Soft Lock Picking: Trapping Yourself With Electrode

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[Music] hello internet users and welcome back to another video where I take unnecessary measures to prove a point so for a while now I've been getting a ton of ideas for game ending situations sent in to me and out of them all there was one in particular that really stood out to me and got me thinking I had a few different variations of a toll to me but the basic idea is this what would happen if you trapped yourself at the Pokemon League with just a single electrode that only knows self-destruct think about that one for a second how would you be able to battle your way out of that if you're only available option is guaranteed to knock you out in the process that's the question we're gonna be answering today so first let's choose the game we'll be doing this in we already know that we can escape this in Gen 1 due to the 1 in 256 glitch as we already covered that last time with Magikarp and in Gen 2 there is an old man with an Abra right outside of the Elite Four speaking with him will let you teleport all the way back to your house so we can't really set something up there either so in that case we're going to try and create this trap in generation 3 here's what I did to set up the save file first I played through most of the game up to when you first have access to the Pokemon League I made sure that over the course of my playthrough I only taught hm moves to 2 Pokemon only for this to work I also need to have a pokemon that knows teleport I went ahead and caught an Abra from the cave on dewford and obviously I also have to make another stop to catch a bolt orb Voltorb learns self-destruct at level 27 and evolves at level 30 so after a quick little grind in a visit to the move deleter we're ready to go at this point I have 0 Pokemon in the PC storage and 5 in my party my Blaziken who I used to fight all of the battles in the game with my two hm slaves the teleporting Abra and the Pokemon that I'll be trapped with electrode now that we've got all the tools we need here's the first step use the Pokemon Center at the league the move teleport sends you back to the last Pokemon Center you used so we need to do this in order to mark ever Grande City as our teleport location next release your starter Pokemon or whatever you used in the playthrough in my case it was just Blaziken but it doesn't really matter the goal here is to be left with the HM slaves the teleporter and the self-destruct err next we need to get rid of the HM slaves but they can't be released the same way Blaziken was if you'll recall from some of my other videos I've mentioned how it is impossible in this generation to release a Pokemon if it is the last user of an HM moves such as surf or strength attempting to do so will cause the Pokemon to come back with a message saying that it was worried about you this feature exists to prevent players from accidentally doing the very thing I'm trying to do right now however it can easily be worked around put the HM users in the daycare the reason that I limited my hm moves to only two Pokemon was so that I could just put them both here next use teleport this will warp you back to the Pokemon League and immediately after that release the teleporter teleport may be usable as a field move but it doesn't have any restrictions for releasing your last Pokemon that knows it it's also worth noting that you could also just let electrode faint which would also take you back to Evergrande removing the need for a teleporter altogether doesn't make too much of a difference though you can go with whatever way you want next get rid of your money in items this is so that we will no longer have access to pokeballs it won't be able to catch anything else to use and for the final step save your game and that's it viewers the trap has been complete and now we're stuck let's take a look at our situation we don't have access to our HM users anymore this means that we cannot go back through Victory Road in order to do so surf strength rock smash and waterfall are necessary to have all of which cannot be taught to electrode as you can see from this footage here we cannot go very far into the cave now before we need rock smash and strength the only other way to leave the area is to defeat the Elite Four something that obviously cannot be done when your only move is self destruct looking at all the suggestions for this it seems like you guys really had everything covered because all of the teams were discarded it's impossible to teach electrode another offensive move as well because it faints upon self-destructing it will never be able to gain exp meaning that it can't learn new moves by leveling up as well it'll never run out of PP for self-destruct as after it faints you'll be brought back to the Pokemon Center and it will all be restored this means that there is no way for electrode to use struggle either by now I'm sure that a few of you are thinking that you can just trade the electrode for something else but that's not possible either for some bizarre reason and Ruby and Sapphire there is no escalator at the Pokemon League meaning that there is no way to access the Trade Center interestingly enough this was addressed in Emerald version and one was added to the map however it doesn't even make a difference as you need to have at least two Pokemon to be able to trade and because we don't have pokeballs or any way to earn money to buy them we can't catch something to meet that requirement so any hope of just sending another Pokemon that knows fly from another game is out of the question the save file now seems to be ruined with the player now stuck in an endless hell or all they can do is self-destruct and wake back up at the Pokemon Center the end of the game is just within reach but the player can now no longer go forward or backward all we can do now is start over from the beginning or we could take a look and see if there's something stupid you