"Failed" Characters - What Went Wrong? | Genshin Impact

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a point of interest about kin's characters is that well there aren't that many of them for a title that's been out for over 3 and a half years at this point for there to be only 80 playable characters that's unexpectedly low for a gacha game most every regarding variety gas with that kind of time span would have well over three figures to choose from with a multitude of units released per version it's understandable though as unlik piarc ginin heavily invests in each of its units from their involvement in the story to their place in the world of tat to the extensive amount of voice over and animations required it's a far more taxing logistical to say the least while some carry more narrative significance than others you can't help but appreciate that side of ginin the character production has always been top-notch matching other AA development projects in caliber and quality gameplay wise however is where the disparity in execution is more pronounced while it's inevitable for some units to outperform others when taking everything into account every so often we'd run into a character who whether or not it was intentional has a move set that makes little if any practical sense to even the most novice of players for today we'll be going over the history of ginch imp packs fail characters detailing what went wrong with them the possible reasons why they ended up in such a state and what can potentially be done to repair them in the future however copium induced those Solutions may be the term failed may come off a bit extreme for some of you who are curious as to where my thought process for calling them such comes from so let's start from there obviously there's no such thing as an objective failure of a character with enough effort and investment every single member of the roster is capable of being used and under no circumstances am I trying to undermine those who have done so that being said with any game featuring a roster of playable characters opportunity cost becomes involved wherein by selecting one character you forfeit the properties and whatever advantages they entail of everyone else for instance by opting to construct a team comprising aaka means you don't get to play rly or by choosing to play Hut you don't get to play Linny in light of this it's a natural tendency for most Gamers to select the option that offers either the most enjoyment for them or the most efficient results ideally both pragmatically speaking efficiency plays a key influence in unit selection and is often a vehicle by which video games develop their respective metas ition is no different though the player base remains divided on the significance of metas to this day it doesn't stop irrelevant portion of the community from basing their gameplay decisions around that concept the whole point of my why no one and why everyone plays series is to highlight the aspects of a character that either drives people away from them or draws people towards them many of which entails something along the lines of them being strong easy to play versatile and lovable if not sexually fantasized over by that thought process a character viewed as a failure quote unquote is one who does not adequately meet those expectations in other words yes I consider a unit a failure if they are too weak to offer anything of no worthy value but having underwhelming practical strength isn't the be all end all tons of units exist in genin with thoughtful designs and engaging gameplay however insufficient it may be relative to others more than the character's mve that being efficient it also has to make sense and sadly a non-negligible number of units have parts of their kit that raise more questions than answers the highest profile example of this in recent time would unarguably have to be Dia a character so hotly anticipated by virtue of her breaking the the mold of most gin units back then she was the first pyro unit to be released since oia marking almost a year and a half that the Pyro roster received any new additions not only that but her no-nonsense fiery personality made her a consumate fan favorite throughout the Sumer story arc raising player expectations on how she would perform when data was made available on her she was marketed to us as a member of the berserk archetype one who routinely sustained heavy damage in exchange for dishing out tenfold in return her Central experience no doubt resonated with many players myself including having made liberal use of d back in the early days it felt almost like Dia would be the second coming of the Old Reliable pyro great sword user and when they showed us her insane Elemental burst animation it was quite the spectacle as soon as players got their hands on the flame main though something was very very wrong her abilities all made sense on paper but in practice it felt to said two halves of her kit were designed by entirely separate teams her Elemental skill instantiated a field that dealt pyro damage to enemies based on DS Max health and attack whenever damage was inflicted on enemies meanwhile the active character would gain stagger resistance while inside the field the main point of molten Inferno was the ability for Dia to basically play the role of a cover tank redirecting a portion of all damage the active character would sustain to herself and storing it as red Ming's blood anyone with the mod a video game experience would rightfully assume that stored damage has to be used for something beneficial right why else would they make such a big deal out of it even going so far as to give that store damage its own term little do we know that nothing would actually happen with this resource all it did was serve to place a hard cap on how much damage Dia could redirect per cast of skill with there being no way to use it to one's benefit despite her play style very closely resembling a Berserker type character the other issue was her Elemental burst temporarily discarding her Claymore to unironically beat the living sh out of her opponents with their bare fists a brutal sequence of punches in one may very well be one of the most satisfying