The COMPLETE Genshin Impact Character Tier List (2023)

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hey guys welcome back to another gentian impact ranking video and today will be a fun day for you guys maybe not so much for me today I will either be exonerated of all my crimes or executed as a fraud most likely the latter anyways what we're going to be doing today is doing an official well not really official because it's opinionated but we're gonna be doing a full-on genshing impact tier list ranking every character in the game from I want to say best to worst but again the fandom for every character is known to be quite overprotective of their means that being said as usual this is not a personal attack against any character nor the people who play them or enjoy them and one more time as a disclaimer you are allowed to play whoever you want the balance between or the gap between the best character in Kenshin and the worst is not so insurmountable to the point where the worst character is unusable in a lot of practical settings granted depending on who you talk to whether it's the Casual hardcore or Theory crafter sweaty gamer player in the past they've made the argument of every three characters useful every character can get you 36 stars in spiral abyss and I did get a few people who said that's not actually true for some characters like it would be insanely difficult if not borderline impossible to accomplish a 36 star clear with just Amber kyalisa and traveler maybe I'm being a little bit too generous with my assumptions on that but either way like this is going to be all in good fun you know it's a tier list and I thought to myself why not it's been I've done tier lists for abilities I've done tier lists for elements and stuff like that but I never did a tier list for every single character which is what we're gonna do today but first if I may spare you from my trash takes for a brief moment today's video is sponsored by good old raid Shadow Legends I'm partnering up with them once again for your viewing pleasure as you know raid is a free-to-play mobile Hero Collection RPG played by over 80 million players around the world they have over 650 playable Champions to collect from different factions and you can make use of them through the game's near Limitless content that gets updated month after month including dungeons boss raids Etc they're actually celebrating their fourth anniversary this time around and for the occasion they made a scrapbook of my favorite starter Champion being Ethel mostly because she carried me through a lot of early content and I found myself using her a lot even after getting higher tiered units to celebrate the anniversary further they're giving out free gifts promo codes events and a brand new Fusion event where you can get anniversary deemed to Legendary Champions for Amazon Prime members you can also get additional Savage gear from now until March 30th depending on if you're a new player or existing one you can get special bonuses on top of that for new players who've used the QR code on screen or my link in the description you can get a package featuring The Epic Champion Kellen the shrike and other useful things like energy refills magic potions and XP Brews to name a few for both returning and new players by using the promo code 4 years raid you can get your hands on four legendary skill tones and more once again if you're interested in trying out raid or coming back to it then remember to secure our code on screen or in the description as well as enter the four years raid promo code to get all the needs stuff thanks again to rate for sponsoring the video but for now time to get back to tier listening so here we have the tiers we got tier zero which is effing busted like absolutely you know POG champ you really have no reason not to have them uh then we also have uh tier one which is very effective really really good and probably in line with tier zero except maybe not so much in terms of like all encompassing or all coverage tier two a good but situational and you're lacking a tier zero team also very serviceable units however they may not have the most comfortable spot in the meta at the moment or they might just be like one great below you know you got your Australia plus students your 4.0s and then these are like the 3.5s tier 3 passable requires heavy investment uh self-explanatory the characters can be usable however you do have to put a lot of work into them they're not good right out the box you have to definitely train them up get good equipment for them good artifacts and get their talents on tier 4 bad and or currently doesn't fit into any decent team this one might piss off a few people but I feel like the second part where it says uh doesn't currently fit into any decent team should be enough to clear that up it's not that they're unusable person say it's just that at the moment they don't have any particular use and tier 5 trash which uh let's just get this out of the way let's go ahead and put it right yeah no I'm kidding no there's no one in charge to you although um no I'm kidding I'm kidding I I had to I couldn't resist okay but without further Ado let's get started actually there's one more thing I do need to cover um we only have two Sprites for The Travelers and there are four elements you know Animo Geo Electro and dendro for the sake of this tier list I'm only going to focus on Electro and dendro because of the four those two are the highest ranking I guess we can leave our opinions on the other two elements somewhere in the description if you want to all right let's get started first off we're gonna go with hey there is gonna be Electro traveler so for him I'm going to put him into uh tier three possible requires having investment he is a really solid battery in terms of electro comps but it generates quite well but we have such a plethora