If you have these 5-Stars you BEAT THE GAME

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if you just started playing genin impact today or if you're tired of not being sure if your account is good enough I'm going to teach you the five five stars that you need to futureproof your account and make it so you never have to wish again welcome to Jello impact where we build and test every single character to help you decide who you want to wish for and build I made a pretty similar video to this 6 months ago but it's outdated there have been a ton of extremely powerful brand new five star characters since then and these characters a lot of them are about to get their rerun so now is a critical time for free to-play and low spender players should you be saving for Navia for Reena lamenting the fact that you missed Ryden so why five five stars why not 10 or two that's because when you start the game you get access to this huge map an absolute ton of quests and a ton of free wishes all in all through all the exploration all the archon quests and everything that's in the game right now you're expected to get about 4 400 wishes in addition you get an average of 65 wishes every patch being a free to play so assuming you do most of the exploration not 100% but a most of it you do most of the world quest you do the events for that year you do your dailies you'll end up with about 1,000 wishes for playing genin for free in one year now this may seem like a lot so I'm going to counterbalance that by saying that let's imagine that you go to hard pity every single time you don't get a single early and you don't win a single 50/50 that means after playing for one year you will get guaranteed seven five-star characters so how do you make the most of these seven five-star characters so that you don't only have to never wish again but you also get characters that you want and that you have fun using well we're going to put aside two of those seven fstar spots and you might have way more you're probably not going to lose every single 50/50 but maybe you don't do all the events or all the daily commissions so we want to give ourselves a little wiggle but we're going to a lot two free spaces right here you're going to pick out of all the characters in Genji two just for you doesn't matter who they are because I believe it's important to win with your favorite so you've picked those two characters and I'm going to spill the beans right now there are three five stars that everyone should get so that's going to take up five of our seven slots and then we'll have two choices left those three characters are Bina naha and kazua and this is a perfect time for you to know this because you can set aside wishes to make sure you get all of these three characters as they rerun nah is on Banner right now so you'll have to grind to get her if she's on the teams that you want kazwa hasn't rerun in a while he'll probably rerun soon and finina will definitely run before the end of Fontaine now I have these in must wish because they're not actually must wish anymore there are so many powerful team comps in genin Impact you don't even have to pick all three of these characters you don't have to get any of them if you don't like finina you don't have to get her if you don't like Kwa you don't have to get him if you don't like nahita you don't have to get her but if we want to maximize your pulls maximize your favorite characters and maximize the ease VI to be able to Stomp the 30 and 36 star the abyss every single time no problem these are the three characters you want to get no matter what next let's talk about four stars there are some must build four stars but why why are these three so powerful well despite many people still to this day thinking that finina is a restricted unit because she requires a Healer the fact is most people use a Healer anyways so the buffing that she gives which is beyond what a Kwa can do and the personal damage which she does which is on par with a s or even a yolon she is an unbelievably strong unit and makes up the backbone of a ton of strong teams she is an absolute monster CA I think is the least necessary that he's been in a long time because of finina it used to be that his Elemental damage buff was the only way you could really make that happen but with finina you're free to slot in a different animal character whether it be a Healer or just a different VV user and still get that Mac buffing however his crowd control is still second to none and although crowd control isn't as important as it was in previous abysses I still recommend that everyone has a Kwa on their account it's way more grouping than sucus can give it's way more intuitive and often powerful grouping that ventti can give and he's just a staple for so many teams once again if you don't like them for any reason you don't have to get them but if we're maxing out your power and your flexibility this is a character that you want on your account to make sure it's future proof finally nahita she is basically dendro the character almost any dendro team that you could want except for perhaps aggravate once now as their cealing team and especially the ubiquitous hyper Bloom which just puts the game on easy mode for so many people nahita is a highly highly recommend character for her damage dendra application and her buffing potential but it's not all about the five stars the four stars make up a backbone of your account and that's why you'll want to make sure if you want to build a large amount of teams you want to build fishell Bennett and Shang Ling and of course Zing Cho again these are only must build because you can still get away without them but all of them are extremely powerful in their roles extremely flexible and between these seven characters you can build the majority of the good teams in the game there's just a few that you're missing there's also a couple four stars that you can't guarantee these four stars are available either for free or in the starl shop so you can guarantee them but unfortunately chevis and kie although very very powerful you are not able to guarantee if you get them you will probably want to build them especially kooki they're not must builds they're not you have to wish for them to get them but they are extremely high value four stars that lock new team comp chevis just makes teams that weren't possible just very very very viable and cukie is usually the best option for hyper blo because of her healing role consolidation but now is we get to the spicy bit I Pro I promised you five characters that you have to pick up to make your account future proof and then on top of that you choose two of your favorites so that's seven guaranteed characters in one year who are those final two characters allow me to introduce the choose two section I have them roughly in ordered of who I think the better PS are novet is obviously an insane character some people would probably put him in the must wish category I don't believe that any DPS comes