Top 10 LOST Pokemon Evolutions!

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[Music] all right fellas we need to come up with new ideas for Pokemon mega evolution what do you guys got how about we give it to chars our because you know he's in Charizard oh oh I know how about we give Charizard another loving 100 that is that is genius what about you um how about we give it to a pokémon that's less popular it actually needs it like Flygon who how about we give me two to mega evolutions instead now that's what I'm talking about oh my god [Music] what is going on guys this is Dobbs here bringing you another Pokemon video and in this video I'm gonna go over 10 lost Pokemon evolutions and what I mean by lost evolutions I'm talking about scrap pokemon evolutions evolution theories and the reasoning behind a few weird Pokemon evolutions so yeah I hope you guys enjoy the video and without further ado let's get started spinning in at number 10 we have the fighting trio now during the development of the Pokemon games many Pokemon monsters are drawn out and thrown away when drafting the final version of the game and if you didn't know there were 39 pokemon that were scrapped from the original Pokemon games that later became official Pokemon in gold and silver and out of all these scrap Pokemon hitmontop seems to be the most interesting when it comes to pokemon evolution you see if you look closely at the 1997 edition a micro group game review you can see that one of the creatures looks very similar to him on top almost like a pre evolution to this spinning pokemon now it could just be a beta design of hitmontop but since the generation 2 games were notorious for introducing baby pokemon it really makes you wonder what if Tyra was meant to be only Hitmonchan spree evolution and this unnamed creature was for him on top and before they could even get to him at Lee's pre evolution design they scrapped the whole idea in gate I wrote the evolutionary branch because you gotta admit tyro doesn't really share any resemblance with Hitmonlee or hitmontop at all only to him on Chan from my perspective so in a sense this is a lost evolution because we'll probably never learn the true intentions of this unknown creature in the three fighting Pokemon which is pretty interesting evolving in at number 9 we have you Nova Pokemon now personally this is probably one of my favorite Pokemon theories out there and I'm surprised that not a lot of people are talking about it I'm Pokemon DB net user melody melody asked the question what's the reasoning behind why a lot of you Nova pokémon evolve at high levels because there's Pokemon like my a new pawn yard roughly Dino is wellis and of course the notorious Lord Vesta who all evolved a considerably high levels and well the answer that user Crimson came up with was very clever you see as an example Mayan field is based off a weasel type animal and it's natural predator is probably a bird visa V a bravery and looking at my nephew as a pokemon with combat experience to him by his stance and design it can probably the fit itself to a good extent another example would be voted by an adolescent chick that's probably high up in a nest on a cliff face or a tree whose main predator would be another bird that's coming from above but since adult buzzers are small birds and can defend their nests against their predators like bravery while also having a high defense stat wolle boys aren't as vulnerable as one would think so basically where Crimson is getting at the reason why you know the Pokemon a ball bats such a later level is because you know the Pokemon have less predators thus allow them to survive much longer and allowing them to evolve at later levels which to me is a pretty awesome theory flying in at number eight we have far fetched now throughout the years many Pokemon fans have asked game free to give their beloved far fetch and evolution because at its current state it's kind of an underwhelming poke you all with lackluster stats and what's ironic about this is that back your pokemon crystal far fetch was my second highest level pokemon all because I thought it would eventually evolved it to da duo anyways as you're researching for a bit I came across a bubble PD article written by George Hudson who explains why far fetch will probably never get in evolution and please don't rust me too bad for the pronunciation about to hear so we found out that the same combo got Nagi will shot kuru literally means a duck comes bearing green onions and when the phrase is shortened in Japanese it is simply worded as community which is written as katakana which ultimately is far fetches Japanese name Naf tree broke down far fish's Japanese name he discovered that there was a second meaning to the phrase rather than a duck cons bearing green onions it also translates into along comes a sucker just begging to be parted from his money