of Electro characters as it is that I don't really see a particular reason why you would want to use uh EMC unless you're specifically going for a high self-sustaining cop but then right in National kind of does that on its own then again not everyone has Shogun you get the idea uh DMC on the other hand dendro is going to probably be up in tier two good but situational and or lacking into as your team they are or rather I guess in this context alumin who is a dental traveler is quite effective and obviously the strongest Among The Traveler elements so far that could be subject to change when we get hydro or uh pyro or cryo however at the moment it's rather decently impressive showing certainly you get your money's worth even though you don't have to spend your money on anything Albedo would also be in tier two he has a pretty solid Elemental burst that increases your Elemental Mastery or Elemental damage and overall I think quite a few people sleep on him at the same time it's not like he really has a good comfortable spot at the moment he can work in non-gio comps as well but the deck is heavily stacked against him Amber is tier 4 bad and or currently doesn't have anything decent team then we have ayaka who's in very effective now I know I said that she was one of the top 10 best characters in genshin and I looking back maybe that might have been a bit too exaggerated I think main DPS characters are not really there really aren't any main DPS characters who should be tier zero because in general sub DPS kind of beat them out completely but uh yeah I'll just put it in tier one she's still a fantastic character um and will always be in my opinion on the subject of that actually I'm gonna put genyu here as small where is she so she's also going to be there um next up we have Barbara tier three she used to be I would say tier four just because there were so many better Hydro units to go for but ever since Nila Bloom came into play Barbara has done Niche I still think that she requires a little bit of work to actually get going and so therefore I'll put her in tier three Beethoven I'm gonna say tier 2 as well she was in my uh one of my underrated characters for mandarini characters video but uh I think that's just because of a lot of people kind of stopped using her I did say that she was good it's just that people sort of weaned off of her and I think that kind of is a mistake but at the same time because she's almost exclusively meant for AOE or for uh wave clearing she can't really be a tier one character because as you can see tier 2 says situational so I'll put her here then it is going to be our first tier zero he has fallen off somewhat due to a lot of stronger team compositions a lot of the newer ones not really necessitating him but I still think that in a general sense you really do need to have Bennett on Deck just because he's really cheap to work on he is requires almost no investment and he's super efficient relative to the cost so he still deserves a tier zero status up next you have chongyun who is going to be in tier three he has the makings of a really solid burst oriented cryo DPS but he is a four star and four stars have a lower stat line not to mention cryo isn't the most offensive element in the game uh you could make it work but you know reverse mount isn't as strong as a Ford dealer is also going to be in tier three he's my boy but uh you know based on what I said in my why known Place dealer video he really hasn't stood the test of time all too well still usable again but you do have to put in a lot of work on him Mighty Luke is C6 so maybe that might make him a bit more usable but even then I find him doing far less damage than hutao or yomiya Diana tier two uh pretty good she has the elemental Mastery buff on one of her constellations she can heal and shield overall solid but if you're going for a more offense oriented cryo comp then there are better options out there next we have official tier zero she is another member of I guess the power five which are group of four star characters who are surprisingly extremely effective despite coming out in day one she's gotten significantly buffed with the Advent of denture because she's fantastic for both Quicken and Bloom teams and of course she has the original taser cop or any any situation where you need Electro she's impeccable such rapid Electro application that is unchallenged basically so if you haven't worked on her you definitely should Hotel same argument as ayaka and ganyu where she's fantastic and foreign pretty much will always be until a stronger version of her comes out however she is the main DPS and that means that she has more limited cops compared to other characters or some dps's who can fit into more cops but Gene will be in tier two she's pretty situational and she's rather good I've had some people argue that she's like more of a tier 3 character and I actually couldn't really decide with my friends I was talking to a few of the coaching means and we were like um tier two tier three it's like kind of hard to get a read on her but I would say uh she's definitely one of the more underrated characters out there so I'll put her into it too on the subject of underrated Kaya he is not half bad it's hard to really get him going uh because like you know if you put him in tier three due to the fact that he does require heavy investment his constellations are nice to have but those constellations are difficult to acquire um but I still think that putting him in tier 3 doesn't work because he does have quite a few use cases it's just that none of them are really tier zero cutting tier two she's like in the Midway point between D Luke and huta even though she's an electro character she has kind of good use case in terms of Quicken and aggravate but there are better versions of aggravate out there she's still good but again we're