Top 6 Missed Opportunities in Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee

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[Music] what's going on Imperials it's a per cubone here who c'mon let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee we're an interesting tryout of sorts it was the first kind of remake sequel hybrid more mainline side game that was on a major console system there have been console Pokemon games before but these first games on the switch were heralded as showing off the full potential of what this franchise could bring and that's the word I would use potential because there were some really great things about these let's go iterations like the NPC's that will just give you more pokeballs when you run out out in the field however there are of course some issues that were in these new experimental games so we'll take a look at what I consider to be the top six missed opportunities in Pokemon let's go Pikachu and let's go Eevee number six partner interactions a huge focus of these games is the relationship that the player will have with the main Pokemon on the box they're the ones that learn all of the secret techniques that get you around and they are always out with you even when you choose another Pokemon to walk instead so it was a little disappointing when the advertised close personal interactions with such a special Pokemon really just boiled down to more Pokemon of me you pet them feed them the only actual difference is that you can style their hair a tiny bit instead of doing anything different or unique they just implemented a system that they already had and tried to make you think that it was more special by excluding every other pokemon the one new thing that they did include with this feature is the fact that your partner Pokemon can bring you little gifts inside of veggie tacos the only problem with that is that these gifts are useless I mean seriously look at this we've got a broken spring some glass that they found on the beach one solitary earring that they found on the ground this is literal garbage what is the point of these useless items crowding up my bag space other than the actual touching bouquet after becoming champion and the occasional heart scale these items in no way say to me that my partner Pokemon actually cares about me this is the kind of thing that you pull when you forget that it was your friend's birthday and you have to scrounge around at the last second basically other than some additional text every now and again these so-called partner Pokemon don't get much more interaction than any other that you'd pick up in the wild well though I guess you can dress them up a bit but that'll just crush kids even more when they aren't able to transfer those Pokemon into any other versions in the future number 5 abilities and items let's go peek at you in Eevee in many ways went back to basics along with returning to the original setting they shipped away some of the components of gameplay that have accumulated over the 20 plus years the main one that affected me was the removal of Pokemon abilities the passive extra characteristics that can help Pokemon in battle and make them more unique now maybe they just thought that they had to since the original Kanto Games debuted before abilities were around but it can be really distracting to have to constantly remind yourself about these changes namely look at pokemon tower it is full of gas late and Haunter now ever since June 3 they have been immune to ground with levitate which is really quite handy for them being weak to ground but and let's go they have no abilities to keep them safe so my marowak just had a field day killing off ghosts and coughing and wheezing for that matter when in any other game it couldn't have touched them you might say but they used let's go to try and draw it and pokemon gold players to a different entry in the franchise and go didn't have ability either I don't know whether they actually achieved their goal since I've not really heard of any new comforts but why not go ahead and introduce them to this vital gameplay aspect say they did buy a switch and let's go if they actually get sword or shield they will be incredibly confused as to why they just got paralyzed from touching a Pikachu it's just so distracting to have to remind yourself that your mega venusaur does not take neutral hits from fire and ice and speaking of which cold item exclusions are a similar principle did they only leave them out because they weren't in jin-hwan the net project there shouldn't even be Megas in the first place or even the ferry type if you're gonna remove one why not take them all I just don't understand the point of removing two of the features that can impact battling the most when they're just gonna put them right back in the next one I thought this was supposed to be an updated version of the game and not just a high-gloss re-release number for a full story revamp this one I don't actually have a huge problem with but by definition it is a missed opportunity let's go games are pretty much what you'd expect if you've played either red version blue version yellow fire red or leaf green the gym leaders are the same the towns are definitely the same and you could probably play these games with your eyes closed mostly every now and then they'll throw something in that has a different twist to the story the biggest example is your rival from his look and overall function in the story I just assumed that he was supposed to be some sort of blue surrogate that is until blue himself showed up so he already exists in this universe meaning that he and red already went on their journeys and green also but they didn't since Team Rocket and Giovanni are still very much active unless you're telling me that red did not defeat Team Rocket in this universe in which case what makes him so special he didn't even catch Mewtwo I that so what could he possibly have done to still be considered such a great trainer it just doesn't make sense to have a completely new generation of trainers on Cato in the same continuity as the ones that we've already seen and to have their stories being nearly identical but that's not the end they did add Jessie and James from the anime like in yellow version and they had their trademark Pokemon however they missed their chance to update with the other Pokemon that they caught in Kyoto with victreebel and liket um I would have loved to fight all four of them and honestly I kept expecting them to show up but they never did at the very least they should have caught more after I became the champion it's just little things meanness shows up at one point and talks about a Lola speaking of which why not have Lily she went to canto at the end of Sun and Moon so would it be wonderful to see her here again or if that's not the right point in the timeline Kakui said that he faced the Kanto Gym Leaders at one point so let's run into him Koga mentions his daughter but we never see her let's see a Janine in training basically they just failed to utilize 20 years worth of excess material so whenever they would maybe tease something a tiny bit different and then immediately revert back to the cookiecutter Kanto I couldn't help but be a little disappointed number three