Why Gabriel Seth is an Absolute BEAST | Warhammer 40k Lore

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good day guys and G although pretty much every faction within Warhammer 40K is pretty horrific the space fascists are able to claim moral High Ground over the literal forces of Hell however some elements of the Imperium the good guys are so vicious and brutal you wouldn't be completely wrong for mistaking them for cornite Berserkers especially if you unlucky enough to get in their way no other space Maring chapter captures this better than the flesh Terrors borderline insane extremely bloodthirsty Warriors they often kill just as many allies as enemies the only thing holding them together is their legendary chapter Master Gabriel Seth a dude who doesn't take from anyone Embraces his inner Darkness but also somehow doesn't let it totally consume him a man that is both a vicious Savage and a prideful Warrior at the same time the true successor to the legend nitt and someone withth talking about before we get started getting lean or jacked is actually surprisingly easy when you know what 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mid battle wasn't a good look hence when Gabriel took over his chapter Master of the flesh Terrors he vowed to restore the name and glory of the flesh Terror chapter instead of supporting Allied troops the flesh Terrors would be Unleashed deep into Enemy Lines away from allies to cause shock and Terror as well as being allowed to indulge their dark desires away from prying eyes this has slowly been taking them from a universally hated chapter that has caused more collateral damage than 9/11 on The Daily to a highly effective force that people are now beginning to admire even if they still don't want to fight anywhere near them Gabriel's biggest issue that he faced upon taking over his chapter master was when it was revealed that flesh Terror Gene seed had deteriorated to a point where the black rage and red thirst was a very common outcome Warriors who had fallen to either of those were basically walking corpses in terms of their LIF span with them either dying in the next battle or needing to be put down for their own good on top of that the flesh Terror battle Doctrine was notable for suffering immense casualties every battle hence at the current rate the flesh Terrors had about 200 years or less before Extinction this was great as they were literally a second founding chapter being created at a similar time to other chapters like the black Templars or Crimson fists their first chapter Master nir Rait fought side by side with sanguines himself and was one of his closest advisers they had thousands of years of History however it looked like their legacy would be a shameful one A Tale of a lack of self-control hence Gabriel decided that if the flesh Terrors were to die they would die as Heroes remembered not for eating the baby by accident one time but for massacring the enemies of humanity so that's the basic synopsis of sin death and his flesh Terrors but before we dive into his best moments I did want to spend a bit of time discussing his personality and attitude as he is actually a pretty complicated guy which is surprising as I think most people just perceive him as this super angry dude that loves killing and yeah look he's a massive prick without many friends but he is also one of the most steadfast and reliable men in the entire blood Angels roster Seth is a ruthless no kind of guy you need to earn his respect but once you do no one has your back like he does a good example of this is when the blood angels suffered a shitload of casualties and were on the brink of Extinction Dante pleaded with the successor chapters of sanguinius to donate some of their Space Marine recruits that would then be taken and turned into blood angels Seth saw this as Dante being weak that combined with the fact that the flesh Terrors really don't have men to spare to begin with meant that he basically told Dante to eat a dick he even went as far as to suggest that the blood Angel should be disbanded and Bal handed over to the flesh Terrors obviously it wasn't a genuine suggestion however Seth was an that got a laugh out of pissing off Dante however there was a battle soon after this in which Dante saved Seth's life and deep impressed him proving his worth as the leader of the blood angels hence Seth handed over some of his recruits which prompted the other chapters to follow suit another element of Seth is that he likes the most direct route to Victory and he also likes to stick to his strengths he hasn't curbed the fury of the flesh Terrors he just directs it better they still get censured time and time again as even when they fight their enemies they are often so war crimey that it puts off their allies but Seth uses the night Lord's logic defense is it better to have a day of intense Slaughter or a year of attrition Warfare the overall point I'm trying to make is that Seth isn't this Noble caring guy in a chapter full of monsters whom he is trying to bring over to the light he's the alpha monster amongst monsters who knows that the best way to fil's role to sanguinus and the emperor is to embrace that part of themselves and try not to kill their allies in the process one of Seth's pretty badass moments was when he took on asath the Grim the high chaplain of the blood angels who is responsible for keeping the black rage in check across the sons of sanguinius this means he will often travel throughout the Galaxy to find rogue pockets of blood angels who have fallen to the black rage but were never brought back to Bal he would then give them honorable deaths allowing them to fight him as such you can imagine how much of a base in combat astrath is if he literally practices against Berserkers keep in mind that a blood Angel who has fallen to the rage has a massively increased strength and speed on one of his calling missions asth encountered and killed some raged up flesh Terrors something that was a huge no no to Seth as he believed it was up to him how he would deal with his Fallen Sons not some other dude hence Seth walked into asra's chamber and began insulting the out of him before then punching him in the face a bunch of times astrath is one of the most expected blood angelss to ever live so for Seth to walk into his house and begin beating his ass was hilarious unfortunately for Seth astrath is even more of a beast than battle than he is so after putting up a good showing Seth got the kicked out of him but he didn't care he said that for every minute he's getting his ass beat here is admitted that astrath isn't killing his brothers he then said If astrath kills even one more flesh Terror he would come back with the kill team and put him down Seth really enjoys giving his brothers death threats dude does it all the time at the most inappropriate occasions during the third W for Army mageddon Gabriel LED his flesh Terrors against the Orcs And did something very very