talking like B student versus a student kind of thing tier three this might be premature I've heard a lot of instances where please actually she does quite substantial damage but I feel like a lot of those cases might be a bit too hyper-specific and like somewhat impractical I've actually had someone who say that she should be in tier four but no that's not that's not true at all clear she does have the damage she has plenty of damage it's just that you'll need to really grasp the straws to make her work and possibility is still there speaking of which uh Lisa is another tier three character one of those there are use cases for her especially with the help of dentro but uh there are better options out there a lecture right now has become pretty saturated just because I think as of the moment it is the most populated roster or is that biggest roster Among The Seven Elements Mona uh put it in tier two she still is somewhat the reigning queen of you know vaporize one shot boom big number kind of damage but I don't think she really has been used a whole lot just because she's been overshadowed by uh yeah and combo I still think that she's one of those characters where she definitely has some pretty awkward play style and not too many people are fond of that they would rather just go for a more straightforward linear kind of approach to reactions but if you do get her going she's still as effective as she used to be is tier three uh for this simple reason that Geo sucks as a DPS element unless you go mono Geo but if you go mono Geo then you have this guy right here or even no it really is just this guy it would be nice though because she has a really awesome kit and play style and has situationally useful tools it's just that again there are no use cases for her but there's no reason to use her on the subject of geodps so for Noel here how do I say this jack of all trades master of none that's really what it boils down to I think that she could definitely shine in like if we ever see content in the future that warrants someone who can face tank a lot of damage then she would be necessary but right now she's usable you can get an absurd amount of attack on her but again that comes with the Clause of requiring every investment next up is chichu who's going to be another tier 4 character I'm sorry Chichi means but she really really got handed the Short Straw because even in terms of healing despite having fantastic regeneration there are so many healers who do her job better and it really sucks because I remember she choose to carry me through all the hydro Abyss Mages at the start of the game and ever since then I kind of stopped using her I would say that like if hypothetically we were to give her energy charge on if like if she can generate energy uh she still wouldn't be that great she'd be like in tier 3 character for the time being tier four not really too many cases to use her next is razor razor is interesting a character that I think only circumstantially is viable although then again thanks to the Advent of the Quicken and aggravate he still has a physical damage use case but I think I've seen a few racer players who go more for Electro because of the effectiveness of aggravate you really can't put it any further down than this he does have I don't know if it's like it's such an awkward placement for him since like some players say that he's just complete garbage now and irrelevant and others who say he's criminally slept on I'm a bit ambivalent to that I think he's someone in the middle so therefore I'll put him in tier three sucrose another member of the power of five oh my God she's broken especially relative to what it takes to gather there yes Elemental masteries TDS to work on but oh my goodness sucrose taser and sucrose just crowd control and everything she's so freaking good yes if you have customer inventy then maybe the number of reasons you would want to use her are lower but even that sucrose is just so effective at what she does and what she does covers a lot of bases that you you can't really call her situational she's pretty good in terms of coverage Mr tartar taggles I blame kumax for getting me on that nickname now I can never not call him talk taggles no but seriously child uh tier one same reasons as all the other main tps's he's fantastic where he needs to be but he is the main DPS so he's a bit more restricted in where you could use them on the subject of situational actually I would say okay here's the issue venti by all accounts should be a tearsier character if not tier one but he's got the beta Clause where how do I say this for mobs that can be picked up by his typhoon and even then Mom said can't be like you know you always say that a floor is a venti floor and spiral bits or chambers of empty chamber that's because he still is the reigning king of crowd control but if you're fighting a single Target or if you're fighting heavy enemies exclusively he's pretty much worthless no well that's not true he still does a lot of damage but you get what I mean so it's like I want to put him here just because it fits the bar situational but he's so good that like I mean I put him here I have like a previous screenshot of where I put all my characters but I think yeah we'll put him here I should also clarify something I probably should have clarified this at the start in fact what I'm gonna do is chances are in post-production this segment was already added to the start of the video but I am going to clear up that this doesn't necessarily mean on like a linear scale right there's gonna be some people who say I can't believe he put venti in the same tier as you know uh Kaya it's a spectrum right all these characters are evenly matched all these characters are evenly matched all these characters here all these characters evenly matched it's a spectrum so some characters might be you obviously