animations I've ever laid eyes on if only it was actually good these individual punches do not count as normal attacks preventing her from capitalizing on follow-up support from unin and yelan who would have been excellent candidates to back her up in a fight seeing as she's pyro and all what's more is that if a completely missed opportunity for her to not do something with the aformentioned red me's blood such as having Leon bytes attacks the stronger the more damage the restored prior causing her otherwise beautifully animated ultimate to be one of the most disappointing ones in the game coupled with her offensively underwhelming split scaling and the amount of Lo sense and questionable design choices for her kid made her an extremely French borderline unusable character with almost no viable reason to be fielded over any of the existing Front Runners in Pyro's cast to this day she serves as the Capstone example of one of if not the biggest character flops in Gan impact history she had such immense potential to be an incredibly powerful and enjoyable addition to the Pyro roster all of which king Dead on Arrival for seemingly no apparent reason another noteworthy and recent case of this would have to be F although his situation differs ctia in a number of ways unlike the flame Manan F's kin has been tied for being well put together from an experiential standpoint as he feels quite intuitive to play his failure is as a result of the niche oil Endeavor to put him in femin is a cryo element main GPS great Zord user whose damage mostly comes in the form of physical sound familiar because that's exactly what Ula is only f is a fourar and fourar on fielders have historically been dealt to losing hand when compared in power budget to festar on fielders in his defense unlike the reconnaissance Captain f is more partial to consistent output over a one-hot nukes the gist of his gameplay has him open with his Elemental skill to empower his basic attacks to deal cryo damage after which he can then recast the skill to end on a finishing blow of cryo Endor physical damage depending on how many attacks were made with this ultimate increasing his attack Tempo and damage this effectively enables him to continuously attack giving him a rather unique play sty where everything backfires on him is that the appeal and necessity of this kind of gameplay expired long before his time the physical element has been perennially neglected but there being almost no support for it on a system wine level compared to the extensive amounts of augmentations afforded to The Seven Elements the Elder stateswoman of the physical archetype is already barely hanging on by taking advantage of coincidental synergistic components like Ryden shogun's Elemental burst enhancing skill or for's party wi damage it neither of which offer her greater benefits than if they were provided to anyone else femin circumstances contrast to Dias in that while the lad's madeen voyage was marred not by unideal conditions and the current landscape rather her own internal design defects femina's madeen Voyage was marred not by internal design rather the fact that he was entering a niche long considered dead by most players with virtually zero chance of him Reviving it due to sharing the same role as a un who came out 2 years earlier the final example is our very own hydr traveler though the list is not limited to those three While most people consider diaa to be the most public failure in Gan history many have labeled Hydro traveler as the single worst unit in the game as you're well aware The Travelers meant to introduce you to the central mechanic of each element typically as a reference to the elements respective archon or Sovereign in the case of hydro among other things such as HP scaling and healing it's all about manipulating Health as a resource hydr traveler certainly checks off on those things but the way they do is bluntly speaking terrible their Elemental skill is the infamous pew pew pew continuously shooting bubbles of water in a Direction before ending with the finishing blow persistent Hydro application is not an unfamiliar Cipher the element but usually that comes in the form of offield pressure such as cing China and yellon on fields would have to contribute far more application or far more damage for them to be worth using and despite being a foster unit by technicality traveler is often equated to a fourstar if not a three star unit even though those don't exist people crazy enough to use them usually opt to have them as a quick swap of DPS using their Elemental burst but what has a lot of people frustrated with the character is that even though they have aspects of hydro within their mov set HP manipulation HP scaling continuous application and such none of them really harmonize with each other or work towards any specific cost in essence hydr traveler comes off as an extremely downgraded noet a character who's only been successful due to having ridiculously overt scaling and base damage along with actual internal Synergy between his charge attack skill and burst up until Fontaine the ginin community developed an impression that subsequent versions of the traveler will grow more and more practically usable as evident by Electro traveler finding sparse representation during the the early days of Inazuma and D traveler being a surprisingly decent option among the first three dento units made available mind you once nahita and I'll ha them joined the fry all sublets of use cases for DmC evaporated almost immediately but there was a sense of growth and improvement from each version to the next hydr traveler took all that progress and destroyed it being debatably worse than even animal and geot traveler relative to the options available it has nothing to do with the hydro roster being overly stacked either hydr traveler has no Niche has no direction and has no Advantage they could have done just about anything else except this and they would have been so much better failed units are not failures solely because they're weak that plays a major part yes but their units are variable reasons to be used even if they don't achieve the status of meta I consider them failures for their design