anywhere near a must wish but I do think that he's an extremely strong choice and choosing someone like novlet means that a previous must pull such as yolon is not nearly as much of a must pull as she used to be being the hydroelement he can work for hyper Bloom he can be hyper carry he can work with finina without finina he can use kazwa not use kazwa you can use Jong Le for interrup resistance but you can also use DEA you can also use no one you can use baiju novet is a crazy flexible and powerful character and if you pick him as one of your two I don't think you will ever struggle to 36 star the abyss unless suddenly there's a ton of hydro immune enemies in which case we'll have to talk about this again the next character might surprise a lot of people that is Shen Yun and you might be thinking well this should really be a group of DPS characters well Shen Yun enables so many DPS characters that you otherwise wouldn't have been able to use you can now run Bennett as a DPS you can run Renda as an actual viable plunge DPS the power floor that Shen Yun sits and brings up so many characters to if you pick Shen Yun as one of your two characters once again you will never struggle to 36 star the abyss and I'll prove that to you in a minute when we go over the team section yolan is another incredible pick for one of your two she enables so many strong teams the double Hydro Core with her and finina is incredible it is so so good especially if you did pick Shen Yun and yolan but no matter what no matter what you pick you can always find room to slot yolan onto your team the next is Ryden and although some people think that Ryden isn't a top tier DPS the fact is she's only gotten even better throughout Fontaine not just through the use of finina teams but also with chevis teams now with chevis she has Ben at Chev teams that are incredible she has double Hydro finina teams or just finina in general that's incredible she has her traditional hyper carry teams but she also has hyper Bloom so if you were not able to get yourself a cie Ryden is a character that can be your hyper Bloom trigger and do a great job at it so she has four incredible teams that no matter who else you pick Ryden can have an amazing team for your second half so she's one of my top pick na'vi is also one of my top pick she can not only use a Bennett core but she can also use a shanon finina core and she can work without Bennett I've shown great clear that I've done with Charlotte as well the ease of play and front-load of damage is also what makes me recommend her so highly and although I don't think she's as good as the other choices in terms of flexibility she is an incredibly powerful choice choice I like her a lot alyam is another incredible choice not only being able to round out a hyper Bloom team which I think is the Lesser value but just from adding him and Nita together you can make a spread team adding fishell or even Lisa to the team along with a Healer such as k a defens of option such as kukie Jang Le baiju or Yao yo alyam can make up a very strong team that's solid in single Target and an AOE and if you don't make the hyper Bloom team if you do make spread that can free up a hydro for the second side but you can also do a quick Bloom team with far so all in all alyam is an incredible choice you might think that huta is a bit old and outdated but her finina teams are still are extremely good her shenyun teams are extremely good but also her VV Vape teams from forever ago are still extremely good she can use Bennett she cannot use Bennett she's a fantastic choice as one of your two nelu is another great pick she's a character that will take your nahita to hostage and never let her go but she makes up for that by being one of the strongest AOE characters ever she does have the one weakness and you might think it's single Target but it's not putting finina or yolan or Singo on a team with her can completely solve her single Target issues which aren't really that bad to begin with no her issue is breaking cryo shield and obviously dendro immune enemies with essentially two immunities that she has to go up against there is a higher chance that there will be an abyss that has a side that she just won't work on so for that reason she's not as high value as the other characters on this list but I still think she's absolutely insane and there's very rarely ever been an abyss that's not at least very doable for her on one side side child is the second to last character out of my choose two section yes technically child has some of the strongest teams one of the best speedrun teams he gets knocked down a peg for me just because his inflexibility which isn't that big of a deal he has one good team but it's an incredible team that being Bennett Shang Ling and kway you're going to have those characters anyways and that leaves you plenty of good characters left for the other side no it's he's just a bit difficult to set up if you're a bit more of a mashy player I think he's an amazing character to pick if you want to be efficient with your resources as a and he frees up finina he frees up naha he doesn't use Singo he doesn't use fishell doesn't use Chev doesn't use Ki you can pick whatever you want for the second side he'll just take that benett shanglin kazwa but that's fine again there's so many good cores in the game just make sure that you enjoy his play style and that you're okay learning his Tech and if you are child is going to shine Lenn is another incredible character that just has really strong numbers really strong frontload and again uses that same core the Bennett Shang Ling Kwa core you can if you get maybe his weapon or something then you can get away with Jang Le or adaa instead of kazwa or instead of Shang langing the only reason I don't have him higher is one that Elemental resistance with child Elemental Shields don't even matter like if something is immune to pyro the hydro generally takes care of that and vice versa but with Lenny only being good in monop pyro unless actually you use him with chevis then you can do some pretty cool overloaded stuff but he's just a a bit more restricted against the types of things that he can go up against plus being a charge attack user is not for everyone but his damage is still insanely High great frontload very strong character these are my choose to I really want you to not feel bad though if you love some of these other characters the more I build and test every single character in the game which by the way I am extremely close to doing there are only five characters left that I haven't built and tested at least to some degree and three of them are hoy's fault but again so please subscribe if you prove of this cause but again the more I play with all of these characters the more I fall in love with them and the more I see each one of their strength so please try not to be too salty if your character didn't end up on the choose 2 I think a lot of these characters could go there I think ganu could go there with