a tier above other members in that group but would it like justify putting them in a you know all-around good character or broken that's where you kind of have to draw the line so in case anyone's wondering like why the hell did I put D Luke in the same tier as you know uh ninguang when that's not true I can't make 50 million tiers people have to split hairs all over the comment section if that's what it takes but if I were to make a sub tier of everything like you know S Plus S as spinous a plus a a minus and stuff like that it'll be far too tedious so going forward if you're still watching this video and also again I'll have my editor put a segment at the beginning to clear that up just so that we don't get the idea of like oh how can this character be in the same to your side character moving on another member of the power five sending sub DPS version of basically all the Pirate characters and this is the meme of like oh she's indirectly buffed by every new thing that comes out I did talk to the coaching Maze and asked them like you know some of them disagreed with the power 5 they believe that like you know signing and Bennett would be in tier one and like the only person who should be like in tier zero they were a bit more stringent on who should be tier zero uh and I understand that because when you say tier zero you think it's like obligatory right that you need to have these characters or they're better they're the best in everything when it comes to like shining and Venice specifically they're mostly just damage or damage amplification for Bennett even so I still think that they deserve to be you know they deserve to be out there uh cells should be interior probably tier three he is really good if you're willing to put all the Benjamins on this guy uh you do need a lot of stuff on him animal DPS in general is just not too practical at the moment it could get better in the future but by extension I'm gonna put wander here as well I know in the past I said that Wanderer is better than shell but after being corrected thank you by the way for the feedback for people who say or for people who plan out things that I'm incorrect In I'll try my best to be as factually accurate as possible but again there are nuances in opinion wander and Xiao I think are kind of neck and neck in terms of overall damage if not shell is actually a little bit better but I think wander's playstyle amounts to I think slightly more accessibility again it really comes down to like what your preference is but I still think that both of them do require pretty heavy investment I've seen still by the way will be the final member of the power five I would say singtel is probably the best four star in the game next is sunyan and she is going to be in tier four uh apologies again I know just I know Xenon means they're gonna kill me but in reality she really doesn't fit into any decent team he is going to be in I would say um tier two I was thinking about tier one because he is a very good General coverage like he fits in any team but you're taking a massive DPS cut if you do so and you know there are certain instances where he isn't really that worth it you're better off just Fielding an extra sub DPS or someone who can facilitate reactions a bit more effectively Rosaria is kind of homogeneous or yeah is it homogeneous is otherwise the homogeneous or she is a similar kind of premise to Kaya and so therefore I'm putting these two together although in the words of it's a Jeff I'm sorry to quote you on this buddy uh Kaya zosaria if Rosaria didn't suck that's I mean I've read a lot of debates between these two it's like who's the better one but I I'll just stay away from that I do agree though that these two are kind of on the same Level Playing Field you ever take and they do have their uses it's just that there's so much focus on the five star prior characters that people don't really give these two enough attention uh Yen FEI she would be in I'm gonna say tier three she should be tier two I feel like she has a lot of potential but she does require a pretty serious amount of investment because she is a mean DPS character YULA I'll put it here as well uh same principle kind of like the deal thing where they're still rather good it's just that when you're trying to stack them against all the you know all the better main GPS characters or even sub DPS it just doesn't work too well for them in tier zero no explanation necessary he is the true animore Khan let us establish that continuing on let's put I'll put uamia in here too she's pretty strong but still a tier below Utah in terms of coverage and uh still think that there are moments where she does outshine hotel but not we're talking about like situation always say you put tier three I don't think she's a tier 4 character necessarily I think yeah we'll put it Shogun is tier zero Sada is tier three okay this is an interesting thing because Sada is oh my god I've had so many people talk about how started it's like you know the most destructive force of Destiny in terms of like writing hyper carry and then I've had some who say she's complete ass she does have a use so therefore she can't be a tier 4 character but even in the team that you would want to use her in there are just better options out there that's not to say you can't use her and she can be quite effective at kind of ultra buffing the electro carry but kind of hard to really justify a reason to use her up next is kokomi who I will put in very effective now I know she is one of the best characters in the game but I will say that is she a must-have not necessarily she's one of those characters who it's like she's a labor of luxury or she's like an item of luxury where everyone wants her who can have her but is she as obligatory to have I don't know it's debatable she has so many bases covered for hydro and yet at the same time at least