or the target Niche they had in mind beyond the aention three Candice shinan chii cave Amber aloy for each of these units there's a major defect in their kit that breaks any hopes of them finding their place in The Meta or there's no Rhyme or Reason for them to pursue the niche they were intended for I can give a pass to chii and Amber seeing as they were Day One units but for everyone else they should have known better one could argue that not every unit needs to go after a mainstream role as that would dute the unit pool with too many characters feeling too similar to each other if every Hydro unit was a copy of shinol or every pyro unit was trying to Mele Shang Ling genin wouldn't have the wide range of nuances between units that people have come to love about the game I'm sure there are numerous Mains of units I brought up in this video who chose to play them because there's something within their experiences that resonate with the player what bothers me is that there could have been a world where those characters had even more satisfying gameplay or at least a practical incentive however small it may be I agree that not everyone should be meta that would just lead to power creep which can alienate players but there's a difference between not making a character overpowered and constructing a move set that makes sense for a purpose that is being supported femin would not have been a failed unit if he came out in version one when physical damage was on par with elemental damage his kid would have been very enjoyable to play and make him an alternative choice for those who didn't have or didn't want to play Razer it's only because he came out in version 4 and which point physical has been long neglected that it hurt his reception Tia being able to store damage taken and using it to increase her own attack and the ability for her burst to trigger follow-ups would not have made her overpowered those two improvements alone would have made her so much more satisfying to play and use while still being the exact same character it's commonly agreed upon that if Chi-Chi had energy regeneration that alone would greatly Elevate her usability characters seem to have a purpose and they need to have a place if they're missing either then they won't be successful it's about fairness the same attention and Care being put into every unit's moonet just like they do with their animations backstory Etc it's unfair to see some units have very thoughtful and cohesive designs While others were programmed by an intern I really hate to bring up starl because I understand designing an overal action of PG character is more complex than a turn-based one but apart from the version 1.0 units every unit they came out from 1.1 after was designed to have a purpose and a place in the Mena even the not so popular ones like yukong kinhin could do the same very easily the number of well-made units is greater than the number of failures so it's not like they don't know what they're doing they know exactly what what is necessary to conceptualize a unit with a functioning and practical kit which makes it all the more aggravating that units like these exist the obvious answer to remedying the situation would be for hoyo to actually release balance changes to the game and add these mechanics unfortunately that's a highly unlikely outcome they made one exception for Jung Le from the sheer amount of outrage he generated online the reason they won't ever do it again though is that it sets a precedent we all know they'll never Nerf a character because if they do anyone who invested in that unit will feel disillusioned and quit the game buffing a character isn't a wise stor either though as preferential treatment seldom if ever is well received if they buff Dia and Chi-Chi players will ask them to buff other characters and you know how fervent genin players are for their Maines sadly for a number of these units there really isn't another way to make them better outside of buffing for those like femin who are bogged down by poor Circumstance the moment physical receives actual new found attention and support is the moment he'll get back into the game but for Dia realistically I can't think of anything we already thought Linny and the nalet and the Verina would buffer but not really single a hydr traveler the problem lies within the abilities themselves increasing scaling adding better Synergy maybe some adjustments to internal cooldowns or regular cool Downs for that matter I get that hoyo is staunchly against Power creeping for ginin given it's supposed to be the Casual relaxing title for people to enjoy at their own pace but like I said before they don't have to super buff a character to make them feel good to play and use they just have to make the character work some of these units are just straight up broken not overpowered broken broken broken at the bare minimum every unit should have a purpose in The Meta you need units like hazel Charlotte Lynette and colle are obviously not breaking any records but they can be used if in the event players do not have better options units like Hydro traveler shya and Dia I'd be hard pressed to recommend even investing in them unless you have a personal preference for their character of course I'm just one man's opinion we can obviously agree to disagree on what is considered a failure or not I just wish there were more consistent with their character designs not everyone has to be great but at least make them good anyways if you enjoy the video it would be great if you could leave a like And subscribe consider following my Twitter at bars verm joining my Discord server and checking out my other discussion videos if you haven't yet but until next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 193,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact fail, genshin impact worst characters, genshin impact worst units, genshin impact failed characters, genshin impact dehya, genshin impact hydro traveler, genshin impact freminet, genshin impact why no one plays, why no one plays, genshin bad, genshin impact bad characters
Id: qDGQy90u10Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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