Top Five STRONGEST Teams in Genshin Impact (2024)

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to say that version 4 has completely changed genin impact would be an understatement not even halfway through and it already feels like every new character has the potential to give our existing teams a run for their money it's been over a year since my last video on the five best teams in the game so I think it's appropriate to make a new one for today we'll be renewing my video from last year updated for 2024's current meta and roster taking into account all the newcomers and weighing them against the best teams of the previous generation given that there are far too many teams to measure I plan to include two honorable mentions as well so technically I guess you can call this a top seven video but nonetheless few things I want to get out of the way first being the criteria for how I judge A team's validity depending on who you ask some will place emphasis on a number of factors more than others for example one person might favors sustainability or accessibility more while another will value the absolute peak of what a team is capable of disregarding the cost it takes to reach that point moreover some may find a team very strong thanks to the general coverage both and overw world and domains while another grades the strength of a team purely on the basis of their speedrun times in spiral Abyss I'm going to try to keep things as general as possible that is to say this list is not ordered whatsoever and I plan to make each choice as holistic as possible for the reason that I want everyone to prioritize playing who they feel most comfortable with so if hypothetically you have a team with a b c and d but instead of C you want to include x the team should still function well enough to perform regardless of whether you field C or X provided they the same element and have similar functions finally I'm fully aware that an argument can be made for dozens of teams to be considered the best and so I'd like to make this emphatically clear just because I do not included team on this list does not mean they're bad or not worth using genin impact is not a zome meta saying that X character is good doesn't make y character B it would simply be too cumbersome to ascertain every possible what if scenario and Edge case so take this video as a reference point on what to look out for not as a black and white Doctrine on who is good and who is bad that being said if you believe their teams worth mentioning that I do not in this video you're welcome to leave them in the comments down below without further Ado let's begin starting with the honorable mentions the first one will be child International over the years his team has has made itself known for effectively being the Silver Bullet of genin as an all-purpose team composition that excels in both single Target and wave clearing situations alike child was always a powerful unit but it took a while for the general player base to grow wise to his actual potential conventional iterations of the international team entail himself alongside bennon and Shang Ling and then kaha the juice of this team is to power up child and Shang Ling as much as possible who then power each other up through vaporized reactions though child ultimately serves as a driver for shling his own personal damage is quite good and should be acknowledged accordingly in Nationals value stems not from having the best ceiling or even being the most efficient in fact some may argue the relatively higher chance of messing up on this team makes it less valuable than a more consistent one to which I somewhat agree which is why I place some as honorable mention but the benefit of international is that it's always a good option there pretty much hasn't been a single spiral Abyss iteration in the past year where child International wasn't a good option for one of your two teams and there likely never will be you have a solid coverage of hydro and Pyro damage along with extremely high base power on two characters with respectable areas coverage and single Target DPS realistically the only weakness of international is that your hope for survival falls on Bennett who may not be sufficient enough for more survival oriented floors either way you can't go wrong with them second honorable mention will be animal hyperare definitely a team I did not give enough credit in the past but they're now slowly creeping up in the eyes of many animal is not known for being a carry element historically its units have only ever been viewed as supportive in nature venti kasaha sucros Gene what have you but there are two units in particular that diverge from this narrative wander and sha who both represent the animal hyper car team as the name implies the goal of this team is to kill everything with sha or wander both units make use of Bennett and farzon with the latter being the Lynch pin of this team though she's technically functional at base the real strength of this team is derived from her constellation six with this in play Faron and benett can Elevate shell and wander DPS to extreme Heights being able to compete with some of the game's best the benefit of animal hyper carry is that like child dinner National it's good for single Target damage and wave clear wander has a bit more easy of a time in AOE but sh can reasonably hand handle small clusters of mobs too the attack boost and benett pairs nicely with them and neither of them really need Elemental Mastery you basically build them like you would any other hyper carry as for the fourth slot defensive utility is usually the way to go tungi for sha or Toma for wander however if you really want to go boss to the wall you can run finina since sha can dodge attacks at time correctly by straight up jumping over everything and Wander can move around while attacking so he can kite enemies the main thing gatekeeping this team is that unlike other four stars where constellations are nice it's kind of obligatory for farsan to be maxed constellation and Light for literally being the heartbeat of this team and as you know trying to get C6 on a specific fourstar can have to be really cheap or more expensive than C2 or C3 and a fstar which is why I feel like it's best kept as honorable mention onto our top five teams as a reminder this is not ordered the first team I want to cover features one of the newest and arguably one of the strongest five stars in The Game net this guy was so ridiculously