The Only Characters You Actually Need In Genshin Impact (Updated 2024)

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in any game there are traps hi there traveler you know things that seem really good at first but end up being really bad and make you feel stupid for using them in the first place well genjin is no different and there are a lot of trap characters and that is really bad when you have to save for months or spend hundreds of dollars just to get a single limited five star that is precisely why in this video I'm going to share with you the top characters you need to get that will always make your account better these characters will make the hardest content much easier even trivializing it in some cases there's a lot of new and returning players coming to the game and characters are just taking longer and longer to rerun so I want to make sure people know who the strongest picks for them are and even though this video is about the best characters in the game you don't necessarily need all of them in fact this video will have several options for you and you can pick and choose your favorites from among them knowing that each of these characters is extremely strong and will make your account way better better no matter who you choose and look for a special bonus at the end of this video that will dramatically improve your account and help you have some of the best experiences in the game but before we get into what specific characters will be the best let's talk about my criteria for what makes an outstanding character it all comes down to how much value they give you for your Primo gems that means they require the least amount of Primo gems and are the most effective at what they do so no constell six characters with refinement 5 five-star weapons here in fact if a character really wants their five-star weapon they probably didn't make this list so what makes a character really amazing and worth pulling here are my five criteria number one the character must be good at constellation zero hoyo has had a history of making characters really good at C6 and now they're also moving to have certain five stars be really good at constellation 1 2 or three but for a character to make this list they must be good at constellation zero this means that you only need a single copy of them and they work as soon as you get them and you don't need seven copies like in certain videos where you see people doing enormous damage with their super wailed out characters the second criteria for characters on this list is that they must be versatile there are plenty of characters inchin that are very strong but there are very few that work in multiple different roles and in multiple different teams for example a character like nuu is really strong but if you don't use her with only Hydro or dentro characters then you lose the capability that makes her really strong in the first place that's why the characters on this list are ones that you can play with many other characters and in several different ways without worrying about needing to build an entire team specifically around them the third criteria is that characters on this list do not need specific characters to work unfortunately a lot of really strong strong characters in genjin also need very specific characters that they were intended to play with in order to buff them in very special ways so that they can realize their potential and this is just hoyo following the Apple business plan of selling you a problem so that they can later sell you a solution but don't worry because characters on this list will not require you to chase down other specific characters they're just going to be really good as is the fourth criteria is that these characters do not need a single five-star weapon five-star weapons are generally very very good and will make a character better but they can be really hard to obtain and the weapon manner is a giant trap so if a character really wants a five-star weapon for instance someone like Xiao they probably didn't make this list especially when there are a lot of other characters that do extremely well with just fourstar weapons or even three star weapons in some cases and this just makes sense with the philosophy we talked about earlier when you don't have to spend a lot of Primo gems on a character because they don't need constellations they don't need a five-star weapon or they don't need specific characters to work really well then that means you can save more Primo gems and get more characters in the future and that's really good for you in the long run and speaking of the future that is the final criteria for characters on this list they must be future prooof every character I'm going to talk about in just a second will be one that will bring you a ton of value whether you pull them today 6 months from now or 2 years from now the characters I'll talk about will be ones that you can literally keep using for years they will still be very good and very useful unlike some other characters that were rated very highly in the beginning of the game only to be considered really bad and basically useless by the community later I've arranged the characters by elements and remember you don't necessarily need everyone on the list so feel free to pick and choose your favorites I'll also give you my recommendations throughout the video and at the end and I'll share with you who I would choose if I could only have one character of each elements so don't forget to take your Fin and Boop that like and sub button and let's get started with the best characters of the Pyro element starting off we have Bennett damage healing attack buffing energy generation there basically isn't anything Bennett can't do and what's even better is that he can do all of these things really really well want Massive Attack Buffs for your team giving your character an extra thousand attack or more build him with a high base attack weapon and with a no bless set want massive healing that can rival some five-star healers give him a healing