Top 6 Johto Pokemon I Have a Problem With!

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[Music] what's going on Imperials its Emperor cubone here Pokemon games introduce new creatures every single generation one of the biggest fan favorite generations to date has been the second generation and their remakes and it's not just because you get to go to a second region in the games Johto was the first time we learned that new Pokemon could be introduced in new games and they give us some really new and interesting ones some have been being able to rival some of the best from the games that came before them however there seems to be a prevailing trend in the johto region where there are a large number of one-off pokemons that aren't related to any others and while this is in no way exclusive to the johto region it seems to be most noticeable here they addressed this somewhat in later generations by adding connection to Johto Pokemon which is itself a trend the johto region started by a significant portion of the Pokedex being made up of relations to previous Pokemon this feature proved to be a mixed bag by providing some fantastic new additions but also some of the more problematic Pokemon in the generation because despite all the great additions the johto region is not without its problems so here are the top six giotto pokemon i have a problem with number 6 Dunsparce here we go what can I say about this random assortment of parts that supposedly makes up a hover land snake thing the claim that there's some inspiration from Quetzalcoatl here but I can't see it and besides Rick ways it does it justice in a far better manner I just don't understand if it's got wings surely could fly right nope instead it uses its tail to burrow into the ground because that makes sense this again seems to suffer from the too many cooks in the kitchen syndrome with the wings a drill for a tail it can't even open its eyes stripes that may or may not be its internal organs and apparently the things that I thought were teeth all these years are just its bottom lip even its moonpool seems completely random this completely unremarkable and forgettable Pokemon just fails to leave a good impression on the johto region and in a generation with only 100 new Pokemon that's not really something that you can afford number five Wobbuffet this pic is honestly 100% motivated by the way you encounter this Pokemon in the woddle it is by far the most annoying encounter that anyone can have the misfortune of falling into it sure Abra can teleport away but at least you don't die from it and Geodude and grappler can explode in your face but at least you can run away from those if you want so if you get hurt that's on you with Wobbuffet you are literally incapable of escaping Wobbuffet is one of the few Pokemon with the ability shadow tag that prevents fleeing from battle this wouldn't be so bad if wobbuffet were like your standard pokemon but you see he only has about 4 possible moves none of which are direct attacks that doesn't sound too bad until you remember that you're stuck and you have no choice but to attack and give your opponent the chance to use that power against you you better hope and pray that wobbuffet doesn't use the right move at the right time for you're dead and if you were hoping to one-shot it you better hope it doesn't use destiny fun otherwise you're just as dead as he is I hope you liked stocking up on either potions revives or repels because you're gonna need them if while the fed is in the area number 4 qwilfish odds are a lot of you out there forgot about Blowfish and I don't blame you I forget about it all the time it's incredibly unremarkable it's just a tiny partially inflated fish with only a single phantom attack for movement the color scheme doesn't really help either to me it would have been much more dynamic and interesting if it had started off as a smaller fish that clearly had poisonous Barb's but wasn't that big and then it could evolve into a form that's fully inflated and has even more spikes coming off of it as I said in the Kanto video there were more poison types than any other type of Pokemon in the first generation so how did the johto region follow up on that with a grand total of four new poison types and this is one of them not the strongest showing for what used to be the number one type and what's worse is that quilt fish gets completely overshadowed by the already existing pair of water poison types tentacle and tender cool like in most Pokemon games the most common Pokemon that you run into while surfing in the johto region is tentacle but why did they not have faith and qwilfish did they not think anyone would like it when the game was a Pokemon get outdone in their own region by the superior predecessor it's clear that you abound in wasted potential number three smeargle one of the gimmick East gimmick Pokemon of them all smeargle has the distinct honor of learning only one move sketch this move can only be used once that sounds terrible you say you'd be right but wait sketch can permanently copy any move last used by the opponent well that could be pretty good you think but you have no clue what move they'll be using and it's only learned every 10 levels so you have exactly ten chances of hopefully getting a good move back to terrible good because you're still right the only way to get an amazing smear goal with all the coolest moves you want is to painstakingly