overpowered that in his debut season one of the best teams for 36 starring spiral Abyss was and I'm not even kidding just him no team so for the entire Abyss that gives you an idea just how powerful this man is on screen it says nlet but I suppose the more appropriate team is nlet hyper carry depending on if you have C1 or not the requirements for what is sufficient on him can differ but for the most part the team that I personally think is the best all covering would be him Fel Gan and finina if you have C2 finina then you can potentially swap out Gene for cuss off or even more damage this allows you to acquire two reactions for air to the ancient se's Authority and though you do miss out on that last 35% boost forina 75% damage boost is easier can make up the difference and then some of course if you have C1 n then you get the best of both worlds though I said this list is not ordered naled May potentially be the best team in the game if we go by just how allpurpose it can be his single Target damage is incredible his area coverage is incredible his uptime is incredible his consistency is incredible this guy does everything Equitable judgment does exquisite damage both against one enemy or several thanks to being able to move and spin around while you use it having sufficient range to basically cover the entire chamber of spiral Abyss if you stand in the center of it furthermore he can consumes no stamina during this attack and can fire three rounds of it when using a skill and burst combined which gives him above average up time team wise the only thing you really need to do for him is get two or three hydrobase reactions off hypothetically if you don't have finina you can run Jung Le for crystalize or you can feel de cry unit for freeze and honestly doesn't matter who you play alongside him his own damage is so good that it carries the entire team like monoh Hydra though he obviously is not a good choice against Hydro immune enemies but outside of that this guy is one of the easiest characters to play and use all that's needed are Hydro based reactions Bloom electrocharge swirl what have you and you're good to go next team on this list will be double Hydro double Hydro is quickly turned into one of the most widely used teams in the game by virtue of its Simplicity and Effectiveness the first iteration of double Hydro was shin yellan and usually some kind of defensive support like Jung Le with the most classic example being Hut and those three but in all honesty you can basically run anyone up front and just rely on the sheer damage output of the hydroa filters now with the inclusion of finina there are different variants you can go for the one I have in mind specifically is the newest version of utal double Hydro featuring herself yellan finina and Jean this by extension is what a few of my friends have coined the flex State team yellan and finina might be one of the strongest off field DPS pairs in the entire game both capable of outputting Staggering amounts of hydro damage and subsequently application while simultaneously buffing the party specifically the main damage dealer on a scale hither to never been seen before All That Remains Is A Healer to synergized with Verina which can be Gan kokami yao yao Charlotte or Vu whichever you prefer and then your main damage dealer who for most people is Hut but just like before only better you can frankly run any damage dealer and brute force your way through anything to give you an example just how strong frina and yellan buff the main carry they give so much damage that you can straight up disregard staff of H and Hut on low Health bonus because those two give so much more than that plus if you run Gene you get access to vivv shred for any Electro cryo pyro or Hydro attacker just to repeat though double Hydro comes down to which one you prefer from situation to situation if sh's defensive utility is more important than yell On's extra damage then you can go s until frea if you ding F HP train the Shino and yellon are still very good likewise your healer can be swapped on based on what you're looking for and as remain damaged theut is the easiest and most efficient on Fielder you can pretty much use anyone that's why it's called Flex tap finina yellan and healer can basically make any onfield damage dealer broken this team can definitely struggle against burst or into teams though as while the healer is there to offset fre this HP train more often than not you'll be fighting and half your maximum health which leavs you more vulnerable to getting one shoted compared to the more traditional double Hydro team of Jong Le sh yelan but the damage is just so good that you can tear through any dungeon or boss before they have a chance to strike back it is easily one of the best and most straight four teams in the game to this day next team or rather I should say teams as it's more of an umbrella term is dendro though version four is gradually taking us away from version 2 and 3's reaction meta dentro is still The Benchmark of ging impact by which all other teams are measured against any variant to dentro hyper Bloom Quicky and quick Bloom M such fit into this category with the one exception being Neo Bloom who I'll cover in a moment unlike the previous two who FOC focus more on a specific combination of units dendro teams draw their value from accessibility the best funr Runners of dentro are without a doubt nahita alham and Bao but generally so long as you can pull off any of its reactions you're good to go to underscore just how powerful dangos damage floor is a full team of four stars Cann out damage many five-star teams for example you can run Fishel shinobu shinel and DMC and clear through basically everything in the game going into more specifics though Al haam and nahita serve as the Lynch pins of any Dental team you can think of with bisu being a worthwhile alternative in tandem with finina Quicken and Hyper Bloom are both strong in their own ways so you can basically run anything or usually what people do is run quick Bloom which is both of them at the same time you simply need a ton of dendro application a ton of Electro application and if you go hyper bloom a ton of hydro application spam as much of that together as possible and you basically win dendel was fortunate enough to have a very efficient roster that delivers well on its needs while coincidentally synergizing with two elements also with efficient rosters hydro and Electro that's the thing with dendro