few others ever could he made the Orcs feel genuine fear the flesh Terrors were so brutal in battle as well as after the battle they would begin to eat the corpses that the Orcs no longer had fun fighting them they would actively avoid combat with the flesh Terrors and would even Retreat before firing a single shot if they knew they were going up against Gabriel and his boys this is awesome but it also kind of ended badly in one battle the Orcs were charging an imperial militia gunline the flesh Terrors deep stucked into the orc's rear and basically hammering and Anvil the Orcs formation trapping them in a Kill Zone and massacring them however the Flesh terror's Blood lust was so severe that upon cutting through the Orcs from the rear they continued to charge and ended up massacring the Imperial militia forces as well not idilio so it's clear that while Seth is doing his best in terms of not trying to Massacre his allies he isn't always successful issues like this eventually caused the Inquisition to send an agent to try Infiltrate The Flesh Terrors and uncover their dark secrets to gather evidence to declare them traitors Gabriel uncovered the infiltration and in Revenge for the the deception he massacred the inquisitor's retinue and then had the captured inquisitor's mind psychically linked to that of a flesh tear who had recently Fallen to the black rage The Inquisitor immediately went insane although he did reclaim Insanity The Experience had rocked The Inquisitor as he realized what the flesh Terrors had to battle with every day and if it only took him a few seconds to fall then who was he to judge those who are still resisting then he just straight up quit being an Inquisitor however incidences like this eventually caused the other blood Angel chapter Masters to hold a trial for Seth and his chapter's crimes they threw example after example of him up battles where he committed way too many war crimes instances of him killing Allied Forces or fighting other loyal chapters time and time again Gabriel defended the actions insulting the out of the other chapter Masters in the process he even offered up his own life as long as his chapter could endure however eventually Seth was found guilty with his chapter being ordered to be dismantled and absorbed into the other successes Seth himself would remain imprisoned on Bal until death however at that moment astrath entered the chamber to defend Seth he basically said yes Seth is a and I personally think he should eat but he's our for every drop of loyal blood he has spilled the enemies of mankind of bled oceans the dude is a living weapon and was just too important to lock away hence dunai allowed Seth and his flesh Terrors to continue he was still found guilty but his punishment moves shame instead of the loss of his chapter this does beg the question though did Gabriel and the flesh terrist deserve to be condemned well let me just mention another thing that happened on Armageddon that was pretty awesome and then you can decide an Inquisitor basically commanded Seth and his forces for a special Mission Seth was repeatedly appalled at how callous she was with the lives of so many civilians and Guardsmen using a city as a distraction against the Orcs while Seth wanted to save it sacrificing an entire regiment to buy them a bit more time while Seth wanted to fight side by side with them sure Seth and his brothers have anger issues but they are still honorable Warriors they aren't proud of collateral damage when it's revealed The Inquisitor was actually a radical and the mission was to find a tech heresy device that she could use to trigger the black rage and or blood angel she then used the D which caused Seth to kill one of his honor God before he was able to overcome the black rage and snap out of it this obviously made Seth furious The Inquisitor is able to escape in a ship to orbit she also deliberately chose those ships to be Hospital ships full of wounded Guardsmen and civilians believing that Seth wouldn't be able to attack them due to his own conscience Judy and not wanting to look like a trador however she got something very wrong about Seth he was not appalled at her sacrificing thousands of people in their mission because of his moral compass it's because it was unnecessary and wasteful hence death was able to infiltrate a squad of death company Berserker flesh Terrorist on board the hospital ship who then proceeded to Massacre every single person on board which included over 50,000 wounded Guardsmen when the ship went into the warp they also killed The Inquisitor which saved the blood angels from the black rage it all comes back to Gabriel willing to do anything to get done Gabriel would go on to be one of the key commanders against the tyranid hordes during the devastation of Bal taking over command when Dante was wounded which shows how much the two Warriors relationship has evolved the flesh Terrors is going from borderline excommunicated to a respected chapter in in their own right with the return of Gillan and the arrival of the primaris you would have thought Seth would be happy to finally restore the ranks of the flesh Terrors and fix their whole Extinction issue however Seth is one of the few chapter Masters who openly despised the primaris seeing them as ultramarines in red armor and not worthy of the mantle of Flesh Terror see Gabriel is proud of the willpower takes to hold back the black rage so for new Marines to arrive who are genetically more resistant to it really rubs him the wrong way he wanted to test out a new primaris captain so he basically just insulted the out of him threatened him with death and then challenge him to a fight just classic Seth things the prim marus accepts and within seconds is beaten into a bloody pulp on the brink of death Gabriel even lets the dude get a few punches in and was wildly unimpressed however since then due to a few primar flesh Terrors falling into the black rage Gabriel has gained respect for them as he sees that they two must still battle the call of the black rage for a final note about Gabriel's beastliness the dude wields a massive mastercrafted chainsaw that he spins around himself in battle literally becoming a human blender while he is also known to be extrem extremely good at headbutting people able to crack ceramite with his unarmored forehead without knocking himself out just thought that would be a fun little visual for you to imagine if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up some major kill merch t-shirts a hoodie and even a bath robob only available for a few more days so definitely check it out hit the Subscribe Buton hit the real subscribe button for more beastly content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace bow to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 144,518
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: X2a9lrJlSu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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