bonus headpiece with an hp% goblet how about both you can have an extremely strong attack buffing Bennett and an extremely strong healing Bennett at the same time with the same build and there's still DPS Bennett builds and even some meme builds like thundering Fury skill spam Bennett that are still very strong Bennett has and will forever be amazing in genjin Impact because he just consolidates so many roles into one he is the best pyro energy generator in the game he has great healing he has an ability to cleanse annoying Elemental debuffs and of course his enormous attack buff is second to none another really good thing about Bennett is that he appears in the star glitter shop every May and November so save your star glitter and pick him up in case he is not on a raate up Banner for a long time and it's definitely worth saving up to get him because like the other characters in this video Bennett is literally gamechanging the next character on the list is shanling originally I excluded shanling from this list because everyone gets her for free but I decided it was best to include her because she is definitely worth building she's one of the strongest pyrro DPS characters in the entire game and one of the few sources of strong off field pyro damage that we have there's a lot that makes shanling really special but what makes her really top tier is that her Elemental burst has no internal cooldown this allows shanling to apply pyro on every single hit of her Elemental burst enabling pyro related reactions from off field better than anyone else in the entire game there are so many broken interactions that come about because of this aspect of Shang Ling's Elemental burst but if you're not exactly sure why that's so good let me just sum it up by saying that Shang Ling's Elemental burst ignores rules of the game that every other character has to follow and it also snapshots meaning that her burst can keep beneficial effects like Bennett's attack buff for the entirety of her burst even if Bennett's buff is no longer active on the field these factors have made shling a top tier pyro DPS since day one even if she does have some pretty hefty energy recharge requirements next we move on to the extremely useful extremely strong Hydro element and we're starting with none other than the wet book nerd himself xingo jincho is another fourstar Powerhouse that's existed since genin's launch and is easily one of the best characters in the entire game this short pantsed freely sleeved bob cut wearing boy may not look like much but anyone with Virgil's swords KO is bound to be good there are several reasons why jincho is so broken number one Hydro is among the top most useful elements in the game with some people saying it is the best element in the game number two jincho has great Hydro application and damage off field which is super valuable there's plenty of great onfield Hydro DPS characters but it's very rare that a character can deal good damage all field and have good Elemental application so if they do both they're pretty much top tier automatically number three jincho has way more than just damage and reaction support he also has great defensive utility the swords he summons that Circle your character reduce the damage you take and give you resistance to interruption or in other words they make it harder for enemies to knock you around and they even provide a modest amount of healing when they disappear jino's kit is super versatile for offensive and defensive support he's one of the most Des ired elements in the game and he works entirely off field so it's easy to see why a lot of people say he's the best character in the game What's even better is that you can get jincho in the star glitter shop in March and September or from Lantern right which happens every Lunar New Year the next character on the list is for people who love xingo's power but wish he was more of a beautiful woman that would punish them in unspeakable ways it's yolan yolan is basically a five-star version of a constellation 6 Xing Cho that does more personal damage while also being able to buff your active character's damage like Xing Cho Yulan completely dominates from off field with very high Hydro damage and hydro application however yolan lacks the defensive utility that jincho provides namely the interruption resistance damage reduction and modest amounts of healing Yulan is still incredibly powerful and she's also very free toplay friendly as the favonius foro is is one of her best weapons and every player gets one of those for free so you don't have to worry about your weapon gotcha luck with her you don't need Yulan and jincho just one will do but having both is actually super convenient and they also work very well together because Hydro is one of the most in demand elements having either or both of these two very strong off field damage dealers that can also apply a lot of hydro is extremely helpful the next character on the list is the Brady archon who endured 500 years of trauma so she could eat macaroni at home alone it's finina finina the hydro archon provides great off field Hydro damage that is constantly up because it has a 30second duration but only a 20-second cool down her Elemental burst provides a huge damage buff to everyone on the team with a constellation zero forina providing upwards of 75% increased damage for everybody and you can even switch modes on her skill allowing you to heal the active character but honestly you probably won't use her healing ability too much In the Heat of battle and you probably will want a whole team healer to pair with her because she does drain your team's HP but this ability makes her surprisingly useful and it's not just because draining your team's HP makes her damage buff even stronger this whole team HP draining mechanic actually makes so many underused characters really good on field DPS Barbara is actually a very strong option with finina and she also makes characters like Noel Jean and Ma really useful her permanent source of off field Hydro damage and