Is Pyro Meta Again? Or Still Weak? - Arlecchino Gameplay Analysis | Genshin Impact

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pyro was once the most powerful element engaging impact by leaps and bounce for most of not all of version one and for the better part of version two these two elements had a strangle hold on the metag game for two reasons one the majority of the first wave of new units that came out consisted almost entirely of either of them with virtually no development for the other elements and two the abundance and prevalence of the amplifying reactions vaporize and melt which at the time were much easier to understand conceptually than the comparatively weaker transformative reactions fast forward to the modern era and the table have turned while there's still a veritable reason to use cryo and Pyro teams their market shares diminish considerably from where they initially were currently Hydro dendro animal and Electro all but dominate The Meta thanks to their wide range of party compositions consistent DPS and fantastic coverage whether single Target or AOE the broad strength of pyro was usually overshadowed by that of his counterparts things have started to come around for pyro in version 4 though courtesy of Linny at the start of the version followed by some fairly serviceable four stars and chevis and guming with the long and I emphasize long awaiting release of the harbinger arino is this PIR return to form that's what we'll be discussing in this video of The Seven Elements pyro is easily the most straightforward being the element focused on power Above All Else expectedly damn near every single pyro unit in ginin has a play style heavily founded on damage lots and lots of damage the elements foundational mechanics are based on power a message that has been loyally adhered to by The Game's earlier units wangling D and Hut serving as the Front Runners of the roster for quite some time while Yen CLE and Y Mia had modest results back in the day unfortunately Pyro's black and white approach to combat has been proven to hold it back while other elements are further expanded on since most of its relevant cast members were based on straightforward power either the exertion or enhancement of it anyone who didn't explicitly subscribe to that Doctrine was made to suffer because of it Amber's focus on rapid pyro application went against the notion of quality instead of quantity shinan being split between pyro and physical attacking and defending cemented herself as one of the worst units in the game Toma fared somewhat better than shinan but all in all even with the Advent of burin and a possible Niche R for wander his more supportive shielding an application based gameplay made it really hard for him to adhere to what pyro was best known for for the better part of version 2 and even version three with all that transpired concerning diaa there was a clear divide between the good py units and the bad ones hoo was tinkering around with the thought of making some more nich or gimmicky pyro units that weren't just carbon copies of benett shling and Hut and for the most part have struggled to pull pyro away from that notion that power is Everything For Better or Worse units would have to adhere towards the central theme of the element if they wanted to be successful consequently pyro took a backseat throughout version 3 as Electro hydro and dentro took over the meta but then came version 4 and the New Direction The Meta followed Fontaine made it very clear with its initial banners that they were aiming to break the Mt trying on new things to equalize The Seven Elements as much as they could with that came Lenny the first actual good pyro character to come out in over two years at that point unlike Yia who is a normal attacker Linny was an AimShot user and to prevent him from directly competing against the likes of UT they had the idea to make him for go Reliance on VAP prise altogether choosing instead to encourage a monop Pyro Team mono Elemental teams are inherently counterintuitive to the principal gameplay focus of gin being Elemental reactions up until that point prevailing wisdom believed that while monot teams were doable to an extent they would more likely than not be inferior to reaction teams due to the sheer amount of extra damage reactions provided so they supplemented granting ly bonus damage against enemies affected by pyro to the tune of not 20 not 30 or even 40% 60% which can increase to 100% if there are two more power units in his party besides him what I really enjoyed about Linny is that he tapped into a strategy that has been considered l valuable given the absence of any reactions and turned it into a profitable opportunity Lenny's monop Pyro Team is more than strong it is one of the most competitive teams in the game but that was only because hoyo knew that power is the source of strength for pyro if hypothetically Linny only got 40% or even 60% from his aore passive a more normal amount to expect for that kind of passive he would be far less effective in that sense they deliberately overtuned his numbers to account for what he was missing out on from reactions instead of giving him the same numbers as everyone else okay by this point you guys are wondering when I'm going to talk about arino since that's probably why you clicked on the video in the first place the reason I mentioned all that before talking about her is that father's inclusion in the game solidifies two things one positive and one negative the Pyro element has the highest number of onfield main damage dealers in the game Hut Lin duuk CLE Yia gaming and Yen the other elements have been able to expand and explore different niches by having most of their units consist of either sub dpsers or supports for example in the electro element the only true dedicated on fielders in the game are Soo coing and Razer R and shun can either be on Main or sub depending on what you use her for but that's only because Electro can tap into Elemental reactions