manipulate the game either by crafting an intricate preset battle with a friend or simply by cheating to get the results you want if you're going to put that much time and energy into a Pokemon at least make it worthwhile like a shiny perfect IV Deoxys or something there's absolutely no reason to use this Pokemon in a playthrough of a game it's just too risky if not you'll just be sitting there in the grass hoping you won't have to wait two more levels because your opponent used growl luckily they slightly alleviated the gap between people who uses Pokemon to cheat the system by just allowing Dark Void not to work anymore plus his design is so goofy looking I'm not opposed to a pink based Pokemon I guess but did he really need the Hat I'm surprised I didn't just go all out and give him a pallet in his other hand in a smock just in case anyone was unclear that he paints and surprise he's another random one-off Pokemon without any evolutions whatsoever I'm noticing a pattern here number two fell awesome this Pokemon might have been fine if it were allowed to stand on its own I don't just mean to make it another one-off but maybe evolved from sunflora or give it a different starting point entirely the answer however was not to have it spin off from a completely unrelated previously established evolutionary line just about every part of this Pokemon is changed from every other part of the ones it's supposed to be related to the only similarity I can see is the general shape of the arms the skin turns green the majority of the plants move to the bottom the eyes completely change and worst of all it loses the poison typing how could that be beneficial if you needed the advantages of poison in your current environment to survive how could losing it make you any more likely to succeed it just doesn't make any sense the only other Pokemon to just lose a type is mega aggron who becomes a pure steel type other pokémon change types of course when they evolve but never just drop them to become a single type I know politoed could be considered a similar example of this and even though I personally think it's pretty lame it still has a place there tadpoles turn into frogs so even if I wish you weren't related polytope does kind of make sense well awesome generic and unimpressive design makes me think that it was never intended to be related to the oddish line but they couldn't come up with a better place for it if you can't think of where to put your creation it may be best just to leave it out for the time being and come back to it when you have a fully formed plan number one hitmontop Hitmonlee has always been one of my favorite fighting types hitmonchan is a fairly solid showing of what a fighting type should be once the second set of games came out they decided to give them both a pre evolution that could evolve into either one which makes sense these two have always been connected so it's only natural that they share some sort of evolution but then they decided to throw in a third evolution and that wouldn't be a bad idea except that it was a terrible idea they had one for kicking one for punching so the only other body part that they could come up with see using combat is the head and it doesn't even really use its head it just keeps in one spot and lets everything else flail around and although I'm no expert in forms of martial arts I kind of doubt there's one that's based on constantly breakdancing and even the supposed methods that might be the basis for it are referred to as a game by the people that make it furthermore in almost every language hitmonlee and Hitmonchan are named after someone famous for some form of martial arts as you may have guessed hitmontop has no such distinction because his fighting style is nonsense I'm not sure why in recent generations he's finally decided to stand upright which seems not to have affected his fighting prowess in any discernable way so I guess he was just doing it for show plus the way you get hitmontop is absurd all the Hitman's evolved from tyrone at level 20 and which one you get depends on the stats if Thai rogues attack is higher than his defense it will evolve into Hitmonlee and if its defenses higher it will evolve on the hitmonchan but if you want to hit mob top you have to have the attack at defense exactly even when it evolved this may sound easy to people who perfectly IV greed and Eevee train every Pokemon they have but for the common trainer that just wants to fill up the Pokedex it's a bit harder you have to rely on proteins and irons Earth may be super training in the newer generations and just hope that the Pokemon you're fighting will give you the exact right kinds of to need so that you can finally be rid of this burden of having to obtain this living beyblade and so there you have it my top six Johto Pokemon I have a problem what did you think about this list are there more stand-alones or more egregious evolutions that you would have put on this list let me know down in the comments below also leave a like share this video and be sure to subscribe so that YouTube can become an imperial today and we'll see you around next time
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 84,159
Rating: 4.5720654 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Johto, Problems, Gold and Silver, Worst Pokemon
Id: BBygADygYGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 06 2016
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