BEST ARTIFACT FARMING TIPS in 2024! (Beginner to Advanced) Genshin Impact

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artifact farming in genin Impact is like the ultimate level of gacha heal so even if you feel like a million bucks when you get that perfectly leveled piece 99% of the time it sucks hey everyone it's seevi I've been playing genin impact and making genin guides for almost 3 years now and one inevitable part of character building is artifacts building up your artifacts is a wild and often disappointing experience for any stage of farming it can feel overwhelming starting out it can feel draining throwing all your resin into one domain and not getting anything back and after too many bad rolls it can ultimately burn you out so I'm bringing you updated tips to hopefully make the experience easier and more efficient for you by helping you form good artifact farming and management habits whether you're a relatively new player or a longtime one there's a whole bunch to cover so let's Jump Right In first of all know the ar45 breakpoint if you've asked or looked around when to seriously start farming artifacts most advice point to the magic number ar45 and there's a good reason why more specifically you you should avoid cracking all the fragile resin you've collected to go crazy on artifact farming until you reach that point that's because at ar45 you unlock the highest artifact domain level that guarantees at least one five-star drop of the two main artifact sets which is why it feels more worth your resin it's also when the artifact strong box unlocks where you can start recycling pieces for more artifacts but we'll get to that later before that point it's generally better to use your resin for leveling characters their talents and weapons however that's not to say that artifacts are useless during this time as they are still a valuable component of your character strength for instance if you find progressing through Quest fights or even domain farming difficult in general before A45 because of your underbuilt characters then having some decently leveled artifacts even if they're three to four star quality may still be very helpful to more easily get you through those midgame hurdles it's okay to occasionally spend some normal resin to farm some domains if it really feels like your lack of artifacts or underleveled ar artifacts are making fights too hard but if you ask me try to use artifact pieces you get from Rewards or boss fights as much as possible for builds and for fodder and they might take you far enough to get to this point just save your fragile resin that you've been collecting over time to spam those ar-45 domain levels rather than lower ones though don't forget to continue farming character and weapon Ascension materials plus talent and XP books to level up the other aspects of your character at the end of the day farming artifacts to strengthen your character depends on RNG while raising your characters based stats and multipliers are sure fire ways to make them permanently stronger getting your main characters to at least level 80 is a good Baseline goal and you can later choose which to bring to 90 once you're able it's a quick criteria characters that scale in HP defense or transformative or Quicken reactions will generally appreciate those last 10 levels more than regular attack scalers it'll be a lot of continuous domain farming so if farming an ar45 domain feels too hard don't hesitate to join Co-op or get a higher AR level friend to help help you I and my theory crafter friend Migo both have Discord servers with communities of people who are willing to help you out there so feel free to join in using the links below and ask around for help tip number two is to manage your artifact XP related to leveling artifacts you may not have a lot of fodder to start with to level your pieces especially when you're not mass farming artifacts before ar45 and even when you do and you start leveling up those four and five star pieces you can easily find yourself running out of fodder it can take a lot of artifact XP and Mora to bring a five-star artifact from plus Z all the way to plus 20 the amount of XP needed per level increases as well so it's important to not waste all your XP on artifacts that aren't showing good potential and recognize when to cut your losses particularly at the plus 12 or plus 16 Mark where you need massive amounts of XP just to get the next roll if a piece isn't looking good by that point you can hold off on leveling it further and wait for a better piece to come along if you can afford to feed the worst piece feeding leveled up artifacts to others is one way to recycle XP but note that it also has lower XP returns past a certain level so its value can diminish especially for artifacts at higher levels a trick for early leveling is feeding a plus4 five-star piece which is always going to give enough XP to bring another five star piece from plus 0 to plus4 so you can find out those initial roles and waste less artifact XP but another main source of artifact XP that you can collect without spending resin are actually locations in the Overworld that drop lowquality artifacts and these also refresh daily this can take 10 to 20 minutes every day depending on how meticulous you want to be and there are definitely a lot of YouTube guides that can show you the route in my first few months of playing I made sure to add this to my daily routine if I had the time these drops can really add up over time and they helped boost the rate I could level my artifacts without having to rely on artifact drops in domains where I had no choice but to spend resin in fact you can even convert these artifact jobs into Mora by destroying them in the inventory you can also get artifact XP fodder from your seren aot if your trust rank is high enough but if you need the other stuff in there then prioritize those of course there are also artifact vendors around the open world that you can buy two star pieces from but they're 2,000 MOA each so I personally would just rely on the free artifact route unless you're somehow stacked with Mora already my next tip is to set practical expectations any longtime player will know that artifact farming takes time and resin because it's all gotcha you might be seeing all these build showcases and cracked artifacts but those really take a long time to accumulate always remember it's perfectly normal and okay to start and stay with lower quality