pretty much anything works from electro you have shin fishal B Miko shuno and cing who can also apply Electro in various ways to be good at hyper Bloom and or aggravate from Hydro you have Shino Yan Verina kokami ayato and even net with Bloon teams while in dentro you have DMC tigadi yaoyao bisu alham and nahita just pick and choose some of these PS and you have yourself at worst a competitively strong team a testament to how much dentro carries in this game when literally anything works so long as it's achieving quick in Andor Bloom team number four will be nuu I know she's technically a dental team also but given how unique she is and that it revolves around a character specific mechanic I think it's worth mentioning as a standalone category n Bloom follows the same basic principle as standard bloom only instead of increasing the damage with Electro she increases the damage of each Bloom core by herself setting her entire team as any combination of hydro and dento with at least one each will Empower any Dental core that spawns from Bloom to explode much faster and have a larger AOE while dealing significantly more damage how much more damage for every 1,000 points of Max HP that nilo has over 30k will increase the damage of her bful course by 9% up to a cap of 400% so she basically lets you acquire similar to more damage as a hyperg Gloom core without needing an electro unit and more importantly The increased effect radius of a bountiful course gives their impressive area coverage compensating for your inability to Feld animal units like vti or Kasa and more area coverage means more Dental cores can hit more enemies versus Hyper Blum which has much less AOE nuu is a very restrictive unit you can only use hydro and dental units which to many is a big turnoff merely having an electro animal or any unit not of those two elements prevents her from functioning but in most if not all cases the payoff is more than worth the austere conditions Dental's reactions alone are exceptionally powerful and Neu amplifies Bloom that much more she has plenty of options for dental and hydro application that once again it doesn't really matter who you bring as long as they can apply either or the only real stipulation for neu's team is that you want to have someone who can heal you and fast as banful course can damage the active character when they explode too by considering the abundance of healers some other element kok Barba yao yao and bisu that's hardly what I would call a problem in totality while one would consider neilo Bloom to be a niche team it is so powerful that through sheer force it transcends being a niche and becomes an all-purpose team that works on pretty much anything nuu is an example of a gimmicky character that was designed to where that gimmick does not impede practicality final team I want to talk about is another newcomer Linny some of you may be surprised to see this after I said in my first impressions video that Lenny is on par with Y Mia but uh let's just say I was vastly underestimating him hey in my defense it was my first impressions anyways Linny is actually one of the best sing sing Le Target damage dealers in the game which is impressive given the way he does it as you know Lenny's party trick revolves around monop pyro with the typical team entailing himself shling and benit of course and then a flex usually kaha or finina courtesy of one of his passive talents he can deal almost double damage to enemies affected by pyro if there are three pyro characters on his team including himself hence why you include Bennett and Shenley the reason Lenny's damage is so high though stems from how many ways it can be Amplified both from within and without next to dealing double damage against pyro affected enemies he can also increase the damage of his element Al skill based on the number of prop Surplus Stacks which can turn it into a humongous screen nuke then each of his level two aim shot attacks have very high base damage too especially thanks to his other passive to no other way to put it Len's base damage is immaculate which he can then almost double not to mention his team can boost his damage even further for all intents and purposes Linny is a hyper car kaha or finina can boost his damage through their own various Wass with the former increasing Elemental damage and VB shredding pyro and the ladder giving total damage while vaporizing a few hits since you have three pyro units they can make maintain the Pyro status without Verina overriding it with Hydro as mentioned before though it's important to note that this team is not known for its AOE coverage unless you regard Shang Ling's Pyon NATO as wave clear Len mono pyro is primarily for single Target damage fortunately however it is one of the easier teams to gear up since for most people the only new character you have to work on is him everyone has benon everyone has shling and anyone who's been playing for a while most likely has kasaha and dorina because those are two of the best units in the game so despite being a very specific team like nuu the payoff once again is is well worth the investment Lenny essentially has all the quality of life features that yo Mia wishes she had all righty that concludes my updated list of genin's best teams to repeat one last time just because the team is not on this list doesn't mean they're bad or not worth using anymore WR a national freeze Tas or soup those teams are still more than capable of handling the game's toughest content be that SM May though there are a lot of new teams to be on the lookout for so because of opportunity cost I find these teams to be ever so slightly stronger I hope this was insightful to those who needed it and entertaining to those who wanted it if you enjoyed the video it would be awesome if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at vars join my Discord server and check out my updated best element video If you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] [Music] care [Music] n
Channel: Vars II
Views: 256,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact guide, genshin best teams, genshin impact best teams, genshin teams, genshin team guide, genshin team building guide, genshin impact neuvillette, genshin impact furina, genshin impact 4.4, genshin best teams 2024, genshin impact nahida, genshin guide, genshin impact strongest team
Id: ZlKDUh7c_Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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