a bunch of cavia I think Ayo could go there with a bunch of caveat I think yay could go there with a bunch of caveat Risley etc etc etc but I wanted to make sure that this was as simple and obvious as possible and that no matter who you were with only only your seven guaranteed wishes for the year your seven guaranteed five stars for the year and two of them going to anyone you want bonus if they were all if some of your two favorites were already in here then with just five more five star characters you can build an Unstoppable count and what do I mean Unstoppable I mean it doesn't matter which of these we pick so let's prove it so you follow my plan you build these characters now which two did you choose let's use a random number generator first is Eight Second is three eight is huta and three is yon so this is great we're going to do double hydro huta and you're just going to pick whatever healer you ended up getting as a fourstar maybe you got Charlotte maybe it was ma maybe even diona although diona is not as good here maybe it was Jean maybe you got baju maybe you did get shenyun or maybe you just have to use Bennett if you got none of the other ones for your second team you've got different National variants you've got Nita National if you use the bet on this side you've got kazwa National you've also got yourself a hyper Bloom team if you happen to get a Kookie if you didn't get a cookie you can still you can build a quick Bloom team with Lisa so this is definitely a team that you can guaranteed yet and this will absolutely 100% curb stomp the abyss no question at all at all and not only do you have those two not only do you have two teams you have lots of variation as well what other numbers seven and eight well this time eight was nuu and seven was huta again so obviously Nita goes with nuu she'll need another Hydro character so you can pick either Singo or finina here we're going to leave Singo with huta in this case and do finina you can get yourself a guaranteed Yaya from Lantern right and then you can do vvv p we could have done this on the last in the last team too so this is another option you have um you obviously still have the option to not even use your Neu and you can still make a hyper Bloom team if you happen to get a cie that's one of the nice things about you've always got the hyper Bloom option let's see what else we've got four and nine four is Ryden and nine was Linny this is perfect we've got lots of options we can do reverse Vape Linny stuff we can do hyper Bloom with Ryden we can do double if you happen to get Gan you can easily do double Hydro with Ryden we're a tiny bit lacking in healers this might be a little bit difficult to pull off so you might want to use yao yao maybe something like this this could work really well sort of a ride in quick Bloom team or you could run yo on field and it's Hopper Bloom I've done this before it's actually really good if you did lose your 50 50 to a gene that would be very helpful for the Ryden teams anyways in building the double Hydro setup but Ryden giving you hyper Bloom you can run nahita on Prototype Amber here and then you've got singo's Interruption resistance nah is healing from prototype Amber singo's little bit of healing the damage reduction and you should be good to go with this as well so some decent options from this and and remember all of this is still with two like out of those seven five stars you can get for guaranteed in your first year playing genin two of them can be just whoever and you've still got all these options of not just a little bit strong teams like really really strong team who's next seven and four 1 2 3 four shenyun and Hut again I mean that's too easy we already did Hut this gives us hyper bloom or aggravate or something on one side that's the other thing is you always have a completely free-to-play team with these plus sucrose if you get lucky with a sucros or no plus Kwok you always have this as one of your options which is a really good team so we can easily do this here right and we' still got so much left over I I I I've completely forgot about the aggravate options so you have any of the teams I showed before this is basically a third team that you always have access to if one of your teams doesn't need kazwa and not only that you don't have to use shenon with Hut you can use shenan with anybody right you can use you can do the Bennett the Bennett finina version and put Singo in there as well and that doesn't even use your Hut I mean be better to use your Hut of course but you've got so many good characters free so no matter how you slice it if you build if you follow this plan which anyone can achieve guaranteed in their first year of playing the game assuming genin of course actually reruns all of the characters at some point during that year this is something anyone can do three and five 1 2 three so Ryden again and five is Navia oh these are my two favorites I use these all the time I either to be fair though I do use shenyun with these so and that really really helps out the these two cores because Ry and finina does kind of want Jean or shanon but regardless you still have Navia and geot travelers actually unironic I know I MD on it but geot traveler oring Wong are both good here and then if you do decide to get Jong Le that's a great option too so this is a free option if you get a ning Wong but J traveler arguably better than ning Wong actually so you can use him here you can always and then you have your two teams and three if you have Gan as well or of course you can do hyper Bloom as we talked about before so overall no matter who you get I know we didn't get we didn't get through everyone we didn't talk about alyam you can easily do Alam nahita Lisa yao yao or ideally more a bit kie a bit more ideally so anyways I think I've I've proven that you can build two Unstoppable teams and this is is giving you two favorites you take five five stars part of the plan then you have two to play around with and build teams and you'll never be short on teams you'll never be short on options to full star the abyss every single time and then after 1 year you're just free to get whoever you want whether your characters that you love characters from nlin characters from future regions you're done your base is set and you're good to go the reason why I wanted to make this video and why it was so important to me is because you can actually plan around four around five stars whereas Four Star can be a total crap shoot but you can guarantee your five stars so I talk about the fourstar problem which is you know the the whole spur on why I made this video cuz it's so important to plan out your account five star wise this is the fourstar problem that I was talking about no it's up it's up here check that out take care bye for now
Channel: Jello Impact
Views: 109,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y5i7V7q02u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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