her massive team wide damage buff make her incredible but her ability to pair with just about any character including many underused characters makes finina one of the best characters in all of genin impact of course she's got to be good when she can literally walk on water there are so many good Hydro characters in gench and impact but those are my picks for the ones that I think you should go for but if you feel like there should be other characters on this list then please share who you think is best in the comments below as we move on to the best characters from the ano elements ano has always been a top tier element in genin impact and it also received a buff to make it even stronger way back in patch 1.6 the key to unlocking the truly broken power of the the Animo elements comes from the virescent venor artifact set and the best characters who can utilize this set are ventti kazuwa and sucrose you really only need one of these characters but having two can be very helpful and having all three like I do is frankly a bit Overkill the reason these characters are incredible is because they can cause tons of damage with the swirl reaction while also buffing the damage of your hydro pyro cryo and Electro elements thanks to the viridescent artifact set while also buffing your team in other unique ways these characters not only deal a lot of damage themselves and make your team deal a lot more damage they also group up enemies so that you can destroy them in a tight little cluster instead of having to fight them one by one again you really only need one of these grouping Animo utility supports but if you don't know which one to choose I'll give you a quick breakdown and my recommendations venti is completely broken when dealing with lots of small to medium-sized enemies his burst is a black hole tornado of Destruction that's basically an auto wind button against hilly TRS treasure hoarders and other enemies that aren't too heavy however he can pull together extra heavy enemies like rueng guards but they need to be frozen in order for him to do so vent's burst is the single strongest crowd controlling ability in the game it can also Infuse Hydro pyro cryo or electric to deal additional Elemental and swirl damage and ventti even has a passive ability that refunds 15 energy to any character whose element matches the element infused inside of his burst several characters have constellations that refund them energy but the passive ability you get from venti is straight up better than almost all of them unfortunately his grouping and crowd control capabilities don't work against bosses but the damage Elemental resistance shred and energy refunds are still super valuable the next animal grouping support on the list is kazua who is incredibly strong and also one of the most fun characters to play in my opinion but in addition to being incredibly strong and fun to play kazua has great crowd control and grouping with his Elemental skill which is blessed with a short cooldown and feels great to use he also does massive amounts of damage with his Elemental burst but what makes makes him absolutely ridiculous is his level 60 Ascension passive this passive ability gives your team a damage buff based on the element Kaza Swirls and is increased based on caza's Elemental Mastery an increasing cwa's Elemental Mastery also increases his swirl damage so there's perfect Synergy between the two making Kwa deal more damage while also increasing your team's overall damage this passive ability can also trigger on multiple El elements and while most people will probably only get this passive to work on one element just know that you can have this passive work on two elements kazua isn't quite the auto win button that ventti is against groups of enemies but he brings good crowd control tons of damage amplification Elemental resistance shred from the viridescent artifact set and is super fun to play the third and final option among our ano damage amplification and grouping support characters is sucrose when kazuwa first came out people made fun of him saying he's a five-star sucrose and well they weren't exactly wrong but kazwa is also one of the best characters in the entire game so really the best way to think about sucros is that she is a fourstar kazua her skill has good grouping capability she can easily apply ano with her normal attacks making it very easy to cause the swirl reaction and your passive abilities increase your team's Elemental Mass making their Elemental reactions hit even harder what's crazy about sucrose is that you don't even need to level her talents for her to hit really hard in a full Elemental Mastery build all of sucrose's damage really come from the swirl reaction and you don't need to level her talents to make those hit harder if you want really powerful swirls all you have to do is increase the character's level and give them a lot of Elemental Mastery one caveat about sucros is that she does feel a little bit clunky to play and she doesn't really shine until Adventure ring 45 once you can get her a four-piece iridescent set with a lot of Elemental Mastery now you don't need all three of these characters in fact you really only need one and I recommend going for kazua he's extremely strong super fun and great against multiple enemies or against bosses venti is the king of crowd control but bosses can jump out of his burst which is a huge damage loss and you can randomly get sucros by wishing because she is not a limited five-star character so I recommend using your Primo gems on kazwa as he's still one of the best characters in the game even years after he was introduced next we move on to the electro element and there's a lot of good Electro characters but the ones on this list just keep getting better these characters have gotten a lot of indirect Buffs from new artifact sets but have also become a lot more versatile while still being really powerful the characters I'm talking about are fishal Ryden and Kookie shinobu let's talk about FAL first because she was considered