more agnostically than pyro can with that in mind I was initially nervous about arino the Pyro roster has very powerful damage dealers already but more concerning is that the number of different available play Styles is decreasing you have utau who is a standard attacker ging in by extension dor punching attackers Lin who's an aim shooter yoia who's a range normal attacker additionally arino uses pull arms naturally putting her in intention against utal who has been the central pyrro arm user ever since 1.3 that is except for the Psychopaths use main DPS shling it is very easy for p units to compete against each other due to how linear the element is both in concept and practice and while you can always just play the waifu over a metac card the fact Still Remains that pragmatically speaking there are only two Avenues of entry for arino either directly power creep an existing character or have a different play style while there's something wrong with a small bit of power creep every now and then I don't think they want to keep doing it so often especially when net finina happening not too long ago at the same time empirically whenever hoo tries a new play style for pyro it usually hasn't gone too well examplified by shinan Andia gumming I guess is fine but for most people he's still pretty gimmicky I realized however there's one aspect that still has yet to be tapped into AOE coverage pyro units for the most part are not really well known for their attack range their onfield pressure is massive but usually restricted to boss killing or fighting tightly clumped up enemies Shang Ling's the only exception to this why the hell is Shang Ling the exception to everything but she's still a sub DPS we don't really have an established AOE on Fielder at least not before arino while Shian Huna occupy the same element in weapon class and even gameplay factors depending on how you look at it one distinction between them is that arino is a sweeper someone who thrives on clearing groups of enemies the more targets affected by skill the more she can charge up her bond of life in turn granting bonus damage on her Auto attacks after they get infused while it's possible to max out her strength against one enemy it's implied she wants to take on multiple giving her a concrete advantage over other pyro units who are for the most part 1 V oners now as you know AOE isn't exactly insured Supply these days so by no means is our Lino breaking new grounds but it does allow her to stand out from her peers moreover she's primarily a normal attacker you use her charge attack to accumulate Bond of life but from then on it's mostly normal as her empowered state does not apply to charge attacks what I like about our play style is that unlike most other power units up until this point with sharp power spikes in that they go from dealing a ton of damage to dealing no damage our Lino's engineered to allow the player a consistent stream of DPS depending on how well you play into a mechanic something that always frustrated me with Hut is how longer downtime is guy to life only lasts a 9 seconds while having a 16-second cool down typically you can take those 7 Seconds to rotate through your supports and whatnot but compared to more modern units who can achieve rotation times of 12 seconds or higher I always wish it lasted just a bit longer Yia has a buff duration of 10 seconds but a cool down of 18 if I'm not mistaken you can technically have consistent up time on Linny but being an aim shot attacker his play Styles an acquired taste arino doesn't have sharp increases or decreases in power rather she steadily fluctuates her core game plays to maintain as much Bond of Life on her as possible as while attacking in her empowered State she continuously loses Bond of life to increase her DPS necessitating that you replenish it as often as possible it's similar to aent where his hydropump drains HP until half but when accounting for a safe or passive you want to try to keep him above 80% at all times same mechanic here with alino and why she's most comfortable when fighting multiple opponents while attacking enemies you always want to have as close to Max Bond of life as possible since each empowered normal attack draws from a current stock pilot it should be noted that her skill has an extremely long based cool down of 30 seconds which would otherwise be a red flag but Empower normal attacks that consume Bond of Life reduce the cool down of skill so an ideal circumstances for her to get the best of every world she has to continuously siphon Bond of life from enemies while attacking to reduce her skill so she can use it again adding more depth to her gameplay is the fact that she cannot heal whatsoever except through a burst in exchange though she gains flat 40% bonus power damage for free just by existing there's a lot of micromanaging in her kit applying her skill to as many enemies as possible maintaining as high of Bond of Life stack as you can and you also have to Lear when to trade DPS for sustain which by the way her ultimate consumes Bond of light to deal damage and essentially full heal her conveniently however when casting your first the cool down of your skill gets reset so you don't lose too much DPS from stopping to heal I think that's another aspect that pyro has not really covered yet arino is fully self-contained most power units have very specific teams they have to make use of to be competitive Lenny needs monop pyro aka Mr Circle impact Hut needs hyro and du I guess needs shenyun on the other hand arle Kino's pressure does not require external compensation the only thing you need is a shielder but considering healing is all but useless on her you are going to bring a shielder anyway beyond that anything is fair game mind you just like with everyone else she does have an optimal team but despite her comparatively higher skill floor and ceiling she's surprisingly party agnostic barring The Shield requirement making her a great choice for endgame and beginner players alike