could do to escape it so I really had a lot to consider for this one you all made sure to give me as little to work with as possible but I still knew that somewhere there had to be something that you all missed something that I could take advantage of and luckily there was in order for this escape to be possible though two conditions need to be met beforehand if the biggest problem to overcome here is the fact that electrode only knows self-destruct for there to be any chance of escape I need to have access to something that allows me to give it another move and that something is flash like I said earlier we had to get rid of all of our items however key items including a Chen's cannot be discarded once they are obtained they are permanently stuck in your bag and are always available to use that being said most of the key items here won't do us any good except for flash out of all the HM moves in the game flash is the only one that electrode can learn nobody seemed to think to restrict this as a part of the setup likely due to the fact that it's not a damage-dealing move and that it's technically an optional item found early in the game and let's face it it really is a pretty forgettable HM move so now electrode has two moves but the question now is what is this change in battle all flash does is lower the opponent's accuracy even if it's you is all you're really doing is stalling an electrode is eventually still going to be forced to use destruct it doesn't seem like teaching at the move accomplishes anything at all however this is where the other condition comes into play whether or not you can escape is also dependent on which version of the game you are playing I'm sure by now some of you have been wondering why I haven't been playing on emerald version as it is considered to be the quote-unquote definitive edition of gem 3 this is because in Emerald you cannot find meditite or medicham in the wild however in Ruby and Sapphire they both can be found in Victory Road within this trap we only have access to two floors one of which we cannot go very far into due to Naveen hm moves it is within these few tiles that we have a 10% chance of encountering a medicham and a 5% chance of encountering meditite these two Pokemon are very important due to the fact that they know the move high jump kick high jump kick is a move that has seen some changes throughout the different generations upon missing the kick the user will crash and hurt itself here in Gen 3 the recoil is equal to half of the damage the move would have dealt if it landed in Gen 2 it was one eighth of the damage and in Gen 1 it was bugged and only dealt a single hit point to the user show of hands is anyone honestly surprised to hear that apparently it was fixed for pokemon stadium though but anyway is what's important here is how the move works for us in our current situation upon encountering either of these two pokemon we can both waste turns and lower their accuracy with flash from there it's just a game of chance hoping that they KO themselves from repeatedly missing high jump kick this is incredibly tedious to do but the point is doing so proves that it's still possible to gain exp in a battle now I know what you're thinking though but wouldn't it be easier to find a Pokemon like gravel or who knows explosion and you would be correct except that the only way to encounter Geodude and gravel err in this game's victory road is by breaking boulders with rock smash and as we've previously gone over that's not a move we have access to out of all the other Pokemon at Victory Road there aren't any others that no self-destruct or explosion either high jump kick is the only way to make an enemy Pokemon here faint if there is nothing else to work with after a whole lot of time continuing to do this eventually electrode will reach level 34 where it learns roll out to get to this point I had to take down seven medicham and nine meditite from there things get a bit easier now that we have a way of dealing damage we can slowly level up electrode until it gets more moves with rollout you can slowly but surely knock out some of the weaker pokémon like Zubat and Whismur at level 48 electrode will learn Swift this is the last offensive move that it can learn by leveling up not including explosion which we obviously don't want the next goal is to try to defeat the first member of the elite for Sydney even if electrode were to reach level 100 it doesn't seem feasible that it could defeat the champion with its lacking move pool however if we can just beat Sydney we will earn enough money to be able to afford pokeballs this does take quite a bit of grinding to accomplish though especially since this first Pokemon has intimidate as its ability after likely being defeated by Phoebe right away you should have enough to buy two ultra balls and now that we've finally gotten our hands on these you should easily be able to capture something and use it to be able to trade with another game but in the event that that is impossible you'll have to be more selective with what you go and catch if you were to get a layer on and then evolve it into Agron you would be able to teach it surf strength and rock smash however you would still need a waterfall user to get out of Victory Road surfing on the water here gives a 100 percent chance of encountering golbat and no water type Pokemon in this area the only way to capture something that can be taught Waterfall is to fish however all of the fishing rods are optional items in the event that you didn't pick up any of the rods the last option is to catch a goal bat for some reason goal bat is unable to learn fly until it evolved into crow bat so you're going to have to spend some time increasing its friendship before that will happen once you have fly you can come and go as you please you're now free to resume your adventure and can go properly prepare for the game's final battles and there you have it the electrode trap has been escaped and in addition to that for