one of the best characters at the game's launch and has only gotten better with the dender reactions and the golden troop artifact set but it's not really fishal that's doing all the work it's her summon Oz the little bird that she leaves behind after using her Elemental skill and burst after FAL summons a she can leave the field and her little bird friend will fire tons of Electro bullets at enemies while also generating a lot of Electro energy fal's final Ascension passive allows oz to attack even more and in an AOE whenever you trigger an electro reaction what's even better is that it's not hard to have Oz up nearly 100% of the time once Oz leaves the field from ficial skill you can immediately resummon him using her Elemental burst doing so only gives you a few seconds with no Oz on the field allowing your little bird friend to blast away at enemies Almost 100% of the time you can even get ficial in the star glitter shop in the months of January and July the next super strong character who keeps getting better is Ryden who is very strong as an onfield DPS but can also be played completely off field with a high Elemental Mastery build in a hyper Bloom team Ryden can easily unleash multiple instances of 30,000 plus damage hyper blooms at once but she was actually intended to be played as an onfield damage dealer and she still does very well in that role with an emblem of the severed fate artifact set whether she's being played as an electro driver in a reaction team or as a hyper carry you can build onfield or off field Ryden or both and she's still incredibly strong and can generate a lot of energy for your team the capability to be a really strong onfield damage dealer or off field damage Dage dealer is super rare which makes Ryden a very valuable character for tons of players the final character of this list is Kookie shinobu Kookie Is A Healer that is best used as a hyper Bloom reaction trigger kookie's Elemental skill damages her but it creates an electro ring that radiates around your active character dealing Electro damage and healing you when it pulses this skill is incredibly good for triggering hyper Bloom as most of the skills in the game do not hit the dendr cores effectively over time and are therefore very bad at making hyper blo reactions however characters like Ryden and Kookie can consistently trigger hyper Bloom while off Fields what makes Kookie really special is that she can easily trigger hyper blo while also being a good healer for your active character kookie's final Ascension passive increases her skills healing by 75% of her Elemental Mastery and since you want tons of Elemental Mastery on her to make her hyper Bloom reaction much stronger this is a perfect Synergy this means that a well-built cookie can heal you for several thousand HP each time her skill pulses while also hitting enemies for 30,000 plus damage hyper blooms at the same time you need a dendro hydro and Electro character for a hyper Bloom team and that can leave little room for utility characters like healers but if you build a hyper Bloom team with Kookie that problem is solved and while kuki shinobu is amazing in a hyper Bloom team she also works really well with any electr transformative reaction whether that's overload or electrocharged what's even better is that Kookie doesn't even need energy recharge to be as good as she is most characters best abilities are tied to their Elemental burst but for cookie to be most effective you just have to use her skill so you don't need to build any energy recharge on her meaning she's so much easier to build than most other characters and still achieves really good results now just like the Animo characters we mentioned previously you don't need all three of these Electro characters but they are really nice to have I'd recommend getting two out of the three for best results but you can easily have a very strong account with just one fishal is a great choice for off field damage Kookie is a great choice for hyper Bloom and transformative Electro reactor actions and Ryden can do both while also being a great onfield DPS next we move on to an element that is stronger than fire and lightning it's plants dendro is an incredibly strong element and thankfully everyone has access to the dendro traveler which is the best iteration of the traveler so far but the real Crown Jewel of the dendro element is nahita this little dendro baby can do massive damage with her skill that chains enemies together so they don't even need to be grouped up and she can increase your team's Elemental Mastery with her burst she also generates a ton of dendro energy particles and she can do this all while being off field her Elemental burst ability to increase Elemental Mastery synergizes perfectly with the dendro reactions since they rely heavily on Elemental Mastery for damage but even in teams that don't primarily focus on dendro damage like freeze and vaporized teams Nita can still be very effective as the the elemental Mastery buff she provides still increases your team's reaction damage and adding Nita to these teams can also provide you with additional sources of off field reactions for additional damage that you would not normally have access to otherwise just like kazwa nahita is a great team damage amplifier and also deals great damage on her own and she's pretty much the best choice for any team that wants a dendro character next we move on to a bit of a unique section in my previous video I recommended one strong cryo DPS character but there have been a lot of changes since then and cryo has kind of fallen off a bit its main advantage was that freeze teams had a huge crit buff with the blizzard Strayer artifact set and they didn't need Super in demand supports like Bennett to be really powerful but there are now a bunch of other team compositions that are really powerful that also fit those criteria that's why in this section I want to recommend some really powerful onfield DPS characters that are super free-to-play friendly and also some of the strongest in