which in Japanese can refer to as comma or duck so basically in conclusion of Georgia's research the old premise of far-fetched as a pokemon is that it's a joke a duck holding a piece of onion is just straight-up funny which is why far fetches lost evolution will probably ever be in the void but at least now we can laugh about it flying in at number 7 we have mega Flygon now back in Pokemon X&Y mega evolution chase away we played Pokemon forever and with this new mechanic millions of Pokemon players from around the world hope that their beloved Pokemon would hopefully get this new powerful form and among these requested Pokemon it seemed that mega Flygon was among the most popular now according to an interview with Game three skins to kumari mega Flygon was actually up for consideration for Pokemon Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire he stated that he needed to have a Pokemon that gives you some news fly and secret power and the only Hill in Pokemon that wasn't used by a key character that fit this criteria was Flygon after sukumari stated this the interviewer then asked if flagon was an exception in terms of the fact that key characters often carried a pokémon that can mega evolve so the Mari then responded by saying Flygon has had the potential to mega evolve since X&Y but we were unable to complete the design and so it was dropped from consideration so according to Ken Sugimori mega Flygon was in development but was later dropped because gain free couldn't create a fitting design for this highly requested Pokemon which is really unfortunate and put some mega Flygon the relevance of Aleutians [Music] decaying in at number 6 we have Aerodactyl now we all know in the real world that the darwin theory suggests that species evolve and adapt to their natural surroundings and since this is probably one influence gain free to create pokemon evolution 1 he theorized that Darwinism exists in the Pokemon world think about it using Aerodactyl as an example a Pokemon has been extinct for hundreds of millions of years one could suggest that Zubat is a present adaptation of this fossilized pokemon because if you look through the similarities between the two pokemon the evidence becomes more believable in this interesting theory for example just by looking at Zubin Aerodactyl they both share a similar design with the color scheme and wingspan they also both learn similar moves like bite wink attack and super sonic not to mention that with zubedah balls into crobat the theory becomes even more compelling because if you look at Aerodactyl it's pretty easy to notice that it has a strong lower jaw and when you analyze crow bats 3d model from Pokemon Stadium you can see that it only has teeth on its lower jaw as well also crow baton here dad tool are both tied in their speed stat and entered actual shiny foreign looks very close to crow best color scheme so if Game Freak intentionally made this connection between zoo bed and they are dactyl it makes me wonder if crow bet will get a mega evolution in the future since Aerodactyl is the only current fossil Pokemon that has that powerful form who knows growing it at number 5 we have the league in now this is really short but I still think it's a pretty cool lost evolution that not many people know about now back in February of 2011 Nintendo Dream magazine Leyna the chance to sit down with some of the staff members from Game three and got to interview them about some of the inspirations behind a few of the new you know the Pokemon and out of all the cool little insights that Game Freak told the magazine is seemed that lil again had the most interesting backstory originally this two staged evolutionary Pokemon had a third stage a Pokemon that would evolve in between pets a lil and Lily camp but unfortunately this idea was later dropped and scrapped from the final game so to me this begs the question of how many Pokemon have gone through a similar experience let me know in the comments on what pokemon you think have had their evolution scrapped [Music] glitching in at number four we have in now most of us know about the notorious glitch Pokemon missingno but as it turns out there is a similar glitch Pokemon that stays the same sprite known as in often called the sister glitch counterpart him also has a mysterious quality to it for some odd reason this glitch pokémon evolves into kangaskhan at level zero in Clefairy a level 128 and as a theory goes M is actually the leftover data of a scrap Pokemon that was supposed to be the pre evolution of Kangaskhan and after looking at the evidence this theory becomes even more interesting you see glitch Pokemon have a history of miss placing values in the coding and if you look at M's evolutionary chart one can theorize that this scrap Pokemon was originally meant to evolve at level 28 instead of 128 and what makes this number so unique is the fact that Hugh