Which Pokémon Could Replace the Starters?

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[Music] what's going on Imperials it's a virtue bone here starters are a staple of any Pokemon journey and present you with the first of many difficult choices along the way but recently a video by the hybrid hero got me thinking what if we had starters that were different than the norm for the sake of argument we'll see about replacing them with their standard types while also adding in some extras here and there like with Pikachu and Eevee from the Kanto region hope we'll avoid picking any from set categories like regional birds rodents cats or dragons so starting with the Kanto region itself where there are copious amounts of lines to pick for a solid fire water grass quarry starting with grass there are possibilities but I think the most qualified would either be the Bellsprout or oddish line even though they hardly learn any good moves and out of those two I see the oddish line as the more likely option it can learn a couple of more moves like drain punch and not to mention that it's based on the same flower as the actual starter from the region and is also a grass poison type for the fire type I know that most people will likely cling arcanine should be here but I'm going to subvert that and go with the stunning nine tails now ideally we would pick another three-stage line but for fire they seem to be stuck on a tutoring kopecks has the cute down pet and nine tails has a surprisingly large array of useful moves that could catch opponents off guard and for the water type again there are a lot of options but one that I think would serve best is the poliwag line these three stage tadpoles would level up nicely in pace with the story and gaining the fighting typing at the end would be a nice bonus hey I just noticed that all of these pokémon evolve using a stone that's some pretty cool connectivity between these newly appointed starters for the extra I'm inclined to agree with the hybrid hero and say that it would be Clefairy Clefairy was supposed to be the series mascot but was shafted at the last minute plus it's another stone evolution but if I were to put my own spin on things I'd probably go with a good old cubone whenever I construct my own personal teams my starter types that I always pick are ground along with electric and normal a rather effective trio and cubone easily steps into that role with a respectable showing next for Johto there's not really a lot of choice for grass we can have the Pokemon with the lowest base stat total ever or we can go with the natural useful three-stage line so pop up it is certain trainers won't be as impressed with the cotton weed Pokemon but what it lacks in straightforward attacks it makes up for and being a technical fighter the added utility moves along with the flying typique makes it realistically more useful than the actual grass starter Jojo has fewer Pokemon in general so there weren't as many of each type so again by process of eliminating deep painfully slow blobs of molten lava were left with the formidable hound-dog line one might have assumed that dart would be an unfit type for starters but recent generations have proven that otherwise plus I'm sure that many trainer would be happy to finally get a houndoom before they have to go and beat the Elite Four for a change and for the water type I don't think it's even really a question one of the most prominent pokemons and all of Johto is the mayoral line these rotund aquatic creatures could be considered mascots in their own right I kind of doubt they'd start off with Azurill but the added fairy typing makes for an interesting arrangement between all of the starters selected as far as an outsider pick it's not that hard to come to togepi the reason Pikachu and Eevee or starters is because they were incredibly popular with a dash of narrative significance and that's got togepi written all over it this little theory even gains the flying-type in so you could use it to take you around the region and free up another slot on your team but if we're going for a different one I probably say the snubbull line would be if it unlike Giotto Owen has more from which to choose my favorite would be Tropius but that would never really work so I think Breloom would be a nice fill-in it's even reminiscent of the actual starter but with the fighting typing added on and I like to loom just fine for being a more than respectable representative or frankly one of the least imposing types around fire however is a bit more constricted because again a single stage won't fly so I guess we're going with numel and camerupt I do like these Caliente camels even if they're slow but being part ground type makes them quite palatable to me and I think the advantage is far outweigh the quad weakness and I could see the walrein family being for water but I would rather go with grotto for one because it's a two-stage line like the other toothpicks and the dark type adds on another level that I appreciate even if all the extra types don't perfectly interact they still make for a more dynamic experience where the additional choice there are lots of HOH and Pokemon that I could see but I feel that Gardevoir would be the one that would get them best reception I'm starting to notice a pattern and favorite types as well but it seems to fit so well especially in this case with this powerful Guardian by your side out of the box pick I would probably suggest trapinch cuz I would love to have a flag on as soon as possible finally an edge for not being considered a pseudo legendary sin Oh Tsingtao makes this very hard to properly explain this we need to skip straight to the fire type which there are none there's the actual starter line which we obviously can't use and Heatran which we even more obviously can't use that leaves literally one option in mag mortar normally I would never pick a later evolution for this sort of thing but we have no other options within the parameters that we've set up so with that caveat I feel comfortable in assigning