empirically for me based on personal experience or anecdote I find myself always defaulting to add like Shinto yelan or both of them and I only use kokomi for like exclusively if I can't use the other two or if I'm already using the other two let's say like one party I have double Hydro then I'll use kokomi as my last Choice some people would say that doesn't make it like that doesn't excuse her from being in tier zero uh she should still be in tier zero but I think for the sake of like trying my best to be as consistent with my rationale I think I'll probably keep her in tier one she's very effective right like you know if you ever need cryo DPS you have ayaka if you ever need higher DPS you have futao but I think she's not really like super ultra broken because there's someone who does everything she does that trades healing for a bit more damage actually there's two people who can do that alloy tier four moving on uh Toma the definition of required Savvy investment he has uses but my God you have to put in a lot of work on this guy ETA tier two is good if you buff him up a lot I know he's another one of those like heavy investment characters but he is a pretty good character and I think uh he has a lot of potential it's just that Geo is a shitty element same thing uh these two are two bees in the Pod pretty much uh another tier 2 character she is the situational to end all situationals besides Goro she Buffs cryo damage to heaven and back but otherwise not really you know you never want to use it for anything else where she's a fantastic steroid for any auto attackers like ayato or yoemiya outside of that not really a reason he would want to use her Mikko is uh tier one she got pretty heavily indirectly buffed with dentro and uh that's what I'm putting her here she would be tier 2 otherwise ayat tall yeah tier one fantastic Hydro character and you can kind of splice between tartaggles and ayato depending on which play style you adhere to more pretty much it yelan is a tier zero character uh I previously thought like you know I put her in tier one but looking back I think now she's basically just as effective as she until let's just pick your poison which one do you want more General uh coverage or aggression I although I guess oh my goodness I didn't even think about this constellations right constellations uh oh I should have covered this at the beginning oh my goodness what am I gonna do what do I do for constellations because like most people they default to C you know C6 or four stars and c0 for five stars but that complicates things see this is the problem with tearless forganshin even though I'm doing the Taylor segang it's just there are so many what-ifs or so many different things that you have to take into consideration that you can't or you can't form a concrete conclusion on a character's rating because there's so many circumstances and factors you have to take into consideration and even then you can but whatever where this suarein might as well see it through shinable is tier one got a super buffed thanks to dentro and then Jose broken and she still has use cases for stuff like taser and whatnot and overall pretty fantastic character uh Hazel will be done in tier three he can do big Falcon Punch damage but you do need to work on him quite a bit uh two Nadi will be I think tier two he's pretty slept on uh people who use him at the beginning and then they stop using him after naivea came out I still think that's a mistake I think dignity can be useful and he does a lot of damage so you need him to situational kale uh tier three you gotta put in more work to make her work than you would like you know team Nadi and I did sort of draw the kind of I drew a parallel between or not her uh between her and denture traveler but Dental travel is just a little bit better Dory hope dory's here I actually this might not be very good to say but I never used her nor have I ever seen her but that also might be kind of indicative of something if you never see her being used or if you never use for herself it's like then she's probably not the best character although I don't think she's a tier 4 character I just I forget what Dory does actually is she she I think she's an electro healer right I don't remember no she's an electro healer no she's not electricity oh my God all right but in this case uh for Dory I couldn't really form or I don't really know too much about her but I don't think she's a tier 4 character not many people talk about how bad she is it's just that she's not good nilu tier one she really should be tier zero because the one comp that she's in is like two zero but we'll just put in tier one otherwise like this doesn't really match your description too much she's very situational so I know I'm gonna say tier two he's similar to cutscene where where you need to use him he would be pretty good but not the best choice out there there are better options uh Candace probably tier three a lot of missed potential I know a lot of people were excited about the hydrogen view but by that logic why would you ever go for hydro view when you can just do regular hydro and again Hydro is a hyper stack roster she has to contend with three characters that definitively are some of the best in the game nahida obvious to zero character she's broken and beyond recognition I don't think we need to explain why this character I will make why everyone plays honor very soon even though she just came out Layla will be done here too I've talked to some people about Layla especially when I was asking him like who do you think is a really underrated character but if I were to say like she's one of those characters kind of like many people in tier three where you can't put them in tier four we also can't put them in tier 2 either because right like if you look at this group of characters and this group of characters it is