the first time in Pokemon history we found a situation where flash is actually necessary to make progress if that said now that we know the flaws of this trap we can change it a little in order to make it truly impossible since flash is optional all you have to do is not pick it up during the early portions of the game and even though that's all we need to do let's go ahead and make it even more cruel another thing you could do would be to have electrode at level 100 when setting things up that way it would no longer be able to level up and therefore could not learn any new moves again nobody thought to add this restriction because it already appeared impossible for electrode to be able to gain exp in the first place another thing that people surprisingly forgot was the Colosseum bonus disk with this you can send a Jirachi to ruby or sapphire doing so would give you the second Pokemon you need to be able to trade with other games however only one Jirachi can be sent per save file so all you'd have to do is obtain and release the thing beforehand ensuring that you can't receive one once you're trapped as well you could just perform all of the steps on emerald version which apparently can't receive this Jirachi at all in addition to that this would prevent medicham and meditite from being found in the wild and that's not all did you know that it's actually possible to reach the pokémon league without all of the badges you can completely skip Winona as the badge you earn only allows you to use fly and as convenient as fly is and just about every Pokemon game it's not necessary to use it to make progress so if you set the trap up now you'll no longer be able to enter into the elite 4 battles assuming that the single available trainer and victory Road has been defeated it's now impossible to enter into a battle where you can gain money even if you could attack now it doesn't even matter what pokemon you have it could be electrode or it could be a level 100 Groudon with nothing but offensive moves there's nothing you can do but battle the wild pokemon in victory road now and there isn't anything to gain by doing so with all of the options cut off we're now left with the perfect recipe for a disaster and have completely ruined a perfectly good game of Pokemon through similar methods you could also set this up in FireRed and LeafGreen since flash is an optional item in those games - and there is no one in 256 glitch and I'm sure that some of you are wondering about the 3ds remakes well it should come as no surprise that you're not able to replicate we've done here in those games this is because that's starting with Gen 5 all TMS were no longer single-use items and thus you could not sell or get rid of them and in order to reach this point in the game you'd have to defeat Watson who when the remakes gives you the TM 4 volt switch meaning that you'd always have the option to give an electrode a damage dealing move another reason the trap would work is because of the Aeon flute if this item essentially functions as a way to use fly without the need of an HM user if therefore by the time you would make it to the Pokemon League you would always have an escape option no matter what you try in addition to that the initial idea for this video was centred around this trap happening at the Pokemon League however this is most certainly not the only location that you can trap yourself in by following the same steps as before with a few changes you can strand yourself in places like dewford pacifidlog town if you get the fishing rods it won't make a difference provided that you've cleared out every possible way to earn money at your selected location you won't be able to buy any pokeballs which means you won't be able to obtain a second Pokemon needed to trade with and that about does it for this video if you ever feel like ruining your friends safe I'll feel free to give this a try because I highly doubt they'll ever do this to themselves I've always found these game ending situations to be a really interesting topic if there's a lot to learn about game design by examining how different mechanics and features can be used in unintended ways in the same way people find glitches appealing it's fun to find mistakes and what is supposed to be a professional and commercially sold work and in the case of a long-running series like Pokemon it's also fun to see how the developers address these problems in future games when I did my video about getting stuck in Lorelei's room many were quick to say that you'd likely never end up in that situation unless you did so intentionally the same could be said about what we've talked about throughout most of this video too but despite that game freak's still solid worth correcting in yellow version since I made that video I've learned that in yellow the game is programmed to specifically check if the enemy Pokemon is Lorelei's Dewgong if so the game will change how the AI selects its moves just to prevent her from accidentally triggering the infinite battle out of every trainer in the entire game this only applies to Lorelai all for the off chance that some poor kid might have otherwise ruined their save file and that to me is pretty amazing especially when you consider all the other stuff they didn't fix but anyways that's all I have to say my name is poq a spree and thanks for watching hey everybody thanks for watching this video I spent a long time editing it and I hope you all enjoyed it I'm just gonna go ahead and throw a couple of other things I've done on the screen right now if you want to see some more of my stuff I guess you can click on it I don't have a gun to your head though so do what you want thanks again and see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Pikasprey Yellow
Views: 3,164,606
Rating: 4.8995094 out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Video Games, Pokemon
Id: x3p2F0hUsBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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