bone evolved mayor wack 11:28 as well and since cuba looks very similar to the baby in Cannes Khan's pouch and that has found the same location as Kangaskhan it makes total sense that these two Pokemon were probably connected at one point in time because you got to admit why would Game Freak make Kangaskhan a Pokemon that hatches out of an egg it just doesn't really make that much since [Music] slithering in at number 3 we have Dunsparce now just like Farfetch'd does sports has been a Pokemon that many fans have wondered why it hasn't received an evolution because if you look at the origin of the snake Pokemon it screams that this Pokemon should evolve into something greater you see Dunsparce is based off a mythical creature known at the tushy new COO that is spoke about in Japanese folklore this snake-like Legend is said to have the ability to speak human language and has a tendency for lying also it likes to drink now in my opinion this origin is perfect for Dunsparce as standard form but if you look at the second origin you will then question why this Pokemon doesn't evolve if you look at Dunsparce is back you will notice that there are tiny wings making it a feathered serpent and if you didn't know and miso American religions feathered serpents are often known as supernatural deities that have the ability to ascend to the heavens so with this epic origin one would expect that does sparsh would evolve into a powerful creature yet it has remained as a drunken snake for all of these years who knows maybe one day we'll finally get to see this mythical serpent ass in itself into the heavens which will be neat to see trading in at number 2 we have Shulman and Kerr blast now Shulman and Keira blast definitely have two of the most unique Pokemon evolutions in the game but at first glance something seems to be a bit off when looking at the two Pokemon in their evolutions it feels like they're evolved forms should be switched since shellman started with armor and Carabosse didn't so in a sense this evolution seems be lost unless you know the true backstory behind it you see care glasses based off the Japanese snail-eating beetle which is why is so committed to attacking shell men who of course is a snail Pokemon and during the trade between the two Pokemon two references are made that relate to their origins for the first reference since Shulman is care glasses pray care blast attacks shell myth stealing its armor in the process while Shulman flees away naked and as for the second reference this fight between the two Pokemon is symbolism for jousting because when one gesture gets hit usually their helmet flies off when they fall off their horse it's a pretty clever way to show off coevolution and to rule war references in the Pokemon games something we haven't really seen since generation one with slowpoke and Sheldon shining in at number one we have crystal onyx now during the 87th episode of the Pokemon anime Ash and his friends made a sculpture named Matteo who was on a quest to catch a mythical Onix that was made of glass and after discovering that his ice type Onix really existed it opened the door to new possibilities for a different type of Pokemon it only took gamefreak 16 years to finally make this a reality with a Wolin pokemon and sun and moon but the thing is they decided not to include the notorious crystal onyx the one Pokemon that inspired the whole idea of the lowland pokemon in the first place so since this ice type Onix was lost during the initial release of Pokemon Sun and Moon I'm hoping that they'll bring back this inspirational pokemon as it alone form an ultra Sun and ultra moon something that would be downright awesome and there you go tin lost Pokemon evolutions I hope you guys draw the video be sure leave like me did I appreciated a ton and also if you're enjoying the channel be sure subscribe and if you want to follow me on Twitter for fan reactions video updates and other cool stuff follow me and dobbs also I started - Pokemon podcast with three other content creators so be sure to check that out in the description and for the question of the day what Pokemon do you think has a lost evolution be sure to let me know down below in the comments I can't wait so you guys have in mind and I'll see y'all next time see ya
Channel: Dobbs
Views: 2,020,834
Rating: 4.6400146 out of 5
Keywords: Top 10 Lost Pokemon evolutions, top 10 pokemon evolutions that don’t make sense, top 10 pokemon evolutions that you wish were real, top 10 pokemon evolutions for sun and moon, top 10 best pokemon evolutions, top 10 worst pokemon evolutions, top 10 weirdest pokemon evolutions, top 10 strongest pokemon mega evolution, top 10 pokemon mega evolutions, top 10 pokemon alola forms, pokemon evolution theory, pokemon evolutions
Id: QmIHB2l6G4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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