since in addition to her more interactive play stuff she's compatible with many of the games best supports right now all things considered she's very well-designed a highrisk high reward play style that doesn't have anything egregious out of place what's ironic is that she is a more complex kid than Dia and yet they execute it on arleo's moonset more competently but I digress overall I appreciate what they did with her in terms of power level she hovers roughly around the same strength as UT and Linny but with a wider range as in there may be moments where she's weaker but moments where she's stronger it's clear she's no noet but she doesn't have to be I find her gameplay extremely appealing now if we bring constellations into the equation being a version 4 unit cons are practically game altering and while I haven't spent much time reading into that part of her just from a surface glance there are a ton of quality of life conveniences from a C1 and C2 what can I say they figured out how to make a pyro onfield attacker who doesn't step over the existing cast there in lies the positive side of the two factors I briefly mentioned kinchin impact is taking a more play style focused approach to the game painted to us a version fours units Navia rley Linny chot shenyun and net all six of these units are either up to par or better exactly how it should be at this point if mihoyo releases a disaster like Dia then it's 100% intentional arino continues a trend by making her appeal based on play style she doesn't break Pyro's current limits but she allows you to enjoy those limits in a different way this is a healthy direction for gin to take for many players it can be discouraging to have to adhere to a certain play style if you want to stay competitive you might enjoy pyro straightforward nature but not be a fan of Lenny's aim shot gameplay or you might not like aut has only a temporary boost in power a consistent Rush down attacker like garino might be more your speed and you can enjoy her knowing you're not sacrificing meta relevance for it with all that said at the risk of playing Double's Advocate I do think this paints a future problem arino managed to thread the needle by tapping into niches that pyro had yet to explore AOE damage and sustain melee damage she basically took the last open chair available in this I guess proverbial game of musical chairs but what will happen then it's self-evident that for units to succeed they either have to be the best of something or the only one of something chevas expands on the overload reaction Lenny brings in AIM shots Harley Kino brings normal attacks scaming brings punching attacks but what else is left at a certain point Hoy will run out of nishas to fill because of how one-dimensional pyro is and will have to eventually resort to straight a power creep which is risky for an element that has so many units knocking against each other the animal element for example can play around with different niches like Crow control reaction support healing Mobility what have you they still have plenty of room for Banger units without explicitly accelerating the power scaling of the game the hydro roster is very topheavy but bar nalet who just breaks everything Hydro units can tap into the niche of Health manipulation specific Elemental reactions you have child who has the international team Neu with their Bloom team Shino and yelon for followup attack damage AO for for soup teams Camy for healing Mona for freeze question mark there are so many more Hydro units they can release without affecting the current roster comparatively pyro has fewer roles at the end of the day it's about power arino might be one of the last quote unquote meta py units that does EMP power creep the roster and when that land coming very soon people are speculating that this very well might be benon last year of dominance depending on what kit the Pyro archon will have essentially with Lenny chevis coming to a minor extent and of course alino pyro is back which is great as pyro has been neglected for a while but from my perspective I wonder what it will take for pyro to keep staying relevant most of the elements have a niche besides power that they can fall back on pyro really doesn't sooner or later they will have to release a unit that power creeps an existing one whether Bennett shling Hut or even arino all it takes is a pyro one field do with insanely High DPS to substantially drop the market share of UT Linny orino Yia duuk and such play style does matter yes but ultimately if we go by practicality there's a lot more overlap between Pyro's units in light of how many on fielders there are so unless they add a new transformative reaction for pyro to open up a new Niche that's my thoughts on the element's condition for the time being arino is a fantastic unit by Design I love how she and by extension child and wander have such unique play Styles makes me optimistic for the rest of the harbingers but I have concerns over what's going to happen to pyro in the coming years what are your thoughts on this do you think pyro is reaching an inflection point or do you think there's still plenty of viable niches or the element let me know in the comments down below for now if you enjoy the video it would be great if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow my Twitter at bars join my Discord server and check out my updated discussion on Gio if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take care [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 78,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact arlecchino, genshin arlecchino, arlecchino guide, arlecchino, arlecchino build, arlecchino teams, arlecchino gameplay, arlecchino rotations, arlecchino discussion, genshin pyro, genshin pyro element, genshin arlecchino vs hu tao, genshin impact 4.6, genshin version 4.6, arlecchino trailer, arlecchino demo
Id: wR9XdILQcMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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