the game these types of characters are the most popular but they're also the most easily replaceable I'll give you my recommendations for these onfield damage dealers but I would not recommend going for more than two of them initially make note that since these characters are on field damage dealers you have to build a team around them which makes them far more restrictive than other characters for onfield damage characters ganu and akaka are still great in freeze teams nuet is very strong as a hydro onfield DPS and alham is also incredibly strong as an onfield dendro DPS all of these characters are very free-to-play friendly they have good craftable weapon options and they don't need certain supports like Bennett to really shine however there's also a plethora of other onfield DPS characters that are really strong the main main thing I want you to take away from this is that you should not clog your account with too many onfield DPS characters if you don't have the proper support characters onfield DPS characters rarely deal any damage if they are not the active character while support characters work all field and are way more versatile so if you have more than two limited five-star on field damage dealers but are lacking in good supporting characters you're probably using your pre gems inefficiently now that we've gone over these amazing characters that will carry you through the game and always be good there's one more category I wanted to mention this is what I call the Comfort tier because it makes the game feel so much easier but it's not the best pick for everyone right away when I'm on stream and helping people that are struggling I notice that the biggest problems they have are just simply that they don't deal enough damage and the characters that I'm going to mention in this Comfort tier were not intended to be be strong damage dealers but they will make your genjin experience way more comfy by basically making you immortal just keep in mind that genin's combat system is not designed around outlasting enemies but simply defeating them before they defeat you and there's no penalty for retrying difficult content so if you have a really strong damage dealer and other good supports already these are great picks for you but if you don't have any good damage dealers or good supporting characters these characters might not feel as impactful and the characters I want to talk about in the comfor tier are jangi and kakomi both are great characters but I think it's important to give context as to why Jang Le's value comes from his Elemental skill which produces a shield that is super durable and allows you to face tank just about everything in the game without worry he does have some utility bringing a universal Elemental and physical resistance shred but that's just icing on the incredibly strong shield cake kakomi is a strong healer and can function as a good damage dealer on field but her heals and off field Hydro application are where she really finds the most to use she doesn't provide any Interruption resistance and is therefore prone to being knocked around but her ability to heal almost any damage you take while also being highly sought after for the hydro element makes her a valuable Comfort pick defensive utility characters are always great in genin but remember that they are just one component of a team and usually the member that is picked last because you focus on the three other characters on the team that are going to deal the most damage at the beginning of the video I mentioned I had something a little bit extra for you and that is because every character on this list is great at C 0 they're really versatile and they will stand the test of time but they are also really good together have tons of synergy with each other and allow you to make some extremely strong teams just check out the variety of te teams you can make with these characters on screen they're all extremely effective extremely powerful and a lot of them have a flex slot or open fourth slots that you can fit almost anyone into now some of you might be saying shark I know these characters are great but with so many options who should I pick well if I could pick only one character from each element then my personal picks would be Bennett shincho kazuwa Nita and cookie shinobu this combination provides a ton of Team options without needing a lot of limited five stars you can save enough Primo gems to guarantee kazua and Nita and you can save star glitter to get Bennett and shincho in the star glitter shop if they are not on a rateup banner for a long time unfortunately there's no guaranteed way to get kuki shinobu but you can replace her with Ryden if the ninja girl does not want to come home with so many characters in genjin impact and with more and more char characters coming out a lot of whom are super Niche it's really hard to know who is worth spending your hard-earned Primo gems on but the characters in this video are always going to be good and will help you form a super solid foundation that will let you tackle the hardest challenges in the game and if you'd like to know more information about how I built these characters how to build your account so that you don't hit the wall that most other players do or the biggest mistakes to avoid then check out the other genjin videos I have in the description below I love you stay jawesome and I can't wait to see you in the next one
Channel: SharkH3art
Views: 609,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact gameplay, genshin raiden shogun, genshin best teams, genshin best teams for abyss, Genshin Zhongli, Genshin Xiao, Genshin Ayato, Genshin Bennett, Genshin Best Characters, Genshin Strongest Characters, genshin impact furina, genshin nahida, genshin best f2p characters, genshin best 4 stars, genshin best 5 stars, genshin best for primogems, genshin before your wish, genshin impact yelan, genshin impact best for f2p
Id: 1rTp3AK8GY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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