not stuck okay I'm good I'm standing literally 90 degrees on a cliff perfect night don't do it don't do it we're good all right let's continue all right the last statue of the seven in sumeru the forest part of sumeru it's time for the desert these two you can't really unlock until you go through the quest so we're not gonna do that three statues of the seven left can't even kill these things to be honest I'm pretty sure I do like negative three damage to them all right here we go aru Village statue of the set seven bam 15 16th one but I feel like I'm not supposed to be here I go the wrong way what are they doing what is that they're telling a story They're laughing sort of they're just vibing look at that right here there we go second statue of the seven of the desert last one is over there somewhere this might be really bad for the accounts since I unlocked every single area but did not touch any of the waypoints whatever we don't need waypoints do birds aggro nice birdies Birds aggro TTT oh I found it we're close we're close bam there we go we have finished well almost finished monster mostly monster Lee yeah and sumeru now there's only one region left where even is it over here there's five statues of the seven here okay I'm gonna have to take a boat everywhere then there's six statues where wait there's six statues oh my God there is six what this is where the real fun begins here is the spot there are I think currently two ways to get to Inazuma before AR 30. the first way actually requires you to go underneath the ocean right over this spot and then follow a very specific route all the way to Inazuma but when you get to the storm barrier you'd have to disconnect and then reconnect and then disconnect and reconnect over and over again to make your way past the storm barrier now the second way to get over the storm barrier is to get high enough so that it won't even reach you this is the second way it's called the back flip what will happen is that I will open up the camera do a post right as my character is doing a pose I will exit do a jump and my character won't actually jump until a delay and before my character jumps I will have the camera open up again and do a post again and if correctly done I will be in the air so it's like this it's gonna happen really fast if you blink you'll miss it I messed up [Music] I got it all right let's go I'm underwater let's go to Inazuma if I don't get stuck on that rock maybe removing very slow though we're moving like exceptionally slow you can actually see the entire map from here but the map in the background is kind of glitching out a bit I'm gonna try to land right on top Shrine or maybe I can't I think my trajectory is off by a bit there's the rain there's the rain I see the rain we are passing by the storm barrier right now I don't see the lightning though where's the lightning are we that high up that I don't even see a lightning my God my index finger is getting tired this W I've been holding W for like 14 minutes let's go another achievement time to drop I can't tell am I dropping it's time to land on ayato's house I think I'm right on top of it the longest Plunge in the world right here if I land in the water and I don't have enough stamina that'd be awkward okay I think I missed a shrine by a bit no the strike not the water though please not the water just land on a cliff or something please oh man right on the beach I think he's like the worst spot to land like it's right in front of a rune Guard we're in Inazuma we cannot die right here if we die if we drown we go all the way back to Lee Yuen and we have to start all over again you can die you just don't want to drown AR6 and we're in Inazuma nice statue of the seventh there we go our first one we have unlocked Zuma I'm gonna get a boat and unlocked everything else but I do need to unlock the storm terror's Lair maybe you can try this technique with the lair ah yes the inferior version of sumaru's grappling hooks now the icebridge across right I'm gonna get struck by lightning over there and I die those things strike you with lightning right I believe if you don't do that one world quest I think they continuously strike you with lightning you can't reach me from here right don't do a tree I come in peas I love trees I would plant a couple of you in my backyard if I had one get me up there nice okay we're in we're in leave me alone man all right second one unlocked in Inazuma what's the plan try not to die oh no lightning where I can't go in there what don't make eye contact it's like Enderman don't make eye contact okay they found you it's fine it's fine just go up here just hide just high in the corner just hang they will lose interest soon okay they're gone they're gone now what I'm stuck climb climb climb climb climb climb climb please please please please please please please please no no I have three characters left that's what the team is for play it safe play it safe do not get struck by lightning this is like the most situation could possibly be it how am I not standing maybe I just move over nice I forgot how scary Inazuma actually is why is everything guarding the statue of the sevens go around go around it's fine so I go around go around we got it all right next one God's all the way over here where's the boats let's get a boat get me out of here peace out to coconuts Palace oh my God I'm gonna kill one of those I'm gonna kill that guy right here check this out secret maneuver I missed come here come on let's go yes give me your stuff free stuff let's go peace out strongest weapon in the game the boats well this is awkward I thought there would be a ledge here can I really not climb this there we go nice time for our fifth one give me a boat on to where the electro bird is has anyone actually died by lightning over here I'm stuck I'm stuck all right there we go another one on to the last one in Inazuma we are still AR7 so now you know unlocking every single statue of the seven and the game only gives you one level one AR level at a very low AR I remember how much I hate Inazuma exploring Azuma every place is so far because there's like a separate Island every single time look how long it takes to get here what if in Fountain it's gonna be like a worse version of the desert in sumeru five layers of underground caves but since it's like the city of water all you see is basically just this but there's five Maps underneath they won't do that right where can I park my boat oh parking spots this is it boom there it is all of Inazuma unlocked at AR7 now the real question is how are we gonna bypass the barrier were they smart enough to make it so that you can't go through the barrier from above let's test that theory there's like a good place to jump off maybe Timmy's bridge is good enough go go go go go go go yes I got it fly fly fly fly time to fly go go go hey too quick oh my god do it uh uh I'm gonna get stuck don't get stuck please don't get stuck I'm stuck what is this what is this what am I doing put walls around a city bro I can't see myself I'm in no no no don't do it no there has to be a better way like I'm gonna [Music] why am I even doing this to be honest okay the plan is go underwater boom walk hopefully I don't get stuck on the cliffs and then walk all the way to storm terror's place we're good until we restart them then we're not good unless Don't Touch the Water Don't Touch the Water Don't Touch the Water don't touch water don't we're gonna touch water do it go up already don't tell me it gets stuck right here okay maybe over here I can just jump and Escape we're good we're surely good and it's into the wall again unless it's not how are you stuck What's blocking you go go that way maybe I'll jump off here maybe this is it pose exit jump go back in picture carry pose foreign [Music] there's no way this is not it I'm going up this is it let's see if we get there the devs make the wall high enough for storm Terror that we can't bypass please please be high enough I think I'm in am I in um in I'm in I'm in storm terror's Lair go right next to the Statue of the seven and then drop right in go strike I'm right on top of it don't go all the way though no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I have three characters it's fine that's why we have a team take it slow take it slow I cannot mess this up oh my God you are witnessing history we have unlocked the entire map of tavat in three hours since we started a new account we are done boys we are done thank you
Channel: itspaikon
Views: 1,918,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact guide, genshin impact gameplay, itspaikon
Id: 9YU3W0b2oLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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