coop this was the first Pokemon game ever to have this type of cooperative play on the same system both playing from the same safe pile so kudos for pulling that off at all I guess that were bound to be a few kinks in this process but I do think that they left some on the table with this whole endeavor the way it works is that the second player can drop in or out at any given time kind of like in the Lego games this will allow you to both try and catch a Pokemon at the same time and that also turns any battles into double battles and by that I mean that your side fights a double battle while the rest still use which sounds totally fair that's the first issue if we're doing a double battle then everyone should be participating but even if they had more than one pokemon they still follow the one-at-a-time rule say only one at a time and it's not that double battles don't exist they just choose not to employ them here also the way it works is that the second player simply takes control of the second pokemon in the party this is pretty funny and just walking around when literally half of your party is just out roaming the wilds but they really lost out on doing something rather unique and having the second player be autonomous from the first even if they could only pull from the Pokemon that the original player had in their box the second could have made a unique team of their own choices in Pokemon that they could control even if those Pokemon had to be set aside in a separate spot for it to work that would have been fine with me it's just been a longtime dream of mine that we might one day get a fully realized companion in Pokemon having someone to come with us on our journey with their own unique tastes in Pokemon and individual play style I know that's probably asking too much to have an actual travel companion like Brock or misty from the anime and I would say that this is a solid start but and let's go the second player is basically a ghost they can't talk to anyone they're unaffected by spin tiles or warp panels and you can't even interact with the Pokemon that's following them it's like they don't even exist I know that this is the first step that they ever tried this sort of thing so baby steps I guess number two the capture system one of the biggest departure for the let's go games was the capture system implemented here now the start of this process divert orders as well since for the first time pokemons will now appear in the overworld where you're able to interact with them at your leisure gone are the days of the grass exploding like it was a landmine made out of small birds that change is actually really great even if it does somehow simultaneously make it easier and harder to get shiny pokemon but the problem arises once you've run into these wild creatures the screen will whisk you away to what you'd swear would be your smartphone because the capture screen looks exactly like Pokemon go as we said before these games were meant to act as a sort of bridge to players that had only played the mobile games up to this point but the problem is that it's exactly like pokemon code these Pokemon jump they slap away pokeballs left and right they break out over and over again and they run away boy do they run away that's probably the worst part I could handle wasting ten to forty five pokeballs in a patch of grass as long as I eventually catch what I'm after but sometimes that's not up to me at least in the old days when you whittled down a pokémon's health it would be your fault if you hit it too hard and unfit out or even if you let it start to struggle but now the whole situation is out of your control nobody asked for the entire region to be one big safari zone so why did they think that would be a good idea and this completely took over for wild battles meaning that this is the primary way to grind in these games but if this is the most common method of gaining experience why do all of these stupid critters have so much attitude these level seven Zubat should not be giving me this much trouble if this were a battle I would have easily dispatched them already and even worse is that all of these delinquent behaviors carry over into the go park where you transfer your Pokemon from go you have to waste your own pokeballs that you bought with your own money and even then they can still break out I already caught this Pokemon before otherwise I wouldn't have it to transfer so why do I have to prove myself again take note from pal park they know that if you already put in the work once you shouldn't have to be punished for it by making it even harder than the first time number one the original 151 Pokemon I mentioned this as a potential con before the games came out and after playing it I can safely say that they really missed the mark here do you have any idea how sad it is to look at the cipher in your box and your bag and know that it can never evolve or go bad poor golbat doesn't even get its beloved final evolution oh sorry there were two brand-new Pokemon with Melton and mill metal that's a nice consolation prize I suppose there are plenty of Kanto Pokemon that I love as some of my favorites but there are even more from anywhere else that I like just as much or better and honestly that's probably the case for most of the players out there your target market should not be people that played one game 20 years ago when they were kids you should be trying to retain the people that went out and bought both copies of the last six on release day the fact of the matter is that every Pokemon out there is somebody's favorite even the ones that get the most hate from everyone else so not including a majority of them in these games makes it seem like they either just don't care or a - oblivious to the fact that they've done some good work since 1996 the Pokemon are the reason that people keep coming back to these games so I know snapping most of them out of existence might actually be a deterrent for some fans preventing them from buying the game at all if you can't finish the product then don't be surprised if it's not received with open arms or maybe even just wait to put it out but I'm sure that they've learned their lesson and that they won't do this sort of thing after what are you kidding me so overall I did enjoy strolling through the let's go games they were a fun distraction until generation 8 came out and I recognized that they didn't even have to give us these games they just wanted to fill the void a bit for fans however they did miss out on a few of the opportunities and maybe they can fine-tune them for when the next versions of let's go roll round what are your biggest missed opportunities for Pokemon let's go Pikachu and Eevee let me know down in the comments also be sure to leave a like share this video and subscribe so that you too can become an Imperial today and we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 45,505
Rating: 4.8248348 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Galar, Kanto, Switch, Johto, Let's Go Johto, Gen 8, Avengers, Spider-Man, New Pokemon, Gym Leaders, Team Rocket, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Card
Id: jCZGvMp21NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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