pieces for a while and on that note when you're just starting out your serious farming goals don't completely ignore the four-star drops okay fourstar pieces with the right stats can be temporarily better than a five-star piece with the wrong ones you might also miss out on getting pieces with rare main stats like Elemental Mastery or Elemental damage bonuses just because you're not paying attention to fourar star pieces from your domain farming of course longtime players will showcase five-star builds and scoff at the idea of using lower quality pieces but when you're not at that stage yet you have to be practical with what you get for some specific sets which we'll tackle in a bit the four piece set bonus itself can be more valuable than the actual quality of the piece so even just using four stars in the meantime can help achieve those bonuses and speaking of main stats there is one big General principle that can guide you in every stage of your artifact farming stats over sets there's a saying stats over sets which holds a lot of Truth for those who really understand how a hard it is to both Farm through those layers of RNG while trying to optimize characters getting the right stats for most characters should be your first priority even when you're just starting out you have mostly fourstar artifacts from your world progression and farming bosses but not a lot of five-star pieces yet and a lot of them would be Gladiator finale and Wanderers troop pieces from boss fights or the odd other sets you might have picked up in your initial attempts to farm whatever the case learn to prioritize the stats that comes with understanding what stats your character's value of course by the time you're taking artifact farming more seriously that will also be the point where learning more fundamentals of character mechanics stats and building will come into play but with RNG working against you find out how you can make your characters functional enough rather than shooting for optimizing stats too soon for example are both an attack and EM main stat Sands applicable for this character like with digari or alham or even fishell can you settle with an attack goblet first before moving on to an elemental damage goblet in a lot of cases yes and just as a quick note if you need ideas on what main stats to look for you can of course go looking for guides but there's also in game data that you can consult to help point you in the right direction anyway don't get too hung over substats right away as well it's generally better to have a piece with the right main stat but poor substats than a piece with a completely wrong main stat but good substats on the other hand some four-piece sets are special the best examples of this are the ver desent vener and deepwood memories which can both Shred the enemy's Elemental resistance thereby amplifying the damage they receive these are special effects that are not just for the user but for supporting other teammates as well the instructor and Exile sets are also very good support sets with Team wide Buffs though they don't have any five-star equivalents as such these are particular four-star quality artifacts that I would recommend saving and using even in the end game for such sets it's a bigger priority to complete the set and then refine the stats later on knowing which pieces and or sets to initially aim for are just so you can equip the character to make them good enough so that progressing through the story boss fights and domain farming will be less painful while you don't have a wide variety of artifacts yet once you understand that principle you're ready to start considering set bonus optimizations but before we continue optimizing artifacts let's optimize some drip check out this kaha hoodie it's by artist lixie Zoo the sponsor of today's video who creates beautiful highquality merch with subtle yet stylish designs like these genin impact pins you've got ganu aaka Ryden even senora and dlift and hoodies designed after kaha Soo and shiao I personally really love my hoodie it's got thick and comfortable fabric it's got pockets and of course this beautiful embroidered design on its chest the pins are also really lovely with their gold lining and can easily go on your bag or or maybe your jacket or whatever so if you're interested in shopping some really pretty merch and supporting lixie Zoo's art check out her shop Linked In the description and use this coupon code sevie for a 5% discount thank you lixie Zoo for sponsoring this video now let's get back to it my tip number five is to consider rainbow or two-piece set builds versus four piece sets when it comes to putting together artifact sets two-piece and four piece set bonuses are there mainly to provide more stat value for your build for two-piece sets with basic bonuses like attack percent or Elemental damage percent those are always nice to have except for those special sets we mentioned earlier the advantage of most four piece sets is just a bigger boost to the stat value you get compared to two-piece sets what you'll eventually realize is that most of the time even two piece set combinations can easily get close equal or in some cases even surpass the potential of a four-piece build and that's through the power of substats four piece sets are harder to farm as you not only need to get those four pieces of the same set you also have to get the right main stats on them then eventually consider if they have good substats as as well contrast that to two-piece twopiece combos or even twopiece plus rainbow sets which are easier to complete since you remove that restriction of sticking to a full set for example let's take the Gilded dream set the two-piece bonus gives 80 em and the four piece bonus gives em and attack based on your team composition so let's say it gives you 100 em and 14% attack all in all the two-piece and four piece bonuses give additional 180 em and 14% attack compare that to if you have a two-piece two-piece bonus of em sets giving an additional 160 em in total so if you compare that the difference is really 20 Em and 14% attack that means your two-piece two-piece build will only need about four substat rolls to practically have the same value as a four piece guilded dream set and even more substats will make it start to surpass the four piece set and if you're using it for a hyper bloom burgeon or Bloom trigger where attack isn't important then the primary difference is just 20 Em or one substat roll on the