the crass type as rosary again normally I'd picked something that's a bit more inherently native to the region but the best I could do with that is Abomasnow so I think Rose rate is a much better fit for a starter it's a three stage line and has a wide array of useful moves and methods of play to keep it feeling fresh as the date was picked from the flower bed that just leaves water and I would have picked another later evolution to match the others but surprisingly there weren't any how it got that's even close as man typed so instead we'll go with my initial reaction and pick floatzel floatzel is a solid Pokemon all around and surprisingly diverse for a pure water type for the extra choice I can think of no better candidate than the luxray family cute little shanks grilling up all the way into a powerful luxray almost perfectly mimics a starter line anyway and has already been a faithful companion to many a Sinnoh trainer aim for the off-the-wall pick I can see Buneary being a nice fit for anyone wanting a standard normal type essentially being a two-legged Eevee Unova can get kind of complicated because there are actually a fair amount of grass types quite a few of them are actually competitive monsters in their own right so instead of picking any one of those I opted for the more simple but reliable sauce Buckman normal grass isn't a combination I expected but saucepot pulls it off with some extra coverage to boot for fire I was trying to think of what might be best but then Chandeleur came to mind and that was that this three stage line is one that's generally approved of even though they're some of the household object crowd plus it creates a nice dichotomy with the normal type starter that we just appointed as well and I hate to do this to poor sauce book but I believe the best choice is another three-stage line with seismitoad begin having an extra type in this case ground would make it more interesting I mean we saw how well that went with Swampert right I think these three together actually worked very well and might even be a more difficult choice than the actual starters from Unova as for the other one I find Mangino to be an exemplary standard it's just like a Pikachu but without the electricity I'm actually using one in a black to play through right now and it's doing better than one might expect and as for the final ones it's even more bizarre because I'm dredging up that old theory that the Elemental monkeys were maybe supposed to be starters at some point in development they're a little lackluster perhaps but they would get the job done so maybe there's a universe out there in which professor juniper might give out these monkeys to new trainers in Kalos there are precious few options with less than a hundred new Pokemon but luckily that gave us just enough to have everything we need for grass the only one that isn't dead is go coat but I think it works perfectly in the role it's surprisingly bulky with lots of moves that most other starters would kill for for fire since talonflame is out of commission we have the litleo and pyroar family these proud lions are also normal types and are able to use powerful special moves with ease I was tempted to make the water type barbaracle but I think more people would appreciate that clauncher line instead even as a solo water type it can get some nice coverage moves to work and tandem with its ability mega launcher plus I really like how this group of two stages came out it seems very even to me for the outside pick again not many but ongoing with helioptile it's the electric pick and the normal pick all in one like some kind of weird Eevee to hybrid plus it uses stone evolutions too so you could always choose when or if you want to evolve it outside kick out of the limited pool I think again for a surprise it's another fairy type with the florges lana these floral guardians are integral to the Kalos region as evidenced by the story and you can even pick out your favorite color and finally we have a Lola which also left us scraping by with the starter types but I think the little bounce wheat goes a long way Serena is not only strong with a great ability but also looks fabulous while doing it and outside of at ordinator and 1/4 of an aura choreo we don't really have any other fire options but so Landon and Celeste which is fine by me because I love them but they would absolutely have to rig it so that it would always be female because not letting it evolve would just be cruel and while we do have a bit more options in the water type they really are either weird one offs or don't have the disposition to be a starter so that just leaves jupyter and a rock when it being the first ever bub type starter would be quite the feed but it also makes this trio a rather unique set of potential starters with their own pitfalls to watch out for for the extra pick I knew immediately that rock ruff would be the only choice this dog is loyal a competent battler and also a fan favorite not to mention that it has the potential for three different evolutions other than that the only other eligible a Lola Pokemon that didn't already fall into another category seems to be mimic you it might not fit quite as well since it doesn't evolve at all but this Pokemon has a way of transcending what is expected of it so I could see many people being just fine picking up this small terror from the start so those are my choices for hypothetically replacing the starters of each region this was quite a fun and interesting thought exercise what Pokemon would you be willing to promote to starters let me know down in the comments also be sure to leave a like Cheers video and subscribe so that you too can become an imperial today and we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 273,083
Rating: 4.6483197 out of 5
Keywords: New Starters, Let's Go, Gen 8, Smash Bros, Pokken, Switch, Nintendo, Video Games, CW, Arrowverse, Digimon, Type Chart, Fairy Type
Id: GQMmD1c8YkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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