definitely in a different League I know I said it's a spectrum but even so it's like I can't find myself using Layla over like you know and stuff like that that's an issue with four star characters especially if they have a five-star counterpart that does the same job for them you have to be power five levels of broken to be competitive but that might be subject to change definitely it might be like a Shameless situation where she could get indirectly buffed if something happens that necessitates her father-son uh tier two she definitely fits the bill of requires having investment I've heard it's like you basically need to see sex on her uh however she is definitely much more useful in the situations that you can use her for and she's pretty much allowing for animal DPS to be viable so it's pretty good uh yeah yeah put her in tier one there's still a lot of discussion and kind of I guess investigation about her but she's a dentro Healer and that is really good to have intentials specifically because Bloom kills you so I think she's definitely one of the better four stars we've had in a very long time I'll hate them tier one he is pretty damn strong not gonna lie but he is the main DPS and again my argument now if you can't put me DPS in tier zero because main TPS as a class are inherently limited by the fact that they have to occupy a lot of real time to be useful however there have been some people who said that maybe he should be tier zero based on like dendro being just so ridiculously broken and I'll hate them being really dang good but I think for the sake of maintaining my reasoning I'm kind of locking made dps's up here but I will say that he definitely has shown to be statistically stronger than hutau like that kind of group of characters but that's just probably because Dental is really broken full disclosure I'm recording this before 3.5 has officially been released however I did keep up with discussion and people talking about it on Twitter Reddit uh even in Discord of idea and Mika Dia is supposed to be a standard Banner character similar to tignati and I've also heard she's really bad like some people have said she's worse than D Luke I don't know what to say about that but uh I will probably put her here since is she a tier four I don't know when I was talking to because when I was talking to the group of uh coaching me so we're like yeah she's here for oh no it wasn't the cutscene Lisa said she was tier four uh it was a different Theory craft that I talked to and I was looking at it I'm like really because like I personally don't know a lot about Diaz kid I know that there's a special program and stuff like that but from all the discussion especially from Brax what the hell Braxton what do you have against it I mean if you were like oh my God you were complaining about how bad she was on Twitter for like five years um yeah we'll put her here for the sake of political correctness or to not trigger anyone although maybe putting her here will trigger people uh as for Mika I'm gonna say situational since he is a physical damage buffer now physical damage sucks no fancy elements but I had to give him the same treatment as I would follow us on where it's like he is or it's like the you know like the god of yeah for cryo and Nika will be for physical physical sucks but we'll see how good that goes you know we'll see how that happens in the future anyways that's gonna be it for today I need to really think about how I want to write out the intro because I need to clarify kind of the rules to this like the um the Spectrum in terms of like who's better than the other or like this is not an order by the way it's not ordered it's not like Mika is worse than uh Lumina like luminous the best tier 2 character one way or another someone's gonna get mad a lot of people are gonna get mad at the placement but I did commit to it I said on my you know Community post I'm like screw it I want to do it just because I think I mean I don't think I I feel like even amidst my hot takes and stuff like that I don't think I'm too far off compared to most other people or the general consensus on where a character should be but overall I do think that I stand by my choices are here there could be smaller Justice made right like I might think maybe I could but say I don't know shall and wander in tier two but again there are so many different edge cases that if you were to factor them into the equation would make the Steelers impossible to formulate and once again this is opinionated this is not objective it's all in good fun I hope you enjoyed though if you have any agreements or disagreements on where you think I should put a character or maybe like you know if you think I was a bit too generous with my rating on some of these upper characters or too harsh on my rating for some of the lower ones then feel free to share your argument in the comments down below let's try to be respectful about it of course please don't send death threats although I probably already gotten many of them uh no don't worry I'll be fine though but anyways if you enjoyed the video it would be awesome if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at bars where I'm join my Discord server and check out my other gen Xin impact videos if you're new to the channel aside from that thanks so much for watching and I'll see you again soon in the next one take care
Channel: Vars II
Views: 275,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact tier list, genshin impact best character, genshin impact worst character, genshin best, genshin worst, genshin characters, tier list, character tier list, genshin impact tier, genshin high tier, genshin low tier, best character, worst character, genshin impact version 3.5, genshin impact 3.5
Id: LcYfje0BMuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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