other hand some sets are also concerned with Boost in the own character stats but the stat value they offer is so incredibly high that the gap between two-piece Combos and the four piece set is often very significant the main example right now is the four piece Mar Jose Hunter which offers a whopping 36% crit rate under the right trigger conditions now those are very specific cases to certain characters but for the most part I've learned that not every character needs a full 4p set of their best in slot especially when the difference between a really good two-piece two-piece set can be quite small for example if we take a look at some sir crafted Cals over on kitching Mains Shia's ideal full sets are four piece per million and four piece Mar now but the difference between those and a two-piece two-piece combo can be anywhere between 2% and 9% which can be overcome by 1 to 5 substats if you take a melt Rosaria she has some full set options like lava Walker gilded dreams emblem but at lower ER requirements they are only 1 to 2% better than two-piece blizzard Strayer two-piece nobless combo so in such cases it might just be more efficient to aim for the two-piece two-piece set and if the gap between a four-piece set is quite important to you then that's something you can take care of later on when you've already sufficiently built enough of your characters now some of you might be thinking but isn't it more efficient to go for a full four piece because you're focused on farming one domain anyway well you can't get lucky going all in on one domain and coming out with a good full set but if you find yourself stuck or struggling then maybe you actually have really good pieces lying around that can complement the domain set you've been farming such as twopiece glad or two-piece wanders or pieces you've previously farmed and such and if you do then it's ultimately more efficient to settle with that for now don't forget that there's always room for an off piece as well whether for a four-piece set or two-piece twopiece combo most especially if it's the right Elemental damage bonus or Elemental Mastery piece which are harder to get so don't discard or disregard potential nonset pieces that have good stats my next tip is to determine resin efficient farming habits there's what I and many other guys makers will label as a resin efficient domain or methods for farming artifacts which especially have a lot of benefits when you're in the process of building multiple characters so what is a resin efficient domain that's when the two-piece sets have near Universal applicability that you can slap them on most characters and even better when the four piece set or sets are used by so many characters too for a long time until now the emblem shimwa domain in inauma is still considered a really good domain to farm in the emblem of severed fate set is the best in slot or one of the best in slots for many burst Reliant units and it stes bonus which gives ER is always useful to help reach good ER stats for so many units as well the shimawa four-piece set doesn't have the same level of widespread applicability but its two-piece bonus gives attack which is a staple for any attack scaling unit another domain that can become extremely resin efficient is fontaine's Mario chos and golden troop domain most particularly when you get finina the golden troop is farina's best in slot but as for the mar chose Hunter a few characters can enable its effects thanks to their own innate HP changing mechanics While most other Prefontaine characters can't but with fina's Team HP drain she can basically make the Marisha say very strong or even the best set for many DPSS so with this domain you're effectively farming for finina and many other DPSS you can pair with her now on the flip side let's talk about what's considered less resin efficient and those are domains that are more niche in value you might really want one of the sets that it offers but you'll have little to no use for the other set it's paired with let's take the husk of opulent dreams and ocean hued clam domain the former is a top set for ETO and Noel defense scaling GPS's and the latter is for certain healers like kakomi and Chi-Chi however for it to feel efficient You' need to have those specific characters for both sets which is already a narrow list in the first place if your main concern is horizontally building your characters I'll always recommend going for more Universal sets first but thankfully the introduction of the strong box and its updates over time have made artifact farming a whole lot easier and I would argue even made certain domains just almost or absolutely not worth bothering with anymore our next tip is all about the strong box and how it is your friend there was a time when the strong box felt like a scam especially when it was first introduced the premise was that you can only feed five star artifacts and for every three pieces you can exchange it for one five-star piece what made it unremarkable at first is that its first four artifact choices were quite limited we had glad wanders troop no bless and blood stain chivalry but thankfully it's been expanded now to 22 sets which include all monad Lea and Ena Zuma based artifacts as of now if there's a set you want but don't like the domain it's in the strong box is your best friend you can single out a specific artifact set without necessarily having to sink so much resin into their more Niche domain just by feeding trash artifacts not only that but it's been established that there's a higher chance of getting a piece that starts with four stat lines in the strong box compared to domains so there are a few ways to use the strong box first is for parallel set farming Farm a set that you want that's exclusively in a domain and then feed the trash to another set you also want in the strong box this can be especially helpful in diversifying your build options between new and old artifact sets you can also go for hyperfocusing if the set is found in both the strong box and the domain you can Farm its domain and feed the trash pieces into the strong box towards the same set this would likely be done through a DPS you're hyper investing in like with the Crimson w which set or for a set that has a lot of users like the emblem set or if you just want to increase your chances of getting a rare stat and set combo like farming the VV domain and strong boxing it to get an EMP piece for your Kaza you can also just use a strong box for perfecting builds if you already have functional builds in your characters but want to reach a higher ceiling then just keep going for a specific set there that can replace your existing good pieces whatever way you do plan and using it just know that you can get a lot of value from the strong box so don't hesitate to try it out tip number eight is to stop obsessing over crit value for some DPSS like a hyper bloom or burgeon trigger that mainly cares about stacking em crit isn't important but for a lot of other characters it is so much so that there's still this notion that having as much crit as possible is the best metric to judge a Godly or cracked artifact piece a piece's crit rate and crit damage stats can be combined through this formula to get its crit value like in the sample I calculated for you and a lot of players rank artifacts based on how much CV they have have you know what I get it I mean having that jacked up crit damage looks so juicy and nice and it's impressive when the crit rate stat looks like it should be a crit damage stat crit is definitely an important stat for crit scaling DPSS but it's not the only valuable stat getting taken too far by CV obsession is unhealthy and it can lead to unnecessary frustration or worse it might cause you to undervalue artifacts that are actually good despite having a lower CV I've learned to take a more holistic look at artifact pieces and their stat quality and I always recommend my viewers to do so too characters with reactions like em rolls attack scaling characters in bitless teams really like attack roles HP is still viable for HP scalers getting enough energy recharge is very important for many characters to ensure smooth rotations and so on if your artifacts rolls go into relevant stats aside from crit rate and crit damage that's still totally a win I have an older video series about holistically evaluating and optimizing artifacts based not on the crit value but their overall substat count as a quick overview you essentially count how many useful substats are on each piece where you use the average roll of a stat as your unit if you want to know what substat goals are considered good to high to Godly investment I also discuss it there and this can also help you evaluate whether to keep farming for a character or move on to another anyway this method is a means of quantifying your build quality where even if you want to aim for a good crit ratio typically 1 is two crit rate to crit damage stats like attack em and ER all contribute to the overall strength and investment of the build as my final tip you can try out different artifact or build related Tools in gamees there's the artifact autol Locker where you can set up autol loocking plans per artifact set for newer players it can look overwhelming to set up at first but this tool might be helpful in the long run it's really a matter of learning which substats are relevant to the characters you're farming for you can look at it as a good way to Kickstart your artifact thatat knowledge or put into practice some of the tips we've gone through here on the other hand if you're an older player with lots of artifact farming experience this tool might not look very useful but you could also use it to autolock rare main stats like em or Elemental damage goblets or even hyperfocus on targeting certain stats for perfecting your build now the next tools are community-made made tools and I'll be linking them all in the description with this next one being an ER calculator it essentially helps you calculate the optimal ER needed for a character in specific teams and combat scenarios I find this tool really use ful since the in-game artifact data for stats don't show anything for ER besides players using ER Sands and Miss characters and though guides often suggest ER ranges for characters this ER calculator can help you get a more precise recommendation based on the scenario there's also a gench and Optimizer which analyzes your artifacts and prescribes optimized builds when you get to the site you'll immediately see they have easy tutorials to help you get started it does need a lot of input about your artifacts but if you're trying to choose between certain pieces or builds to see what would out put the best damage then the optimizer can do that for you another is the Anka Network which I personally like to use to check builds from other servers because you can easily display your entire character's build within a card and even enable substat breakdown on pieces which makes for really easy counting and evaluation linked to that is the aasha system where you can view build leaderboards or just browse other people's builds it can also rank your build in its database but don't sweat it because gensin isn't a competitive game after all so if you're interested in tools like these then you can go ahead and join Theory crafting Community discords like kaching Mains since that's where you can usually hear about such tools from other players and that's going to be it for these artifact farming tips though these are tips for General artifact farming remember that each character has their own specific considerations that will affect your farming goals and priorities referring to character guides and I have a ton if you need them can certainly help you in that regard but at the end of the day just remember that it's a process it can be a pretty brutal one to so if you made it this far comment down below an artifact tip you'd like to share with your fellow players or simply share something about your own artifact experience I'd love to know if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like consider subscribing to my channel if you haven't already and I will see you all soon take care
Channel: SevyPlays
Views: 231,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, gaming video, game streamer, build, guide, arcana, explain, how, to, play, best, sets, comparison, builds, free, f2p, better, team, comps, farm, materials, worth, pulling, it, damage, strong, dps, comp, teams, new, leak, explained, mechanics, genshin, impact, artifact, artifacts, farming, resin, stamina, efficient, domain, best artifact, artifact build, route, artifact tips, how to, strongbox, furina, spiral abyss, artifact stats, artifact sets, beginner, advanced, new player, ar45, ar60, tier list, characters, 5-star
Id: YxzGdxCzIN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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